10 March 2015 - Boondall State School

Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall State School Newsletter
Tuesday 10 March 2015 Term 1 Issue 4
9 March
10 March
11 March
12 March
School Photos
13 March
Prep-Year 6 Assembly
8.30am in hall
Year 6 Band & Choir
students at
Aspley SHS Arts Day
of Excellence
16 March
17 March
18 March
24 March
8.30-9.30am Library
31 March
Bramble Bay Soccer
25 March
Year5 & 6 Aviation
High visit
Bramble Bay Hockey
1 April
Parent Teacher
Boondall State School
Roscommon Rd
Boondall Q 4034
Tel: 3623 8333
Fax: 3623 8300
Yr 5 PIRLS testing
19 March
20 March
Prep-Year 6 Assembly
8.30am in hall
Anti-Bullying Day
Yr 5 Sport Expo
Zillmere PCYC
P & C Meeting
30 March
Bramble Bay Rugby
League Trials
11-12 years
Sandgate DHS
Yr 6 Kokoda
PaCE Meeting
5.30pm in
23 March
Don’t forget to bring
your order envelope
to school, or make
an online order.
26 March
2 April
Easter Hat Parade
email: admin@boondallss.eq.edu.au
Web: www.boondallss.eq.edu.au
P & C Association
meets 3 Monday of each month
1300 300 850
27 March
Prep-Year 6 Assembly
8.30am in hall
3 April
No School today
Uniform Shop
Open Tuesday 8-9am
Thursday 2-3pm
Student Absence Line
3623 8399
Wavell High School
Problem Solving Challenge
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall State School Newsletter 10 March 2015
Phone: (07) 3623 8333 Fax: (07) 3623 8300
Student Absence Line (07) 3623 8399
From the Principal’s Desk
Read, Read, Read!!
There is no doubt about it – reading is the most important skill we
can give our children!
As a school we have been focusing on the teaching of reading over
the last year, ensuring that our teachers are current with teaching
practices and that our school is well resourced in this area. However
teaching your child to read is not something we can do on our own.
We need the support of you, the parents and care-givers,
to help us with this very important job.
We need your help! At Boondall State School we encourage parents to work with us to develop
children’s reading skills. We need you to read to and with your children! Reading aloud to children
is not just for the younger students. As a classroom teacher I could not believe how much my Year
6 students enjoyed being read to.
Mem Fox, famous Australian children’s author suggests what she calls the Ten Read Aloud
Spend at least 10 wildly happy minutes every single day reading aloud.
Read at least 3 stories a day.
Read aloud with animation. Don’t be dull flat or boring.
Read with joy and enjoyment.
Read the stories that kids love over and over again.
Let children hear lots of language by talking to them about the language or anything else
connected to the book.
Look for rhyme, rhythm or repetition in books for young children.
Play games with things you and the child can see on the page, remembering it’s never
work, it’s always a fabulous game.
Never ever teach reading, or get tense around books.
10. Please read aloud every day, Mums and Dads, because you just love being with your child,
not because it’s the right thing to do.
There are also apps that you can use to help with the reading process. Here are two that Education
QLD recommend. No doubt you know many more and I would love to hear from you which ones you
love to use at home. I will pop them in upcoming newsletters.
SPEAK (Speaking Promotes Education And Knowledge) provides lots of fun, free
activities, ideas and information for parents, carers and educators to support and
nurture language development in children from 0-6 years of age
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Give your child a flying start in literacy by helping them practice their sight
words with this bright and fun app when you're out and about. This app is
aimed at Prep to Grade 2 students to help them master the first 100 sight
If you would like to learn more about reading, please come to our Parent Info Session:
“Supporting your Child with Reading”
Supporting Your Child with Reading
Not sure how to help when your child is reading? Stay for an hour after dropping your kids at
school and get some hints and tips for helping your child with their home reading.
Date: Tuesday 24 March Time: 8:30-9:30am Place: Boondall SS Library
Kim McNamara
From the Deputy Principal Desks
Active School Travel
On Thursday morning, we will be having a Walking Wheeling Extravaganza. I have been so
looking forward to this day (I’m even dragging my oldies along to help out at the sausage sizzle).
As usual, we will be meeting at Mulbeam Park and we will make our way to school at 7:45 sharp.
This allows the students to have time for a free breakfast before a big day of learning. Students
will be able to have a sausage on bread (with an unbelievable array of condiments…well tomato
and bbq sauce) as well as fruit and it is all thanks to our Councillor Victoria Newton who has given
us a grant to support Active School Travel. If your child has their Active School Passport at home,
tell them to bring it along and keep it at school so I can be stamped each week.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind all that you can volunteer to help on the day or walk
along with your students.
Have you packed your child a healthy lunch? I have been walking around at lunch time and I am
disappointed to see students eating packets of chips, lollies and other junk food as their lunch (on
a daily basis). Don’t get me wrong, I love a bag of chips as a treat, rather than a part of the
person’s usual diet.
I was reading the Queensland Government’s strategy, Smart Choices and it highlights the
importance of a healthy diet. Obesity is on the rise. So too is diabetes and heart disease. Not to
mention dental problems that exist with a high sugar content diet. Students also need food that
helps them concentrate throughout an entire day and studies have shown that there is a distinct
relationship between diet, behaviour and academic performance. There is a wealth of information
in there for not only school tuckshops but for every family.
Further information can be found on the following link:
Being a working parent, I know it is hard at times to organise lunches but I always try and think
about what you are putting into your children’s lunch boxes and what long term effects it may have
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
on their lives. I try to save treats and enjoy that feeling when I see the happy face that lights up
when they get a treat. If you would like any tips on preparing a healthy lunch, please let me know
and I can support you in any way I can.
Michael Drake
Deputy Principal
Parent / Teacher Interview Bookings
Parent-Teacher interviews will be held for years Prep to 6 from 2:50pm to 7:20pm
on Monday 30 March. Interviews will be of 10 minutes duration. All interviews will
be conducted in the school hall. For these interviews we will manage bookings
using Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). Using this system you will be able to book
the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer. The
link to book your interview times is on the school website www.boondallss.eq.edu.au. A letter with
detailed instructions will be sent home this week with your child. Bookings will close on Friday 27
March at 2:30pm. If you are unable to access a computer at home, bookings can be made by
phone through the office on 3623 8333.
Chris Hart
Deputy Principal
School Photos
Class and individual photos will be taken tomorrow 11 March 2015. Please ensure you
have made your online order and payment OR bring along your order envelope with
the enclosed payment tomorrow.
Student Personal Information Details
All yellow Student Personal Details forms are due now. Please return your
form with or without amendments. Please ensure all amendments are in RED
or COLOURED pen, and you have signed the bottom of the form.
Don’t miss our Friday 13th Disco. 13 March. Prep - Yr 6. 5.30pm- 7.30pm
School Hall . $5 tickets. Pre-purchase at the office or available at the door.
Come and see what dance moves everyone has been learning from the
fabulous Footsteps crew.
Parents Gold Coin Donation , Food and Drinks available for purchase.
4L Ice-cream containers. Please send them to the office. Thank you
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Student Council
Active School Travel Non-Uniform Day
The first fundraising event for the 2015 Student Council will be an Active School Travel
Non-Uniform Day on Thursday, March 12. Students can come in sports shirts, team
uniforms, crazy socks and bright colours.
Students that participate on the day must bring a gold coin donation. Money raised will go towards
improvements around the school.
By Ashleigh Tremble, Student Council
The Learning Hub
Students enjoying supported play time in the Learning Hub.
Students from Prep to Yr6 have been learning about Indigenous Australians (Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples) with Ms Lindberg in the Library. Students from 6C5 used iPads to
research the meaning of the flag colours and who designed them.
Keep on reading,
Desleigh Lindberg (Teacher-Librarian)
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Music Matters
Instrumental classes are running well under Mr Simpson & Mr Van and Band Rehearsals started
last week. All students in Year 6 are in the Band this year, so please remember 7.30am
rehearsals. It was great getting out the new music and hearing the pieces develop through the
Remember - the more your practise your instrument, the better you’ll become. Mr Van is already
seeing the potential in some of our new students and we are discussing the first group of new
students to join the School Band. The easiest way to fit in practise is to schedule some time each
day to practise.
When can you make
time? Maybe when
you do your
homework, or after
dinner, or before
school? I used to
practise two
instruments so by the
time I was in High
School I woke up half
an hour earlier to fit
in all my practises.
Choir Contracts are being returned – which is great. If your child hasn’t got a contract yet, please
encourage them to collect a note at choir rehearsals. Please fill in the email section if you can.
This helps me to get in touch with you about events in the most efficient way possible.
Lyrics to all our songs have been sent home to practise. Maybe you can read through the words a
couple of times after you’ve done your homework? Or maybe you can sing the song to your family
or your pets. Junior Choir showed off their skills to Mr Drake last week with a very cool rendition of
“Poor Mouse”- I’d love to perform this at our Easter Hat Parade! Senior Choir will also be
performing at our Easter Hat Parade – so please practise “Drunken Sailor” & “Best Day of My
Aspley High Excursion
Today 10 of our Year 6 students from Band and Choir are away on an Excursion at Aspley SHS.
The Arts Day of Excellence promises to be a jam packed day of Dance, Drama and Music. I can’t
wait to tell you all about it!
Music Shirts
We put the order in for the Music shirts last week. Thanks to Danielle & Krista for their help with
this process. We had over 100 shirts ordered and I’m SOOO excited about them. I promise I’ll let
you know when they come in and get them out to our wonderful Music Students as soon as we
Keep making music
Rebecca Chan
Music Co-Ordinator
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015
Boondall School Newsletter
No.4 Term 1 2015