Sunday, November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES FOR THE WEEK This Sunday’s Readings Monday, November 17 St Elizabeth of Hungary, religious Rdgs. Rev 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4+6; Luke 18:35-43. 9:00 AM – Mary T. Zarba 11:30 AM – Elisabeth Francillon Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; She works with loving hands. Tuesday, November 18 Rdgs. Rev 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5; Luke 19:1-10. 9:00 AM – Daniel Laieta 11:30 AM – Clementa Lovrecich 1 Thess 5:1-6 Let the day of the Lord not overtake you like a thief. Wednesday, November 19 Rdgs. Rev 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6; Luke 19:11-28. 9:00 AM – Vivian Strennen 11:30 AM – Albert Koscica Thursday, November 20 Rdgs. Rev 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a+9b; Luke 19:41-44. 9:00 AM – Patricia Munson 11:30 AM – Maria Castela Friday, November 21 The Presentation of the Bl Virgin Mary Rdgs. Rev 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111; Luke 19:45-48. 9:00 AM – Mary, Bob & Meghan Tansey 11:30 AM – Janet McMenamin Ps 128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord. Matt 25:14-30 Since you were faithful in small matters, come, share your master's joy. ALTAR BREAD AND WINE used in Masses during the week are in loving memory of Sami Azzu. ALTAR CANDLES used in Masses during the week are in loving memory of Emil Mari. Saturday, November 22 St Cecilia, virgin and martyr Rdgs. Rev 11:4-12; Ps 144:1, 2, 9-10; Luke 20:27-40. 9:00 AM – Kim Lent, Charlotte Puliatte 5:00 PM Church – Daniel Sr. & Daniel Jr. Haggerty Sunday, November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Rdgs. Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Matt 25:31-46. 8:00 AM – Teresa Marie Farry 9:30 AM – People of the Parish 10:00 AM Chapel – Laura Schmidt 11:00 AM – Sami Azzu 11:30 AM Chapel – Michael Gross 12:30 PM – Manuel Lovrenco 12:45PM – Dariana Rodriguez 5:00 PM – Deborah Averso - Artz Kenneth Healey Al D’Amico Carlo Rizzo Manuel Alonso Michael Bartolo Andrew Clarke George Gasparotti Kathy Conrad Elvira Elefante Dennis Moran John Bernard King Genevieve Lauria Vito Lore James Genticore John Joseph Jackson Dionisio Namocatcat ( Names will be listed for three weeks. ) Mission Statement of St. Anthony Church We are a Catholic community of faith in the Jesuit tradition gathered around Jesus Christ and centered in the Eucharist. In a diverse and changing world we struggle to grow in our relationship with God and with one another. Through our worship, our ministries and our promotion of peace and justice, we walk with Jesus of the Gospel who reveals God’s love for all. CertificateofAppreciation This event would not be possible without the support of our local independent business community. Each foodservice Establishment not only donated the food served but also their time to show support for our community. As a way of showing our appreciation we encourage every parishioner and their families to patronize these wonderful businesses in the weeks and months following this event and say THANK YOU! Agrigento Bakery Alias Smith & Jones Antonio’s Portuguese Bonbino’s Pizza Brower Bagel Delicious Moments Catering Events by Bruno’s Hope’s Land of Candy Lia’s Pizzeria Masago Mio Posto Pancho’s Cantina Pastosa’s Ravioli Sole’ Stubborn Bull BBQ The Wander Inn St.Anthony’sTasteofOurTown Announcement Scripture Reflection Good stewards are like the industrious and reliable servants in today’s Gospel, prudently using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to them by God. Please visit our Official Parish Facebook page. The page can be accessed even by those without a personal Facebook account. The link to the page is: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who seek to responsibly connect their faith in dayto-day activities, such as participating in community, school organizations and other efforts. OFFERTORY INFORMATION Sunday-November 10 2013 2014 Variance $ 12,385.00 $ 12,025.00 $ (-360.00) Weekly Collection Weekly - Year to Date $ 107,622.30 $ 107,671.00 $ 48.70 Faith Direct - Year to $ — $ 5,850.17 $ 5,850.17 Date Please note that the fiscal year is from September 1st to August 31st Thank You St. Anthony's Parishioners for your generosity! Sign up for Faith Direct to automate your weekly contribution to our offertory collection. For more information and/or to enroll go to and use our Church code, NY581. St Anthony’s Fourth Annual Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 2pm All Children in Grades 1-6 Are Welcome To Participate Practices will be held Fridays from 5-6 pm starting Nov. 14th –Dec. 19th (With the exception of November 28th ) Grades 3-6 may read for a speaking role only on November 14th If your child would like to participate please meet us for our first practice in the gym at the St Anthony’s parish center Friday, November 14th at 5pm. We hope your child can share in this special tradition at this joyous time of year. If you have any questions please contact Amanda Wacks at Ushers Needed We are in need of ushers at several of our Masses! Please consider giving a little time to this important ministry. If you can help us please contact Anna at: St. Anthony’s Youth Ministry proudly presents An interactive, theatrical presentation of the classic children’s story. The Polar Express Saturday, December 6, 2014 In the Parish Center Cafeteria (our cafeteria will be decorated to look as if you are traveling on a train) Train Departure Schedules Are As Follows: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Ticket Prices: Adults -- $5 Children 12 & Under – $8 Children Under 1 year – Free Tickets will be available for purchase Sunday, November 16th, 2014 In the Cafeteria 9:30 am – 12:00 noon Additional information or ticket purchase times please contact Kathy Spataro at 516-764-0048 ext. 2520 & leave a message Thank you for supporting our Youth Ministry Program! The St. Anthony’s Preschool children had a wonderful time celebrating Halloween. Preschool registration for next year will begin in January. If you are interested in the two, three or four year old programs for the 2015-2016 school year, or have any questions, please call the Education Office at (516)764-0048 extension 2520 -Ellie Grubb, Director of Preschool Our parish will be celebrating the National Night of Prayer for Life along with many other parishes in the country on December 8th and 9th from 9 PM to 1 AM in the parish Church. During that time the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for prayer and meditation. We are asking for volunteers to spend time there with us in 1/2 hour increments. Please sign up at the receptionist’s office for the time(s) you will join us there in prayer." The Diocese of Rockville Centre celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination of Bishop William Murphy Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:30 pm Mass Cathedral of Saint Agnes Rockville Centre, New York His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the homilist. All are invited to come and join Bishop Murphy in this Liturgy of Thanksgiving. St. Anthony Christmas cards are now available with the top four pictures from our web survey. The pictures were taken last year by Fr. Nick and can be seen at the back of the church between the candles. They can be ordered/ purchased at the reception desk. CAN YOU VOLUNTEER TO HELP A SPECIAL CHILD ONE ON ONE? Adriane Bringe, St. Anthony’s And Joseph Cutrone, Blessed Trinity Jacqueline Sommer, St. Agnes Cathedral And Joseph Louis Quinto, Jr., St. Anthony’s Come to our weekly adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 12:00 to 4:45 ending with Benediction. Join us to pray for the many special intentions this week, including for the welfare of the Christians in the Middle East who have suffered so much. St. Anthony is committed to providing a faith formation program for all our children. We are in need of a volunteer to give one on one instruction to a child on Thursday @ 3:45 each week. I will provide training, all you need is a desire to share your faith with a young child in our parish. High School students are welcomed. If interested, please call the Religious Education Office at 764-0048 x2520 Special Needs Program MOLLOY COLLEGE Fall Open House Sunday, November 16th 1:00 PM Molloy College Rockville Centre, NY 323-4000 The St. John’s Bible Conference at Molloy College Igniting the Spiritual Imagination St. Anthony is committed to providing a faith formation program for all our children. We are forming a new class for children with Special Needs who have not received First Communion and would like to prepare for this Sacrament. We provide a welcoming atmosphere where children with special needs, along with their parents, learn about their faith, participate in activities and interact with other children in our program. Our class meets twice a month on Thursday. If interested, please call the Religious Education Office at 764-0048 x2520 Please Help! St. Christopher’s Inn at Graymoor, is administered to by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. It is one of the best drug/alcohol rehab centers in New York. They have asked for our help. Each year they ask young people in Parish Religious and Youth programs, to help by donating a New Men’s Collared Shirt. These are used as gifts at Christmas for the clients in rehab. If you can, please make a donation of a new shirt, it must be collared, any size or color is fine. The men must wear a collared shirt when they go for counseling, they must be dressed up, to show that they are taking their counseling seriously. They especially are in need of sizes XL, XXL and XXXL. The shirts may be dropped off in your Religious Ed class, or dropped off at St. Anthony’s Parish Center. Deacon John O’Connor will insure that they are delivered to Graymoor in time for Christmas. What better way to teach our youth and each other the Joy of Christ’s Love Than sharing with others in need at Christmas! Thank You and God Bless You! THE GIVING TREE CHRISTMAS 2014 Once again this year, trees decorated with ornaments requesting gift cards for the families of Parish Outreach will be seen in our Church and Chapel on the weekends starting November 22/23. Once again, we will rely on your generosity to help make the holidays a happier time for those in need in our community. All of us are facing more challenging personal economic situations; all of us know someone who is struggling with unemployment; all of us are trying to do more with less. And so we ask you to consider what you are able to do—within your means, as your resources allow. We hope that each of you will find a way to be part of THE GIVING TREE 2014. We ask that you drop off your gift any time after December 19th either at the Parish Outreach office during normal business hours or at the Reception Booth in the evenings and on weekends. ***Please put the gift card in a letter-size envelope and tape the ornament (taping the yarn works well) to the outside of the envelope. Please do not use gift bags or boxes. We will be distributing the gifts to our families as they visit our Food Pantry during December. The earlier you deliver your gifts, the sooner the recipients will be able to go shopping! This year, the recipients include 96 Seniors, 310 working or disabled Adults, 30 Teens, 114 Children and 3 Infants comprising 200 families. As always, we are grateful for your support. May this holiday season find each of us more mindful of the blessings we have received. Thank you Parish Outreach Sr. Fran / Julia Santiago The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry ‘14_ Needs List Holiday ’13 Coffee & tea Cooking oil (small bottles) Hot & cold cereals Pancake mix & syrup Mayonnaise, ketchup & mustard Salad dressing Macaroni & spaghetti Canned meats Canned soup & soup mixes Canned tuna & salmon Canned pasta products Canned vegetables White rice (1-2 lb. bags) Peanut butter, jelly & jam Tomato sauce & canned tomatoes Canned fruit & applesauce Canned & bottled juice Apple cider Jello & pudding Boxed macaroni & cheese Cake & muffin mix Boxed potatoes “Hamburger Helper” products Rice-a –Roni products Pickles & olives Cookies, crackers & snacks Turkey, chicken & beef gravy Stuffing mix Assorted canned beans Evaporated milk Candy & nuts Cranberry sauce Frozen turkeys & chickens Choose Life Committee Our Parishioners Serving In the Military Please keep all our military in your prayers. Joseph Augusta Cabarrus, Capt., Marines Brian Wolfe, Lance Cpl., Marines McKenzie Schmalz, Lance Cpl., Marines Jonathan Rodriguez-Strubbe, Lance Cpl, Marines Michael Connell, PFC, Marines Daniel G. Koehler, Pvt., Marines Denis St. John Sheahan, Marines Timothy Richards, Capt., Army Sanghu Richards, Capt., Army Samuel Rodriguez, Sgt., Army Charles Artino, Pvt., Army Dylan J. Blake, Pvt., Army Alex Murtha, Pvt., Army Daniel R. Verity, Pvt., Army Sean Michael Cirillo, Specialist, Army Christopher Kapp, Specialist, Army Michael J. Graham, Army Carl A. Misitano, Lt., Navy John Nitti, Chief Petty Officer, Navy Ryan Reilly, Petty Officer, Navy Tom Shanley, 2nd Class Petty Officer, Navy Dominick Albanese, ISSN, Navy William Stuber, Seaman, Navy Edward Durkin, GMC, Navy Timothy R. Kear, CTT, Navy Christopher Kear, NET, Navy We are renewed each day with the gift of faith, hope and love so that all of our actions, and all that we say and can be for the greater glory of God. Join us as we enter the season of Joy and continue the mission to serve, support and defend the precious gift of life. Prayer, advocacy, education, service and you are the foundation for respect life ministry. The Respect Life Office Invites You To Attend Untaming the Gospel of Life to Find the Treasure in the Joy of the Gospel The Gospel of Life provides a foundation of understanding for all to live the Joy of the Gospel. Join us for spiritual enrichment as we discover how both the lives of Catherine Doherty and Dorothy Day reflected this understanding with courage and fortitude. When: Tuesday December 9, from 6 to 8 PM Where: Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743 This event is free. Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us. St. Vincent de Paul Society The good news of today’s Gospel is the extravagance of what is being given us. All we need do is be faithful in “small matters.” The cost of fidelity has no comparison to the reward given. When you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you are sharing God’s extravagant love. Come One, Come All as The Solomon's Porch Prayer Group Gathers in Prayer and Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at St. Anthony's Parish Center, Room 101 On Friday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 PM and On First Fridays as we celebrate a Healing Mass in the Church at 7:30 PM DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL – $12.17/hr. Have you found it rewarding to work in the field of Senior/Dementia Care? Care for developmentally disabled adults in group homes in Babylon or Amityville. $12.17/hr. Part-time (weekends or evenings) Full-time (evenings + 1 weekend day or eve.; or Awake overnight) and On Call shifts available. Experience with developmental disabilities & Alzheimer’s care required. Training in group home operations provided. Essential functions include personal care & support with Activities of Daily Living (ADL), household maintenance, transporting/advocating for residents on medical appointments, leading activities designed to engage cognitive skills & administering meds. HS/GED, a clean, valid NYS Driver’s License & reliable transportation required. And a demonstrated ability to positively impact the health & well-being of senior residents. Email resume & cover letter detailing experience with senior care/dementia to: or fax to 516.733.7038. Include in subject line: “Seniors DSP – parish bulletin” CATHOLIC CHARITIES – “Care With Dignity; Life With Hope” All Young Adults – you ar e invited to join us for Fellowship … Inspiriting Speakers … and Honest Answers …. At our next Faith on Tap! Monday, November 17, 2014 Topic: “Where is God Calling Me … How do we hear God through the Chaos” Speaker: Sr. Gina Fleming, OP Co-Director of the National College Preaching Conference and the Promoter of Youth for the Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY We are honored to have with us Sr. Gina Fleming, who will speak about the challenges of hearing where God is calling us through our everyday “chaos”. Our lives are so busy and “noisy”, it’s not always easy to hear God’s call … but never doubt that you are loved and He is calling! Join us at Lily Flanagan’s, 345 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY Doors open at 7:00 – come early – get something to eat – meet new friends – re-connect with old ones! Talk begins at 7:30 Oceanside Senior Center (located in St. Anthony’s Parish Center) Sponsored by Catholic Charities 60+ Program Enjoy…nutritious lunches, Arts & Crafts, Bingo, Shopping, Dancersize, Yoga, Health Services, Great Socialization and Much More! Please call Barbara at 516-764-9792 to make a reservation. This program provides door to door transportation in: Oceanside, Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Lynbrook, Valley Stream, East Rockaway and Island Park. For info please contact Barbara or Eileen at 516 764-9792. All Youth 13+ are invited to XLT – A night of inspiring Catholic teaching, relevant worship and Eucharist Adoration! Fr. Joe Fitzgerald will be our Presider for Adoration and the Ike Ndolo Band for Praise & Worship! Join us for this night of prayer and adoration on Sunday, November 23 at St. Joseph Church, 39 Carll Avenue, Babylon starting at 7:30. If you have any questions, please e-mail Marianne Sheridan at or call 516-678-5800, ext. 615. Church Chuckles “What book of the Bible should I read before bungee jumping?” asked Marty. “Luke,” replied the quick-thinking priest. “You should always Luke before you leap.” Knight's Corner Killer Joe and the Lido Soul Revue Recently Featured at BB King’s and Jones Beach Theater PLEASE COME AND Wednesday November 26th—8 PM START YOUR GIFT SHOPKnight of Unity Fundraiser Event PING AT OUR ANNUAL “LADIES AUXLIARY GIFT BOUTIQUE” Have Hot Cocoa and Desert with Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause... AT THE O’CONNELL GARDENS GRAND BALLROOM IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 2985 Kenneth Place Oceanside SUNDAY, November 23 FROM 9AM -5PM For more info or table reservations please contact: Vanessa Ambrosecchia or call 516-551-5276 $7500 Grand prize $2500 Second prize Prizes 3-7 are $1000 Winners $50 Raffle Ticket gains entrance for 1 person $25 at the door once all raffle tickets are sold Drinks, Beer, Wine and Soda and Hero Sandwiches included Raffles and a 50/50 Drawing Raffle tickets available in lounge Kyle Avondet or Steve Bermudez Fund Raiser… Friday November 21st 7 - 11 PM Dance to the music of the Knights of Columbus Oceanside, NY 11572 "New Years Eve Extravaganza" December 31st, 2014 Appetizers Shrimp & Crab Meat Cocktails Cheese Platter & Pasta Station Dinner Choice of Prime Rib or Fish Knight's Hall OPEN BAR $45 per person - Coffee Bar - Ice Cream Bar Family Style Dinner (all you can eat) Dessert - Coffee or Tea OPEN BAR Champagne Toast at Midnight Signature Sound Entertainment and A special Appearance by "ELVIS" Plenty of parking Reservations a must: Hank Kiesche at 536-8264 Or John Gallo at 764-2516 Music by Signature Sounds Entertainment Featuring Guest Performers Time: 8pm to 1am Price $75.00 per Person Part Hats - Noise Makers– Balloons Reservations call John Gallo @ 516-764-2516 RINCÓN HISPANO 16 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 XXXIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO Yo tengo designio de paz, no de aflicción, dice el Señor. Me invocareis y yo os escuchare y os librare de vuestra esclavitud dondequiera que os encontréis. Primera Lectura Proverbios 31, 10 -13. 19-20. 30-31: “Trabaja con la destreza de sus manos." Salmo Responsorial 127: " Dichoso el que teme al Señor." Segunda Lectura Tesalonicenses 5, 1-6: "Que el día del Señor no os sorprenda como un ladrón". RETIRO DE ADVIENTO: Lugar salón 101-102 del Edificio Parroquial, el día 13 de Diciembre hora de 3:00PM terminando con una Vigilia/ Misa en la Capilla a las 9:00PM. El retiro será impartido por la Corporativa Jesuita, colaborador Hermano Lisandro Peña. Lectura del Santo Evangelio San Mateo 25, 14-30: “Has sido fiel en lo poco, pasa al banquete de tu Señor.” La intensión de la misa del día de hoy es por Fidelina y Percio Peña. Par a intensiones de la misa comunicar se con la hermana Marcela Severino telf. 516-763-0937. Noche Nacional de Oración por la Vida: Diciembre 8, hora desde las 9:00 PM hasta la 1:00 AM. Fue la Fiesta de Nuestra Inmaculada Concepción (entonces celebramos en diciembre 12) Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Patrona de las Américas y de los recién nacidos, primera aparición a St. Juan Diego. La noche Nacional de oración por la Vida es un puente de estas dos fiestas en honor a Nuestra Bendecida Madre para orar por su intercepción para que se establezca la Cultura de la vida, protección por la persecución a la Iglesia y pedirle para que la tierra reviva. Todos están invitados a participar! Regístrese en la Edificio Parroquial por 1/2 hora y venga a rezar por ese tiempo en la Iglesia. Misa a la Virgen de Guadalupe en dos Idiomas (Inglés & Español): En la Iglesia St. Anthony el Día 12 de diciembre, 2014 hora 7:00PM comenzando con el Santo Rosario (en 5 idiomas). Adoración Eucarística: Todos los Jueves en la Iglesia 12:00PM hasta las 5:00PM. Fiestas 2014 St. Vicente de Paul: La despensa necesita abastecerse para estas fiestas, necesitamos productos no perecederos. Cuando hagas tu compra aparta alimentos para St. Vicente de Paul. Dios te bendecirá en grande. EL GRUPO CARISMATICO: Te invita este viernes en la Capilla comenzando con el Santo Rosario de 7:00PM A 9:00PM. Tendremos la Santa Palabra, Alabanzas, cantos y danzas al Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores. Te esperamos no te quedes. BAUTISMOS Y CLASES DE RICA: Par a infor mación y registración comunicarse con el hermano Ernesto de la Cruz telf. 917-832-0670. CONFESIONES Y ATENCION PASTORAL: Todos los domingo después de la misa y los viernes en la Capilla a las 8:00pm, en caso de emergencia llamar al Padre Donald Gannon telf. 516-764-0048 ext. 2509. Para asuntos de notario o Real Estate: comunicarse con el hermano José González cel.: 516-351-7272 y Ofic. 516706-9001. FAITH DIRECT: No se olvide haga su donación semanal a través del nuevo sistema automático, regístrese entrando a la siguiente dirección debe de utilizar el código de la parroquia NY581. Necesita su cuenta ahorros, tarjeta de crédito o su debit card. continuado Rincón Hispano continuado: Misa 11-16-2014: ME: Yoly Burdier, Violeta Sánchez y Porfirio Sánchez. MO: Kenia Peralta, Darían Imberto y Anthony Montony. Lectores: Carmen Rodríguez y Ana Suriel. Misa 11-23-2014: ME: Alsimeida Dorvil, Aurora Báez (Lola) y Miladis Duran. MO: Rafael Jiménez, Ashtin Tavares y Emely Duran. Lectores: Natividad Martínez y Julio Martínez. Misa 11-30-2014: ME: Dionisia Martínez, Sonia Díaz y Carmen Peralta. MO: Joel Jiménez, Fendy Estévez y Nathalie Rodríguez. Lectores: Amarilys Rodríguez y María Rey. St. Agnes Cathedral School Rockville Centre Altar Server Assignments November 22 & 23 Team Two 5:00 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM – Church 678-5550 November 22 & 23 - Assignments Prospective Kindergarten Families LECTOR: Team 3 Come see and hear about our Kindergarten Program Thursday, November 20th 9:30 Am Information Meeting Followed by classroom visits FAMILIES ANONYMOUS Families Anonymous (FA) is a Twelve Step support program for concerned parents, relatives and friends of someone who uses mind-altering drugs or alcohol or who demonstrates related behavioral problems. 5:00 PM – Church Kathy Ruscito 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM – Church David Campmier Laura Conroy Joann Caramanico Joan Keefe Peter Lockwood Carol Hayes Patrick Connell November 22 & 23 Assignments Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Team 4 The group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM at St. Raymond's School in the cafeteria, 263 Atlantic Avenue, East Rockaway. For more information: or email: or call Adrianne at (516) 569-4148. Every Wednesday Night You have a chance to win over $2,250 in prizes weekly. Doors open at 6:00pm every Wednesday. All monies go to support over 20 charities. Knights of Columbus Hall Nicky Fecentese & Anthony Iaquinta Patrick Clarke, Christina Grassi Joe Prendergast, Connor Suhovsky, James & Sean Keeney Adult Servers Juliet Hagens, Anthony Parella Chris Hagens Adult Servers Victoria Gamarra, Emily Pignataro Brian & Elizabeth McGrath 5 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00 AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM - Church Hope LaMagna, Kathy Spataro, Tom Florio Anthony Settineri, Olga Dunning, Eileen DeAcetis Larry Morgenlander, Theresa D'Amico Joann Caramanico, Joan Hartman Ginny Wasserman, Ann Theresa Regina Pasqualino, Peggy Polacco, Lori Fusco Anita Pepe, Kathy Meyers Gale & Sal Bartolo Weekly Support Group Meetings AA Sun. November 16, Mon. November 17, Thurs. November 20, Sun. November 23, NA Tues. November 18, 7:30 PM—cafeteria 7:30 PM—cafeteria 7:30 PM - cafeteria 7:30 PM - cafeteria 8:00 PM - cafeteria
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