Sunday, November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, November 10 St Leo the Great, pope and doctor of the Church Rdgs. Titus 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Luke 17:1-6. 9:00 AM – Dan Haggerty Sr. & Dan Haggerty Jr. 11:30 AM – The Bergin Family Tuesday, November 11 St Martin of Tours, bishop Rdgs. Titus 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18+23, 27+29; Luke 17:7-10. 9:00 AM – Monica & Richard Cantwell Wednesday, November 12 St Josaphat, bishop & martyr Rdgs. Titus 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-3a, 3bc-4, 5, 6; Luke 17:11-19. 9:00 AM – Louise Sabatino 11:30 AM – Rocco Bruno This Sunday’s Readings Ezek 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 I saw water flowing from the temple, and all who were touched by it were saved. Ps 46 The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High! 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 You are God’s temple. John 2:13-22 Jesus was speaking about the temple of his body. Thursday, November 13 St Stanislaus Kostka, religious St Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin [USA] Rdgs. Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7, 8-9a, 9bc-10; Luke 17:20-25. 9:00 AM – Ann Russell 11:30 AM – Mary Agnes McAvinia Friday, November 14 St Joseph Pignatelli, priest [SJ] Rdgs. 2 John 4-9; Ps 119:1, 2, 10, 11, 17, 18; Luke 17:26-37. 9:00 AM – Rosemary Gimpel 11:30 AM – Monica Cantwell ALTAR BREAD AND WINE used in Masses during the week are in loving memory of Monica Cantwell. ALTAR CANDLES used in Masses during the week are in loving memory of Monica Cantwell. Saturday, November 15 Rdgs. 3 John 5-8; Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Luke 18:1-8. 9:00 AM – Leo J. Durand, James Reuhl, Rose Costello, St. Anthony 5:00 PM Church – Patricia Balabanow & Jill Rago Sunday, November 16 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Rdgs. Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5; 1 Thess 5:16; Matt 25:14-30. 8:00 AM – People of the Parish 9:30 AM – Sally Jean Craven 10:00 AM Chapel – Daniel Sr. & Daniel Jr. Haggerty 11:00 AM – Sami Azzu 11:30 AM Chapel – Adeline Lestrange 12:30 PM – Joseph & Jacqueline Saltalamacchia 12:45PM – Fidelina y Percio Izquierdo 5:00 PM – Jose Maria Dias Kenneth Healey Al D’Amico Carlo Rizzo Manuel Alonso Michael Bartolo Andrew Clarke George Gasparotti Kathy Conrad Elvira Elefante Dennis Moran John Bernard King Genevieve Lauria Vito Lore James Genticore John Joseph Jackson Dionisio Namocatcat ( Names will be listed for three weeks. ) Mission Statement of St. Anthony Church We are a Catholic community of faith in the Jesuit tradition gathered around Jesus Christ and centered in the Eucharist. In a diverse and changing world we struggle to grow in our relationship with God and with one another. Through our worship, our ministries and our promotion of peace and justice, we walk with Jesus of the Gospel who reveals God’s love for all. We mourn the loss of these parishioners who died during the month of October— Veterans Day is Tuesday, November 11. There will be one Mass at 9 AM. The Parish Center will close at 4 PM. Our parish will be celebrating the National Night of Prayer for Life along with many other parishes in the country on December 8th and 9th from 9 PM to 1 AM in the parish Church. During that time the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for prayer and meditation. We are asking for volunteers to spend time there with us in 1/2 hour increments. Please sign up at the receptionist’s office for the time(s) you will join us there in prayer." Scripture Reflection As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the Bishops’ Pastoral on Stewardship that good stewardship of the Church “means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith.” Heath Perez Ronald Crisci Joseph Clune Filippo Barbusca Carol Palma-Meyer Mary Elizabeth Holzgruber Joan Catherine Woods Filomena Fecentese Leonard Schiano Catherine Standard Rose Reilly Costello Frances Bocchino Frederick Flor Betty Gregory Life is changed, not ended. Announcement Please visit our Official Parish Facebook page. The page can be accessed even by those without a personal Facebook account. The link to the page is: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their God-given gifts to serve others, especially through our parish’s ministries as well as out into the wider community. OFFERTORY INFORMATION Sunday - November 3, 2014 Weekly Collection Weekly - Year to Date Faith Direct - Yr to Date All Saints Day All Souls Day Fuel $ $ $ $ $ $ 2013 11,206.50 95,237.30 2,210.00 2,449.00 697.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2014 10,702.50 95,646.00 5,850.17 676.00 2,538.00 676.00 Please note that the fiscal year is from September 1st to August 31st Thank You St. Anthony's Parishioners for your generosity! Variance $ (-504.00) $ 408.70 $ 5,850.17 $ (-1,534.00) $ 89.00 $ (-21.00) Sign up for Faith Direct to automate your weekly contribution to our offertory collection. For more information and/or to enroll go to and use our Church code, NY581. St Anthony’s Fourth Annual Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 2pm All Children in Grades 1-6 Are Welcome To Participate Practices will be held Fridays from 5-6 pm starting Nov. 14th –Dec. 19th (With the exception of November 28th ) Grades 3-6 may read for a speaking role only on November 14th If your child would like to participate please meet us for our first practice in the gym at the St Anthony’s parish center Friday, November 14th at 5pm. We hope your child can share in this special tradition at this joyous time of year. If you have any questions please contact Amanda Wacks at Ushers Needed We are in need of ushers at several of our Masses! Please consider giving a little time to this important ministry. If you can help us please contact Anna at: immediately followed by Who: When: Where: RSVP: All St. Anthony’s Families Saturday, November 15 at 9:30 am St. Anthony’s Church Join our Youth Group after planting for hot cocoa and pumpkin decorating! And wait ‘til you see what else we’re planning! Carol along with our choirs. Share refreshments and Christmas spirit with other parishioners. Details to follow! St. Anthony Christmas cards are now available with the top four pictures from our web survey. The pictures were taken last year by Fr. Nick and can be seen at the back of the church between the candles. They can be ordered/ purchased at the reception desk. CAN YOU VOLUNTEER TO HELP A SPECIAL CHILD ONE ON ONE? Elizabeth McGeary, St. Anthony’s And Lawrence Vollaro, St. Sylvester's Adriane Bringe, St. Anthony’s And Joseph Cutrone, Blessed Trinity Jacqueline Sommer, St. Agnes Cathedral And Joseph Louis Quinto, Jr., St. Anthony’s MOLLOY COLLEGE Fall Open House Sunday, November 16th 1:00 PM Molloy College Rockville Centre, NY 323-4000 St. Anthony is committed to providing a faith formation program for all our children. We are in need of a volunteer to give one on one instruction to a child on Thursday @ 3:45 each week. I will provide training, all you need is a desire to share your faith with a young child in our parish. High School students are welcomed. If interested, please call the Religious Education Office at 764-0048 x2520 Special Needs Program The St. John’s Bible Conference at Molloy College Igniting the Spiritual Imagination EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Join us every Thursday for Eucharistic adoration in the church from 12 Noon to 5 PM. Join us to pray for the many special intentions this week, including for the welfare of the Christians in the Middle East who have suffered so much. 4:45 - Benediction St. Anthony is committed to providing a faith formation program for all our children. We are forming a new class for children with Special Needs who have not received First Communion and would like to prepare for this Sacrament. We provide a welcoming atmosphere where children with special needs, along with their parents, learn about their faith, participate in activities and interact with other children in our program. Our class meets twice a month on Thursday. If interested, please call the Religious Education Office at 764-0048 x2520 Jesuit Ordinations The Jesuits of the Maryland, New England and New York Provinces invite you to join us in celebrating the vocation of and praying for the following four men. These men have been ordained to the diaconate and together will be ordained to the priesthood on June 13, 2015. Dennis Baker, SJ Brent Otto, SJ John Peck, SJ Sean Toole, SJ Please pray for vocations to the Society of Jesus. For more information about the Society of Jesus, visit St. Francis Hospital Community Outreach Program St. Francis Hospital Outreach Bus Free Health Screenings Includes a brief cardiac history, blood pressure and a simple blood test for cholesterol and diabetes for adults 18 and older. We also provide patient education and referrals. No registration or appointment is required. Oceanside Senior Center 80 Anchor Ave. Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 November 10, 2014 10 am to 2 pm Parish Outreach Clothing room Our Parishioners Serving In the Military Please keep all our military in your prayers. Joseph Augusta Cabarrus, Capt., Marines Brian Wolfe, Lance Cpl., Marines McKenzie Schmalz, Lance Cpl., Marines Jonathan Rodriguez-Strubbe, Lance Cpl, Marines Michael Connell, PFC, Marines Daniel G. Koehler, Pvt., Marines Denis St. John Sheahan, Marines Timothy Richards, Capt., Army Sanghu Richards, Capt., Army Samuel Rodriguez, Sgt., Army Charles Artino, Pvt., Army Dylan J. Blake, Pvt., Army Alex Murtha, Pvt., Army Daniel R. Verity, Pvt., Army Sean Michael Cirillo, Specialist, Army Christopher Kapp, Specialist, Army Michael J. Graham, Army Carl A. Misitano, Lt., Navy John Nitti, Chief Petty Officer, Navy Ryan Reilly, Petty Officer, Navy Tom Shanley, 2nd Class Petty Officer, Navy Dominick Albanese, ISSN, Navy William Stuber, Seaman, Navy Edward Durkin, GMC, Navy Timothy R. Kear, CTT, Navy Christopher Kear, NET, Navy Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us. The Pope Francis Hospitality Center Invites you to join in our first Family Friendly Fundraiser Saturday, November 15th 5PM—9PM At the St. Vincent de Paul School 1510 de Paul St., Elmont $25 per person, children under 12 are free For info: Mary 992-5063 or Dolores 665-3719 Catholic Charities’ has volunteer oppor tunities for our “Friendly Visitor Program” to offer bi-monthly companionship to homebound senior citizens in our Meals on Wheels program. A friendly companion would offer socialization and conversation for seniors and would not include cooking, housekeeping or transportation. If you are available contact Mary Ellen Kwiecinski, Volunteer Coordinator @ 733-7044 Your gift of time will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your donations of baby clothing. However, as fast as the clothing comes in, it goes out. The clothing room is still in desperate need of baby clothes for boys and girls: sizes 6 months to 24 months. All donations can be dropped in the box in the reception area of the Parish Center. Volunteers are needed for the clothing room which is open on Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Could you spare some time to help the needy in our parish? St. Vincent de Paul Society In the Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. Choose Life Committee FREE MOVIE NIGHT GIIME SHELTER Thursday November 13th, @ 7:30 pm 2 East Gate Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Inspirational Movie based on a True Story Free will offering to benefit The Life Center of LI Call 516-314-3889 or 631-839-2854 for info. Religious Gift Items will be for sale at this event. Proceeds to benefit the Life Center of LI HOLIDAY 2014 PREVIEW Parish Outreach & the St. Anthony Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are NOW launching our holiday food collection, soon to be followed by the start of THE GIVING TREE pr ogr am. You may think we ar e in competition with Hallmar k and the major retailers but we’re not. Let me explain. During the months of November and December, our neighbors in need (families whom we serve throughout the year) receive holiday food and turkeys on their routine visits to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. We no longer distribute “turkeys and trimmings” on designated days for Thanksgiving and Christmas; in fact, that procedure was eliminated years ago due to space limitations. Instead, these items are given to the families when they come to the Pantry during these months. For this reason, we ask that your contributions for our annual holiday food collection be donated starting in October so that, beginning November 3, holiday items are available for each family on routine Pantry visits. We know only too well how difficult these times are for so many people, and so, our request is simple: perhaps you could cut our Holiday ‘14 Needs List out of the bulletin and place it on your refrigerator or keep it with your own shopping list. And when you do your family’s grocery shopping, perhaps you could put one or two items from our list into your basket and bring it with you when you come to Sunday Mass. Our Pantry could overflow with donations as a result! A word about THE GIVING TREE…it may be helpful to know that, once again, we will be requesting gift cards instead of actual gifts for the seniors, adults and children on our list. For this reason, we will ask that your donation be returned to us in early December so that the recipients might do their own holiday shopping before Christmas. None of these efforts to provide for those less fortunate will happen without YOU! Thank you for caring and for making Christ’s love and peace more tangible in our fractured world. God Bless, Sr. Frances, Parish Outreach Coordinator ***************Holiday ’14 Needs List is on the reverse of this page************* The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry ‘14_ Needs List Holiday ’13 Coffee & tea Cooking oil (small bottles) Hot & cold cereals Pancake mix & syrup Mayonnaise, ketchup & mustard Salad dressing Macaroni & spaghetti Canned meats Canned soup & soup mixes Canned tuna & salmon Canned pasta products Canned vegetables White rice (1-2 lb. bags) Peanut butter, jelly & jam Tomato sauce & canned tomatoes Canned fruit & applesauce Canned & bottled juice Apple cider Jello & pudding Boxed macaroni & cheese Cake & muffin mix Boxed potatoes “Hamburger Helper” products Rice-a –Roni products Pickles & olives Cookies, crackers & snacks Turkey, chicken & beef gravy Stuffing mix Assorted canned beans Evaporated milk Candy & nuts Cranberry sauce Frozen turkeys & chickens Tabor Retreat Center SPIRITUALITY OF GRATITUDE November 14-15, 2014 Friday, 7:30pm - Saturday 7:30pm In preparation for Thanksgiving, pray with St. Ignatius and the First Spiritual Exercises. This weekend will guide you through exercises that focus on gifts received, and prepare you for those yet to arrive. There are overnight accommodations for women, but both men and women are welcome to attend as commuters. Presenter: Leaders and team members of The Jesuit Collaborative. Donation: Overnight $145. (room & meals) Commuter $110. (lunch & dinner) Tabor Retreat Center, 60 Anchor Avenue 516-536-3004—Email: SOPHIA PRAYER GROUP A simple way of praying is prayer through breathing. By consciously following your breathing in this way, you become aware of your own finiteness and God’s presence. Let the Spirit lead you beyond the noisy world of space and time into the silent realm within you where God dwells as the source or ground of your being. Call M. Larsen at 678-6614 for more information. Group meets on Wednesday evenings, 7:15-9:00 in the chapel of Tabor Retreat Center. PLEASE COME AND START YOUR GIFT SHOPPING AT OUR ANNUAL “LADIES AUXLIARY GIFT BOUTIQUE” Have Hot Cocoa and Desert with Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause... AT THE O’CONNELL GARDENS GRAND BALLROOM IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 2985 Kenneth Place Oceanside SUNDAY, November 23 FROM 9AM -5PM For more info or table reservations please contact: Vanessa Ambrosecchia or call 516-551-5276 Knight's Corner Killer Joe and the Lido Soul Revue Recently Featured at BB King’s and Jones Beach Theater Wednesday November 26th—8 PM Knight of Unity Fundraiser Event $7500 Grand prize $2500 Second prize Prizes 3-7 are $1000 Winners $50 Raffle Ticket gains entrance for 1 person $25 at the door once all raffle tickets are sold Drinks, Beer, Wine and Soda and Hero Sandwiches included Raffles and a 50/50 Drawing Raffle tickets available in lounge Kyle Avondet or Steve Bermudez Fund Raiser… Friday November 21st 7 - 11 PM Dance to the music of the Knights of Columbus Oceanside, NY 11572 "New Years Eve Extravaganza" December 31st, 2014 Appetizers Shrimp & Crab Meat Cocktails Cheese Platter & Pasta Station Dinner Choice of Prime Rib or Fish Knight's Hall OPEN BAR $45 per person - Coffee Bar - Ice Cream Bar Family Style Dinner (all you can eat) Dessert - Coffee or Tea OPEN BAR Champagne Toast at Midnight Signature Sound Entertainment and A special Appearance by "ELVIS" Plenty of parking Reservations a must: Hank Kiesche at 536-8264 Or John Gallo at 764-2516 Music by Signature Sounds Entertainment Featuring Guest Performers Time: 8pm to 1am Price $75.00 per Person Part Hats - Noise Makers– Balloons Reservations call John Gallo @ 516-764-2516 ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL PROGRAMA DE ALCANCE COMUNITARIO St. Francis Hospital – Autobús de Alcance Comunitario GRATIS Exámenes de Salud Los exámenes incluyen: Una breve historia cardiaca, presión arterial, análisis de sangre para el colesterol y la diabetes. Educación para el paciente y referencias apropiadas según sean necesarias para los adultos que tienen 18 años de edad o más. Oceanside Senior Center 80 Anchor Ave. Oceanside, N. Y.11572 November 10, 2014 10 am to 2 pm RINCÓN HISPANO 9 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 LA DEDICACION DE LA BASILICA DE LETRAN Vi la ciudad santa, la nueva Jerusalén, que bajaba del cielo, de donde estaba al lado de Dios, engalanada como una novia que se adorna para su esposo. Primera Lectura Ezequiel 47, 1-2. 8-9.12: “Todo ser viviente que se mueva por donde pasa el torrente, vivirá; habrá peces en abundancia." Salmo Responsorial 45: "El corr er de las acequias alegra la ciudad de Dios, el Altísimo consagra su morada." Segunda Lectura Corintios 3, 9-11. 16-17: " El único cimiento valido es Jesucristo y nadie puede poner otro distinto." Lectura del Santo Evangelio San Juan 2, 13-22: “Quiten todo de aquí y no conviertan en un mercado la casa de mi Padre.” 25th Noche Nacional de Oración por la Vida: Dic. 8 de 9:00 PM hasta Dic. 9 a la 1:00 AM. Fue la Fiesta de nuestra Inmaculada Concepción (entonces celebramos en diciembre 12) Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Patrona de las Américas y de los recién nacidos, primera aparición a St. Juan Diego. La noche Nacional de oración por la Vida es un puente de estas dos fiestas en honor a Nuestra Bendecida Madre para orar por su intercepción para que se establezca la Cultura de la vida, protección por la persecución a la Iglesia y pedirle para que la tierra reviva. Todos están invitados a participar! Regístrese en la Edificio Parroquial por 1/2 hora y venga a rezar por ese tiempo en la Iglesia. Fiestas 2014 St. Vicente de Paul: La despensa necesita abastecerse para estas fiestas, necesitamos productos no perecederos. La intensión de la misa del día de hoy es por Francisco Peña. Par a intensiones de la misa comunicar se con la hermana Marcela Severino telf. 516-316-0879. Adoración Eucarística: Todos los Jueves en la Iglesia 12:00PM hasta las 5:00PM. Papa Francisco rezar es como respirar: El cristiano inhala la oración y exhala la misión, afirmó este viernes el Papa Francisco, explico la importancia del rezo en la vida del católico, pues gracias a este recibe “el aire fresco del Espíritu”. “La respiración tiene dos fases: inhalar, o sea meter el aire dentro y exhalar, esto es, dejarlo salir. La vida espiritual se alimenta, se nutre con la oración, y se manifiesta en la misión: inhalación, la oración, y exhalación. Cuando respiramos, en la oración, recibimos el aire fresco del Espíritu y al exhalarlo proclamamos a Jesucristo suscitado por el mismo Espíritu. Nadie puede vivir sin respirar”. “Lo mismo sucede con el cristiano: sin alabanza y sin la misión no vive como un cristiano. Y con la alabanza, la adoración... Se habla poco de adorar. ¿Qué hacemos al rezar? Pedimos cosas a Dios, damos gracias... Pero la adoración, adorar a Dios... Esto forma parte de la respiración: la alabanza y la adoración.” CURSILLO DE CRISTIANDAD PARA DAMAS: Del 13 al 16 de Noviembre, 2014. Interesados en vivir esta linda experiencia comunicarse con la Hermana Luz María Abreu Telf. 516-764-0613. Te esperamos de colores. EL GRUPO CARISMATICO: Te invita este viernes en la Capilla comenzando con el Santo Rosario de 7:00PM A 9:00PM. Tendremos la Santa Palabra, Alabanzas, cantos y danzas al Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores. Te esperamos no te quedes. BAUTISMOS Y CLASES DE RICA: Par a infor mación y registración comunicarse con el hermano Ernesto de la Cruz telf. 917-832-0670. CONFESIONES Y ATENCION PASTORAL: Todos los domingo después de la misa y los viernes en la Capilla a las 8:00pm, en caso de emergencia llamar al Padre Donald Gannon telf. 516-764-0048 ext. 2509. Para asuntos de notario o Real Estate: comunicarse con el hermano José González cel.: 516-351-7272 y Ofic. 516706-9001. continuado Rincón Hispano continuado: FAITH DIRECT: No se olvide haga su donación semanal a través del nuevo sistema automático, regístrese entrando a la siguiente dirección debe de utilizar el código de la parroquia NY581. Necesita su cuenta ahorros, tarjeta de crédito o su debit card. Misa 11-09-2014: ME: Carmen Rodríguez, Ana Suriel e Anastasio Rodríguez. MO: Iralyz Estévez, Fendy Estévez y Joseph González. Lectores: Inoelia Santana y Manuel Francisco. Misa 11-16-2014: ME: Yoly Burdier, Violeta Sánchez y Porfirio Sánchez. MO: Kenia Peralta, Darían Imberto y Anthony Montony. Lectores: Carmen Rodríguez y Ana Suriel. Misa 11-23-2014: ME: Alsimeida Dorvil, Aurora Báez (Lola) y Miladis Duran. MO: Rafael Jiménez, Ashtin Tavares y Emely Duran. Lectores: Natividad Martínez y Julio Martínez. St. Agnes Cathedral School Rockville Centre 678-5550 Prospective Kindergarten Families Come see and hear about our Kindergarten Program Thursday, November 20th 9:30 Am Information Meeting Altar Server Assignments November 15 & 16 Team One 5:00 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM – Church -Mark Campmier, Patrick & Shannon Hirdt Jessica Jacoby, Keriana Calderón & Joseph Caputo Adult Servers Joshua Javillo Adult Servers Daniella Zuart & Jay Jackson Jude & Jasper Javillo November 15 & 16 - Assignments LECTOR: Team 2 5:00 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM – Church Hope LaMagna Anthony Capone Larry Morgenlander Dan Shea Elizabeth Egan Angela Gray Barbara Bastin Michele Kratky Followed by classroom visits FAMILIES ANONYMOUS Families Anonymous (FA) is a Twelve Step support program for concerned parents, relatives and friends of someone who uses mind-altering drugs or alcohol or who demonstrates related behavioral problems. The group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM at St. Raymond's School in the cafeteria, 263 Atlantic Avenue, East Rockaway. For more information: or email: or call Adrianne at (516) 569-4148. SOLOMON’S PORCH PRAYER GROUP meets every Friday evening in Room 101 from 7:30 PM to 9 PM. We praise God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit through music, prayer, scripture, meditation and sharing, all before the Blessed Sacrament. November 15 & 16 - Assignments Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Team 3 5 PM – Church Mary Ann & Bill Johnson; Cara Middleton 8:00 AM – Church Elizabeth Egan, Terry Alois, Karen Garay 9:30 AM – Church Joan Prisco; Marisa & Jim Brady 10:00AM – Chapel Sarah & Dennis Ryan 11:00 AM – Church Nancy Back, Anna Rathburn, Marie Elefante 11:30 AM – Chapel Gerry Graff, Gladys Rios 12:30 PM – Church Helen Winkowski, Carol Hayes 5:00 PM – Church Michele Kratky Weekly Support Group Meetings AA Sun. November 9, 7:30 PM—cafeteria Mon. November 10, 7:30 PM—cafeteria Thurs. November 13, 7:30 PM - cafeteria Sun. November 16, 7:30 PM - cafeteria NA Tues. November 11, no meeting - Veterans Day
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