St. Anthony’s School Newsletter “Lighting Pathways for life….” 27th November 2014 Principal: Paul Ryan Priest Director: Fr Hal Ranger 9 Memory Street Toowoomba Qld 4350 Phone: 4635 6200 Fax: 4635 0950 Email: Website: Student Protection Contacts: Vicki Keith & Emma Gavin WHS: Korine Lewis In the midst of great celebrations with end of school activities, including the annual school camp, Awards Ceremony, Prep Nativity Play and Masses, we have staff among us dealing with the loss of elderly parents. Yesterday we celebrated the life of Mrs d’Abadie’s mother and on Friday we celebrate the life of Mrs. Rodger’s dad. Both families continue to grapple with their loss and I’m sure all of you will join me in offering our prayers and thoughts to these families at this time of great sadness. No matter our age, the loss of a parent is a significant one, because the love that exists between us and our parents remains right through our whole lives regardless what life throws at us during that life time. Yesterday was a remarkable day in that we sent off 3 classes to camp, Years 5,6 & 7. This will be the last camp that St Anthony’s will send Year 7 off to camp because of the shift to secondary school in 2015. I acknowledge the teachers who have availed themselves for the camp. They do so because of the love they have for your child and the commitment to being a professional educator. They receive no extra pay of course and the hours required to prepare for the camp also falls outside of paid hours. They say goodbye to their own lives and families just so that your child can go on camp. Anyone prepared to question their commitment will find themselves without support very quickly. Teachers are often targets for emotionally charged parents and yet it is these people in your child's life that make the greatest impact on who and what they become, apart from yourselves. They act out of love in their efforts to educate your child. They need applauding and supporting and Christmas time reminds us to do this. I also acknowledge Mr Brett Rangiira for agreeing to attend this years camp. He arrived yesterday morning with didgeridoo in hand and asked me to bring my guitar when I travelled down to Burleigh today. His presence will only add to your child’s experience. Thank you champion. We have our annual Yrs 4-7 Swimming Carnival on Monday 1st December at Glennie Pool. This program begins at 9.30 am. I sincerely hope that this event is well received by our parent body. Every effort is made to ensure equality, to allow the gifted swimmers an opportunity to shine and the ones that don’t share this level of enthusiasm-to simply have a go and enjoy the water and atmosphere. See you there-Paul APRE NO ASSEMBLY NEXT TUESDAY Firstly, I would like to congratulate the following students for receiving the There will be no assembly at 2:30pm next Tuesday. “Spirit of Nano Nagle” award. The recipients were; Fynn Carmody, Carter Black, Arielle Suhr, Maddison Crighton, Shakayla Palmer, TabithaAWARDS ASSEMBLY Daisy Gribble, Maddison Geiger, Elysse Thomas, Samantha Krause, Anthony Hanna and Abbie Rollans. We thank these students for the extra Our awards assembly will be held at 9am in the assembly hall effort that they give to make St Anthony’s a caring community. on Friday the 5th December. Itinerary will include;On Wednesday the 3rd of December, in the last week of our school year, we will hold a liturgy and awards night for the Year Six and Seven students and their families. The liturgy will commence at 5:30pm in the church. The families will be given a chance to celebrate together after the liturgy and awards. We will acknowledge these award winners at our awards assembly, 9am on Friday the 5th. This will provide an opportunity for the entire school community to congratulate our award winners. Regards, Brendan O’Reilly Presentation of Class Award Acknowledgement of Yrs 6/7 Award Winners Presentation of gift for families leaving Prep SB– Our class has been working super hard on our Christmas play. On Tuesday at 9:30am we will be doing our Christmas play for our parents. Booklists Our 2015 Booklists are currently available online at if you are wishing to get in early and order them. They will also be sent home with your child within the next week. Yr 1 EG-Wow! Not long to go now until we are finished Year 1. A few reminders for the coming week: The Year 1 swimming carnival will be held tomorrow at the Glennie Swimming Pool. Year 1 classes swim at 10.15-11.00 and we would love to see parents there. Our Secret Santa is up and running and notes went home yesterday telling who your child will buy for - we ask for presents to be in next Wednesday so gifts can be exchanged on Thursday! If you are unable to participate please let me know so gift can be arranged for each child. We are all looking forward to a fun week of Christmas craft and activities. Prep AD-This has been a busy week full of great happiness and great sorrow. We sent messages of love and support to the d’Abadie family as they prepared for the funeral and celebrated the life of Paticia McKeon, Mrs Anne-Maree’s mother. Prep AD was taught by Mrs Spalding on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Alexia Gabbet on Thursday and Friday. We performed our dress rehearsal of ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’ for Years One, Two, Three and Four today – and we were absolutely amazing! We’re looking forward to presenting our play to all our families next Tuesday at 9.30am. Yr 4 JR– We have missed Mrs Rodgers and she has been in our thoughts and prayers. We know we can talk to people in our network to share our feelings of sorrow. The students are working well for Mrs Smith with revision of spelling, similes, metaphors, mapping, decimals, tessellations and measurement. Science is abuzz as we studied the anatomy and fascinating habits of the bee. Fr Hal visited and showed us how we can be like a lit candle, but sometimes our flame is blown out. We have become the school leaders, so have considered how we can become responsible and effective leaders. With the swimming carnival, breakups and Christmas just around the corner we are looking forward with anticipation. MUSIC “The Innkeeper’s Breakfast” – Prep Nativity Play The Prep classes are eagerly looking forward to presenting their Christmas play to their families on Tuesday the 2nd December at 9.30am. We were lucky enough to be given the chance to perform for the children in Years One, Two, Three and Four today as our official dress rehearsal. The children did a wonderful job – they all remembered their lines and actions. The school loved them! We can’t wait to show you your amazing children! (We will probably be presenting the play to the Year Five, Six and Seven children next Thursday morning at 9.30 am. They missed out this week as they are away on camp.) Communal Rite of Reconciliation Tomorrow the children from Years Three and Four will be attending the St Anthony Parish communal rite of Reconciliation at 11am. Parents are most welcome to come and join the Parish and prepare for the coming of our Lord at Christmas time. Choirs at the Inn Our St Anthony’s Choir has been invited to sing carols at the Bull’s Head Inn Open Day on Sunday the 7th December. This is the first Sunday of the holidays! Mrs Emma Gavin has kindly volunteered to be the ‘check in’ person at the event. The choir will receive detailed notes on MONDAY (when they are back from camp!) and should return the reply slips to the office next week. The choir learns so much when we support these community events. One of the things that makes St Anthony’s so very special is the way the families support each other and the wider community. What a great opportunity for our choir! Year One Parents :- Mrs Foster the school library. will be conducting a spelling session for Yr 1 parents on Wednesday 3 at 2:30pm in Congratulations St. Anthony’s has 7 published authors amongst its student population. Congratulations to: Taylah Alchin Thomas Below Kelsey Francis Christine Martland Hayley Smith Madeline Woodall Riley Woodall Senior Swimming Carnival WHEN: 1st of December. . These students have written, illustrated and published their own stories, taking over 100 hours of time, commitment and dedication. These books will be available on JetStar, in the Toowoomba Childrens hospital, the National library in Canberra, Queensland State Library and St. Anthony’s School library. You can see all the book details through our school website – follow the links to the library catalogue. Photographed: Peter Rookas, Paul Ryan, Emma McTaggart, Councillor Carol Taylor and Jan Watkins. WHAT TO BRING: The school sports uniform, swimming cap, goggles, appropriate swimming attire, plenty of food and drink. TRANSPORT: We would encourage parents and guardians to drop off students at the Glennie pool between the times of 8:30am and 9am. All students who are dropped off at school will walk to the pool with the teachers. Students can be picked up by parents after the Carnival. We aim to finish around 2pm. Any children remaining at the pool will be walked back to St Anthony’s. School Banking Pizza Reward Day Pastoral Care Meeting Pastoral care plays an important role in our school community by helping families that are experiencing hardship. For those who are currently involved or wish to become involved you are welcome to come and meet our new coordinators Kerrianne Fels & Helena Wiersma. Where:Time:- Parish Centre 3:30pm When:- Friday 28th Nov Australian Open Blitz Ultimate Club Challenge - Sat 28th Nov Range Tennis Club Register your club at:- 8:30am registration 9:00am start In recognition of our fantastic school banking year Mr Diprose has organised a pizza lunch for our dedicated student bankers. This will be during 2nd break in the Prep garden eating area on Thursday Dec 4 at 12:45pm. Please RSVP at the school office if you are a school banker and wish to attend. Tuckshop - FLEXISCHOOLS Flexischools has been implemented into our tuckshop to eliminate not only cash handling and banking, but to also considerably reduce the workload for those who are giving their time to volunteer in the tuckshop. Although up until now cash orders have still been accepted, as of the beginning of Term 1 2015, there will be a strict no cash policy in our tuckshop. We encourage everyone to take the time over the holidays to create a flexischools account. Over the course of next year, Flexischools will also be used for payment of meal deals and school events such as discos. If you are unable to do this due to difficulty accessing a computer or smart phone, or find the process confusing, Helena Wiersma, our P&F President, is happy to organise a time to meet with you at the school and utilize one of the the schools computers to help you create an account, show you how to place orders, and explain how the Flexischools website works. The Flexischools website is If you require assistance please don't hesitate to contact Helena on or 0411 870 828. Anyone with concerns regarding this transition is encouraged to contact our Principal Mr. Paul Ryan. Many thanks St Anthony's P&F Class Awards Prep AD School Calendar of Events 2014 Yr. 4 JR Yr. 2 JK TERM FOUR Prep SB Yr. 5 LL Yr. 2/3 VN Tuesday, October Friday, December 5 School Camp - Wed Nov 26 - Fri 28 Students return approx. 4:30pm at Memory Street carpark Swimming Carnival Yr P-3 - Fri Nov 28 (Glennie Aquatic Centre) Yr. 1 CC Yr. 6/7 RL Yr. 3 RM Yr. 1 EG Yr. 6/7 JA ——————————————————— Swimming Carnival Yr 4-7 - Mon Dec 1 (Glennie Aquatic Centre) Prep Nativity Play Yr 6/7 Awards Night Awards Assembly End of School Year Mass Choirs at the Inn - Tues - Wed - Fri - Fri - Sun Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 5 Dec 5 Dec 7 9.30am 5.30pm 9am 11am *****Times and dates are subject to change***** Principal’s Award NO TUCKSHOP - Friday 28th Nov - Friday 5th Dec School Calendar of Events 2015 ST ANTHONY'S PARISH “A Place at the Table for All” (Ph 4636 1737) Postal Address: PO Box 217, Drayton North, Qld. 4350 Priest Director: Pastoral Associate: Chair Parish Council: Parish Secretary: Office Hours Noela – Tues-Fri 8.30-2.30 Monica – Mon-Fri 9.00-4.00 Fr Hal Ranger Mrs Monica Gundry David Waters Mrs Noela Nolan Church Opening Hours Monday-Friday 8.30am – 4pm Term 1 Tues Jan 27 - Thurs April 2 Term 2 Mon April 20 - Fri June 26 Term 3 Mon July 13 - Fri Sept 18 Term 4 Tues Oct 6 Parish Christmas Hamper Appeal Please support the Parish Christmas Hamper Appeal by donating non perishable food items at the school office. These items will be collected and given to community members who are in need of support. Always remember to keep your contact details up to date ! If your child is absent please contact the office on 46356200 to ensure that it is marked on the attendance roll. Fri Dec 4 Pastoral Care If you have any queries or know anyone who requires help please contact the school office. Your support would be appreciated St Anthony’s Parish Playgroup Playgroup meets every Monday at the parish building from 9am until 11am. If interested please contact Robynne 0431095874 or Kahren on 0422569947 Sunday 8am – 11am Please read our current Newsletter for up to date Parish information and Mass times at: - Sick Bay Nov 28 - Jodie Murray Please contact the office if you can help with washing the sick bay sheets. There is no supervision provided, before 8:15am Classroom supervision ends at 3pm Pickup supervision ends at 3:25pm Bus supervision ends at 3:45pm. P & F 2015 President :- Helena Wiersma Vice President:- Jane Hudson Secretary:- An Van Cauwenberge Treasurer:- Andrea & Michael Brown Grants Coordinator:- Juanetta Krause Diocese Representative:- Debbie Cain Uniform Representative:- Anita Collins, Sandra Young, An Van Cauwenberge Non Office Bearing Officials:- Meredith Reeves , Chrissie Everitt, Leonie Chapman Attention all Volunteers This is a reminder to ALL parents who volunteer in any way at St Anthony’s you MUST report to the office to read the ‘Code of Conduct for Volunteers’ document and the ‘Student Protection’ requirements BEFORE you can begin your role as a volunteer. You will then need to be signed in on any subsequent visit to the school. NO ONE is permitted to enter a classroom unless they have signed in at the office. This is for the protection of ALL children and for administration to know who is on the premises in case of fire or lockdown. Please remember that if an adult wishes to use the school amenities/ school toilets they must go to the staffroom. Parents must never use students toilets.
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