Welcome to ST. ANTHONY Catholic Church of PADUA Mission Statement: We are a Catholic community parish based in local custom and tradition. We will strive to live the gospel and do God’s will through prayer, service and good example. OCTOBER 12, 2014 SUNDAY St. Anthony Parish Staff: Rev. Thomas Hagstrom, Pastor 217-779-3153 Deacon Harry Cramer 217-224-1160 Deacon Harold Parn Emeritus 217-224-4636 Mrs. Bonnie Nytes, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Dorothy Parn Financial Officer Mrs. Ava Fessler Secretary St. Anthony Website stanthonypadua.org St. Dominic School Staff: Sue Kelley, Principal Sueanne Spencer Secretary 2223 ST. ANTHONY RD., QUINCY, IL 62305 ● 217-222-5996 MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00pm & 6:30pm Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am Weekday Masses Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am St. Anthony Wednesday 8:30am St. Dominic School Friday 10:15am St. Vincent Home Confession: Saturday 5:15-6:15pm MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 13, 2014 St. Anthony Church 7:30 AM Frank Meyer† Tuesday, October 14 , 2014 St Anthony Church 7:30 AM Joseph Zellerman† Wednesday, October 15, 2014 St. Dominic School 8:30 AM George & Mary Kremer† Thursday, October 16, 2014 St Anthony Church 7:30 AM Rita Steinkamp† Friday, October 17, 2014 St Vincent Home 10:15 AM Alice Meckes† Saturday, October 18, 2014 St Anthony Church 4:00 PM Virginia Greving† 6:30 PM Bob Hummel† Sunday, October 19, 2014 St Anthony Church 8:00 AM FR. Thomas Rattigan† 10:30 AM Parish Intentions† NURSING CARE PATIENTS IL Veterans Home Fr John Carberry Jim Freiburg Rita Niehaus Jim Vogel Rita Dreier Michael Hildebrand Ambrose Meyer Sunset Home Evelyn Grawe Dolly Schreacke Good Samaritan Home Wilma Raymond Bernice Phillips Sycamore Healthcare Centre Lawrence Ehrhardt, Jr Bickford Assisted Living Tillie Miller PARISH OFFICE Office: 217-222-5996 Fax: 217-224-6477 or stanthonyparish@comcast.net For Financial Questions: dorothystanthony@comcast.net Parish Office is open Monday-Friday 7:30 am – 3:00 pm Visit our website at stanthonypadua.org Please Call or E-Mail the Parish Office About: Address & Telephone Changes, Cell Phone #’s, Weddings (six month preparation before date), Visitors and Eucharist for the Sick and Homebound, Instruction in the Catholic Faith, Religious Education for Children, Youth Programs, Baptisms, Funerals, and Someone in Need of our Shawls. 2 | Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua LITURGICAL SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 18TH & OCTOBER 19TH Date Key Minister/ Sacristan Communion Ministers Greeter/ Gift Bearers Lector Rosary Servers Ushers Saturday 4:00 PM Mary Courty Volunteers at Mass Jr & Jackie Dreyer Mary Courty Ray & Janae Koenig Grace Schell & Mandy Thompson Craig Kroeter Jack Kuhlman Melvin Maas Dan Reichert Saturday 6:30 PM Joe Dreyer Volunteers at Mass RJ & Marilyn Boone Angela Dean Joan Dietrich Ashley Juette & Ashley Dreyer Elmer Maas Jay Peter Ron Reichert Ted Vahle Sunday 8:00 AM Ministry to the sick– Ken Wellman Carmel & David Akins Volunteers at Mass Mike Genenbacher Family Cathy Carpenter Trudy Dreier Garrett Flesner & Zach Haley Mike Genenbacher Gene Goerlich Jerry Grawe Mike Hummel Sunday 10:30 AM Ray & Trudy Stupavsky Volunteers at Mass Pat & Leroy Vaughn Sam Coggeshall Margie Benz Natalia Sanchez & Grace Dodd Larry Weiman Frank Arnold Todd Klauser Pete Pohlman FOUND: LADY’S RING May be claimed by identification. Please call the parish office 222-5996. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Jeff & Jane Lamm Christopher, Trisha, & Bennett Wagner CONDOLENCES Our Deepest sympathy is extended to the family members of Edith Disseler who passed away on October 1, 2014. She will be missed by all. Please keep her and her loved ones in our prayers. SCRIPTURE READINGS 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Reading I - IS 25:6-10a Reading II - Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 Gospel - Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 CHURCH SUPPORT WEEKLY GOAL $18,000 (NEW 2014-2015) Required School & Church Support Date: September 28, 2014 YR to Date $234,000.00 Weekly Collected $ 7,696.50 YR to Date $118,143.89 Over/Under Yr to Date $(115,856.11) Other Donation $ $45.00 Date: October 5, 2014 YR to Date $252,000.00 Weekly Collected $ 10,770.20 YR to Date $128,914.09 Over/Under Yr to Date $(123,085.91) Other Donation $ 60.00 October 12th GETTING ACQUAINTED I know its October when the weather starts cooling off and everything else starts heating up. Baseball is into its post season hoopla, Football rivalries are warming up in high schools, colleges and even among some of the professional teams. I guess if those don’t bring out the beast in any of us there are political races that will rile us up and burn up lots of nerves and energy. There will also be a lot more money burned as well, but, hey, it seems like everything costs money these days. I remember when I was younger and first joined the Knights of Columbus and got to know some of the older members who were prominent in business and in their parishes. Sometimes they would talk about what it was like to run a business and I had the good sense to sit and listen and ask an occasional question. I’ve always been interested in how things work. One of the lessons I learned was that there is no real substitute for the money you have to spend. It seems that you can’t run a million dollar business on half or even three quarters of a million dollars. We are presented with important things to consider every day and we are called upon to make important decisions more often than we realize. Some of these decisions have consequences that demand even more consideration than even the wiser among us are prepared to give them. We sports fans can wait until next year for our favorite teams, but there are matters that affect our public business that demand more immediate attention. Don’t let your business run itself. Father Tom Left Behind / Moving Forward A support group for those who have suffered a loss by suicide. Meetings are held at Transitions of Western Illinois, 4409 Maine ST, Quincy, IL. Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the Month, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. This support group is sponsored by Adams County Suicide Prevention Coalition, a joint project between Blessing Hospital and Transitions of Western Illinois. The Legion of Mary is extending an invitation to you to join us for a Day of Recollection at the home of Fr. Lou Schlangen, 1905 North 2800 Ave, (route 1) Loraine, IL on October 16th. You do not need to be a member to attend and there is no cost. Holy Mass starts at 9:00 AM followed by talks by FR. Lou, rosaries, Chaplet of The Divine Mercy, Stations of the Cross and time for personal reflection. You are asked to bring a brown bag lunch for our break at noon. The day will end at approximately 4:00 PM. You may contact Fr. Lou at 217-938-4344. REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR OUR SICK Jim Mast Norma Ponsot Russell Terstriep Deacon Wayne Zimmerman Chris Knuffman Scott McCarl Sherry Barry Ann Knuffman Justin McBride Don McCleary Gerald Maas Kimberly Barry Jamie Doane May the Lord bring them healing and strength at this time of need. REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES Please consider remembering your loved ones with a Mass. Call the parish office and request your special dates of remembrance. Masses are $10.00. DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD IN ILLINOIS 217-321-1155 OR Email at pkornfeld@dio.org. 4 | Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua St. Dominic School News Diocesan Youth Days SWAT Team Visits JWCC Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 recently attended a Diocesan Youth Day event at the Oakley Lindsay Center along with students from the other Quincy Catholic Schools. The event was organized by our parish DREs and was led by national speaker Rick Curran. The theme of this year’s event was to live out the call of Pope Francis to evangelize and live out our life of service by being Christ to each other. The students participated in variety of theme based fun and thought-filled activities throughout the day to help them understand how they can each make a difference. Students in grades 5-8 have the opportunity to participate in an after school computer program know as SWAT (Students Working to Advance Technology). The group meets monthly for technology activities beyond what they are learning during the school day. Sometimes they meet in the computer lab for particular activities. They often have the chance to travel off campus for some unique hands -on experiences. Recently the SWAT team traveled to the computer lab at John Wood Community College to meet with instructor Barb Stoll. They learned about the software drawing program Adobe Illustrator, and were able to try out the program for themselves. School Calendar of Activities Monday — No School. Columbus Day observed Tuesday — School Picture Day — School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday — School Mass at 8:30 a.m. planned by 3rd Grade — Kindergarten visits the Fire Station — 8th Grade Parent Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Thursday — Great Central US Shakeout Earthquake Drill Friday — End of the 1st Quarter Protecting God's Children St. Dominic School will host a Protecting God’s Children training session on Monday, October 20th. The session, which will be presented by Frank Arnold, will meet from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Please call the school at 224-0041 to register. There is no cost to attend. Anyone who has not yet been trained is invited to attend. October 12th PARISH NEWS AND EVENTS Nominations for Parish Council It is time once again for nominations to the parish council. This will be for a three year term beginning December 2014, and ending December 2017. The ballots will be in the pews the weekend of October 11th & 12th. Candidates must be an ACTIVE & CONTRIBUTING MEMBER of the parish family. The nominations will be tallied at the end of October, and voting will take place November 22nd & 23rd. At this time the nominee’s will be ask to submit a “SHORT” biography, along with a picture to the parish office for publishing in the bulletin. Father has appointed a three member team to oversee the counting of the ballots. Members whose term expires in December are: Bill Anderson, Frank Arnold, Ken Klauser, and Joyce Hildebrand, and we would like to thank them for their service the last three years. The members who are eligible for another 3 year term, if elected; are Frank Arnold, Ken Klauser, and Joyce Hildebrand. QUINCY CATHOLIC CHARTIES “52 WEEK RAFFLE” Get your tickets for Quincy Catholic Charities current fundraiser to help us continue our mission to help the needy in our community. Tickets are $20.00 each which gives you a chance to win $25.00 each week throughout 2015, and $100 on eight different holidays. Drawings begin January 1, 2015 and continues through 2015. If your name is drawn, it goes back in so you have an opportunity to win again. Tickets are available after each mass in the back of Church or for tickets and information call: Jackie Dreyer - 217-222-8049, Kandi Ehrhardt - 217-242-2552, or Donna Gail - 217-222-1393. Thank you for your continued support of Quincy Catholic Charities. OCTOBER 13TH - OCTOBER 19TH Monday: 7:30 AM Mass 7:30 PM Men’s SocietyRectory Basement Tuesday: 7:30 AM Mass ** Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 8:00 AM to Noon Wednesday: 8:30 AM Mass St. Dominic’s School 11:00 AM Merry WidowsVillage Inn Thursday: 7:30 AM Mass Friday: St. Vincent's Home 10:15 AM Mass Saturday: 4:00 PM; 6:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM; 10:30 AM 9:00 AM PSR 12:00 PM Diamond Dinner 2015 Calendar Raffle Knights of Columbus Council 583 365 Chances to Win * $24,000 in Cash Prizes * A Lucky Winner Everyday in 2015 * A $1000 Winner Circle You could be a winner everyday in 2015 by purchasing a K of C raffle calendar. Each day a calendar name is drawn and that lucky person is notified by mail that they are a winner. Their calendar stub is then returned to the barrel for another chance to be drawn again. There will also be a winner’s circle for an additional $1,000 prize at the end of the year. To purchase a 2015 Calendar, please call Mike Schlipmann at 223-6658 or John Veith at 653-0258. The cost is $25 and the calendar shows what the cash prize will be for each day. By purchasing a calendar, you are supporting Council 583 and its charities which includes our Catholic schools. Thank you for your generosity and support. 6 | Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua OTHER NEWS AND EVENTS AREA EVENTS St. Joseph Church, Quincy, IL, Card Party, October 12th, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon in the parish hall. Reservations can be made at 434-8320. Kristopher Schreacke Benefit, QND Freshman and son of Kevin and Carrie Schreacke, is Sunday, October 12th, from 12 - 4 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus. Annual St. Mary’s Turkey Dinner, 219 N Jackson, Pittsfield, IL· October 12th from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.· Adults & Carry Outs $10, Children 3-10 years $4, Under 3 free. Knight’s of Columbus Halloween Party, Quincy, IL · October 25th, 5:00 pm-10:00 pm · Please wear your costume! St. Edward Church, Mendon, IL, Annual Turkey Dinner & Country Store · October 26th, 2014, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. · Adults & Carry Outs $10, Children to 10 $6.00, Under 4 Free. Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. SHINE YOUR SPIRITUAL LIGHT EVENT On Saturday, November 8, 2014, a very special event will be held for young adults throughout the State of Illinois. This initiative is being taken in response to pleas of Pope Francis and the National Secular Franciscan Order. Speakers will be Benet Fonck, OFM, Fr. Jeff Goeckner, Jan Parker, and Fr. Jeff Holtman. A concert by the popular youth rock band “Love Me, Leave ME”, and the “Cusack Brothers” from Peoria, will provide entertainment. All meals will be provided. Cost for the day is $20.00, and tickets purchased by October 15, will receive a Starbucks gift card. The day will begin at 9 am at St. Boniface Church in Edwardsville, and will conclude at 7 pm. To register, text Sue Nelson at 618-593-4155 or email susanecnelson@gmail.com. Attendees must be high school age and older. JOIN US AND “SHINE YOUR SPIRITUAL LIGHT”. “A Time to MournA Time to Heal” This 4-week series will again be offered at the following times at the St. Peter Parish Office. This is open to anyone in the Community who has experienced the death of a loved one in the past several years. Tuesday, October 21 and 28 and November 4 and 11 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Or Thursday, October 23 and 30 and November 6 and 13 from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM RSVP to Kathy in the St. Peter Parish Office at 222-3155. We are looking forward to seeing you there. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN St. Dominic’s School Blessed Sacrament School Cafeteria Monday-October 20, 2014, 6:00-9:00 pm Monday- November 3, 2014, 6:00-9:00 pm To register: please call 224-0041 or 222-5996 To register: please call the parish office at 222-2759. St. Francis Solanus School Tuesday-October 14 & Monday-November 3, 2014, 6:00-9:00 pm To register: please call the parish office at 222-2898 October 12th
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