St Saviour’s Primary School Newsletter “making a difference since 1863” 14 Lawrence Street PO BOX 1145 TOOWOOMBA Q 4350 From the Principal - Phone: 07 4637 1555 Fax: 07 4637 1556 Email: Week 1 - 27th January, 2015 Donna Muir Dear Families, Welcome Back for 2015 and welcome to our new families and staff! It is with great pleasure I welcome you all back for 2015 and greet our new families. We have another eventful and quality learning year ahead for our students. Over the next few weeks we have several special occasions happening so we look forward to seeing you and meeting our new families. New Teaching Staff Welcome Miss Fiona White in Year 4 and Mrs Siobhan Grundon in Year 2! Leadership Year 6 Students Congratulations to our Year 6 Students who presented their life stories today about why they are quality leaders for St Saviour’s Primary School this year. Our leaders will be presented with leadership positions at our Whole School Mass on Tuesday, 10 th February at 1:15pm at our whole school mass in the Cathedral. We welcome all parents and families of our Year 6 students to attend this special Mass as well as our wider community members. Over the next few weeks we will encourage our Year 6 students to demonstrate their potential through the various events happening at the school – all the best to our 2015 leaders! Parent Information Nights – NEXT WEEK Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the Parent Information Nights held next week. This gives you an opportunity to see what is happening with your child’s learning this year. Monday, 2nd February Year 1 – 5:00pm Year 2- 5:40pm Year 3 –6:20 pm Tuesday, 3rd February Year 4 – 5:00pm Year 5- 5:40pm Year 6- 6:20pm The Information Nights will be held in your child’s classroom. Coffee and Tea will be provided in the foyer for parents who have to wait for later sessions. See you there! HOMEWORK This year we are taking a more consistent approach to homework so that it makes it easier for families. Every class will be issued homework on a Friday and it will be due back the following Thursday. This allows families a weekend if they need to help children complete homework. Also, class communication notes will be sent home Fridays with the homework. SCHOOL CONTACTS: Mrs Donna Muir—Principal Mrs Judy Smith—Assistant Principal APRE Mr Sam Hannant—Senior Middle Leader/PE Mrs Anne Anderson—Librarian OFFICE ADMIN Christine Cosgrove Julie Robinson STUDENT SUPPORT Maria Dau ESL: Ann-Maree Ward TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Natasha Biggar BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOLCARE Hall Thorpe Sports Phone: 4638 7965 From the Principal - continued ASSEMBLY: This will be held on Monday afternoons at 1:30pm – parents and families are welcome to attend anytime! This time has been chosen to ensure all children are at school. We tended to miss students to receive messages as they would be late etc. We also want to minimise disruption to the best teaching time which are the morning sessions. P & F Welcome BBQ! This year our annual Welcome BBQ will be held on Friday, 20th February from 5:30pm. Performances by the children will begin at 5:30pm followed by a free BBQ provided by our P & F association. Bring the family, meet new faces and catch up with old friends! BYO alcoholic drinks in your esky – SOFT DRINK AND FOOD WILL BE PROVIDED ON THE NIGHT COMPLIMENTARY OF THE P & F! P & F AGM! Tuesday, 10th February – 7:00pm in the staffroom – ALL WELCOME! It will be held after the Parent Information sessions so why don’t you stay and have a listen! School Board Meeting Monday, 23rd February – 6:00pm in the staffroom We are inviting parents in our community to consider joining the Board. We have parents who have finished their time – please consider it and contact the office if you are interested. Race Day 2015 Date: Saturday, 21st March Cost: $60 per head BOOK YOUR TABLE! Next Meeting: Wednesday, 4th February – 7:00pm in the staffroom Peak 2 Park Date: Sunday, 1st March Check out the website - We are entering as a school community once again this year. You can either walk or run to enter this event. Please sign your name and pay your money at the office from Friday this week. It was a great morning last year and our school was very well represented. What a great way to spend a weekend!!! iPads 2015 Thanks so much to the families who have returned their iPad forms. We haven’t ordered them as yet so please don’t worry if yours isn’t here yet. They won’t be rolled out until at least term 2. We’ll just allow the students some time to settle in first. There have been a few changes since the end of last year – a letter will be sent home tomorrow. *iPads – 3 options 1. School Option – iPad mini 2. iPad Air – this is a larger screen size NEW OPTION 3. Your own device – some parents have approached me saying children received these devices for Christmas etc. This is a viable option as long as you are willing to put on the educational apps recommended by the classroom teacher. Please just put on the form own device so we don’t order for your child. *iPad Information Nights – these will be held later in the term – repeats of last year and demonstration of devices *iPad payment – this has to be separate to the School Fees but can be made on a weekly basis *iPad Curriculum usage plan – teachers will have these developed and they will be presented to you later in the term at the iPad Information Nights PLEASE COME AND SEE ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. Have a wonderful first week back! The newsletter will be sent home next Thursday – enjoy! Make sure you have updated your email address as it will only be emailed from next week – hard copies are always available at the front office. Have a great week! Donna Muir From the APRE - Judy Smith Prayer Lord Jesus, we ask for Your help as we begin this new school year. Allow us to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before us. Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open our heart and mind to new friends and new teachers. Give us a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with our studies and courage to accept new opportunities. Help us to be attentive to one another and let us experience Your presence in our new friends. Jesus, inspire us to do our best this year! Amen SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM 2015 Thank you to those families (Year 4 and older) who have handed in enrolment forms with a copy of their child's Baptismal Certificate in preparation for the Sacramental Program. There will be Parent Information Sessions on Thursday, 5 February at 3:30pm and 7:00pm in the Parish Centre. It is expected that at least one parent/ carer will attend one of these sessions as they provide important information that you will need to know with regards to the sacraments that your child will be celebrating, cluster groups he/she will need to attend each week and resources that will be needed throughout the program. If you have not yet handed in your enrolment form, please do so as soon as possible (yellow form can be collected from the office if you need another one) with a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate. We look forward to your child taking part in the program for 2015. If you have any questions please contact either me or Mrs Paula Wagner WHOLE SCHOOL MASS Our 1st Mass for 2015 will be held on Tuesday, Feb 10 at 1:15pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral. Our whole school will gather to celebrate the start of the school year. Our Year 6 leaders will also be recognised and be presented with their badges and certificates. We invite all parents and families to join us for this special celebration. More detailed information regarding the processes and procedures for the Leadership Awards will be in the Year 6 Communication Notes sent home each week. I hope your year has started smoothly. Regards Judy General Notices School Photos: School Photos for 2015 will be on MONDAY 16TH FEBRUARY. The photos will be taken by Owens Studio Professional Photography. Each child will be sent home a Photo Envelope this week which outlines the information packs available to purchase. Please note Owens Studio does NOT do ON-LINE ORDERING. Strictly cash or cheque only. Please ensure that you have the correct money enclosed in your child’s envelope as no change can be given on or before the day. All envelopes will need to be returned to your child’s teacher no later than FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY. Please ensure that your child is wearing their full summer uniform on the day. FAMILY PHOTO ENVELOPES - If you require a family photo envelope please call in to the office to collect one. Siblings from St Saviour’s College are welcome to be part of the photo, however approval will need to given from the College for your daughter to come down for the photo. St Saviour’s Primary Skoolbag APP: Skoolbag is a company who provide an APP for your smart devices where the school and parents can communicate to each other. The APP is synchronised with our website and it provides you with the latest information about what is happening around the school. Push alerts are one of the main features of this APP where the office can send you a message about a bus being late or reminders about events the next day. Parents will be able to access Class Communication Notes, Newsletters and any other calendar events plus several other great features. Our aim is to ensure all families have downloaded the APP by the end of Term 1. We use this as our main form of communication to the families. As always we will always provide hard copies of Newsletters and send emails to ensure everyone in the community recieve the latest information. An instruction sheet has been attached to this Newsletter for new families on how to download the APP. Newsletters and other information will be updated on the APP and it will be linked to the school website too. We look forward to making communication more efficient and convenient for you. Parking: Parking at St Saviour’s Primary School is at times very busy. For pick up and drop off, please note that the top car park in Neil Street is only for Staff of the College and Primary School. The Prep car park is strictly for parents of Prep children. The car park in St Patrick’s Cathedral grounds can be used for drop off and pick up of an afternoon, however there is no parking permitted on the grassed areas. Please be very mindful of children arriving and departing at the busy morning and afternoon times. Thankyou. Pink Record Cards: Each family will be sent home a Pink Record Card this week. It is important that these be returned as soon as possible as these cards ensure that our records are kept up to date. Please check your child’s homework folder for this. NEWSLETTER DAY: This year the Newsletter will be sent home on a Thursday. Today is an exception due to the start of school year. General Notices continued SCHOOL FEES: Families please note the following important points in relation to your Term 1 School Fees: All families will receive their Term 1 school fees via the eldest child in the family in the next few days. School fees will sent home with the eldest child in the family. Only those families who are in a special arrangement with the Principal will receive their account via mail. Every family will receive a statement at the beginning of each term (3 in total) including those families who direct debit and direct deposit. Each statement will outline the direct debit/direct deposit payments that we receive from you. The due date for payment is always printed on the statement. If payment cannot be received by this date, please ensure you contact the Principal to make alternate arrangements. If you are having difficulties in making payment, please come and speak to Donna. ABSENT CHILDREN: If you child is absent from school, a phone call to the office is required before 9am. The rolls are marked promptly at 8.40am and children who are not accounted for in class will be marked as absent. The school does have an answering machine so messages can be left prior to school commencing. If we have not heard from a parent regarding an absence a phone call will be made home. If your child will be away for a period of time, a note is required for the class teacher and the office. SICKNESS: If for any reason your child is unwell at school, a phone call will be made to a parent for the child to be collected. Due to the high volume of children who sometimes “visit” sick bay, we unfortunately cannot keep them in sick bay for prolonged amounts of time. Thank you for your understanding in relation to this matter. BELL TIMES: Bell times for the 2015 school year remain the same as last year 8:30 am 10:45 am 11:15 am 12:45 pm 1:30 pm 3:00pm - Please ensure your child is here on time. Morning Tea Middle Session Lunch Afternoon Session Home SCHOOL WEBSITE: Please refer to our school website for any information, form and latest newsletters. ASSEMBLY: School Assemblies will be held each MONDAY this year at 1.30pm. Parents are welcome to attend these Assemblies. From the Sports Desk Mr Sam Hannant Swimming Lessons 2014—Feedback Thank you to everyone who completed and returned the swimming feedback form last year. I am currently in the process of collating the feedback and a final decision on swimming lessons will be made in the coming weeks. Swimming Carnival 2015 · The swimming carnival for 9yrs (born 2006) to 12yrs (born 2003) children is on Tuesday 3 February 2015 commencing at 9am and concluding by 12.30pm. The carnival will be held at Milne Bay Aquatic Centre in the outdoor pool. · The children will nominate tomorrow (Wednesday) which events they would like to swim in the carnival. All four strokes are available and they can swim either 25m or 50m. Please discuss with your child tonight which events they would like to nominate to swim in. It would be great to see every child participate in the carnival and earn points for their team. · There will be a bus from school to Milne Bay on swimming carnival day. The bus will leave school at 8.40am. Therefore, it is extremely important that all children are at school on time on this day. The bus will then return to school at the conclusion of the carnival. Children will then finish at school at 3pm as normal. There will be a cost for this bus which will be added to the term one school fees. · The children will need their morning tea, lunch, water, sunscreen, swimming cap (compulsory), goggles, towel etc. They may wear thongs to the pool. No zinc or hairspray is allowed in the pool. · No children will be allowed to enter the indoor pool area for safety reasons. This includes buying food or going to the toilet. They are able to use the toilets and change rooms at the outside pool. Sunscreen will be provided and it is important that children apply this during the day, wear covered clothing and a hat. · Parking is an issue at Milne Bay. Parents will need to park on the street or the car park at the PCYC. There is a cost involved with parking in these areas. · It is a great idea for the children to wear a swimming cap which is the colour of their house. It makes them easily identifiable and also encourages house spirit. These swimming caps are available from the office for $5. · If any parents would like to time keep on the day of the carnival can you please come and see Mr Hannant and your name can be added to the program. Fitness Club 2015 Fitness Club will begin for 2015 in week 2. We will start on Wednesdays (Mr Hannant) and Fridays (Mrs Dau) from 7.15-8.00am at the school. Children who turn 9 this year or older are welcome to attend. A permission note is attached to this Newsletter and a copy will also be distributed early this week. This must be returned before any child can participate in Fitness Club. For further details please see attached note. Student Support News Maria Dau Welcome back from the Student Support Team! We look forward to a positive and productive year ahead in 2015! Our team this year comprises of: Maria Dau : Student Support Ann-Maree Ward: English as a Second Language /Dialect (EALD) and Student Support Teacher Aides: Prep– Marlene Collins , Jenny Flannery and Deb Tully P-6 - Monica Conway, Debbie Hudson, Narelle Jackson, Shelley Murphy and Maree Sanders Our team will be working within the classrooms and in small groups outside the classrooms where necessary on planned programmes following collaboration between teachers and our support staff. The programmes will focus on each child’s specific learning needs in both the Literacy and/or Mathematics areas. There will also be students with additional needs relevant to special plans such as Individual Education Plans, Modified Plans and Individual Learning Plans. Next week, we will be forwarding a letter to parents of students with whom we would like to work this semester. Inclusion in our support plan means that your child will work with support staff on class content, usually within the classroom environment when the general class is also working on that content. It has always been a most positive experience for our students and for ourselves! Our Occupational Therapy (O.T.) groups will be up and running in Week 3 as will our fantastic Mini-Lit Programme for targeted students in Years 1-3. You will also be notified next week if your child/children will participate in these great support programmes. We all look forward to working with many of you this year to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child, personally and academically. Maria Dau Student Support SOME PHOTOS OF OUR YEAR 1’s Reminders and Important Dates Before and After School Care: - Please contact Hall-Thorpe Sports directly (Phone: 4638 7965 or Mobile 0438764752). Bookings Essential Email Website School Banking: Each Tuesday. For information packs on becoming a school banker, please contact the office. Prep Car Park - The Prep car park is strictly for the use of families with children in Prep. If you do not have a child in Prep then you are not to access the Prep drive-way or car park, unless walking in from Perth St. Please do not park in the Disabled Car Park at Prep. It is strictly for the families who need this facility. Parents please remember to STOP at the sign in the Prep driveway. BUS ZONE PARKING: Please do not park in the Bus Zones. Clothing Pool is open from 8am to 8.30am every Wednesday and Friday morning. Our convenor for 2015 is Cathy Condon. Any donations or items for sale can be dropped off at the school office anytime. A completed form must be attached to items for sale; this form can be found on our website or the school office. Clothing Pool News The Clothing Pool will be open the following days and times for 2015. WEDNESDAY MORNING 8AM – 8.30AM FRIDAY MORNING 8AM – 8.30AM For this week only the Clothing Pool will be open each morning from 8am – 8.30am in the Mercy Centre. Just a reminder that if you would like to sell any uniforms through the Pool, you must complete a form (available from the office or website) that outlines all the items you wish to sell. Our Clothing Pool convenors for this year are Cathy Condon, Leah Millward, Genevieve Chappell and Helen Henningsen. Please note that payments for any items through the Pool are strictly CASH only – no EFTPOS and payments must be made directly to the Pool not the office. IMPORTANT DATES TERM 1 February February 3 Swimming Carnival Year 4-7 Milne Bay Aquatic Centre February 10 Whole School Mass P&F AGM February 11 Catholic School Swimming Carnival February 16 School Photo Day February 17 Central Zone Swimming Carnival February 18 Ash Wednesday February 20 P&F Welcome BBQ March March 19 Toowoomba Show Holiday March 21 School Race Day Tuckshop News Natasha Biggar Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who donate their time to help run the tuckshop. This is an incredibly generous gift to our school and its students. There is NO paper-bag ordering of tuckshop , all ordering is done via Flexischools. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY - PREP - YEAR 6 Cut off time for orders is 9:30am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Volunteers Urgently Needed!!!! We are in desperate need of fresh volunteers for tuckshop this year. Without the valuable help of mums , dads and extended family , there is no way that the tuckshop can run. We lost quite a few volunteers at the end of last year due to their youngest child finishing here at St Saviours. The tuckshop service is a well loved part of school life , so please consider donating a day or two of your time to help out in the tuckshop. Email Tash in the tuckshop or drop into the office and fill out a volunteer form. MENU ITEMS FOR TERM 1 Fresh fruit salad cups will remain on the menu for Term 1 at $2. Hot dogs will be available for this term also and wombok salad , these items will be taken off for the cooler Terms . BIRTHDAY CUPCAKES - available again for 2015!! Birthday cupcakes are now available as a special order. These orders will need to be placed a week in advance through the school office. Special price for a Birthday order will be $1 each, with a minimum order of 20. Please advise of any dietary requirements. ROSTER FOR TERM 1 2015 If you find the days you have been rostered on for are unsuitable can you please let me know as soon as possible. 2 2/02/2015 4/02/2015 Jenny Moloney 3 9/02/2015 11/02/201 5 Tracey Barram 6/02/2015 Leah Boland 13/02/2015 Anna King Richelle Jefferey Melissa Darvall Tuckshop News Natasha Biggar FLEXI-SCHOOLS: Registration is easy and free! Using any PC, go to Click Register Now! And enter your email You are emailed a link to the online form. Choose your own username and password and enter your contact details. For each child, click “Add a student” and follow the prompts to place an order. You will be required to top-up your pre-paid account. VISA or Mastercard preferred. Transaction fees are 29cents per top-up. Debit transfer is possible but will take around 2 days for the money to show up on your account, credit cards go through instantly. Last year there was an app available, but this is no longer working. TUCKSHOP WEEK 2 Tuckshop will commence next week WEEK 2 The tuckshop will be operating this week only at lunch times to sell iceblocks, chips and drinks. P&F News P&F Meeting and AGM - TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY - Staff Room 7.00pm WELCOME BBQ: 20th February 5.30 pm Outside Activities
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