St Saviour’s Primary School Newsletter “making a difference since 1863” 14 Lawrence Street PO BOX 1145 TOOWOOMBA Q 4350 Week 7 - March 12, 2015 Phone: 07 4637 1555 Fax: 07 4637 1556 Email: From the Principal - Donna Muir P & F BBQ combined with our School Disco Wednesday, 18th March TIME: 5:30 TO 7:30PM WHERE: MERCY CENTRE BOULDER AREA WHO: Prep to Year 6 Family and Friends BBQ FOOD—provided by the P & F—FREE! BYO alcoholic drinks Soft drinks can be purchased from the tuckshop PLEASE RSVP! Our School has registered for the NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION against Bullying and Violence on Friday, 20th March. Schools across Australia create safe and supportive learning environment for students all year round. The National Day of Action is a chance to celebrate your achievements and highlight your own programs and initiatives that counter bullying to the wider community. We will have wrist bands for our students to wear acknowledging we ‘DON’T SUPPORT BULLYING!” SCHOOL CONTACTS: Mrs Donna Muir—Principal Mrs Judy Smith—Assistant Principal APRE Mr Sam Hannant—Senior Middle Leader/PE Mrs Anne Anderson—Librarian OFFICE ADMIN Christine Cosgrove Julie Robinson STUDENT SUPPORT Maria Dau ESL: Ann-Maree Ward TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Natasha Biggar BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOLCARE Hall Thorpe Sports Phone: 4638 7965 From the Principal - continued Did you know? Did you know that Bullying. No Way! has produced two free downloadable apps schools, parents and students. Download them today! The Take a Stand The Take a Stand Together app for Apple iOS and Android devices keeps tips and advice about bullying close to hand. The Allen Adventure app Apple iOS and Android designed for children under 8 years. Allen is a visitor from another planet. He has just started at school and he is working out how to get on with kids on Earth Check out the website: Have a great week! Regards, Donna Muir Principal Congratulations to our Weekly Award Winners for this week. From the APRE Judy Smith Congratulations to our Mathletics Masters!! The students pictured below were presented with Mathletics’ certificates in either Bronze, Silver or Gold level. These certificates give an indication of the tasks/ challenges completed by these students. A special mention is made of the youngest recipient, Gabby Horton (2C), and our only Gold level recipient so far, Michelle Springolo (5D). More certificates will be presented towards the end of the term, so I encourage all our students (Prep to Year 6) to challenge their Maths ability and spend some time online on Mathletics. (If any child is yet to receive their username or password please let me know). Support for Cyclone Damage: We have been asked if we could put out a call for some new Children’s picture books. A small school near Biloela has had their library flooded three times in the last couple of years and is in desperate need of new resources. If you are able to donate a new book, (or a 2nd hand one in excellent condition) please send it along to the Office. We will organise to get the books to the school. Thanks for your support! Year 5 Mass next Friday is postponed due to funeral arrangements in the Cathedral. Reconciliation: 10am this Saturday. All families involved please be seated by 9:55am. SCHOOL/ Parish Mass: 9am Mass this Sunday for Choir, Children’s Liturgy. All encouraged to attend and stay/ bring a plate for Morning Tea….thanks Judy From the Sports Desk Mr Sam Hannant Cross Country 2015—Thursday 26th March Cross Country Races for the whole school will take place from 9am on the 26th March. Parents and friends are invited to come and watch the races that will start and finish on the St Saviour’s Primary Oval. The age groups and the distances are listed below. Please remember that your child will race according to his/her year of birth and not their class at school. 5 year olds (born 2010): 2 laps of oval 6 year olds (born 2009): 3 laps of oval 7 year olds (born 2008): 2laps of oval, run to Ruthven St and up stairs on Ruthven St, finish on oval. 8 year olds (born 2007): 2laps of oval, run to Ruthven St and up stairs on Ruthven St, finish on oval. 9 year olds (born 2006): 1 lap of oval, 1 lap of school, 1 lap of oval 10 year olds (born 2005): 1 lap of oval, 2 laps of school, 1 lap of oval 11 year olds (born 2004): 1 lap of oval, 3 laps of school, 1 lap of oval 12 year olds (born 2003): 1 lap of oval, 3 laps of school, 1 lap of oval. It is anticipated that the winning house will be announced and everything concluded by 12pm. Aussie Hoops Basketball Program Clarence ‘Pop’ Dickenson will be visiting St Saviour’s next week during PE lessons to run a basketball session with all the children from Year One to Year Six. Following on from these lessons Pop will be holding the Aussie Hoops basketball program in the Mercy Centre during lunch time. This program runs for eight weeks and there is a cost involved. Please see the attached flyer for more information on cost and how to register online. Pop is a very experienced coach who has been around Toowoomba for a number of years. Development Cup Rugby League 2015 I am presently trying to organise a development cup rugby league team again this year. St Saviour’s will still join with St Thomas More’s as we did last year. Unfortunately I haven’t had a great response from the boys about playing this year and neither has St Thomas More’s. At present the boys who have nominated interest are Dylan Bowe, David Abot, Dan Robinson, Rohan McDonald, Elijah Willey and Jack McMahon. If there are any other boys who have played rugby league before who are interested in playing rugby league after school on a Wednesday next term for 5 weeks please let me know. There will be more information about starting dates and training times in the coming weeks if we field a side. Boys need to be turning 10 or older to play. Cross Country and Athletics Dates 2015 At this stage cross country is booked in for Thursday 26th March on the St Saviour’s Primary Oval. Athletics dates have now been confirmed: The 200m heats and 800m events for athletics are booked for Monday 22nd June from 9am—12pm—Confirmed The full day athletics carnival is booked for Thursday 25th of June 2015—Confirmed Swimming Lessons 2015 A letter will be sent home in the coming days regarding swimming lessons in 2015. Please stay tuned. Fitness Club—Wet Weather We are still conducting fitness club on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7.15am. If it is raining in the morning fitness club will be cancelled. Before school care runs in the Mercy Centre so we don’t have an undercover area to use. Have a great weekend. Sam Hannant Senior Middle School Leader - PE General Notices YEAR 5/6 CAMP: Permission slips are due back to Mrs Muir as soon as possible. PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS - Monday, 23rd March HAVE YOU MADE YOUR INTERVIEW TIME? TIME SLOTS ARE FILLING FAST Interviews will be held in the Mercy Centre as per previous years. Interviews will need to be booked through our Parent Teacher ONLINE service. All families have received a letter and details of how to access this service. They will start during the school day and finish in the evening. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend the interviews so you can touch base with the classroom teachers and discuss how your child is progressing. If you have any problems booking your time, we are happy to do the booking for you!! Just contact us at the office to arrange this. RACE DAY CANCELLED: Due to the Race Track at Clifford Park being deemed unfit for racing next Saturday 21st March, the Race Day Committee along with Donna made a decision earlier this week to cancel the St Saviour’s Primary and St Patrick’s Cathedral Race Day for 2015. All sponsors have been notified and at this stage we will be looking at hosting the next school Race Day every two years which will be in 2017. Multidraw prizes will still be raffled next Wednesday evening at the P&F Welcome BBQ and Disco. Don’t forget to return all raffle tickets, either sold or unsold. SCHOOL FEES: School Fees are due tomorrow FRIDAY 13TH MARCH. Thank you to those families who have already finalised their term 1 accounts. Term 2 school fees will be sent home in Week 1 of next term. WINTER UNIFORM 2015: We would encourage families to start preparing now for the changeover to Winter Uniform. We are starting to have a few “fresh” mornings in Toowoomba and would encourage everyone to start perhaps shopping around for winter jumpers/tracksuits/tunics etc. The changeover to Winter Uniform usually takes place around early May. The Clothing Pool sells quality 2nd hand uniforms if you are interested in purchasing items and is open every Wednesday and Friday morning. The full list of Winter Uniform requirements is available for viewing on our school website and is available for purchase from Hannas Department Store in Ruthven Street, Toowoomba. FRIDAY 13TH CUPCAKES ON SALE TOMORROW: Cupcakes on Friday will have black cat sprinkles on them for a bit of fun..... Numbers are limited , so get in early to guarantee your child receives one. Ordering will be by Flexischools ONLY. No over the counter sales of these. Next Wednesday tuckshop will be selling green jelly at lunch for 50cents and green cupcakes at morning tea for the special price of $1. A limited amount will be kept back for cash sales but ordering via Flexischools is preferred. General Notices continued LAST DAY OF TERM: The last day of Term 1 is on THURSDAY 2 APRIL. TERM 2 commences on MONDAY 20 APRIL. Please note this is not a Pupil Free Day. TOOWOOMBA SHOW HOLIDAY: Toowoomba Show Holiday is NEXT THURSDAY 19TH MARCH. There will be no school this day. NEWS FROM THE OFFICE!! Have you returned your PINK FAMILY RECORD CARDS YET? These are due back now. YEAR 5/6 CAMP: Payments towards 5/6 Camp are now being accepted. If you would like to start making payments these can be made via the office or direct deposit into our school bank account. OUR BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS ARE: Commonwealth Bank BSB: 064433 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 10298183 Volunteer Forms ARE DUE BACK!! If you are volunteering in the classroom you must complete a volunteer form available from the office. These forms were sent home earlier in the term. PREP ENROLMENTS 2016 will be taking place shortly. Anyone thinking about enrolling their child in Prep 2106 should now have submitted their enrolment form to the office for processing. We encourage any families who might still be considering St Saviour’s Primary School for 2016 to collect an enrolment form as soon as possible as numbers are filling fast. Office hours are from 8am - 4.30 pm MONDAY– FRIDAY. iPAD Payments: Payments for iPADS can be made through the school office. Forms of payment can be made either by EFTPOS, DIRECT DEPOSIT into our school bank account, CHEQUE OR CASH. If direct depositing via the Internet please ensure your family surname is noted and Ipad is used as a reference. Please note that NO ACCOUNT will be sent home for Ipads. Payments are entirely up to each family - we only ask that all payments be finalised before the end of 2015. MUSICORP: Is your child interested in learning a musical instrument? Musicorp offer lessons here at St Saviour’s on a WEDNESDAY. For more information contact Musicorp for details. Library News….Anne Anderson Life in the library Our poet-tree is coming to life with poems created or chosen by our clever students. Thank you Mrs Powers for the amazing display, you are so talented! A morning story in the library Parents are welcome to relax on the cushions and read a story before school with their children. If the door is open, come on in and make yourself at home! Read this great blog entry written to inspire and enthuse parents! Help needed for covering home and classroom readers It is wonderful to have so much new reading material but the covering task seems never ending. Please consider taking a group of 8 readers, with pre-cut covers, home to finish off or spend 20 minutes covering before collecting your students any afternoon. A covering work station will be set up in the library every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning for anyone who can give some time to this task. Every little bit helps and with your assistance we can have this material in the hands of students sooner. Thank you for giving this your consideration. Anne Anderson Librarian Mrs Powers and Mrs Milton entering data for our new reading material Student Support News…..Maria Dau INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLAN (I.E.P) meetings have been organised for Weeks 9 and 10 of this term. The letters to parents of students that have a specific diagnosis, receive funding for support hours and therefore require an I.E.P. have been forwarded home this week. Please phone the school office with your RSVP asap. We look forward to meeting with you in the the coming weeks. HEARING AND SIGHT CHECKS We have a significant number of students with a Hearing Impairment diagnosis and/or vision difficulties, requiring vision therapy and/or glasses at our school. The teachers of all classes with Hearing Impaired students have a Sound Field System in place. This is a Speaker System that helps with the amplification and clarity of the teacher’s voice in the classroom. The ability to hear and see well, you would agree, is integral to the progress of all students and for this reason we recommend that you are aware of some of the tell-tale signs of sight and hearing difficulties… see below. It is important and recommended that our children have regular checks to ensure that these two areas are ‘ok’. The upcoming holidays may be a good opportunity to do this. If it’s been a while since your child was tested and you would like details of assessment contacts, please feel welcome to contact your child’s teacher or myself. (General sight tests are covered by Medicare). Have a great weekend! Maria Dau Working hard… and having some fun!! Student Support News…..Maria Dau Do you think your child is having VISION PROBLEMS? The checklist below may help you. P&F News P&F EXECUTIVE 2015: Meet our EXECUTIVE FOR 2015 PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: CATHY CONDON PETER DENNIS MEAGHAN KEEN ALAN CUMMING - VICE-PRESIDENT PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER P&F News: The P&F is seeking suggestions from the school community for any ideas of functions that they would like to have or any suggestions in ways to use funds that are raised through the year. We are always interested in new ideas and would encourage any school community member to drop a note to the P&F via the office for any suggestions. Remember you are always welcome at the meetings which are held on the second Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 11 May 2015 commencing 7.30 pm. The P&F is currently researching the ability to have an EFTPOS machine for the committee to use at our events including the Fun Day and also for use by the clothing pool. We appreciate that not all parents carry cash to purchase uniforms but if you could please bear with us a little longer we hope to have this sorted shortly. St Saviours Primary School P&F Class Representatives 2015 Nominations are being called for the SSPS P&F class representatives for 2015. These nominations were to be finalised at the Welcome BBQ, unfortunately it was cancelled. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else please forward your nomination to Donna Muir as soon as possible – The role of the Class Representative The class representative is someone who is willing to communicate ideas, functions and general questions from parents to the P&F and school management. Class representatives attend the monthly P&F meetings however if they are unable to attend they can always send another parent as a proxy. All members of the school community are very welcome to attend the P&F meetings. You will gain first hand information and ideas that can be passed down to parents. Please consider becoming a Class Representative for 2015. Please also find below the Calendar of Events for 2015. Pizza and Treat Day Thursday 2 April 2015 Thursday 18 June 2015 Thursday 17 September 2015 Pie Drive Orders due 12 June 2015 Collection 22 June 2015 Fun Day 7 November 2015 Tuckshop News Natasha Biggar Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who donate their time to help run the tuckshop. This is an incredibly generous gift to our school and its students. There is NO paper-bag ordering of tuckshop , all ordering is done via Flexischools. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY - PREP - YEAR 6 Cut off time for orders is 9:30am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. WELCOME BBQ The tuckshop will be open and selling drinks on Wednesday night for the Welcome BBQ/Disco. If you are able to lend a hand to serve for any amount of time could you please let me know. The normal tuckshop drinks will be sold as well as cans of soft drink which will be $2. Ice blocks and chips will also be available for purchase. FRIDAY 13th and ST PATRICKS DAY Cupcakes on Friday will have black cat sprinkles on them for a bit of fun..... Numbers are limited , so get in early to guarantee your child receives one. Ordering will be by Flexischools ONLY. No over the counter sales of these. Next Wednesday tuckshop will be selling green jelly at lunch for 50cents and green cupcakes at morning tea for the special price of $1. A limited amount will be kept back for cash sales but ordering via Flexischools is preferred. Please let me know if there is something you would like to see added to the menu. I’m always looking to improve our menu and keep it fresh and hopefully exciting!!! BIRTHDAY CUPCAKES - available again for 2015!! Birthday cupcakes are now available as a special order. These orders will need to be placed a week in advance through the school office. Special price for a Birthday order will be $1 each, with a minimum order of 20. Please advise of any dietary requirements. ROSTER FOR TERM 1 2015 If you find the days you have been rostered on for are unsuitable can you please let me know as soon as possible. 2 2/02/2015 4/02/2015 3 9/02/2015 11/02/2015 Jenny Moloney Tracey Barram 6/02/2015 13/02/2015 Anna King Richelle Jefferey Melissa Darvall Reminders IMPORTANT DATES TERM 1 Before and After School Care: - Please contact Hall-Thorpe Sports directly (Phone: 4638 7965 or Mobile 0438764752). Bookings Essential Email Website School Banking: Each Tuesday. For information packs on becoming a school banker, please contact the office. Prep Car Park - The Prep car park is strictly for the use of families with children in Prep. If you do not have a child in Prep then you are not to access the Prep drive-way or car park, unless walking in from Perth St. Please do not park in the Disabled Car Park at Prep. It is strictly for the families who need this facility. Parents please remember to STOP at the sign in the Prep driveway. BUS ZONE PARKING: Please do not park in the Bus Zones. Police are monitoring these parks closely. Tickets will be issued to those families parking in the bus zones. Lost Property: Please check lost property - we have a large number of hats, lunch boxes and other items in the lost property bin located outside 5L. All Ipad forms should now be returned to the office/classroom. Clothing Pool is open from 8am to 8.30am every Wednesday and Friday morning. Our convenor for 2015 is Cathy Condon. Any donations or items for sale can be dropped off at the school office anytime. A completed form must be attached to items for sale; this form can be found on our website or the school office. School back packs/water bottles/badges/visors are available to purchase from the office. School Fees DUE 13th March. Assembly 1.30pm - All Welcome!! March March 13 School Fees Due March 15 School Mass March 17 St Patrick’s Day March 18 School Disco Welcome BBQ March 19 Toowoomba Show Holiday March 20 National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence March 21 School Race Day March 23 Parent Teacher Interviews March 26 School Cross Country APRIL April 2 Pizza/Treat Day Term 1 finishes April 3 Good Friday April 20 Term 2 commences CLOTHING POOL NEWS WEDNESDAY MORNING 8AM – 8.30AM FRIDAY MORNING 8AM – 8.30AM Just a reminder that if you would like to sell any uniforms through the Pool, you must complete a form (available from the office or website) that outlines all the items you wish to sell. Our Clothing Pool convenors for this year are Cathy Condon, Leah Millward, Genevieve Chappell and Helen Henningsen. Please note that payments for any items through the Pool are strictly CASH only – no EFTPOS and payments must be made directly to the Pool not the office. Cathy Condon Outside Activities Hockey NORTHS UNDER 11 GIRLS Would your daughter like to play Hockey? Norths UNDER 11 girls are looking for players. If you would like to find out more information please contact Mrs Tracy Keeve on 0429 499927 or leave your name and number at the office. Where? St Saviours Primary School At the school gymnasium Grades 1 – 6 . When? Every Friday from Mar.13th to May 22nd,2015 (8 weeks) What Time? 12:55pm – 1:30pm How Much? $90 includes ball, singlet and Backpack Register at: ph. 0417 196151 Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders Behaviour Support and Teaching Strategies Anna Tullemans is author of 10 books on ASD and is very passionate about ASD. She has extensive experience having consulted in many different countries around the world. Anna is inspired by the passion she encounters in parents, teachers, aides, and the students themselves, and is constantly energised by the successful outcomes being achieved through understanding. She is also a mother of an adult with Asperger Syndrome who was diagnosed at age 6 yrs of age. With Anna Tullemans Who should attend? Parents, family members, care staff, educators, clinicians, anyone who wants to understand more about Autism Spectrum Disorder or others who want to know how to support students and adults with an ASD. Don’t miss out. Register now. Places are limited. Venue: Thursday 26th March 2015 Cedar centre Baker Street Toowoomba 9.15 am – 12pm Doors open at 8.45am Books and Sensory Tools Workshop Feedback: “Her depth of experience and understanding of the issues facing children with AS and those working with them is amazing. Anna has really helped us to develop positive strategies.” “Down to earth/ entertaining/ knowledgeable with lots of great practical examples” Email: Ideas on how to use books and sensory tools will be demonstrated throughout the workshop and these items will be available for purchase at the workshop. Bonus Support: Once you have attended the workshop you can email Anna any questions you may have. PO Box 242 Redcliffe Qld 4020 Registration Form/Tax Invoice Toowoomba: 26th March 2015 ABN 44 458 927 927 Name of attendees: 1) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4) ................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ................................................................................................................................ Post code ........................ Email ............................................................................................................................Phone ........................................ Please print clearly Details Number of people Cost (Incl GST) TOTAL attending Thursday 26th March Cedar Centre Baker street Toowoomba $55.00 each Morning tea provided 9.15am – 12pm Booking is essential as there are limited places To register for the workshop: Register through email and pay on the day: (Schools can be sent an invoice) Register online at: Send form and cheque to: Anna Tullemans, PO Box 242, Redcliffe, Qld, 4020 (Please send an email to advise that you have sent a cheque) Scan and email this form with credit card details to: PAYMENT DETAILS - please tick appropriate boxes Please find enclosed my Mastercard cheque Visa money order credit card details Purchase Order for $___________________ __ __ _ CCV Card number______________/______________/______________/_____________ Expiry Date_______/_______ Name on Card_______________________________ Cardholders Signature________________________________ Email: PO Box 242 Redcliffe Qld 4020
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