St Saviour’s Primary School Newsletter “making a difference since 1863” 14 Lawrence Street PO BOX 1145 TOOWOOMBA Q 4350 From the Principal - Phone: 07 4637 1555 Fax: 07 4637 1556 Email: Week 2 - 5 February, 2015 Donna Muir Dear Families, This year assembly has been changed to 1:30pm for several reasons. 1. Morning is the optimal time for learning for our children. Therefore, the afternoon session is better to host assembly. 2. Classroom time—it is crucial we try to keep our children in the classroom learning as much as possible—if we host assembly at 2:30pm then students are back to class with not much time before they have to leave again for assembly. Assembly may not go for the full 30 mins some days and then we are wasting time from assembly finish time to 3pm. When we host it at 1:30pm the children return straight to class with the majority of time for learning. 3. Parents welcome—parents are very welcome to attend and stay for a cuppa afterwards—the urn and biscuits will be provided for those who have to wait around. 4. No student class assembly presentations this year—There will be no student class assembly presentations this year as they will be replaced with Open Classroom Sessions where parents, grandparents, families can come and visit the actual classroom. We really want parents to come and visit the classrooms. This way you will be able to see your child’s work, browse through their books, watch a small presentation by the children and catch up with other parents as well as the teacher. Although Open Classroom Sessions will replace the scheduled assembly presentations I believe it will be of more benefit to our children to present in class about what they have been learning as well it also benefits parents because you have more time to visit the classroom and view what is happening? 5. Students will still be part of presentations throughout the school year but in a different way like Anzac Day ceremony, Whole School Masses, Family Fun Day and several others. So by not having Assembly presentations it will not disadvantage the children but rather advantage them to show you what they are learning? How proud will they be to demonstrate that to their parents and other family members!!!! 6. Assemblies will be mainly to provide information to the students but I want to emphasise that parents are welcome to come to hear the messages and see their child receive an award if they wish. All parents will be contacted this year to let you know if your child is receiving an award. This will only be communicated to parents via a slip that will be sent home with homework on Friday. This will start this week. Open Classroom Sessions for 2015 (any changes will be notified to you via the Class Communication Notes) SCHOOL CONTACTS: Mrs Donna Muir—Principal Mrs Judy Smith—Assistant Principal APRE Mr Sam Hannant—Senior Middle Leader/PE Mrs Anne Anderson—Librarian OFFICE ADMIN Christine Cosgrove Julie Robinson STUDENT SUPPORT Maria Dau ESL: Ann-Maree Ward TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Natasha Biggar BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOLCARE Hall Thorpe Sports Phone: 4638 7965 From the Principal - continued OPEN CLASSROOM SESSIONS—SEMESTER ONE It is with much pleasure I invite you personally to come and visit your child’s classroom—we really would like to see more parents in our classrooms to see the wonderful work that is happening. Please try to make time to attend these sessions. Prep… Grandparents’ Day (March 31…8:30am) Year 1.. April 1 (1:30pm) Year 2 .. March 16.. (1:30pm)…after assembly Year 3.. March 30 ..(1:30pm)…after assembly Year 4.. April 23..1:30pm Year 5.. April 27th ..1:30pm…after assembly Year 6.. May 1… 11:15pm We look forward to seeing Mum’s, Dad’s, Grandparents and extended family! PREP—EARLY ENTRY/ 2016 INTERVIEWS This year we will be interviewing for Prep enrolments 2016 at the end of this term. Parents in our school community who have children starting Prep next year will need to complete an enrolment form from the office or download one from the website. We also have latest news that the government are allowing early entry to Prep for some children aged 5 years and 5 months. Please contact the office if you have a child who maybe eligible for this entry process. You may visit the website for further information about Early Entry: Early entry to Prep Children who are younger than the prescribed age for Prep may be enrolled in Prep if: they turn 5 years by 31 July in the year of proposed attendance; and the principal is satisfied the child is ready for education in Prep, having regard to their attributes (including ability, aptitude, social and emotional competence, physical development, and level of knowledge and understanding). The principal may also enrol a child in Prep who is younger than the prescribed age if the child: has previously started education that is equivalent to Prep in another state or country; and is considered ready for education in Prep, having regard to their attributes (including ability, aptitude, social and emotional competence, physical development, and level of knowledge and understanding). REMINDERS P & F Welcome BBQ! This year our annual Welcome BBQ will be held on Friday, 20th February from 5:30pm. Performances by the children will begin at 5:30pm followed by a free BBQ provided by our P & F association. Bring the family, meet new faces and catch up with old friends! BYO alcoholic drinks in your esky – FOOD ONLY WILL BE PROVIDED ON THE NIGHT COMPLIMENTARY OF THE P & F! SOFT DRINKS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SALE FROM THE TUCKSHOP! P & F AGM! Tuesday, 10th February – 7:00pm in the staffroom – ALL WELCOME! School Board Meeting Monday, 23rd February – 6:00pm in the staffroom We are inviting parents in our community to consider joining the Board. We have parents who have finished their time – please consider it and contact the office if you are interested. From the Principal …….continued Race Day 2015 Date: Saturday, 21st March Cost: $60 per head BOOK YOUR TABLE! RACE DAY UPDATE: *Multidraw tickets will be sent home today—Please check bags! There will also be an opportunity for a silent Auction bid prior to the Race Day—please fill in the slip and put in the box in the front foyer. *Auction Prizes this year 1. Dinner for 8—cooked by Katrina 2. Wheelbarrow full of Alcohol and lots of goodies! 3. 2 X outdoor wooden chairs—donated by the Kirstenfeldt family - COME AND CHECK THEM OUT AS THEY ARE IN THE SCHOOL FOYER!!!!! Peak 2 Park Date: Sunday, 1st March Check out the website - We are entering as a school community once again this year. You can either walk or run to enter this event. Please sign your name and pay your money at the office from Friday this week. It was a great morning last year and our school was very well represented. What a great way to spend a weekend!!! PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS - Monday, 23rd March Interviews will be held in the Mercy Centre as per previous years. Interviews will need to be booked through our Parent Teacher ONLINE service. All families will receive a letter and details of how to access this service. They will start during the school day and finish in the evening. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend the evening so you can touch base with the classroom teachers and discuss how your child is progressing. CAMP 2015—YEARS 5 AND 6 There will be a camp meeting at 6:15 pm—Tuesday, 10th February in the year 6 classrooms. Thank you to the parents for attending the Parent Information Sessions—your attendance and support is appreciated and we look forward to working with all of you this year! Have a great week! Regards, Donna Muir Principal From the APRE - Judy Smith Student Protection Officers 2015: Our Student Protection Officers for 2015 are Rebecca Thomas, Debbie Hawkins and Mitch Cush. Sacramental Program: Our Sacramental Program for 2015 gets underway this afternoon with the Parent Information Sessions (3:30pm and 7pm). Students are encouraged to attend as there is a short ritual/ prayer to commence the program. All parents are asked to sign up to a weekly Cluster Group which will hold their first of five meetings next week. This weekend we have an Enrolment Ritual for the children to be a part of at either the 6pm Saturday Mass or 9am Sunday Mass. These are not compulsory, however we do encourage you to participate if at all possible. Term One is preparing for 1st Reconciliation. Students are asked to bring a suitable photo of themselves to their Cluster Group, which will then be displayed in the Cathedral for the duration of the program (One semester). Whilst most of the participants are Year 4 students, there is usually a small group of older students, from both within St Saviour’s Primary and from the wider community. If you have any questions, please contact me or Paula Wagner via the School Office. Whole School Mass: Next Tuesday 10th February at 1:15pm we gather at St Patrick’s Cathedral for our first whole school Mass. All students (P-6) will be participating and all parents are warmly invited to join us in this special Liturgy. This year we are presenting our Year 6 students with their Leadership Badges at the end of the Mass. The newly elected School Captains, Vice Captains, House Captains and Councillors will be announced as well. We encourage all families to attend this special ceremony. Choir: Please remember to return choir notes to myself or Miss Ruhle registering your child’s interest in participating in the 2015 school choir. Have a wonderful weekend. Judy General Notices School Photos: School Photos for 2015 will be on MONDAY 16TH FEBRUARY. The photos will be taken by Owens Studio Professional Photography. Each child will be sent home a Photo Envelope this week which outlines the information packs available to purchase. Please note Owens Studio does NOT do ON-LINE ORDERING. Strictly cash or cheque only. Please ensure that you have the correct money enclosed in your child’s envelope as no change can be given on or before the day. All envelopes will need to be returned to your child’s teacher no later than FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY. Please ensure that your child is wearing their full summer uniform on the day. FAMILY PHOTO ENVELOPES - If you require a family photo envelope please call in to the office to collect one. Siblings from St Saviour’s College are welcome to be part of the photo, however approval will need to given from the College for your daughter to come down for the photo. St Saviour’s Primary Skoolbag APP: Skoolbag is a company who provide an APP for your smart devices where the school and parents can communicate to each other. The APP is synchronised with our website and it provides you with the latest information about what is happening around the school. Push alerts are one of the main features of this APP where the office can send you a message about a bus being late or reminders about events the next day. Parents will be able to access Class Communication Notes, Newsletters and any other calendar events plus several other great features. Our aim is to ensure all families have downloaded the APP by the end of Term 1. We use this as our main form of communication to the families. As always we will always provide hard copies of Newsletters and send emails to ensure everyone in the community recieve the latest information. An instruction sheet has been attached to this Newsletter for new families on how to download the APP. Newsletters and other information will be updated on the APP and it will be linked to the school website too. We look forward to making communication more efficient and convenient for you. Pink Record Cards: Each family was sent home a Pink Record Card last week. It is important that these be returned as soon as possible as these cards ensure that our records are kept up to date. Parking: Parents be aware of the PARKING SIGNS on Perth Street. Parent who are parking on Perth Street need to be aware of the BUS ZONE signs. Several parents are parking in these areas at 3pm causing congestion for the buses arriving. The safety of our children is of utmost importance - please do the right thing and park in the designated areas or carparks around the school. The police do monitor this area quite regularly and issue tickets for those who are parking illegally. Volunteer Forms: Please remember to return your Volunteer Forms to the office. You must be registered to commence any form of volunteer work within the school. There are two forms that need to be returned. School Fees: School Fees have been sent home this week with the eldest in the family. The due date for payment is Friday 13th March. Payment can be made at the office via eftpos/cash/cheque or direct deposit. General Notices continued Bookclub: The book club brochures for term 1 are being distributed tomorrow. If you would like to place an order please complete the order form and return to school by Thursday 12th Feb. It would be greatly appreciated if payments could be made by credit card to help streamline the ordering process. Please complete the receipt details on your order form once payment has been made. Please note that we haven’t opted-in to the new LOOP payment system for this term (you will see this option on the order form). If you are unable to pay by credit card a cheque payment will be fine but we are unable to accept any cash payments except for the gold coin programme (see below) sorry. If paying by cheque please make cheques payable to Scholastic Australia. Gold Coin Book Program - In each book club brochure there is a great book offered for $1.00 or $2.00. Book club does this because they believe every child deserves the chance to take home a great book & experience independent reading for pleasure. We would also like our students to have the opportunity to receive a book from book club & experience the excitement of those classroom book deliveries. If you wish to place an order for the gold book only you may pay in cash… perhaps some of the children would like to pay for their own gold book. Please understand that this can be for gold books only. Place your order form with the correct money in a sealed zip lock bag or envelope when returning to school. This issue there is also a Golden Ticket competition running. You could be one of the lucky winners of a $2, $5, $10 or $20 voucher with your order. Thank you for your support! Due to the fabulous response to book club in term 4 last year the school received well over $500.00 to spend on resources. If parents would like to order books for gifts or do not wish book orders to be delivered to the classroom please attach a note to your order form & we are happy to leave your order at the office for collection. Angela Ryan (Book club co-ordinator) From the Sports Desk Mr Sam Hannant Swimming Carnival 2015 Congratulations to Xavier for winning the 2015 9-12 year old swimming carnival at Milne Bay on Tuesday. It was a fantastic effort from all the children who participated. A special mention must go to the age champions and runners up who are listed below: Age Champion Boys Runner Up Boys Age Champion Runner Up Girls Girls 9 Years Joshua Whale Tom Charles Sophie Bretz Grace Williams 10 Years Zachary Vellacott Tom Nicholls Alex Sharp Georgina Coleman 11 Years Luke Naumann Darcy Conway Lucy Bretz Erin Foley 12 Years Marlow Crosdale Nicholas Sheedy Bronte Hood Rachael Lewis Thanks very much to all of the parents who helped out with timekeeping at the carnival, as well as those people who came along and supported the children. Catholic Swimming Carnival 2015 A note was sent home today to all children who have made the St Saviour’s team to participate at the Catholic Schools’ Swimming Carnival next Wednesday at Milne Bay. All children are asked to bring their permission form and $2 to me by Monday 9th February 2015. Central Zone Swimming Trials 2015 The Central Zone Swimming Trials are on Tuesday the 17th of February at Glennie Pool. A letter will be sent home to all children who will participate in this carnival in the coming days. There are qualifying times for this day for the first time this year. Therefore, it is not just the children who place first, second and third in each event who are asked to attend. They do have to swim under the qualifying time. AUSKICK On Wednesday the development officers from QLD AFL came to school to promote AUSKICK. This will run on Monday afternoons from 3.10-4.10pm at St Saviour’s Primary on the oval. Every child should have taken a note home. If you haven’t received one, please see the ladies in the office. Remember the first sessions is a come and try day which is free. The cost for the eight week program is $70. Gold Coast Titans Visit As part of the NRL Community Carnival, St Saviour’s will receive a visit from several Gold Coast Titans players at lunch time. If your child has anything that they would like to get signed, they are more than welcome to bring that along. Toowoomba Netball Muster There will be a muster this Sunday 8 February at Nell E Robinson Park from 9am—11am. Clubs will be set up for you to visit and ask questions. For further enquiries phone 0487359762 or email or check the website Email— From the Sports Desk Mr Sam Hannant Congratulations Age Champions Swimming 2015 Sophie and Grace 9 Years Lucy and Erin 11 Years Joshua and Tom 9 Years Luke and Darcy 11 Years Goretti Relay Champions Alex and Georgina 10 Years Bronte and Rachael 12 Years Tom and Zachary 11 Years Marlow and Nick 12 Years Xavier House Champions 2015 Library Matters Anne Anderson A warm welcome to the new school year from the library staff. Please take a moment to read the following information to maximise the outcomes from your students’ use of the library. Please also refer to the Library Policy and Procedures link under library in the Curriculum tab on the school website for other detailed information. Together with the class teacher the Teacher Librarian aims to: *advocate reading, promote literature for children and young people and offer reader guidance *develop discerning users of information As partners with us you contribute when you: *create and support opportunities for free reading at home, *make reading a family habit *talk about and support your children’s library choices for free reading *talk about your reading and how you use information The Library provides opportunities to enjoy reading through: *Weekly browse and borrow sessions, *A range of quality titles and formats, *Regular addition of New titles *Online access to our catalogue and the School Edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica, *e- books for use on personal devices, * Literature events and celebrations, * Author and illustrator Information, *Lunch time activities, *Welcoming parents and their children to read together before and after school for 20 minutes each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday *Displays and competitions *Book talk opportunities The Library provides curriculum based learning opportunities to: *develop skills to access, acquire, analyse and apply information *develop digital literacies, *become critical users of information *engage in creative thinking, *produce new information *take their learning into real world situations Author News The wonderful Jackie French has been honoured with the title of Senior Australian of the Year. This is very exciting for us because Jackie is such a passionate advocate for children accessing well written stories. Her writing career is a great example of what can come from a desire to tell stories, supported by thorough research and keen observation of people and the world. Read Jackie’s Wombat picture books aloud to your children and I can guarantee you will be laughing before you finish. My recent, older reader favourites are Nanberry: black brother white and Waltz for Matilda. Whatever your preferred genre you can locate a Jackie French title, she is a prolific author who continues to inspire. Read more at index.htm Our tribute to Jackie French in the library I look forward to meeting you in the library one day soon, Anne Anderson Teacher Librarian Reminders and Important Dates Before and After School Care: - Please contact Hall-Thorpe Sports directly (Phone: 4638 7965 or Mobile 0438764752). Bookings Essential Email Website School Banking: Each Tuesday. For information packs on becoming a school banker, please contact the office. Prep Car Park - The Prep car park is strictly for the use of families with children in Prep. If you do not have a child in Prep then you are not to access the Prep drive-way or car park, unless walking in from Perth St. Please do not park in the Disabled Car Park at Prep. It is strictly for the families who need this facility. Parents please remember to STOP at the sign in the Prep driveway. BUS ZONE PARKING: Please do not park in the Bus Zones. Clothing Pool is open from 8am to 8.30am every Wednesday and Friday morning. Our convenor for 2015 is Cathy Condon. Any donations or items for sale can be dropped off at the school office anytime. A completed form must be attached to items for sale; this form can be found on our website or the school office. Clothing Pool News The Clothing Pool will be open the following days and times for 2015. WEDNESDAY MORNING 8AM – 8.30AM FRIDAY MORNING 8AM – 8.30AM Just a reminder that if you would like to sell any uniforms through the Pool, you must complete a form (available from the office or website) that outlines all the items you wish to sell. Our Clothing Pool convenors for this year are Cathy Condon, Leah Millward, Genevieve Chappell and Helen Henningsen. Please note that payments for any items through the Pool are strictly CASH only – no EFTPOS and payments must be made directly to the Pool not the office. FORMAL HATS: If you have purchased a formal hat from Hannah's and it has pinky discoloration, it may be from a faulty batch of dye. Hannah's have advised that you can take it back in to see if they can send it back to the supplier. (White discoloration is not part of the fault, this occurs from sweat). I have been given a sheet on the cleaning instructions and will provide them in next weeks newsletter. Cathy Condon IMPORTANT DATES TERM 1 February February 10 Whole School Mass Presentation of Year 6 Leaders P&F AGM—7PM Year 5/6 Camp Information Night 6.15pm—Year 6 rooms. February 11 Catholic School Swimming Carnival February 16 School Photo Day February 17 Central Zone Swimming Carnival February 18 Ash Wednesday February 20 P&F Welcome BBQ February 23 Board Meeting March March 1 Peak 2 Park March 19 Toowoomba Show Holiday March 21 School Race Day March 23 Parent Teacher Interviews Tuckshop News Natasha Biggar Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who donate their time to help run the tuckshop. This is an incredibly generous gift to our school and its students. There is NO paper-bag ordering of tuckshop , all ordering is done via Flexischools. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY - PREP - YEAR 6 Cut off time for orders is 9:30am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Volunteers Urgently Needed!!!! We are in desperate need of fresh volunteers for tuckshop this year. Without the valuable help of mums , dads and extended family , there is no way that the tuckshop can run. We lost quite a few volunteers at the end of last year due to their youngest child finishing here at St Saviours. The tuckshop service is a well loved part of school life , so please consider donating a day or two of your time to help out in the tuckshop. Email Tash in the tuckshop or drop into the office and fill out a volunteer form. MENU ITEMS FOR TERM 1 Fresh fruit salad cups will remain on the menu for Term 1 at $2. Hot dogs will be available for this term also and wombok salad , these items will be taken off for the cooler Terms . BIRTHDAY CUPCAKES - available again for 2015!! Birthday cupcakes are now available as a special order. These orders will need to be placed a week in advance through the school office. Special price for a Birthday order will be $1 each, with a minimum order of 20. Please advise of any dietary requirements. ROSTER FOR TERM 1 2015 If you find the days you have been rostered on for are unsuitable can you please let me know as soon as possible. TERM Week 1 1 1 Mon Volunteers Wed Volunteers 28/01/15 ----------------- 2 2/02/2015 Karen O'Brien 3 9/02/2015 Volunteer Needed 4 16/02/2015 Tanya Lewis 5 23/02/2015 Courtney Kruger Fri Volunteers ----------------- 30/01/2015 ----------------- 4/02/2015 Jenny Moloney Jodie McLachlan 6/02/2015 Anna King ----------------- 11/02/2015 Tracey Barram Gen Chappel 13/02/2015 Richelle Jefferey Melissa Darvall 18/02/2015 Karen Coleman Helen Henningsen 20/02/2015 Kellie Casagrande Keth Capilitan 25/02/2015 Jenny Moloney Tracey Hatch 27/02/2015 Katrina Baker Registration is easy and free! Using any PC, go to 1/ Click Register Now! And enter your email Tamara Webber FLEXI-SCHOOLS: 2/ You are emailed a link to the online form. 3/ Choose your own username and password and enter your contact details. 4/ For each child, click “Add a student” and follow the prompts to place an order. You will be required to top-up your pre-paid account. VISA or Mastercard preferred. Transaction fees are 29cents per top-up. Debit transfer is possible but will take around 2 days for the money to show up on your account, credit cards go through instantly. Last year there was an app available, but this is no longer working. Outside Activities Souths Junior Rugby Toowoomba: South Toowoomba Junior Rugby Club 2015 sign on day will be held on Sunday 8 February at Gold Park, Hume Street, Toowoomba. Juniors (6-12 yrs) from 9am—11am, (13-17 yrs) from 11am—1pm. For further information please contact Margaret Lindemann 0427 309 019. Piano Lessons: If your child is interested in learning Piano, please contact Denis Smith, 0414 843 339. There are a few vacancies available on Wednesday or Friday. Lessons are taught at St Saviour’s Primary School. Swimming Carnival 2015 TOOW OOM BA ROAD RUNNERS WINTER CALENDAR 2015 Invites runners of all abilities and fitness levels to SUNDAY MORNING RUNS 8AM START ( 7AM START FOR LONG RUN) WEB SITE EMAIL - 01 08 15 22 22 March March March March March Peak2Park Laurel Bank Park (breakfast) HIGHFIELDS FUN RUN Mt Rascal (Hodgsonvale) Kokoda Challenge Adventure Picnic Point to Lake Annand Hill Carpark St entrance Kuhls Park Rd, Highfields Lions Park, New England Hwy Webb Park (teams only) Fun Run 10/4k Social Run 5k RACE 1 2,5,10k Social Run 6k Adventure Run 15/30k 22 March Twilight Half 29 March Horn Park 05 April 12 April 19 April Preston Trails The Chapel- Preston Boundary Rd (7am run only) Rifle Range Run-around Mt Lofty Lookout, North St Newtown Park (School x-c) Tor/Taylor St reserve (Charity fundraiser $3.00 entry) Nobby adventure (breakfast) Nobby Pub Trail Run Social Run Cross Country Cross Country 24 May Queen’s Park (School x-c) Lindsay St (Charity fundraiser $3.00 entry) Twb West Lions Mothers Day Classic Lake Annand Kearney Springs (School x-c) Ruthven St (Charity fundraiser $3.00 entry) Hop around Hampton Hampton Shop, N.England Hwy 23/24 May 24 May Warwick Pentath-Run (5 races) Noosa Half Marathon 31 May Picnic Point/Range Trails 07 June Webb Park Dudley St 07 June Qld ½ Marathon Doomben 14 June USQ Run Japanese Gardens USQ 14 June City2South Brisbane 21 June 28 June Canter in the Cotswolds Hills Middle Ridge Cotswolds Park Hamzah Drv Stenner/Fairway Crt 05 July 05 July 26 April 03 May 10 May 17 May Bris Stuart St Picnic Point Carpark, (7am run only) 21.1/10 Social Run 6k Social Run 12k 5k 2/3/4k 7k 2/3/4k Fun Run/walk 6/3k Cross Country 2/3/4/6k Social Run 7-9k Trail Run 10-18k Social Run 6k 21.1, 10k, 5k Social Run 6k 14k Social Run Social Run 7k 6k Whereabouts in Withcott Opp Withcott Pub (KOR start) Social Run 6k Gold Coast Airport Marathon Southport 12 July 19 July 26 July Rockville Park Trees and trails TRR KING/QUEEN OF RANGE Tor St Social Run Glen Lomond Park McStay St Trail Run WITHCOTT (amended course) RACE 2 7k 6k 7.3k 02 August West Creek Faye Crt 5k 02 August Brisbane Marathon Festival 09 16 23 30 August August August August Doing the gas line gallop Harvey St c/park, Mt Lofty (7am run only) Trail Run Laneways of Newtown Capt Cook Oval, McGregor St Social Run Kearney Springs Oval Spring St Social Run Westbrook Park Progress Drv Westbrook Social Run 06 13 20 27 September September September September Glenvale Park Panorama Drv Social Run TRR RIDGE 2 RIDGE ½ MARATHON Middle Ridge Park Stenner St RACE 3 Newtown Park Taylor/Pottinger Sts Social Run Katoomba Point Prince Henry Dr (7am run only) Trails 04 11 18 25 October October October October Highfields Plaza TRR MARATHON EVENTS Back to Base, Twb Base Hospital Bridge St Quarry Social Run 42.2, 21.1 & 10k 15k 6k 7k 6k 5k 21.1/10/5k 7k 15k Plaza Drive Social Run 7k USQ RACE 4 full, ¾M, ½M, 10k Peachey St Trail Run 5k Bridge St (7am run only) Trail Run 12k 01 November CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS, MIDDLE RIDGE PARK STENNER ST ALSO AGM, AWARDS AND BREAKFAST Pairs Run WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON RUN 5.20PM MOTHERS MEMORIAL – BURSTOW ST 6.8-7.4k MONDAY & FRIDAY AFTERNOON 5.30PM MIDDLE RIDGE PARK, STENNER ST 8.6-10.4k FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Greg Vincent (Secretary) 0403 720 550 **club breakfast’s will be advised PO Box 2348 Toowoomba 4350 5k Denrai Freestyle Tae Kwon-Do Want to learn a practical, effective self defence system? Want to lose weight or improve your fitness? Looking for a way to relieve stress? Want to do all of this and have fun at the same time? Then Denrai Freestyle Tae Kwon-Do is just for you! Benefits of Denrai Freestyle Tae Kwon-Do Include: Practical, Effective Self Defence Improved Strength & Fitness Helps with Fat Loss Increases Flexibility Improved Self Confidence & Self Control Perseverance Courtesy, Loyalty & Respect Blue Card Approved. Conducted in a fun disciplined and respectful training environment. Teaching Men, Women and Children. Training Times: Mercy Centre St Saviours Primary School Monday 6:00pm – 7:30pm Wednesday 6:00pm – 7:30pm Saturday 10:00am – 12:00pm (Private lessons also available) For more information Visit: Email: Phone: 0419027035
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