October/octubre 5, 2014 27th Sunday Ordinary Time M&T Weds Thurs Fri Office Hours / Horas Oficinas 8:00 am–1:00 pm & 2:00 pm-5:00 pm 8:00 am-1:00 pm 8:00 am-1:00 pm & 2:00 pm-3:00 pm 10:00 am–1:00 pm & 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Sat Sun M,W,F T Th 5:30 pm (English) & 7:15 pm (Español) 8:30 & 11:30 am 8:30 am 6:00 pm 8:30 am (English) & 7:30 pm (Español) Sat Reconciliation / Reconciliación 4:00–5:00 pm Also by appointment Rev. Jacob P. Joseph, CMI • Pastor Extension 292 poriath@hotmail.com Rev. José-Hugo Ruíz Marentes, OFM • Parochial Vicar Extension 108 ruizmcholer@hotmail.com Deacon Robert S. Hookness • Permanent Deacon Extension 106 deaconhookness@comcast.net Glynnis Doolittle • Pastoral Associate Extension 109 glynnisdoo@comcast.net Maria Espinosa • Asst. to Pastoral Associate Habla Español Extension 123 olpreligious-ed@comcast.net Robert Rosa-Cruz • Youth Minister Extension 112 olpyouthminister@comcast.net Carol Heck • Parish Bookkeeper Extension 107 olpbooks@comcast.net Kathleen Wahl • Parish Secretary Extension 106 olpparishsecretary@comcast.net www.olpschool.us Stephen Hickey • School Principal olpprincipal@comcast.net 803.279.8396 ext. 100 Pam Mentrup • School Office Manager olpschooloffice@comcast.net 803.279.8396 ext. 100 Walt Heck • School Bookkeeper 803.279.0315 ext. 111/ olpschoolbooks@gmail.com Diocese of Charleston P. O. Box 818 Charleston, SC 29402 843.853.2130 Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora de la Paz Mailing: P.O. Box 6605 Physical: 856 Old Edgefield Rd. North Augusta, South Carolina 29861 803.279.0315 815.301.8003 Fax www.olpchurchna.org Indeed, this is the will of My heavenly Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son, and believes in Him, shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day. [Jn 6:40] Is God Calling You to Perpetual Adoration? Perpetual Adoration is an uninterrupted Eucharistic devotion in which the Eucharist remains exposed on the altar held in a monstrance. When adorers, individuals or families, look upon the Most Blessed Sacrament, they look upon Jesus, the Son of God. The benefits of this time with Jesus are life changing through: bringing honor and glory to Our Lord through praise and worship, professing faith and gratitude for His true presence in the Eucharist, improving your prayer life and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, praying for the needs of the parish, community and the Church, and spending time listening to Jesus to discover His will for your life. During adoration, how you spend your time is up to you: reading, praying the rosary, meditating, etc. There is no one preaching to you, reading to you, telling you when to stand, sit, kneel, or sing a song! If you have never spent any time in adoration, try going once to the chapel and see if you don't walk away more prepared to take on life's challenges. Volunteers are always needed to serve as adorers for one hour a week as well as substitute adorers willing to fill in when needed. Adorers are needed especially during the early morning hours between midnight and 6:00 AM, so please check inside this week's bulletin for the times that currently need an adorer and contact one of the coordinators. ...our essential commitment in life is to persevere and advance constantly in Eucharistic life and piety and to grow spiritually in the climate of the Holy Eucharist."[Redemptor Hominis, Encyclical Letter 4, March 1979, Pope John Paul II] The Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Sign ups will be after all Masses again this weekend. We ask that each family bring a dish to serve a minimum of 15 people according to the first letter of your last name: Bishop of Charleston / Obispo de Charleston www.sccatholic.org www.themiscellany.org A Matter of Courtesy…….. Please be respectfulKeep sacred silence while in the House of the LordBefore, during, and after MassIn the sacred space of our Church. The chapel is set up at each Mass for parents with young children when needed for their comfort. A-F Desserts G-M Salads N-Z Vegetables The picnic will be at the Riverview Park Pavilion on October 12. We will begin at 11am with Mass followed by a Potluck Picnic (the Church will provide chicken & the Knights of Columbus Council #7062 will provide hot dogs.) Mass intentions are requests made of the priests to include an intention as they offer the Sacrifice of the Mass. Only one optional monetary offering may be accepted per Mass. ♥=Living †= deceased. Sunday, October 5 8:30 a.m. † Alvin Stevens 11:30 a.m. †Wendy Paschal Monday, October 6 8:30 a.m. †Dorothy & †Sam Stevens 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 7 † Phyllis Doyle 8:30 a.m Wednesday, October 8 †Helen Luta 8:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 9 †Helen Luta ♥Healing of Joseph Cook 8:30 a.m. Friday, October 10 †Alvin Stevens 5:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Sunday, October 5 9:30 -11:30 a.m. RCIA/Minister’s Meeting Room 9:45 a.m. Adult Education Morning Session AR#3 9:45 –11:15 a.m. Religious Education/Upper School Campus 9:45-11:15 a.m. Jr Youth Formation Classes/Annex 6:00 p.m. Adult Education Evening Session/Annex Room #3 6:30 p.m. Sr. CYM Session (7-8:30 p.m.) /Youth Center Monday, October 6 Tuesday, October 7 10-Noon Tuesday Morning Prayer Group/Minister's Meeting Room Wednesday, October 8 7:00-8:30 p.m. Sr. CYM Youth Bible Study /Youth Center Thursday, October 9 Saturday, October 11 10:30 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry/Annex Room #3 †Fr. Joseph Vignoe in honor of his birthday ♥Healing of Joseph Cook Sunday, October 12 †Daniel Ray in honor of his 16th birthday NO 11:30 a.m. Mass at Church 11:00 a.m. †Connie Friend Mass at 1:00 a.m. at Riverview Park Pavilion followed by the Parish Picnic. For our Sick and Homebound Mary Beier, Jane Bennett (sister of Susan Mills), Elaine Bombard, Mary Chafin, Lucy Cline, John Dear, Maurice Doolittle, Amada Drake, Dennis Drennan (brother of Grace Miller), Carmel Fentress, Bill & Ida Harkins, Frances Havron, Armella Kurtz (mother of Susan Mills), Maria Mata, Marie Maynard, Earl McGrory, Kathleen Morton, Scott Odell (grandson of George & Marthe Odell), Antonia Roberston, Gloria Ruvo, Josephine Satcher, Sr. Charlotte Smith, Clarence & Betty Smith,Robert Stuckey, Ian Sullivan, Michael Sullivan (brother-in-law of Susan Mills), Jennie Swift, Clara & Tony Tantillo, Albert Udom, Jim Whalen, Kathy & Bruce Whealton, Margaret Dayle Workman (mother –in-law of Miriam Workman), and Peggy Wise. Please contact the Parish Office if you or a family member are critically ill or are hospitalized and would like to be placed on the Sick List. Friday, October 10 6:30 p.m. Hispanic RCIA/Annex Room #2 6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary (Spanish)/Annex Room #1 7:00 p.m. Quinceañera practice for Yisel Garcia/Church 8:00 p.m. Hispanic Choir practice/Church Saturday, October 11 1:00 p.m. Quinceañera for Yisel Garcia/Church 4-5:00 p.m. Confessions/Church Reconciliation Room Sunday, October 12 9:30 -11:30 a.m. RCIA/Minister’s Meeting Room No Adult Education Morning or Evening Session (Parish Picnic) No Religious Education Session (Parish Picnic) No morning Jr Youth Formation Session (JrCYM begins tonight) NO Sr. CYM Session 6:00-7:30 p.m. Opening Night for Jr CYM/Annex Auditorium Please make all arrangements/reservations for space through the Parish Office at least 7 business days prior to the event. Altar Flower Donations Please consider donating a floral arrangement for the Church in honor of, in celebration of, or in memory of a loved one. You may sign up in the flower book located on the bookrack in the Narthex or contact the Parish Office with questions or to sign up. PRAYER/COMFORT SHAWL MINISTRY meets every Thursday in Room #3 at the Annex at 10:30 a.m. Knitters and crocheters are invited to enjoy each other's company as we knit and crochet shawls, lap robes, baby blankets, etc. If you would like information relative to this ministry, please call Claudia Dortenzo at 278-6746. 2014 South Carolina Catholic Charismatic Conference “Give Thanks I Have Chosen You by Name” October 24-26 at Our Lady Start of the Sea Church in Myrtle Beach, SC The speaker is Fr. Richard McAlear, OMI. Copies of the full brochure are available on our bookrack in the Narthex or at the OLP Parish Office. Visit SCCCRS website www.screnemwal.org BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Bulletin content must be received VIA EMAIL no later than 11 am Thursday, 11 days prior to the desired Sunday publication date (unless otherwise noted) to: olpparishsecretary@comcast.net We would like to congratulate Mrs. Cheryl Wahman (Middle School Math & Social Studies teacher) on winning the Award for Classroom Enrichment (ACE) grant from the Junior League of Augusta.. The grant, sponsored by the Junior League of Augusta, Georgia, provides funding for creative teaching projects and is available to all teachers in the C.S.R.A. Mrs. Wahman’s grant was awarded for her Social Studies Indian Project. U.S. Citizenship Exam Preparation Classes in Aiken Mondays 7:00-9:00 PM 1st class October, 2014 Register NOW! (only 15 students per class) Classes are FREE! Register via website, e-mail or telephone www.LearnEnglishforLivingFoundation.com Email: JaneyRule@LearnEnglishforLiving.com (706) 284-7555 Thank you to all who donated to help the OLP Students “reach their goal”. Watch the bulletin and check the school’s website for the pictures of the recipients of the ice buckets. Our Lady of Peace 2014 Parish Mission The Evangelization Team cordially invites everyone to join us at our 2014 Parish Mission: “Life in the Faith Lane.” This event for faith renewal will be held in the church on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings – October 19, 20 and 21. Father Frank DeSiano of the Paulist Evangelization Ministries will be conducting the mission in both English and Spanish. Presentations in English will begin each night at 6:30 p.m., and in Spanish at 8:15 p.m. Additionally, Father Frank will be preaching during all masses prior to the mission and throughout. The main topic for the 2014 Parish Mission will focus on Evangelization while revolving around three themes: Day 1: Personal Faith – discipleship is a constant growth in faith Day 2: Community – discipleship is lived and exercised in communion with others Day 3: Reaching Out – to reveal how God sends all of us forth We are very excited about the Parish Mission and look forward to seeing all of you there! Financial Report for September 27/28 Weekly Offering Year to Date Collections $9,680.39 Collections $142,570.79 Budget $11,225.00 Budget $145,925.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------(Shortage)/Surplus ($1,544.61) (Shortage)/Surplus ($3,354.21) *********************************************************************************************************************************** $10.02 Children’s Envelopes Golden Harvest Food Bank $150.00 Propagation of Faith-Diocesan of Tanzania $2,517.48 Offertory Breakdown: Envelope Checks: $6,410.00 Envelope Cash: $771.00 Loose Checks: $621.00 Loose Cash: $860.39 Online Giving: $1,018.00 TOTAL: $9,680.39 Please be generous! Please remember OLP when you are away. We need everyone’s weekly support to meet our financial demands. The above numbers reflect Offertory Envelopes and Loose Collections (loose cash & checks) only. Diocesan Second Collections 2014 October 19 Mission Sunday Propagation of FaithSociety of St. Peter the Apostle November 9 Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa November 23 Campaign for Human Development December 7 Retirement Fund for Religious New Parishioners & Address Changes Those wishing to become a parishioner of Our Lady of Peace Parish should complete the following and drop it in the offertory collection basket. A census form will be mailed to you. Thank You. NEW PARISHIONER Change of Address Name:___________________________________ Address:__________________________________ _________________________________________ Telephone Number:_________________________ Email Address:____________________________ Scan QR Code with your mobile device or visit: www.olpchurchna.org and click on “Donate” in the blue bar on the homepage. The second collection on the weekend of October18-19, 2014, World Mission Sunday (Propagation of the Faith), is to benefit the Society of St. Peter the Apostle. The goal of this society is to support the education of candidates for the priesthood as well as men and women for religious life in the Missions. Your generous support is appreciated. La segunda colecta para el fin de semana del 18 y 19 de octubre 2014, el domingo de la Misión Mundial (Propagación de la Fe), es para el beneficio de la Sociedad de San Pedro el Apóstol. La meta de esta sociedad es apoyar la educación de los candidatos al sacerdocio además de los hombres y las mujeres de vida religiosa en las Misiones. Su apoyo generoso se agradece. Ofertorio para 9/27/14 & 9/28/14 ACTUAL PRESUPUESTO $9,680.39 $11,225.00 $142,570.79 $145,925.00 ***************************************************************** EXCEDENTE/(FALTAPRESUPUESTO) ($1,544.61) ($3,354.21) $10.02 Sobres de los niños $150.00 Golden Harvest Food Bank $2,517.48 Propagation of Faith, Diocesan Collection ****************************************************************************** Sacramentos para los adultos- La catequesis para los adultos que desean recibir la Primera Comunión o Confirmación va a empezar dentro de poco tiempo y se están aceptando inscripciones. Si no está bautizado y quiere ser católico puede inscribirse para la catequesis también. Durante septiembre y octubre podrá inscribirse. Para más información o para inscribirse hable con Rubén o Maria Zamudio. Llame al 803-279-0315 extensión 115 y deje un mensaje con su nombre y número de teléfono y los señores Zamudio le devolverán la llamada. Curso de Preparación para Matrimonio- Se ofrecerá un curso de preparación pre-matrimonial en noviembre para los que desean celebrar el sacramento de matrimonio en la Iglesia. El curso se dará en dos partes, la primera el sábado, 1 de noviembre y la segunda el sábado, 8 de noviembre. Las clases se llevarán a cabo en salón hispano #1 de 1:00 a 5:00 p.m. Asistencia a las dos clases es obligatorio. Por favor llame la oficina al 803-279-0315 extensión 123 para más información sobre los requisitos para matrimonio en la Iglesia y para inscribirse para el curso. Mañana, 5 de octubre, se ofrecerá la última plática pre-bautismal para este año. No se ofr ecer án pláticas en octubr e o noviembre. La plática se llevará a cabo en el salón hispano #1 a las 2:00 de la tarde. Fiesta Hispana Diocesana- sábado, 11 de octubre en Columbia, SC (en el gimnasio de la escuela de St. J ohn Neumann). La procesión comenzará a las 9:30 a.m. y nuestro obispo Roberto celebrará Misa a las 10:00 a.m. Todos están invitados al picnic de la parroquia el domingo, 12 de octubre. Se llevar á a cabo en el par que River view aquí en Norte Augusta. Se celebrará la Misa bilingüe a las 11:00 a.m. y la comida será inmediatamente después. Se le pide a cada familia que va a asistir que traiga una comida para compartir con un mínimo de 15 personas. Por favor apunte a su familia este fin de semana. Hay una lista en el nártex. Por favor traiga una comida según la primera letra de su apellido: Apellidos A a F- postres Apellidos G a M- ensaladas Apellidos N a Z- vegetales Clases de Inglés (para nivel Principiante hasta Avanzado)- Gratis Se ofrecen estas clases gratuitas en 2 sitios: Byrd Learning Center (Centro de Aprendizaje Byrd), 1 Willis Circle, Graniteville, SC 29829 Y Iglesia Metodista San Juan, 104 Newberry St., Aiken, SC 29801 Para más información llame al 803-641-2476 Confesiones- Se escuchan confesiones cada sábado de 4:00 a 5:00 de la tarde en el confesionario adentro de la iglesia. Si no puede ir los sábados a esta hora y desea cita para otro día llame la oficina para pedir cita. Si uno de nuestros parroquianos o uno de sus familiares está enfermo o internado y desea que or emos por él o ella por favor llame la oficina y denos su nombre. Lo pondremos en la lista de personas por quienes nuestra parroquia reza. Esto es solamente para nuestros parroquianos registrados y sus familiares. Grupo Juvenil para estudiantes en grados 9 al 12 (SrCY M)- Las reuniones de este grupo se llevan a cabo los domingos y miércoles de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m. en el anexo. ¡Si su hijo desea participar todavía puede entrar! Clases de Preparación para el Examen de Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos en AikenLunes 7:00-9:00 PM la primera clase Octobre 2014 ¡Regístrese AHORA! (Sólo 15 estudiantes por cada clase) ¡Las Clases son Gratis! Learn English for Living Foundation Regístrese a través del correo electrónico, web o por teléfono Email: JaneyRule@LearnEnglishforLiving.com www.LearnEnglishforLivingFoundation.com (706) 284-7555 ¿Desea registrarse en la parroquia o cambiar su dirección? Es importante que cada familia que viene a nuestra iglesia se inscriba en la parroquia. Si desea hacerse miembro de nuestra parroquia o ya está inscrito y necesita cambiar su dirección por favor llene esta forma breve, córtela del boletín y échela en la canasta de la colecta durante la Misa. La oficina le mandará el formulario de registración por correo si ha elegigo registrarse. Parroquiano Nuevo Dirección Nueva Nombre:____________________________________________________ Dirección Completa:_________________________________________________________________ Nómero de teléfono:__________________________________________ Permanent Adorers NEEDED URGENTLY for the following hours: Tuesday 2am-3am (2nd person needed) & 5am-6am Wednesday 12-1 pm Thursday 1 am—2am Friday 4 am—5 am & Noon– 1pm & 1 pm– 2 pm & 2 –3 pm & Midnight to 6am 6am-Noon Noon-6pm 6pm-Midnight 4-5 pm Mar ia Mata (803) 270-0878 Sp./ Eng. Sandi Sullivan 803-384-9556 Leilani Usr y 803-202-0117 Alina Pagano (803) 278-5714 Sp./Eng. AUCTION NEWS Our Plans for our First Annual Our Lady Of Peace “Pickers” Auction are well under way and the donations have been coming in steadily. Each week I want to remind those who may not read the bulletin every Sunday, what we are planning. To help offset the cost of upgrading the floors in the Narthex, instead of asking for cash donations, we are asking you to open your garages, attics, basements and even your barns and allow me to “pick” some cool items for auction. Hi! My name is Bob Cope and I am your parish auctioneer. Now I am also your parish “picker”. I want you to call me with your donations!! I have made a number of visits to pick items for the auction and the generosity has been nothing short of miraculous!! I can tell, already, the auction will be a huge success. However, I still want to impress on those who are planning to donate, I need you to call now!!! So much work has to be put into preparing that waiting is not an option. For those who have not heard about the auction on January 17th, here is a list of items we would like to have. However, it is impossible to know what you may want to donate so if you have things that are not on this list, call me anyway!! Thanks!!!!! Rusty stuff like what you would see in a barn Lanterns Antiques, including furniture Modern, nicer, real wood furniture Household items either new or very clean Jewelry, even costume jewelry, even broken jewelry like that stuff you never use in the bottom of your jewelry box!! We need a lot of jewelry!!! It does not have to be gold! Guy related items like tools, hunting, fishing (no guns unless 100 years old) As of this writing I need a LOT more “guy” stuff!! Military gear like helmets, backpacks and more. Your son or daughter has a bunch of gear they are not using!! Older coins and stamps or any kind of collections, even Baseball Cards or Nascar Laptops, even broken ones!!! Especially ones with broken screens!! You know you have one in the closet collecting dust. I will wipe the hard drive for you!! Advertising signs and memorabilia like Coca Cola and many others DVD’s ( C’mon! When is the last time you used one??? ) Old pocket watches or wind-up wrist watches, especially older ones, (even broken) Musical instruments (even broken) Any wrought iron furniture or outdoor ornaments Old key-wound clocks And much, much more not on this list!! CALL NOW! 803-279-7474 or email rcopy_1@bellsouth.net
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