REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 2015 WORKFORCE INNOVATION & OPPORTUNITY ACT (WIOA) YOUTH: IN-SCHOOL AND OUT-OF-SCHOOL ISSUING OFFICE: Bay Area Workforce Development Board 317 West Walnut Street Green Bay, WI 54303 DATE ISSUED: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 PROPOSALS DUE: Friday April 24, 2015 NO LATER THAN 12:30 PM TO THE ISSUING OFFICE Any questions concerning this request for proposals should be addressed to Matt Valiquette at (920) 431-4110 or The Bay Area Workforce Development Board administers programs under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act. The organization is directed by a board of 41 individuals with diverse backgrounds including private for profit companies, non-profit agencies, community based organizations, educational facilities, and public sector programs. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board service area consists of Brown, Door, Florence, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, and Sheboygan Counties. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board uses its Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act funds to provide comprehensive career services and training options designed to provide program participants an opportunity to achieve their individualized education and/or career employment goals. All services are initiated through a contracted career services specialist case management system in each county the Bay Area Workforce Development Board serves. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board follows the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act performance-driven design, and all services are on a contracted cost reimbursement basis. Potential applicants should note that the Department of Labor Performance Standards, Equitable Provision of Service levels, and federal administrative requirements shall be delivered by contractors. Request for Proposals 2015 WIOA YOUTH SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS I. CONDITIONS OF SOLICITATION A. General Conditions.............................................................................................................. 2 B. Receipt of Proposals ............................................................................................................ 3 C. Timeline .............................................................................................................................. 3 D. Appeals ............................................................................................................................... 3 E. Contracts ............................................................................................................................. 3 II. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. Scope ................................................................................................................................... 4 B. Participant Eligibility .......................................................................................................... 7 C. Fund Source and Amounts .................................................................................................. 7 D. Period of Performance ......................................................................................................... 8 E. Non-Duplication of Facilities .............................................................................................. 8 III. CONTRACT TYPE AND PAYMENT A. Cost Reimbursement ........................................................................................................... 9 B. Contract Payment ................................................................................................................ 9 C. Support Service Payments ................................................................................................... 9 IV. SUBCONTRACT A. Guidelines for Subcontracting ........................................................................................... 10 V. SELECTION FOR AWARD ...................................................................................................... 11 VI. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................... 12 VII. PROGRAM DESIGN, METHODOLOGY, AND DESCRIPTION A. Program Description ......................................................................................................... 13 B. Budget Detail .................................................................................................................... 16 VIII. PROPOSAL ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS A. General Format.................................................................................................................. 17 B. Proposal Content ............................................................................................................... 18 FORM ATTACHMENTS SECTION 1. Proposal Transmittal and Certification 2. Youth Performance Chart 3. WIOA In-School Youth (ISY) Budget 4. WIOA Out-Of-School Youth (OSY) Budget 5. Budget Narrative Guide 6. Cost Price Certification 7. Staffing For Youth Services 8. Applicant Certification and Contacts Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 1 PART I CONDITIONS OF SOLICITATION A. GENERAL CONDITIONS The release of this Request for Proposals does not constitute an acceptance of any offer, nor does such release in any way obligate the Bay Area Workforce Development Board (BAWDB) to execute a contract with any applicant. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals on the basis of the evaluation factors contained in this document. The provision of services specified in this Request For Proposals requires substantive knowledge and understanding of: The unique challenges and barriers to education and employment faced by the community’s youth, particularly those youth that may be defined as “at-risk” from achieving independence and self-sufficiency; o The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act and regulations; o The Bay Area Workforce Development Board Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Local Plan and Policies. Before preparing proposals, applicants should note: Bay Area Workforce Development Board will not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation of proposals or negotiation of contracts incurred by an applicant; All proposals, in their entirety, will become the property of Bay Area Workforce Development Board upon submission; The award of a contract for any proposed service is contingent upon the following: Bay Area WDB Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act funding for the request for proposals; and Favorable evaluation of the proposal; and Approval of the proposal by the Workforce Development Board Proposal Review Committee, (responsive applicants may be given an opportunity to deliver an oral presentation to the Committee); and Approval of the Proposal Review Committee's recommendation by the Bay Area Workforce Development Board; and Successful negotiation of any changes to the proposal required by the Bay Area Workforce Development Board. WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 2 B. RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS Seven (7) complete copies of each proposal single space, 8 ½ x 11 paper, Times New Roman 12 font (one set must include original signature, attachments, certifications and assurances) and one (1) complete Microsoft Word electronic copy (sent to must be received no later than 12:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 2015, at the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, 317 W. Walnut Street, Green Bay, WI 54303. Timely receipt of proposals is the sole responsibility of the applicant. Proposals received after this time and date, whether by U.S. mail, commercial delivery, or hand carried will not be considered. C. TIMELINE FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (TENTATIVE) EVENT DATE/TIME RFP Issued March 11, 2015 BAWDB Bidders Conference March 20, 2015, 2-3 PM NWTC - Green Bay Campus Proposals Due April 24, 2015, 12:30 PM BAWDB Office, Green Bay April 24 – May 7, 2015 Proposals Reviewed Proposal Presentations May 20, 2015 Proposal Award Date May 28, 2015, 1-4 PM Contract Start Date D. LOCATION July 1, 2015 Various TBA NWTC - Green Bay Campus Bay Area Central and East APPEALS Each applicant shall receive written notice of funding or non-funding for the proposed project. Following the Notice of Award(s), each applicant whose project has not been funded may discuss with the Bay Area Workforce Development Board administrative staff the reasons for non-funding. The decision may be appealed. Any appeal must be in writing and must fully identify any contested issues. The written appeal documenting the basis for the appeal must be filed with James Golembeski, Executive Director, Bay Area Workforce Development Board, 317 W. Walnut Street, Green Bay, WI 54303, and received no later than five (5) business days after the Notice of Awards is postmarked. E. CONTRACTS Applicants whose proposal is approved for funding will be notified of date and time for contract negotiations. Final contract issuance will be based on a successful negotiation. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 3 PART II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. SCOPE This Request For Proposals covers ONLY the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) YOUTH programs in Bay Area Central, which is composed of Brown, Door, Kewaunee, and Shawano counties; and Bay Area East which is composed of Manitowoc and the south-eastern portion of Kewaunee counties. This solicitation is a Request For Proposals to serve clients eligible for WIOA YOUTH program services. WORKFORCE INNOVATION & OPPORTUNITY ACT (WIOA) SERVICES The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is the nation’s newly enacted principle workforce development legislation designed to provide programming and funding for streamlining services through One-Stop-Operators at local Job Centers, empowering individuals through information access to training resources, providing universal access to core-level services, and increasing performance and accountability of the workforce investment system. Beginning in Program Year 2015 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016), the Bay Area Workforce Development Board (BAWDB) will capitalize on the changing workforce development legislation and directly align the youth programs with WIOA requirements. This first-year program is designed to align closely with WIOA by focusing on Out-of-School Youth (OSY), high-demand occupation career pathways, and individually tailored work-based training opportunities. The goal of the BAWDB WIOA youth program is to develop and deliver high quality innovative services and programs to assist eligible youth towards obtaining meaningful and career advancing opportunities in the community through educational and workforce achievements. In order to better serve the youth of Northeast Wisconsin and the Bay Area, youth workforce development services will need to incorporate a comprehensive recruitment strategy designed to attract and retain eligible youth in WIOA programming. Leveraging existing resources and developing and strengthening partnerships with school district administrators, faith and community based organizations, as well as other community youth service providers is strongly recommended. Bay Area Workforce Development Board YOUTH programs must be designed, operated, funded, and delineated by In-School (ISY) and Out-of-School Youth (OSY) definition criteria. Both ISY and OSY programs will have similar core components, with the primary difference being the focus on attainment of education credential for ISY while the focus for OSY is on the attainment of self-sufficiency, ideally achieved through post-secondary education opportunities. A number of key components comprise both ISY and OSY programs and include but are not limited to: basic skills remediation, paid work experience, career pathways, and work readiness and skills training. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 4 Basic skills remediation will be provided to ALL enrolled youth who have tested below 9th grade reading and/or math utilizing the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). Paid work experience and internships are required services for all Bay Area youth programs. Additionally, work experience and internships should reinforce exploration of the youth’s career pathways interests and goals as identified through formal assessment. Any and all skills training provided to eligible youth should reflect the Bay Area’s five primary high-demand occupation sector strategies: transportation, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, and insurance/customer service. Applicants awarded contract(s) may use grant funds to provide services to individuals who are between the ages of 14-24 years old and meet the local, state, and federal WIOA YOUTH (IN-SCHOOL and OUT-OF-SCHOOL) eligibility definition. The goal is to provide workforce development activities that increase the employment, retention, earning, and occupational skill attainment of job seeking customers, while meeting the workforce demands of local employers as defined by the Bay Area Workforce Development Board. IN-SCHOOL YOUTH (ISY) Funding for ISY aligns with WIOA requirements, with a maximum of 25% of total youth funding being allocated for ISY services and programs. Based on projected Program Year 2015 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016) funding availability, approximately $125,000.00 is available for ISY programs. Profile of an In-School-Youth Approaching or currently in their senior year of high school (17-18 years old) Determined to be “at-risk” or “barriered” to education and/or employment (low income, credit deficient, offender, homeless/runaway, pregnant/parenting, foster care, etc.) Lack career direction The focus of the ISY program is educational credential achievement in conjunction with work readiness activities, to include development of a career pathway. OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUTH Funding for OSY will also align with the new WIOA requirements, with a minimum of 75% of total youth funding allocated to OSY services and programs. Based on Program Year 2015 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016) funding projections, approximately $375,000.00 is available for OSY programs. Profile of an Out-Of-School Youth Between the ages of 16 and 24 Basic Skills Deficient Barriers to education/employment Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 5 The goal of the OSY program is to prepare youth for the transition to successful participation in the workforce. The following strategies have been identified to assist youth with employment and training opportunities to obtain and retain employment and achieve selfsufficiency: To provide eligible youth seeking assistance in achieving academic and employment success, effective and comprehensive activities, which shall include a variety of options for improving life skills, educational and skill competencies, and provide effective connections to employers; To provide opportunities for training eligible youth; To provide continued supportive services for eligible youth; To provide incentives for recognition and achievement to eligible youth; and To provide eligible youth opportunities to participate in activities related to leadership development. The design framework for the WIOA Youth program requires that all programs: Provide an objective assessment of the academic levels, skill levels, and service needs of each participant; Develop service strategies for each participant that shall identify an employment goal; Provide preparation for post-secondary educational opportunities, in appropriate cases; Establish strong linkages between academic and occupational learning; Prepare participants for unsubsidized employment opportunities; and Develop effective connections to intermediaries with strong links to the job market and local/regional employers. Proposals must demonstrate how all fourteen (14) required program elements will be made available to participants. “Make available” does not mean that every youth participant must receive services from all program elements; rather, it means that youth must have access to these services if required to meet identified goals. Proposals must also detail how the proposer will coordinate with other youth-service providers, including working with partner agencies in Bay Area Job Centers and other non-WIOA agencies operating throughout the community. Required program elements are: 1. Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction, leading to completion of secondary school, including dropout prevention strategies. 2. Alternative secondary school services. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 6 3. Paid and unpaid work experiences, including internships and job shadowing. Summer employment opportunities that are directly linked to academic and occupational learning. 4. Occupational skill training. 5. Leadership development opportunities, which may include community service and peer-centered activities encouraging responsibility and other positive social behaviors. 6. Supportive services. 7. Adult mentoring for the period of participation and possibly for a subsequent period, for a total of not less than 12 months. 8. Follow up services for a minimum of 12 months after exit. 9. Comprehensive guidance and counseling, which may include drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral. 10. Financial literacy. (Mandated service for ALL enrolled youth (ISY and OSY). 11. Entrepreneurial training. 12. Local labor market employment information. 13. Activities that help youth transition to post-secondary education and training. 14. Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupation cluster. B. PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY All participants in the contractor's program must be registered as eligible for the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act under the applicable regulations. The WIOA Career Services Specialist(s) will provide the following on a continuous basis: eligibility screening, program registration, comprehensive assessment, individual service strategy and career pathways development, information system data entry, follow-up activities, and service referral. No participant may receive services or payment for an activity until certification of registration and WIOA enrollment has been completed, entered into the client tracking system, and properly documented. C. FUND SOURCE The funds available for services solicited by this Request For Proposals are provided through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act: YOUTH PROGRAM. No more than 10% of contract funds may be used for the costs of administration. Administration costs are limited to the expensed program costs. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 7 This WIOA: YOUTH procurement action will award multiple contracts totaling a projected amount of $500,000.00 for Program Year 2015, based on projected funding availability. This projected amount is the best estimate of anticipated funding and is subject to change. Allowable costs for YOUTH programs include: Staffing and Staff Support Costs Core Services Participant Training (work-based training, work experiences, internships, etc.) Participant Support and Monetary Incentives/Stipends – (Bay Area Workforce Development Board staff administered) Administration – (not more than 10% program contracted costs expensed) D. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance for service(s) resulting from this solicitation will commence July 1, 2015 and end June 30, 2016. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board reserves the right to extend the contract. The extension is solely the option of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board and will be based on availability of funds, requirements of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act, demonstrated performance of the contractor and the needs of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board. E. NON-DUPLICATION OF FACILITIES/SERVICES Funds provided for this solicitation shall only be used for activities supplemental to those which are currently available. In addition, these funds shall not be used to duplicate facilities or services available in the area (with or without reimbursement from Federal, State, or local sources). Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 8 PART III CONTRACT TYPE AND PAYMENT A. COST REIMBURSEMENT Payments under this type of contract will be prorated among the cost categories of administration and program costs. Reimbursement will be made for actual, allowable and allocable costs incurred in the performance of the contract, not to exceed maximums stated in the contract. Cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contracts shall not be used. Profit is currently not allowable in Bay Area Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act contracts. B. CONTRACT PAYMENT Contract payment shall be based on submission of a Monthly Expenditure Report. This report with supporting documentation is due to the Bay Area Workforce Development Board no later than the 15th of each month following the month for which reimbursement is claimed. C. SUPPORT SERVICE PAYMENTS Support services payments are generated by the Career Services Specialist and administered by the Bay Area Workforce Development Board staff. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board issues payment of support services directly to the program participant. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 9 PART IV SUBCONTRACTING A. GUIDELINES FOR SUBCONTRACTING Contracting between a prime Workforce Development Area One-Stop Operator or contractor and one or more organizations is an allowable activity. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board reserves the right of approval or denial for all subcontracts and will maintain an administrative oversight role in all subcontracts. All subcontracts will be required to be a cost reimbursement contract and be obtained through a competitive bid process. No subcontract time frame can extend beyond the prime contract period. Prior to the issue of a subcontract, the prime contractor must meet with the Bay Area Workforce Development Board staff to assure: Bay Area WDB Pre-approval of the subcontract purpose A competitive procurement process is conducted Pre-approval of the contract format Pre-approval of fiscal provisions Establish monitoring methods of the subcontract The subcontract meets the goals of the prime contract WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 10 PART V SELECTION FOR AWARD All proposals will be reviewed and rated according to procedures described in the Bay Area Workforce Development Board’s Procurement Manual. Proposals will be reviewed and rated by the Proposal Review Committee, comprised of selected members of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, Local Elected Officials, and administrative staff of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board. The basic elements that will be rated are: History of demonstrated effectiveness Fiscal rating Local factors Proposal contents and goals Program Design Criterion Abstract Program Design Service Strategy Design and Delivery Organizational Profile Performance Metrics Cost/Price Analysis TOTAL Points 5 43 30 12 10 50 150 The Bay Area Workforce Development Board Controller will complete a cost/price analysis for each proposal. Final decision for funding will be made by the Bay Area Workforce Development Board (or the Bay Area Workforce Development Board Executive Committee) upon recommendation from the Proposal Review Committee. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board reserves the right to reject any offer which it determines does not meet the employment and training needs of Workforce Development Area 5. PLEASE NOTE: Individuals reviewing and rating the proposals are members of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, Bay Area Workforce Development Board Youth Council, or Local Elected Officials. Abbreviations and acronyms should NOT be used. Proposal Review Committee members may deduct points if they do not understand the information being provided. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 11 PART VI GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Provide an abstract (two pages or less) summarizing the proposed project, including, but not limited to, the scope and proposed outcomes of a Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act: YOUTH case management system within a comprehensive job center (including applicable Affiliated Point of Service site[s]). The comprehensive job centers in the Bay Area covered under this Request For Proposals are: Bay Area Central, serving Brown, Door, Kewaunee, and Shawano counties Bay Area East, serving Manitowoc and south-eastern portion of Kewaunee counties, Each proposal may include the provision of WIOA: YOUTH services provided out of an individual job center OR may include the provision of WIOA: YOUTH services out of MULTIPLE job centers within a contract area (i.e. Bay Central contains three (3) job centers). If the applicant desires to provide WIOA: YOUTH services in more than one contract area (i.e. Bay East and Bay Central), a separate proposal MUST be submitted for each contract area proposed. For example, an applicant that is proposing to provide WIOA: YOUTH services in Bay Area East and Bay Area Central is required to submit two (2) separate proposals, one for each contract location/area. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 12 PART VII PROGRAM DESIGN, METHODOLOGY, AND DESCRIPTION Describe how you intend to provide the required program elements listed below. Additional points will be awarded to proposals incorporating recognized best-practices (statewide or nationally) and/or service-delivery innovation designed to improve efficacy and efficiency of existing workforce development models. A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1. Goal(s) (maximum of 5 points) – Describe your workforce development program philosophy and any specific goal(s) that extend beyond the basic required performance measures. 2. Enrollment (maximum of 5 points) – Describe how the outreach and recruitment procedures for participants will be provided. Innovative strategies for engaging prospective program participants within local communities and creating greater awareness of the Bay Area Workforce Development Board’s strong partnership with the Northeast Wisconsin Job Center network are highly encouraged. 3. Orientation/Assessment (maximum of 8 points) – Describe how the enrollees will be informed of the program services and how they will be provided an orientation to the job center and partner services. Describe the assessment process (to include any/all specific assessment tools you intend to utilize) and how it will serve as a basis for the service strategy. Additionally, indicate how the assessment will be used towards establishing and evaluating the goals and progress of the Individual Service Strategy. 4. Service Design Delivery (maximum of 30 points ) – All services funded under this solicitation must be provided at one of the Comprehensive Job Centers and if applicable, Affiliated Points of Service (APS) sites in the Bay Area. The fourteen (14) required youth service elements must be made available to all WIOA participants. These services may be provided through the WIOA contracted agency/staff or though a referral to the appropriate agency or program. All services must be provided on an individual basis and tracked in the ASSET and PAS systems. a. Describe your case management system. b. Describe the process for keeping ASSET entries timely and case notes accurate. c. Describe how the case management staff will assist with the delivery of Core Services in the job center, including the provision of workshops, job center orientation sessions and other job center group activities. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 13 d. What process will ensure that all participants prior to entering training will have an assessment of computer skills and if needed, how the participant will improve their computer skills to the level required for the identified training program. e. Provide the training process for new staff and the continued training for current staff. Who will provide the training, the time frame for on-going training and the process to measure the success of the training? f. Describe the process for providing the veteran or spouse of veteran preference for services. 5. Training (maximum of 15 points) – Describe the training including the number of hours of instruction, the method of delivery (groups, individuals, etc.), who is providing the instruction, and (do NOT include occupational skills training component) a. How the progress of students is evaluated. b. Include a curriculum of the program. If a specialized methodology and/or curriculum are proposed, describe the features and benefits (include the format/commercial name, if applicable. Do not include complete packages). c. WIOA regulations stipulate 20% of available funding is required to be allocated towards practical work experience and internships in occupation sectors associated with participant’s career goals, interests, and aptitudes. Clearly describe and articulate proposed work experience strategies, to include (but not limited to): development of work sites, training plans/timelines, marketing/promotion efforts, etc. Work experience training plans and strategies incorporating private sector employer participation are preferred and will be scored accordingly. 6. Coordination (maximum of 8 points) – Note: Representation on the local Job Center Management Team is required for any organization awarded this solicitation. Describe how community resources in addition to the job center resources will be made available to the participants. Describe in sufficient detail planned and/or actual coordination strategies with community youth service agencies designed to connect youth with WIOA programming and services. 7. Client Tracking (maximum of 2 points) – Describe the client tracking process, including the maintenance of client files, Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act required tracking and the coordination of client service information with other providers if there is a co-enrollment. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 14 8. Facilities (maximum of 2 points) – In addition to the Job Center or APS briefly describe any other site or facility(s) where the program is to be operated. Describe the extent to which satellite sites are utilized by the training program. If specialized equipment is key to the program (e.g., computers), please include description and quantity. 9. Staffing (maximum of 5 points) – Describe how the case load of the staff will be monitored and the projected number of participants per Career Services Specialist (size of the case load). Complete the Staffing form located in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. Indicate who will supervise the staff and the process and timeframe for filling vacancies. Please refer to PART VI for multiple/single proposal submission instructions. a. Bay Area Workforce Development Board directs the following Youth Career Services Specialist minimum staffing patterns to ensure the provision of highest quality Youth services across the WDA: i. Bay Area Central: Green Bay Comprehensive Job Center: 1 FTE Door County APS: 1 FTE Shawano County APS: 1 FTE ii. Bay Area East: Manitowoc Comprehensive Job Center: 1 FTE b. Proposals incorporating service strategies emphasizing the provision of WIOA services to rural/remote areas beyond the immediate proximity of the established Job Center(s) are highly encouraged and may be awarded additional points based on creativity, innovativeness, and demonstrated potential to achieve positive outcomes. 10. Monitoring (maximum of 5 points) – Describe the methods by which the services and staff will be monitored including procedures for issuing monitoring reports and resolution/correction action. Proposal writers must respond to this section indicating who will be monitoring the program and how often, and attach a copy of the monitoring form to be utilized. 11. Performance Standards (maximum of 10 points) – Enter performance levels on the Youth Performance Chart located in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. 12. Fiscal (maximum of 50 points) – Describe your accounting procedures and methodology for estimating and justifying costs per client. (Use the WIOA ISY and WIOA OSY Youth Budget forms located in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. A Budget Narrative must also be provided using the Budget Narrative Guidelines also found in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 15 B. BUDGET DETAIL Each proposal requires a separate line item budget subdivided into In-School and Outof-School Youth and cost-categorized by Core, Administration and Program Services. All contracts must assist in the provision of core services at a Comprehensive Job Center or Affiliated Point of Service. Please provide a line item budget using the WIOA ISY Budget form and the WIOA OSY Budget form located in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. A Budget Narrative by category for costs must also be provided for each the WIOA ISY and the WIOA OSY budgets using the Budget Narrative Guidelines also found in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. Accepted proposals will result in cost reimbursement contracts; no profit is allowed. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 16 PART VIII PROPOSAL ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL FORMAT Proposals must be prepared and sequenced in accordance with the instructions outlined in Part VIII. All pages must be formatted in Microsoft Word, presented on 8½ x11 paper, printed single-sided, with each page numbered and single-spaced using 12 point Times New Roman font. FORMS: All forms requested are located in the Form Attachments section of the RFP. Forms are to be downloaded, completed and/or signed, and incorporated into applicant’s printed and emailed submittal. For forms requiring a signature, the original signature page must be incorporated in the proposal set marked “Original.” Other sets of the submittal may be copies. All forms, including signature forms, must be included in the emailed submittal. When completed, proposals and required forms are to be assembled as follows: 1. Proposal Transmittal and Certification form 2. Table of Contents 3. Program Design/Methodology/Service Description 4. Youth Performance Chart 5. Budget documentation to include WIOA ISY Budget form and an ISY Budget Narrative WIOA OSY Budget form and an OSY Budget Narrative Cost Price Certification form 6. Staffing 7. Applicant Certification and Contacts form 8. Current audited financial statement Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 17 B. PROPOSAL CONTENT 1. Proposal Transmittal and Certification** The Proposal Transmittal form must be completed, noting that the cost per participant is equal to the total dollars requested divided by the total number of participants, and the cost per positive termination is equal to the total dollars requested divided by the total number of placements or positive terminations. 2. Table of Contents: Complete a Table of Contents. Sections should be noted and pages should be numbered. Keep the sections sequenced in the order that they appear in this RFP. 3. Program Design, Methodology, and Description: Insert your program description(s). Address the required goals and objectives in this RFP. 4. Performance Charts: Complete the Youth Performance Chart located in the Form Attachments section of this RFP. 5. Budget: Submit each of the following completed documents A WIOA ISY Budget form and an accompanying ISY Budget Narrative A WIOA OSY Budget form and an accompanying OSY Budget Narrative A Cost Price Certification** Please Note: All contracts must have funding for Job Center Core Services. 6. Staffing: The Staffing form must include all hourly and salaried staff funded under this contract, and include any executive/consultant costs that are allocated. The name of staff members, their job title and main duties and required to be reported on this form, as well as wages. 7. Applicant Certification & Contacts: Form must be fully completed. 8. Financial Statement: Submit applicant agency’s most current audited financial statement. Current WIOA legislation requires a financial risk assessment for each proposer. ** Forms requiring a signature: The original signature page must be incorporated in the proposal set marked “Original.” Other sets of the submittal may be copies. All forms, including signature forms, must be included in the emailed submittal. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Bay Central and Bay East 18 FORM ATTACHMENTS Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 19 Bay Area Workforce Development Board PROPOSAL TRANSMITTAL FORM Youth Program Services Location of Proposed Youth Services: Applicant Organization Address City/State/Zip Area Code/Telephone No. Point of Contact Title Employer ID Number Total Funds Requested $ No. of Participants Cost Per Participant $ PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I, , herby certify that I am legally and duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. signed this day of , 20 Signature Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 20 Bay Area Workforce Development Board YOUTH PERFORMANCE CHART Youth Program Services Location of Proposed Youth Services: Youth Program Standards Required Percentage of program participants who are in education or training activities OR in unsubsidized performance after exit. (Measured twice: 2nd and 4th quarters after program exit.) Negotiable Median earnings of participants in unsubsidized employment during second quarter after exit. Negotiable Percentage of participants who obtain a recognized post-secondary credential, secondary school diploma, or equivalent during participation OR within one (1) year after exit. Negotiable Percentage of participants who during a program year are in education that leads to a recognized post-secondary credential OR employment AND who are achieving measurable gains towards those goals. Negotiable Literacy/Numeracy Gains Bay Area WDB Proposed 50% WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 21 WIOA ISY BUDGET FOR (indicate Bay Area location): July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 FOR WDB USE AWAGES AFRING AACCTG AADVER AAUDIT ACOMMU AEQUIP AFACIL AINSUR AMATER APRINT ATRAIN ATRAVL A FOR WDB USE CWAGES CFRING CCOMMU CEQUIP CFACIL CMATER CPRINT CTRAIN CTRVL C FOR WDB USE PWAGES PFRING PADVER PCOMMU PEQUIP PFACIL PINSUR PMATER PPRINT PTRAIN PTRAVL P ADMINISTRATION Staff Wages Staff Fringes Accounting Advertising Audit Communications Equipment Facilities Insurance Materials/Supplies Printing/Copies Staff Training Staff Travel Other (Specify) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: CORE SERVICES Staff Wages Staff Fringes Communications Equipment Facilities Materials/Supplies Printing/Copies Staff Training Staff Travel Other (Specify) TOTAL CORE SERVICES: PROGRAM Staff Wages Staff Fringes Advertising Communications Equipment Facilities Insurance Materials/Supplies Printing/Copies Staff Training Staff Travel Other (Specify) TOTAL PROGRAM: BUDGET TOTAL CONTRACT: Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 22 WIOA OSY BUDGET FOR (indicate Bay Area location): July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 FOR WDB USE AWAGES AFRING AACCTG AADVER AAUDIT ACOMMU AEQUIP AFACIL AINSUR AMATER APRINT ATRAIN ATRAVL A FOR WDB USE CWAGES CFRING CCOMMU CEQUIP CFACIL CMATER CPRINT CTRAIN CTRVL C FOR WDB USE PWAGES PFRING PADVER PCOMMU PEQUIP PFACIL PINSUR PMATER PPRINT PTRAIN PTRAVL P ADMINISTRATION Staff Wages Staff Fringes Accounting Advertising Audit Communications Equipment Facilities Insurance Materials/Supplies Printing/Copies Staff Training Staff Travel Other (Specify) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: CORE SERVICES Staff Wages Staff Fringes Communications Equipment Facilities Materials/Supplies Printing/Copies Staff Training Staff Travel Other (Specify) TOTAL CORE SERVICES: PROGRAM Staff Wages Staff Fringes Advertising Communications Equipment Facilities Insurance Materials/Supplies Printing/Copies Staff Training Staff Travel Other (Specify) TOTAL PROGRAM: BUDGET TOTAL CONTRACT: Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 23 Bay Area Workforce Development Board BUDGET NARRATIVE GUIDE Youth Program Services **NOTE: A separate Budget Narrative must be prepared for both the WIOA In-School Youth and the WIOA Out-Of-School Youth programs. Staff Wages - This includes all staff funded under this contract including any executive/consultant costs that are allocated. For Hourly Staff: Wage Per Hour x # of Hours for each person in grant Include job title and a description of duties for each hourly staff member. For Salaried Staff: Annual Wage for each person in grant. Include job title, description of duties, and percent of time salaried staff member will be funded. Staff Fringes - Indicate the type of fringe, dollar amount, percent paid, and the position fringe is being expensed to. This needs to be completed for each position being funded by the contract. Staff Travel - Provide the total number of miles and the reimbursement rate. Material and Supplies - State the type of materials and cost associated with this category. Facilities - Provide the cost of the facilities assigned to the contract and detail on how the costs were determined. Communications - State the type of communication and cost, (Fax, telephone, postage, etc.) Printing and Copies - Detail of cost of printing and/or copies Insurance - Detail of cost and type of insurance Advertising - Type and cost of advertising expense. Audit - This expense is always an administrative cost. Detail amount and type. Accounting - This expense is always an administrative cost. Detail amount and type. Cost Allocation Plan - Enclose a copy of the Cost Allocation Plan. Other - Expenses not included above are to be itemized with detailed breakout of each cost. Work Experience - Indicate work experience wages: Rate Per Hour x Number of Youth. Separate summer work experience costs from year round work experience costs. Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 24 Bay Area Workforce Development Board COST PRICE CERTIFICATION Youth Program Services Location of Proposed Youth Services: I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the cost/pricing data submitted is accurate, complete and current as of the date of its submission. The Bay Area Workforce Development Board, Inc. retains the right to adjust any submitted price to exclude any sum by which the price was increased because the awardee had knowingly submitted data that was not accurate, complete and/or current as certified. ORGANIZATION: NAME (Printed): TITLE: Signature Bay Area WDB Date WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 25 Bay Area Workforce Development Board STAFFING FOR YOUTH SERVICES Indicate key staff that will be assigned to the program by name, qualifications, function, and amount of time assigned. Location of Proposed Youth Services: Name of Staff Member Bay Area WDB Title & Job Duties WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 Qualifications % time WIOA Funded Salaried (S) Hourly (H) 26 Bay Area Workforce Development Board APPLICANT CERTIFICATION & CONTACTS Youth Program Services Location of Proposed Youth Services: Applicant Organization: Legal Name (if different): Legal Status (Profit, Non-Profit): CONTRACT REPORTING: Name and Title Mailing Address Phone No. Email CLIENT REPORTING: Name and Title Mailing Address Phone No. Email FISCAL AGENT: Name and Title Mailing Address Phone No. Email Credentials Date of Audited Financial System: DUNS Number: Bay Area WDB WIOA Youth Program Services RFP 2015 27
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