Parish of St. Michael, Waialua w/Mission of Saints Peter and Paul, Waimea Bay 67-390 Goodale Avenue, Waialua, HI 96791 59-810 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, HI 96712 Ph.: (808) 637-4040 Fax: (808) 637-4287 School: (808) 637-7772 Fax: (808) 637-7722 Father Lusius Nimu,, Pastor Father Benny Kosasih,, Priest In Residence Mrs. Deanna M.B. Arecchi, School Principal Email: St. Michael School: Website: To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Honor and Glory Forever—Amen! Oh my goodness, we are in the Fourth Sunday of Lent already. Easter is around the corner. In the past three weeks, we have been listening to the call of the prophets and Jesus himself: “Repent and believe the Good News.” Change your way of living. MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Saturday 7:00AM St. Michael Church Saturday 5:00PM St. Michael Church Sunday St. Michael Church 7:00AM and 10:00AM Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM and 9:30AM LITURGY OF THE HOUR MORNING PRAYERS Monday—Friday 6:40AM St. Michael Church RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday Only (Or by appointment) 4:00-4:30PM St. Michael Church Today, in the midst of these voices for change, we hear the great Good News and very simple message that God loves us passionately, unconditionally and completely. The gospel tells us very clear that God cannot but love us. “God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved”. So the primary purpose for which Jesus came was not to condemn but to save. God through Jesus wishes to liberate us on all levels of our being: mental, physical, psychological, spiritual, emotional, etc. He wants to free us of unnecessary fears and anxieties, scruples, etc., so as to be free to love God and others. St. Paul expands on John’s words: “God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in sin, brought us to life in Christ – by grace you have been saved.” Our salvation, our new life, is pure Church established 1853 School established 1944 grace, freely given by the God who loves us. We have done Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul, nothing to deserve it; we can do nothing to merit it. We don’t try to be virtuous or good or holy or whatever, to earn Waimea Bay or gain God’s love. It is already freely given, never to be Established 1953 taken back for whatever reason. Our efforts to be loving, OFFICE HOURS kind, virtuous, etc. are not a condition for entering heaven Monday to Friday but a way of thanking God for his free gift. Let us try our 9:00AM to 3:00PM best to live a good life to thank, praise, and glorify God. CLOSED HOLIDAYS To witness to people that all other ways apart from that “Offering lights” candle in tall lived and spoken to us by Jesus do not give lasting peace glass container are available at and joy. St. Michael Church and School, Waialua $5 each. ************************************************************* Lighting the Prayer Candles: Fr. Lusius Nimu, Baptismal Preparatory class given on third Wednesday of each month. Necessary for parents and godparents to attend. For information and register call Mary Kamauoha at 255-1683. Baptism is on fourth Sunday of each month. Marriage Preparations should begin at least one year in advance; however, a minimum of six months is needed for adequate preparation. To begin the process, please call the Rectory Office. Funerals Final arrangements are made with the cooperation of the mortuary and the priest. It is customary to call the Rectory Office before completing arrangements. Diocesan policy requires that the Mass of Christian Burial be celebrated in the parish church. Anointing of the Sick For those who suffer from serious illness or before surgery. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. Blessings After Masses or call for an appointment. Small $.50 ea./Large $1 each SUNDAY MARCH 15, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23, Psalm 137/ Ephesians 2:4-10/John 3:14-21 SECOND COLLECTION TODAY CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES MONDAY, MARCH 23RD 7:00 P. M. ~ St. Michael Church BLESSING OF THE OILS AND CONSECRATION OF THE CHRISM The Chrism Mass is an annual event and one the most solemn and significant liturgies of our church. During the Mass, Bishop Silva will bless the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the oil of chrism. The first oil is used for adult catechumens and infants, the second for anointing the sick, and the sacred oil of chrism for baptism, confirmation, the ordination of priests, and the consecration of altars. The Chrism Mass will be at Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa on Thursday, March 26th at 7:00PM. Wednesday, March 25th St. Damien Hall ~ 7:00 P. M. This will be an open forum regarding any concerns and needs that parishioner's may have. Please plan to attend this IMPORTANT gathering! ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL NEWS We would like to thank everyone a BIG MAHALO for supporting us, in all ways, at our garage sale & car wash. It was a great success. We are so blessed to have the support of our Parish and Families! The students in grades 3-8 did their Lenten Reconciliation on Wednesday instead of having Mass. Our second graders attended the opening prayer and song as they prepare for their First Reconciliation in May. Thank you Father Lusius and Father Benny for guiding our students through this sacrament. The students are selling Krispy Kreme glazed donuts through the month of March. It is $12.00 per dozen (glazed) and $14.00 per dozen (assorted). Delivery will be on Wednesday, April 15th. If you would like to order one please call Jenn at 637-4040 ext. 228 in the church office. We are now accepting applications for the 20152016 school year. St. Michael School does not adhere to the DOE age restriction for Kindergarten at this time. Any child who will be 5 years old by December 31, 2015 is eligible to attend Kindergarten. Please call #637-7772 or email us at You may also visit our website at Thank you all for your continued support to St. Michael School. For St. Michael School On Friday, March 20th 8:30AM St. Michael Church At St. Michael Church On Fridays 7:00PM March 20th & 27th STEWARDSHIP: March 8, 2015 $4,657.00 100.00 136.00 18.00 3.00 10.00 500.00 85.00 203.00 31.50 69.69 $5,813.19 Sunday Collections Mass Intentions Candles Ash Wednesday Maintenance Sacred Heart Retirement Student Kokua Adult Faith Formation Donations Hospitality SPP CC Rebate TOTAL Mahalo for your generous contribution. March 22 Carla Manglallan Lois Pacolba Donna Rosa MONEY COUNTERS LECTORS Saturday, March 21 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Bridget McCaul Greg McCaul Sunday, March 22 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Julie Ann Battista Marie Raquel 10:00AM Carla Manglallan Amy Hocraffer Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Tom Ginella 9:30AM Numy Tampon Priscilla Tampon ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, March 21 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Charles Butz Laureen Augustine Kaylee Dela Pena Sunday, March 22 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Maeleah Lagua Cire Lagua 10:00AM John Buted Jerome Gallego Janelle Medrano Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Peter Takahashi Vance Farrant 9:30AM Dimitri Dean Gianni Dean Shane Kelly March 29 Sheila Pactol Linda Palalay Estrella Redeira EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, March 21 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Bonnie Sales Sheila Pactol Marie Deuz Sunday, March 22 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Micah Hicks Petra Casimiro Tina Padron 10:00AM Beverly Orillo Joel Sabugo Marie Munguia Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30 AM Lynn Cicatko Darlani Young 9:30AM Kelly Godwin Annie Hagedorn Linda Thorp Sunday, March 15 *Filipino Catholic Club Mass w/Hospitality 7:00AM St. Michael Church *Religious Education Classes 8:00AM Confirmation SM; 8:30AM SPP/SM *Oahu Council of Filipino Catholic Club Recollection ~ 1:30PM St. Damien Hall *Community Outreach ~ 4:00PM Hale`iwa Beach Park and Boat Harbor Monday, March 16 *Adult Faith Formation Meeting 7:00PM Parish Center Tuesday, March 17 *Finance Meeting ~ 6:30PM Rectory *RCIA ~ 7:00PM Outreach Wednesday, March 18 *SM School Mass ~ 8:15AM St. Michael Church *Baptism Prep Class ~ 7:00PM St. Michael Thursday, March 19 *Choir Practice ~1:30PM Sts. Peter & Paul *Scripture Reading/Sharing ~ 6:30PM Outreach Friday, March 20 *STATIONS OF THE CROSS 8:15AM SM School at St. Michael Church 7:00PM St. Michael Church *Choir Practice ~ 7:30PM St. Michael Church *EPIC Faith Sharing 7:30PM Parish Center Sunday, March 22 *Religious Education Classes 8:00AM Confirmation SM; 8:30AM SPP/SM *Youth Choir ~ 10AM St. Michael Church *Youth Meeting ~ 11:00AM Parish Center REQUEST FOR PRAYERS Sick: Helen Abanes, Venancia Aceret, Mercedes Baldonado, Norman Baker Sr. & Jr., Gloria Banes, Juliette Blas, Alexander Bolosan, Liberty & Patrocenia Bunda, Anthony Cadiz, Cely Cala, Ladisla Corpuz, Felix Galicinao, Claudia F. Gazmen, Joe Grilho, Mary Ann Ho, Richard Holmberg, Joseph Hoopai Sr., Rudy Isabelo, Caroline Kahawaii, Brandon Kikuchi, Rosanda Lani, Eustaquia Lendio, Andres and Flor Macadangdang, Rick Malvas, Lily Mito, Roxanne Sumile Munoz, Josephine Ocampo, Ethan Pacolba, Mary Gloria Palalay, Dometila Paracuelles, Alton Pao, Douglas & Susan Parrish, Domingo Pascual, Rosario Pedro, Wendell Peiler, Josephine & Glenn Powell, Severino Raymondo, Bonnie Sales, Apolenario Suan, Richard & Josephine Sarno, Kathleen Smith, Roland Sumile, Tracy Walker, Kalei Warfield, Alyssa, Carrie Ann, & Malia Yamanouchi Deaths: Felix Francisco, Elpidio Ildefonso, Dennis Nakamura, Romana Viernes PLEASE CHECK WEEKLY SCHEDULE AS EVENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hospitality (SPP) CCD (SMC/SPP) 8:30a Altar Server Training 11a (SMC) Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p SJ Mtg (PC) 7p RCIA (Outreach) 7p Central Oahu Vicariate Mtg (YYAC) 7p (PC) Al-Anon (Outreach) 6:30p Choir (SPP)1:30p SHS Mass/ Benediction (SMC) 7a SHS Mass (SMC) 7a Yard/Church cleaning (SMC) SMS Mass 8:15a Central Oahu Vicariate Mtg 10a (PC) Scripture Reading/ Sharing (Outreach) 6:30p Stations: 8:15a (SMS) 7p (SMC) Choir (SMC) 7:30p AFF Session 7p (SMC) 8 9 10 11 12 13 FCC Mtg 8:15a (SDH) Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p SMS Reconciliation (SMC) 8:15a Nooners (SPP) 12p SMS Pictures (SDH) RCIA (Outreach) 7p CCD (SMC/SPP) 8:30a Nooners (SPP) 12p Al-Anon (Outreach) 6:30p SMS Car Wash/ Garage Sale 8a1p Choir (SPP)1:30p Reading/Sharing (Outreach) 6:30p Nooners (SPP) 12p 14 General Cleaning 8:30a (SPP) Stations: 8:15a (SMS) 7p (SMC) Choir (SMC) 7:30p EPIC Faith Sharing 7 :30p (PC) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 FCC Mass 7a Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p SMS Mass (SMC) 8:15a Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p Finance/ Budget Mtg (Rectory) 6:30p Nooners (SPP) 12p RCIA – Benedictine Monastery 9a Our Lady of Mount Carmel Lenten Pilgrimage 11a (SMC) CCD (SMC/SPP) 8:30a Youth Choir 10A SM OCFCC Recollection 1:30p SDH RCIA (Outreach) 7p Community Outreach 4p Choir (SPP)1:30p Stations: 8:15a (SMS) 7p (SMC) Reading/Sharing (Outreach) 6:30p Choir (SMC) 7:30p Baptism Prep (SMC) 7p AFF Meeting 7p PC EPIC Faith Sharing 7 :30p (PC) Al-Anon (Outreach) 6:30p 22 23 24 25 26 No 27 No CCD (SMC/SPP) 8:30a Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p School School Nooners (SPP) 12p Nooners (SPP) 12p Youth Choir 10A SM PENITENTIAL SERVICE 7p (SMC) RCIA (Outreach) 7p Town Hall Mtg (SDH) 7p 29 30 31 CCD (SMC/SPP) 8:30a Nooners (SPP) 12p RCIA Rehearsal 7p (SMC) Palm Sunday No School Al-Anon (Outreach) 6:30p No School Choir (SPP)1:30p Reading/Sharing (Outreach) 6:30p CHRISM Mass 7p (St. Theresa) Stations: 7p (SMC) Choir (SMC) 7:30p 28 Youth Church cleaning (SMC)
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