T) - 'If'IurDVIr^ -l I CAD/CAM49 TH54 TH6E Banapure A. N., Ladeesh V. G., r Nimtrnlker. Dr. R CAD/CAM33 CAD/CAM45 Eflectoftleadl,osslnWaterConduitSysteEForHydroElectricPlant-ACaseStudy --- 6^-.^-!..^ ..,:rh d rndalrinad SqvonirrsThree Bladed Darrieus uompanuve sluuy ur a @uurE s!'EL e''vurs' " "- - ----s-r.-L:n6r f,.{onlrinc* ['oundetion For Marine Apptications Using Modal Analysis ^f DesignAnalysis&ManufacturingofCarbonCompositelsotrussForBendingAnalysis IIall-3 EPCMOE Ilall -1 27t2l1s s-3 S. Dalu IiKumar l(U.Frrande S.Aiei ''f'l(.swartr r'lv Rahiman, P'IiGoel Shrikant G.Gawade, Prof. D. S' Patil Mr c Panreth Kumar. Dr. S K Panigrahi, K K Mahapatra Ajay A.Gaikwad, Akshay C.Kenjate, Ajinkya B'Bhosale ' Sajal Roy Tuslhar V.Durnbre, Dr. RRArakerimat (HOD)' Dr' rl.lc GanecnarL Kasrmr DaPau' Arakerimath, Dr. S' G Taii Mr AmiiR. Patil. Dr. S. G. Taii N D Shikalgar case study on economic & energy analysis ofECO friendty heat pump system THOI EnhancementofClEnginePerformanceendEmissionDyuseolLo[lpuDlicAuuruYE' TH55 Transfer Enhrncement ^-.-r s..'io ^r aanrlcncrlion usinq additives on copper surface for Ileat haviourofPolypropyIeneIilledwithcopperparticles Afternoon OEM17 TTI62 IIall-1 ExpenmenEr sluuy ul v Er rNar r 'P!' ws E v!-rr-- - -- - - rrnder Nriuml Convection D-^n..^4ir,:1i' :mnrnwpment of slvcerin soaD Drocessing plant PI 07 - IIall-2 TII. 03 TIL 60 , Mahesh A. Kori,Nikhil &shivkumar Sy''mogh S- Pachoor. P. lW G{'tX' IC S"* Ardhapurkar Nitin B, Nikhare,, Dr. RR Arakerimath ParametricAnalysisandHeettransferenhancementofLaserweldingforDifferentmaterial Yogesh R Shendage, DiPak S Thermoelectric materials for power generation Patil Top20paperauthorsareinformedtosubmitoriginalregistrationrecipttoProf.D.N.Chaudhari. Joumal Publications Top-20 papers are selected for publication contact before ort.nir* porLi ppr paper ar. lik ly to b. selected for which they need to b) (* applicable) As 700F Rs of Joumal publication Fees is extra a) . lll03l20l5 c) Dr. R.R Arakerimath Dr. S.G. Taji Co-ordinator 9970288348 AK R Kadam Birajdar Sachin, Anurag Suke, S' Dhimi A case study vr' r\ rt A.R Acharya, A.T.Pise Prof- Nikhil S 4 V-G-Choudhari. Processe Hall-2 OEMOl Note:- R Manu roi:^ Mqnrnrrrm. Dr. RRArakerimal EPCM2O 282115 Taji optimisationofArmouroflmprovisedLightBulletProofVehiclebyFiniteElementSimulation r.or Dano r-asutrE Design Optimization Through Crstitrg Simulation tioftwane PIO8 Morning S. G. " Using Finite Etement AnalYsis Hall-3 Hall-2 Dr' Sn"""a U,rfifu Suhas Deshmukh, Surabhi deshmukh' Rachel ' Patil, shruti Menon Flexural Mechanism Theoretlcal and Experimental lnvestigation ofXY Planar AnlnvestigationontheChamcteristicsofCraterProducedbyl;leclrocnemlcalUNcuarEt PIO9 s-2 N. Deshprnde, Mr.Avinash Mishra, D. G. Thakur CAD/CAM38 21nns II. I IIall-2 HaIl-l Nrvneet Kumar Jha, Dr. S.N SaPali I CFD Analisis of Perforated Water Filter THO4 t 26nfis s-r Waeholi,Pune List uf I op-zu rapcrs Tittle TII24 Halt &. Manasement. Paper ID Hall Session ffi""t^ Orgnizing Secrctory 8805026109
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