Conference Program March 10, 2015 Room #2 Room #26 Room #28 Welcome & Opening Remarks 08:30 Peter Droege (President EUROSOLAR e.V., Vaduz, Liechtenstein) Johannes Remmel (Ministry for Climate Protection & Environment of the German State of NRW, Germany) Dirk Uwe Sauer (Scientific Chairman of IRES, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany) Plenary 08:50 Marco Merlo (Politecnico of Milano, Milan, Italy) The role of storage in emerging country scenarios 09:15 Frank Merten (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany) Virtual electric transmission via power‐to‐gas and the gas infrastructure 09:40 Ingo Stadler (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany) Storage solutions for smart cities: interlinking electricity, heat and gas infrastructure 10:05 Dörte Laing (Hochschule Esslingen ‐ University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen, Germany) Innovative concept for latent heat storage with direct electrical charging Coffee break & Guided tour through exhibition 10:30 Parallel Sessions Power‐to‐gas/Power‐to‐Liquids Economics/Legal/Politics/Barriers Batteries & Flow Batteries 11:10 Power‐to‐gas as an emerging profitable business through creating an integrated value chain (Christian Breyer, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland) 11:30 Life Cycle Assessment of primary control provision by Sensitivities of power‐to‐gas within an optimised Energy storage through batteries as part of the overall battery storage systems and fossil power plants (Jan energy system (Editha Kötter, Reiner Lemoine Institut drive for Europe's energy policy (Alfons Westgeest, Christian Koj, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,/IEK‐ gGmbH, Berlin, Germany) EUROBAT, Brussels, Belgium) SIE, Jülich, Germany) Holistic comparative analysis of different storages Advanced lead‐acid battery for integration with using levelized cost of storage and life cycle analysis renewable generation (Christiaan Beekhuis, Gridtential method (Verena Jülch, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Energy, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA) Germany) 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2015) Conference Program 11:50 Options for delivering CO2 in P2G systems for producing synthetic fuels (Cyril Jose Bajamundi, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Jyväskylä, Finland) 12:10 Power‐to‐gas: biological methanisation, demoproject Enabling investment in energy storage technologies ‐ at the gas injection biogas plant ‐ renewable gas for An assessment of business models (Benedikt Battke, mobility (Thomas Heller, MicrobEnergy GmbH ‐ ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland) Viessmann Group, Schwandorf, Germany) M5BAT ‐ Modular multi‐megawatt multi‐technology medium voltage battery storageStatus and Learnings (Christian Folke, E.ON, Cologne, Germany) 12:30 Power‐to‐chemistry®: energy storage in industrial Agent‐based simulation of business cases using energy electro‐chemical processes with co‐product hydrogen storage to optimize marketers' renewable energy and its ecological impact (Georg Markowz, Evonik portfolio (Marc Deissenroth, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany) Industries AG, Hanau, Germany) The field application of MW‐class vanadium flow battery system in the wind farm (Yu Zhang, Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd, Dalian, China) 12:50 Power‐to‐gas ‐ technical progress and perspectives (Ulrich Zuberbühler, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie‐ und Wasserstoff‐Forchung, Stuttgart, Germany) Legal framework for energy storage (Tobias Mischlau, E.ON, Essen, Germany) Analysis of amortization for stationary battery applications using a detailed ageing modeling approach (Maik Naumann, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany) Iron‐Chromium Redox Flow Battery ‐ Field Deployment and Performance Test Results for a 250 kW, 1 MWh System (Ronald Mosso, EnerVault Corp, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) 13:10 Lunch break 14:00 Poster Session Parallel Sessions Thermal/Thermochemical Energy Storage and/or Power‐to‐Heat PV Home Storage Systems Storage Demand 15:30 Thermochemical heat storage at high temperatures using Mn2O3/Mn3O4 system: narrowing the redox hysteresis by metal co‐doping (Alfonso J. Carrillo, IMDEA Energy, Madrid, Spain) Grid planning and operation with increasing amounts of PV storage systems (Jan von Appen, Fraunhofer IWES, Kassel, Germany) Large‐scale integration of renewable energies and impact on storage demand in a European renwable power system of 2050 (Christian Bussar, RWTH Aachen/ISEA, Aachen, Germany) 15:50 Operation results of a closed sorption heat storage prototype (Benjamin Fumey, Empa, Duebendorf, Switzerland) Energy storage for a greenhouse gas neutral society: Community Energy Management with Electric Vehicles demand and long‐term strategy (Mark Nowakowski, for Effective Use of Solar Energy (Daisuke Satoya, Federal Environment Agency, Dessau‐Roßlau Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) Germany) 16:10 An open sorption heat storage concept and materials for building heat supply (Bernhard Zettl, Austria Solar Innovation Center, Wels, Austria) Comparison of control strategies of residential PV storage systems (Matthias Resch, Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH, Berlin, Germany) Assessment of storage options for reduction of yield losses in a region with 100% renewable electricity (Michael Döring, Ecofys, Berlin, Germany & Carsten Pape, Fraunhofer IWES, Kassel Germany 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2015) Conference Program 16:30 Mobile sorption heat storage in industrial waste heat Scientific measuring and evaluation program for Power storage in the German energy transition (Daniel recovery (Andreas Krönauer, ZAE Bayern, Munich, photovoltaic battery systems (WMEP PV‐Speicher) (Kai‐ Fürstenwerth, Agora Energiewende, Berlin, Germany) Philipp Kairies, RWTH Aachen/ISEA, Aachen, Germany) Germany) 16:50 Coffee break Parallel Sessions Large Scale Storage Systsems and Other Thechnologies 17:20 Applications and Case Studies Flexibility Options Investigation of usage of compressed air energy storage for power generation system improving ‐ Smartregion pellworm ‐ results from the field test of How demand for flexibility will develop in the German Application in a microgrid integrating wind energy an hybrid storage system (Steffen Nicolai, Fraunhofer power system and how it can be met (Dierk AST, Ilmenau, Germany) (Hussein Ibrahim,TechnoCentre éolien ‐ Wind Energy Bauknecht, Öko‐Institut e.V., Freiburg, Germany) TechnoCentre, Gaspé, Québec, Canada) 17:40 A regenerator pilot to evaluate the technical and economic relevance of energy storage by adiabatic compressed air energy storage by ceramic media (Lionel Nadau, GDF SUEZ, Paris, France) 18:00 Low cost undergroud shallow rock cavern for decentralized compressed air energy storage and economical comparison with battery at highest intermittent renewable penetration (Timothée Couchoud, Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau, Germany) 18:20 Development and Opportunities For Large‐scale Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Energy Storage 18:40 Installation and operation of autrakic lighting systems ‐ Highly load‐flexible coal‐fired power plants through using wind and solar powered lanterns with battery the integration of Molten Salt Storage (Annelies storage to illuminate public places (Thorsten Vandersickel, Institute of Energy Systems, Technical Schneiders, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, University Munich, Garching, Germany) Cologne, Germany) Field experience and best practices in managing MWscale Li‐ion energy storage sytems coupled to large wind and solar plants (Michael Lippert, SAFT, Bagnolet, France) Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Deployment and Operation with the Cross‐Sectoral Energy System Model REMix (Hans Christian Gils, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany) StoraXe® Energy Storage Systems for the "Energy Turnaround" (Jens Kistner, ads‐tec GmbH, Nürtingen, Germany) End of day March 11, 2015 Room #2 Room #26 Room #28 Parallel Sessions 08:30 Thermal/Thermochemical Energy Storage and/or Power‐to‐Heat Applications and Case Studies & Innovative Products Large Scale Storage Vacuum‐Super‐Insulated Heat Storage up to 400 °C (Gloria Streib, ZAE Bayern, Garching, Germany) Development of Kinetic Energy Storage Systems for Island Grids (Hendrik Schaede, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany) Innovative large scale heat storages for district heating systems ‐ technology overview, polit projects and perspectives (Dirk Mangold, Solites, Stuttgart, Germany) 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2015) Conference Program 08:50 09:10 Solbat ‐ a new cooperative open innovation project for The CellFlux concept for increased flexibility in sensible the development and demonstration of innovative Potential for Large Scale Energy Storage Technologies ‐ heat storage (Wolf‐Dieter Steinmann, German Business Models with Battery Storage Systems (Harald Comparison and Ranking Including an Outlook to 2030 Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany) Schäffler, schaeffler consult, Freiburg, Germany) Spatial distribution of thermal energy storages in Development and System Analysis of a vacuum urban areas connected to district heating networks insulated High Temperature Solid Storage combined and combined heat and power plans for grid balancing with Solar Power (Andreas Bachmaier, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany) Hyunder ‐ hydrogen underground storage at large scale: case study Spain (Ana Maria Ferriz Quillez, Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, Huesca, Spain) 09:30 Evaluation of thermal stratification of an air‐based thermocline TES with low‐cost filler material (Simone A. Zavattoni, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Manno, Switzerland) Substitution of low‐voltage grid extension through storages in low‐voltage grids (Lorenz Viernstein, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany) Feasibility of balancing renewable electricity through heat and gas based ‘storage chains' according to different energy price scenarios (Christine Brandstätt, Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, Germany) 09:50 Integrating decentralized electrically powered thermal supplysystems into a smart grid (Maike Hasselmann, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Germany) Safety of large stationary Li‐ion battery systems (Grietus Mulder, Vito NV, Mol, Belgium) System simulation of a Power‐to‐Gas plant providing operating reserve and hydrogen for mobility (Christoper Voglstätter, Franhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany) 10:10 Evaluation of high temperature storage concepts for concentrating solar powerplants (Thomas Fluri, Franhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany) How direct marketing of a wind power plant affects optimal design and operation of vanadium redox flow batteries (Sebastian Koenig, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany) Coffee break & Guided tour through exhibition 10:30 Parallel Sessions Thermal/Thermochemical Energy Storage and/or Power‐to‐Heat 11:10 11:30 Others Flexibility Options Ice Thermal Energy Storage (ITES) ‐ experimental Liquefied biomethane derived from biogas for long‐ Which uses cases for stationary lithium‐ion batteries investigation and modeling for integration into Multi term energy storage (Kobinian Nachtmann, University within the nice grid project? (Thomas Drizard, Ecole Modal Energy System (MMES) (Sebastian Thiem, Centrale Paris / TU Berlin, Paris, France) of applied sciences Landshut, Landshut, Germany) Siemens AG, Bielefeld, Germany) Experimental investigation of process concepts for PCM thermal energy storage (Philipp Wiesauer, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz, Austria) Storage of renewable electric energy with chemical‐ biotechnological processes (Tobias Gärtner, Fraunhofer IGB, Stuttgart, Germany) Electric Mobility as a Functional Energy Storage in Comparison to On‐Site Storage Systems for Grid Integration (Philipp Nobis, Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V, Germany) 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2015) Conference Program 11:50 Implementation of a control system in a ventilated Market opportunity for storage in next generation PV‐ facade with PCM (Luisa F. Cabeza, University of Lleida, hybrid plants for the mining industry (Florian Mayr, Lleida, Spain) Apricum GmbH, Berlin, Germany) 12:10 Compact thermal energy storage using multiple phase‐ change materials (Jan Diriken, Vito NV, Mol, Belgium) 12:30 Experimental investigation of the concentration dependent maximum storage capacity of two inorganic phase change materials (Henri Schmit, ZAE Bayern, Garching, Germany) Hybrid energy storage systems for renewable energy applications (Thilo Bocklisch, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany) The technical potentional of balancing local residual Current and future market opportunities for energy load by flexibilization of industrial processes (industrial storage ‐ A survey (Christian Doetsch & Anna Grevé, DSM) (Tomke Janßen, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Germany) Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany) Efficient charging strategies of Electric Vehicles for future grids (Chenjie Ma, Fraunhofer IWES, Kassel, Germany) Sizing and economical evaluation of residual load driven CHP and thermal storage systems in residential buildings (Markus Schumacher, RWTH Aachen / EBC, Aachen, Germany) 12:50 Development of large scale latent heat energy storage A feasibility study of rural microgrids with endemic Compressed air storages for demand side energy storage systems (Marcel Castro‐Stiriche, Nelson systems for solar thermal power plants (Stefan management in the industry (Dennis Atabay, Technial Hübner, Linde AG ‐ Linde Gas Headquarters, Pullach, Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, University Munich, Munich, Germany) Arusha, Tanzania) Germany) 13:10 Lunch break 14:00 Poster Session Plenary 15:30 Swantje Gährs (Institute for Ecological Economy Research, Berlin, Germany) Acceptance of ancillary serives and willingness to invest in PV‐storage‐systems 15:50 Jose Etcheverry (York University, Toronto, Canada) Overview of the Renewable Energy and Storage Sectors in North America 16:10 Luisa F. Cabeza (University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain) The role of thermal energy storage in today and tomorrow energy system 16:30 Concluding remarks Dirk Uwe Sauer (Scientific Chairman of IRES, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany) 17:00 End of conference Please note: The organizers reserve the right to change the program should circumstances require.
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