Register Now - AMA (SA) Training

where knowledge + health meet
RTO No. 40880
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BSB51107 Diploma of Management
AMA(SA) Training offers a nationally accredited Diploma of Management, developed
specifically for leaders within the Health and Primary Care industries.
Is for “Australian Industry to access training and support services and develop
innovative training solutions so Australia will have the highly skilled workforce it
needs….” – Federal Government Media Release October 2014
To further develop your business acumen, the Diploma of Management gives you the
critical skills needed to improve a team’s success and effectiveness. The course has a
strong focus on strengthening your leadership skills and managing the work of others in
the constantly changing business environment.
Training can be negotiated and tailored for each respondent to the expression of
interest below.
Industry Selected Units (Compulsory)
BSBCUS501C Manage quality customer service
BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness
BSBWHS501A Ensure a safe workplace
BSBRSK501B Manage risk
BSBWRK510A Manage employee relations
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities
and professional development
Electives (Choose any 2 from units listed below)
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the
BSBMGT502B Manage people performance
BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and
financial plans
BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan
Our delivery staff includes members of both the business and health workforce who are practitioners with
extensive experience. We also use guest speakers with expertise in the specific skills required.
Information / Induction
Online learning
Self-paced learning
Flexible learning
In partnership with AMA(SA) Inc & sapmea
Student mentoring
RPL assessment
Support assistance
as required
$3,500 Full Qualification
$160.00 resource fee
$50.00 enrolment fee
$450.00 per unit workshop
(inclusive of all fees)
An Introduction to Management and Leadership
The world is changing and organisations are changing. As a result, greater skills and knowledge are
demanded of employees at all levels. Managers are expected to contribute more, and differently, than
previous generations of managers. Their roles and responsibilities are changing significantly.
Management offers abundant opportunities to those prepared to accept the challenge. Every
organisation is a potential source of employment and advancement. People who can manage
themselves, lead others and achieve results are valuable to any organisation.
Simply wanting to become a manager won’t make you one. It takes study, hard work, personal
commitment, experience and on-the-job and off-the-job training. Becoming a successful manager is a
long but rewarding process.
The Manager’s skill set
At every level of management, some proficiency in each of the following skill groups is necessary:
 Technical job-related skills
 Interpersonal skills
 Conceptual skills
While the technical job-related skills differ from job to job, the interpersonal and conceptual skills are
common to all managerial jobs.
The Five Functions
of Management
Good leaders help people excel. They inspire them, coach them, guide them, and make sure they have
what they need to do their jobs to the best of their ability. In return, leaders earn loyalty, admiration and
respect. Real leaders like this don’t grow on trees.
‘The leader’s job is to get results by establishing a vision and a strategy, and communicating, motivating,
delegating and coaching until the vision is achieved.’
The challenges that today’s dynamic environment presents makes effective leadership even more
important than before. In fact, it is now a core competency that all managers must possess.
‘A leader articulates and embodies a vision and goals and enables others to share and achieve them.’
Leaders coach and support people in their efforts, and develop positive and respectful working
relationships with people. Their followers admire them and know they can count on them. Leaders
‘practice what they preach’ and act as positive role models that others want to emulate.
Management: Theory and Practice, Kris Cole
where knowledge + health meet
RTO No. 40880
Register Now
BSB51107 Diploma of Management
Name: 
Phone: 
Email: 
Industry Selected Units (Compulsory)
BSBCUS501C Manage quality customer service
BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness
BSBWHS501A Ensure a safe workplace
BSBRSK501B Manage risk
BSBWRK510A Manage employee relations
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities
and professional development
Electives (Choose any 2 from units listed below)
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the
BSBMGT502B Manage people performance
BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and
financial plans
BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan
Students choose 2 electives from the leadership and management units above along with the 6
compulsory units.
Our delivery staff includes members of both the business and health workforce who are practitioners with
extensive experience. We also use guest speakers with expertise in the specific skills required.
Information / Induction
Online learning
Self-paced learning
Flexible learning
Student mentoring
RPL assessment
Support assistance
as required
$3,500 Full Qualification
$160.00 resource fee
$50.00 enrolment fee
$450.00 per unit workshop
(inclusive of all fees)
Please complete your expression of interest and either
email to
or fax to (08) 8274 6000
In partnership with AMA(SA) Inc & sapmea