2014 ANNUAL REPORT - Youth & Family Services

Counseling • Crisis Intervention • Child Care
Head Start • Prevention Education
Girls Incorporated • Parent Enrichment
Nutrition & Health • Education
Safe Environments • Recreation
A Year of Accomplishments
Dear Friends of Youth & Family Services,
Wow! I can hardly believe that YFS has been a vital part of this community for
49 years. What a tribute to all of you that western South Dakota has had the
courage and vision to create a thriving organization that values children and
their families. With your contributions, leadership, and volunteerism, we have a
responsible and innovative array of programs dedicated to the vision that:
“Children in western South Dakota will develop healthy bodies,
inquiring minds, wholesome relationships, compassionate hearts, creative spirits, the conviction to stand up for themselves and
others, and the courage to build a better society.”
This past year Youth & Family Services has provided services and
opportunities for more than 13,000 children and their families in 24 western
South Dakota counties. Of every dollar raised to support these programs, we
ensure that $.87 goes directly into services. Additionally, YFS provides employment for 200 people in our
area and brings more than $8,280,000 grant dollars into our communities that circulate though our local
businesses four times over.
Susan Fedell
Chief Executive Officer
With the support of generous donors, we have recently acquired two pieces of property adjacent to our
E. Adams Street site. We are no longer land-locked and will be able to expand our campus, add several
much needed services, create refreshing green space, increase parking, and incorporate a classroom
greenhouse. We are very excited about this entire project.
In addition to the programs and services highlighted in this newsletter, I want to mention three of our more
recent initiatives. The YFS Fatherhood First program is continuing to educate hundreds of fathers as well
as members of the community about the importance of a father’s role in the lives of his children; our Youth
Trauma Center is providing accessible and effective trauma-focused treatment and services for more
than 300 children and their families in our region; and our Healthy for Life project continues to promote the
importance of health and nutrition while fostering positive, lifelong health practices that will, likewise, help
combat childhood obesity.
Thank you for your interest and support for Youth & Family Services. Your involvement is deeply
appreciated and I can assure you that it is making a significant difference in the lives of children
in our community.
YFS Leadership
Chief Executive Officer
Susan Fedell
Program Directors
Darcie Decker, Nutrition Services & Community Outreach
Burke Eilers, Counseling Center & Western Prevention
Resource Center
John Gordon, V, Fatherhood First & Education
Amanda Moriarty, Child Development Center
Vicki Lowry, Rapid City Head Start
Liz Kelso, Rural Head Start
Carrie Robley, Girls Incorporated® of Rapid City
Administrative Staff
Alexis Benne, Human Resources Director
Judy Burgess, Executive Administrative Assistant
Dr. Nadene Deiterman-Greni, Grants Coordinator
Janet Gundersen-Powers, Director of Finance
& Human Resources
David Miller, Associate Executive Director
Connie Olson, Development Director
Sharon Oney, Grants Administrator
Brianna Reiner, Communications Coordinator
Mike Smith, Director of Facilities & Program Advancement
Youth & Family Services Board of Directors 2013 - 2014
Mary Helland, President
Rick Rylance, Vice President
Stan Adelstein
Charles Arbeiter
Scott Barbour
Dr. Dale Berkebile
Jr. Bettelyoun
Kyle Blada
Malcom Chapman
Joe Cox
Bob DeWald
Dr. Phyllis Dixon
Gogie Enstad
Pam Fritz
Jeff Fullerton
Pat Goetzinger
Marnie Herrmann
John Hey
April Hix
Greg Hollibaugh
Roger Johnsen
JC Joyce
Lloyd LaCroix
Gary Larson
Margo Julius, Secretary
Phil Zacher, Treasurer
Kathy Letner
Kevin Martin
Sue McCormick
Judee Oldham
Craig Pfeifle
Karen Raben
Glynda Rahn
Ron Reed
Linda Rydstrom
Greg Schweiss
Dr. Jay Segrist
Mike Stec
Dr. Willis Sutliff
Dan Warren
Debra Watson
John Way
James White
Suzanne White
William White
Terry Whiting
Cathy Williams
YFS Foundation Board of Directors 2013 - 2014
Dan Warren, President
Marnie Herrmann, Vice President
Bob Paulson, Treasurer
Pat Goetzinger, Secretary
Gary Brown
Vicki Schilling
Greg Hunter
Terry Whiting
Pat Lebrun
Michelle Lintz
Mary Helland,
John Murphy
Ex Officio
Ron Reed
YFS Legacy Society Advisory Board 2013 - 2014
Kim Mills, Chairperson
Eunice Johnson, Vice Chairperson
Kyle Ewing
Loretta Hill
Brian Ogle
Girls Incorporated® of Rapid City
• 1,281 girls were inspired
to be strong, smart, and
boldSM by participating in
YFS Girls Inc.
programming this past
• 800 girls participated in
activities in the computer
• 404 utilized homework
• 667 received training in
economic literacy
• 469 went on swimming
• 669 participated in
Teaching Kitchen
• 960 engaged in team
and individual sports
• 984 participated in
physical fitness and
health-related activities
• 536 went on excursions
• 377 participated in
community services
• 781 girls explored, had
fun, and got messy
through hands-on
activities, career
mentoring experiences,
and laboratory
• 73 girls benefited from
YFS Girls Inc.’ literacy
• 663 children participated
in literacy-focused
• The critical health needs
of 89 girls were met
through YFS Girls Inc.’s
health advocacy
program, Health
Founded in 1965, YFS Girls Incorporated® of Rapid City was
Youth & Family Services’ first program.
Girls, ages 6-17, enrolled in YFS Girls Inc. are able to
participate in fun and exciting educational and recreational
activities in a safe and nurturing environment, year-round.
YFS Girls Inc. programs highlight community action, sports,
health, careers, and life planning. These programs also
celebrate our members’ culture and heritage, and
encourage the girls to develop self-reliance and life skills.
Activities at YFS Girls Inc. are designed to be
developmentally stimulating and age-appropriate and are
implemented in a creative environment.
“YFS has helped my
daughter really blossom.
They foster independence
and self-esteem, and
teamwork. YFS is full of
amazing people, amazing
programs, they’re very
affordable, and I think
it’s a great place.”
- Layla*,
Parent of YFS Girls Inc. Member
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy
of our participants.
Child Development Center
• This past year, 437
children engaged
in educational and
activities designed to
foster their overall
Of the 437 children
served, 92 were
infants and toddlers,
209 attended
preschool, and 36
participated in the
school-age program.
• Thanks to support
from the United Way
of the Black Hills, we
continue to maintain
a low-income client
base of 70 percent. Of
the children enrolled,
74 percent come from
single parent
• To better meet the
needs of low-income
families, Head Start /
Early Head Start has
been incorporated
into our programming.
Children enrolled in
this option receive
screenings, family
services assistance,
counseling services,
and nutrition and
health education.
Last year, 45 children
received Early Head
Start services and 75
children received Head
Start services.
YFS Child Development Center offers quality care, a highly
qualified staff, reasonable rates, and a welcoming
environment for children, ages 4 weeks to 14 years old.
YFS Child Development Center is one of the only facilities of
its kind in the Rapid City area that focuses on the unique
needs of low income families.
YFS Child Development Center is licensed by the state of
South Dakota and is recognized for its experienced, caring
staff. All YFS Child Development Center teachers possess
four-year degrees in education, child development, or
related fields. In addition, staff members are provided with
a minimum of 20 hours of annual child care training.
Children enrolled in YFS’ Child Development Center
benefit from a wide variety of activities in a facility designed
for young children.
Children utilize our
on-site gymnasium,
computer room, library and
teaching kitchen, in addition
to an outdoor playground
and their classrooms.
Additionally, guest
speakers and excursions
enhance and expand
learning opportunities.
“I really like YFS because of all the nice teachers.
It’s fun to be here while my mom is away at work.”
-Libby*, age 5
Counseling Center
• The YFS Counseling
Center served 512
unduplicated youth and
adults in the last year
through assessment,
counseling, and prevention
education. Of that number,
388 were children and 124
were adults seen for
trauma, chemical
dependency, or other
mental health related
• Last year YFS’ Youth
Trauma Center completed
322 trauma assessments
and provided trauma
related treatment for 266
children and 40 parents.
YFS’ Youth Trauma Center
also provided resources
to more than 400
individuals to increase
knowledge and skills
throughout the Black Hills.
• New to the Counseling
Center is the Intensive
Family Services Program.
The goal of this pilot
program is to increase
the number of families
who develop the skills
necessary to maintain
a safe, nurturing, and
stable family environment,
and to reduce the number
of youth with behavioral
health needs who
require out-of-home care.
YFS staff work to identify
resources to assist each
family’s individual needs.
The YFS Counseling Center staff members are dedicated
to helping families overcome challenges and pave the way
for improved quality of life. The fully licensed therapists
specialize in a variety of therapeutic approaches including:
play, art and sand therapy, abuse and trauma coping
techniques, and chemical dependency and prevention
With a strong record of building genuine, caring
relationships with clients, staff are able to create
effective channels of communication and interact with
children in ways they can understand. YFS counselors
foster, nurture, and rebuild healthy family relationships that
can influence a lifetime of positive change.
All ten YFS counselors have master’s degrees in counseling as
well as specialized training in issues related to children, families,
and trauma.
“My granddaughter’s
counselor has played an
enormous role in helping
her cope with the loss
she’s suffered. She’s made
such huge strides.”
Client’s Grandmother
Fatherhood First
In the past year, YFS’
Fatherhood First program
provided quality, hands-on
activities to 276 fathers or
male role models and their
children through 45 Father/
Child Activity Nights. Activity
nights promote social skills,
enhance child development,
and strengthen the bond
between a father and child
This past year, YFS
Fatherhood First staff
conducted 5 trainings
reaching more than 250
individuals on a local, state,
and regional level. These
trainings disseminated
information, strategies, and
resources that helped
individuals and agencies
to more successfully work
with fathers and families.
The Dads 4 Dads group,
which is offered through YFS’
Counseling Center, helps
prepare incarcerated fathers
to take a more active role
in their child’s life after their
release. Over the past year,
YFS staff members mentored
160 incarcerated fathers.
This past March, the YFS
Counseling Center and
Fatherhood First
programs collaborated to
offer a program to fathers
who are separated from their
children. The Mentoring,
Encouraging, &
Nurturing Dads (MEND)
program is a six-week
course that teaches fathers
how to communicate,
engage, and align with their
children, even during a
physical absence.
YFS Fatherhood First is designed to educate families, staff,
and the community about the importance of fathers in the
lives of children through a hands-on curriculum. Research
has established that male role models play an important role
in the social, cognitive, and mental health development of
The YFS Fatherhood First program helps fathers
understand and embrace the vital role they play in their
children’s lives. The goals of the program are to increase
the amount of time fathers spend with their children; expand
fathers’ knowledge of child development; create a network
of support for fathers in collaboration with other family
advocacy agencies in the community; instill parenting skills
and empower fathers in their role in their children’s lives;
and change the public perception of men in their roles as
“I appreciate the
extra opportunities to
spend time with my
daughter. I really feel like
we have connected more.”
Father of Girls Inc. member
Head Start
YFS Early Head Start
focuses on serving
low-income expectant
parents and families with
children, birth to 3 years old.
Families receive regular
home visits in addition to
scheduled monthly
socialization opportunities at
a local site. YFS Early Head
Start served 174 children and
their families in the last year.
YFS Head Start also
provided 470 children,
ages 3-5, with center and
home-based programming
that helped enhance their
physical, social, emotional,
and intellectual development.
Contributions by parents and
volunteers are vital to the
success of children enrolled
in Head Start. Last year
family members and
volunteers contributed a total
of 87,105 hours, valued at
more than $1,530,274.
YFS Prenatal to Five Head
Start gives parents and their
children the tools to live
healthier, safer lives. For
example, YFS Prenatal to
Five Head Start staff
connected 21 families to
emergency crisis intervention
services, supported 609
families through parenting
and health education,
assisted 30 families with
housing, referred 49 families
to mental health
providers, linked 35 families
with adult education services
such as help with GED
attainment and college
selection, connected 39
families with child abuse and
neglect services, and
provided assistance to
families of 10 incarcerated
YFS Prenatal to Five Head Start offers no-cost, parent-focused
preschool programming that is funded by the federal
government. During the 2013-2014 school year, YFS Head
Start programming was offered in 8 South Dakota counties
including: Butte, Custer, Fall River, Haakon, Jackson,
Lawrence, Meade, and Pennington.
YFS Head Start programs offer developmental opportunities to
promote school readiness through a variety of activities. Head
Start teachers work with children and their families to develop
their skills and set individual goals for each child. Curriculum
and activities are carefully designed to be fun and
developmentally appropriate and to prepare children for a
lifetime of learning.
In addition to the educational services provided, Head Start also
offers screening and developmental testing, transportation,
services for children with disabilities and their families,
resources for family-oriented counseling, educational
opportunities for parents,
family literacy, alcohol and
drug dependency prevention,
as well as health and dental
YFS Prenatal to Five Head
Start recognizes the parent as
the child’s primary educator,
nurturer and advocate. Parent
involvement is the strength of
Head Start and parents are
encouraged to be actively
involved in their child’s
education and growth.
“Thanks to YFS‘ awesome teachers,
my son has been ready for
kindergarten for some time. “
Rapid City Head Start parent
Health Advocacy
YFS Girls Inc.’s Health
Connections works to meet
the physical, mental, and
social health needs of at-risk
girls by connecting them with
medical, dental, and mental
health service providers in
the community. Numerous
providers and agencies
collaborated with Health
Connections staff to ensure
that the needs of 89 girls
were met in the last year.
From July 2013 to June
2014, 80 boys received
services through YFS’ Boys
Health Program. This
program offers extensive
and intensive health
advocacy services to boys,
ages 5-17, who are at risk of
developing physical, mental,
or social health problems.
The Wise Guys reproductive
health and healthy
relationships program also
reached more than 220
adolescents this past year.
This course was conducted
at the Juvenile Services
Center and The Rapid City
Club for Boys and was
provided to clients enrolled in
the YFS Boys Health
This past year the Boys
Health and Health
Connections programs
referred a total of 89 boys
and girls to mental health
therapists, connected 65 to
oral health professionals, and
helped 35 children secure
medical attention for acute or
chronic conditions.
YFS’ Health Connections, a program of YFS Girls Inc., and YFS’
Boys Health Program, a subsidiary of YFS’ Counseling Center are
intensive case-management programs offered to boys and girls,
ages 5-17, who have unmet mental, physical, and social health
These programs address physical, mental and social health needs by
connecting children with service providers in the community. Children
with unmet health needs can be referred to the program by school
counselors, teachers, parents, and health and social service
Each child is assigned an advocate who:
• Assesses each child’s individual needs
• Develops case management plans
• Connects them with the appropriate medical, dental, and mental
health care services within the community
• Offers referrals for tutoring or other services to meet their
individual needs
• Works closely with their families and schools to ensure their
academic success
• Assists them in learning and developing patterns of behavior that
will enhance their health
• Emphasizes the value of
regular school attendance
and good study habits
• Instills the importance of
responsibility, self-esteem,
and community involvement
Additionally, YFS’ Health
Connections and Boys Health
Program advocates work with
children to provide group and
one-on-one mentoring
experiences as well as
individualized homework help.
“I like being here. It’s one of the only places
I feel like I can laugh and smile and have fun.”
Boys Health Program Member
Nutrition Services
• YFS Nutrition Services
provided or oversaw the
provision of 871,752 meals
and snacks to children in
the last year. YFS’ on-site
Nutrition Program served
226,217 meals and snacks
between July 2013 and
June 2014.
• Every weekday during the
summer, YFS Nutrition
Services offered
free breakfasts and
lunches at 410 E.
Monroe St. and the Mother
Butler Center in Rapid City
for any child, ages 1 - 18,
through YFS’ Summer
Food Program. Last
summer, 33,248 free
breakfasts and lunches
were served to children in
our community.
• The YFS Family Child Care
Nutrition Program partnered
with 151 child care
providers in 18 western
South Dakota counties to
oversee the provision of
645,535 meals and snacks
between July 2013 and
June 2014. This program
helps caregivers serve
nutritious meals to children,
age 12 and younger.
• Last year, YFS Nutrition
Services staff provided 13
trainings that reached more
than 440 individuals.
Topics included nutrition for
young children, food safety
and sanitation, the benefit of
whole grains, and how
to read and understand
food labels.
YFS Nutrition Services has an experienced and dedicated
staff who do more than provide nutritious meals and snacks
to children throughout all agency programs and across 18
western South Dakota counties each year. In an effort to
combat childhood obesity, staff have committed to
promoting positive food attitudes, healthy eating habits and
the importance of nutrition in a child’s physical, mental and
social health, as well as their ability to learn.
Each year YFS Nutrition Services serves well-balanced
meals and snacks to children in YFS agency programs and
those children receiving care from registered in-home child
care providers through the Family Child Care Nutrition
program. In addition to providing quality nutritious meals
and snacks, staff members offer nutrition counseling and
education services.
“I like eating this healthy
food because it helps my
heart keep beating. It
tastes pretty good, too.“
-Savannah*, age 4
Western Prevention Resource Center
The YFS Western
Prevention Resource
Center serves 24 of South
Dakota’s western counties
by assisting students,
parents, educators,
community groups, social
service and mental health
agencies, chemical
dependency service
providers, and law
enforcement personnel in
developing and implementing
prevention programs in
western South Dakota.
• Last year, the YFS WPRC
received more than 2,500
requests for materials,
services, or resources;
trained more than 400 youth
in leadership and prevention
conferences; and served
more than 12,000
South Dakotans.
• Between July 2013 and June
2014, the YFS WPRC
conducted various trainings
and workshops dealing with
new programs and current
issues. Many of these
trainings work to support
on-going programs that
encourage students,
professionals, and other
individuals to develop
important life skills. Some of
the workshops and
conferences that were
provided included statewide
drug prevention and
educational programming for
professionals; life skills
courses; violence
prevention; relationship
and teen pregnancy
prevention; diversion
classes; youth leadership
conferences; and alcohol,
tobacco, and other drug
prevention seminars.
The Western Prevention Resource Center (WPRC) assists
students, parents, educators, community groups, social
service and mental health agencies, chemical dependency
service providers and law enforcement personnel in
developing and implementing prevention programs in
western South Dakota.
The WPRC, one of three prevention resource centers in
South Dakota, serves 24 counties. Services are provided in
cooperation with the Department of Social Services’
Behavioral Health Services, Division of Community
Behavioral Health.
The WPRC is a member of the regional Alcohol and Drug
Awareness Resource (RADAR) Network and is an
associate site for the South Dakota Prevention Network.
“Our SADD team works
to promote a healthy
community and pushes us to
become role models.”
Northern Black Hills teen member
of a Students Against Destructive
Decision (SADD) group facilitated by
Kids Fair
The 19th annual Youth & Family Services Kids Fair was another rousing success! This three-day, family-friendly event drew
11,483 children and their families to the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. Children and families enjoyed educational and
culturally rich entertainment, numerous inflatable attractions, train rides, costumed characters, and hands-on activities. Thanks to
our sponsors, vendors, and the community, $79,058 was raised for YFS programs and fixed costs.
We would like to give a special thanks to our 2014 Hometown Hero and Media sponsors:
Black Hills Surgical Hospital Julius & Simpson
Donald and Linda Rydstrom
Sam’s Club
South Dakota Dental Foundation
Hits 102.7
KEVN Black Hills Fox
KICK 104
Midcontinent Communications
Native Sun News
Rapid City Journal
Rushmore Media Company
SHE 106.3
The success of Kids Fair depends not only on the financial generosity of our sponsors, but also
on the willingness of community members to give their time. This year, 1,309 volunteers collectively gave 5,236 hours of their
time at Kids Fair. That’s a value of nearly $90,000!
The 20th annual YFS Kids Fair is slated for April 24, 25, and 26, 2015.
Diamonds and Denim Dinner Theatre
The 9th annual YFS Diamonds & Denim Dinner Theatre was a huge success! Dinner for the
two-night event was catered and served by Outback Steakhouse while entertainment was provided
by Holly Tucker, former contestant from NBC’s hit show, The Voice. We’d like to thank our major
sponsors: Allied Arts Fund, Black Hills Power, Dr. Phyllis Dixon, Eagle Sales of the Black Hills, Ketel
Thorstenson, Servall Linens, and Starbucks for their continued support.
This year’s event was also supported by a variety of local and national vendors who graciously
contributed more than 250 items for our Dinner Theatre’s silent auction. All proceeds from this
weekend event – more than $46,000 – supported YFS programs.
Community Support
• The Altrusa Club of the Black Hills is a service organization that focuses on addressing our community’s needs. For years, this
organization has partnered with YFS to ensure that girls at YFS Girls Inc. have access to basic hygiene items they need as well as
supported the agency financially and through continued volunteer service. We’re grateful to have their involvement.
• The Exchange Club of Rapid City once again partnered with YFS to sponsor the gift wrapping booth in the Rushmore Mall during the
holidays. This past year, the Exchange Club was able to raise $10,000 to support YFS programs.
• Helping to create wonderful childhood memories is a priority for many groups. This past year, airmen and women from Ellsworth Air
Force Base’s 28th Operations Support Squadron and the employees of the Rapid City Postal Services helped to make sure that each
and every child at YFS’ Child Development Center received a gift at Christmas. The Rapid City Woodworkers Association also
distributed hand-crafted wooden toys to each child enrolled in YFS’ Head Start programs.
• This past spring 210 people from the agriculture/ranching community came together to celebrate the work that YFS is doing in
western South Dakota. This event, hosted by Warren Window & Supply, was a terrific opportunity to showcase YFS programs, meet
some prospective donors, and begin building the relationships that are essential to our long-term success. We appreciate Warren
Window & Supply for hosting this event, Eagles Sales of the Black Hills for providing beverages, Outback Steakhouse for providing a
wonderful meal, and Sam’s Club and Judy Burgess for providing excellent desserts!
Honorariums and Memorials
Dr. Richard Allen
Dr. Monte Dirks
Dr. Brett Lawlor
David Miller
Dr. Mary Snyder
Dan Warren
Dr. James Zimmerman
Zane Alcorn
Emma Bauman
Joan Boner
Barbara Butler
Millie Christianson
Joan Ebert
Jack Fedell
Grace Huebner
Art Janklow
Julie Larson
Stephen Larson
Edwin Nobel
Joseph Roberts
Elsie and Elmer Rogge
Darren Rydstrom
Monte Schaefer
Elaine and Richard Schleusener
Nancy Scofield
Thomas Slattery
Shirley Stec
Alfred Stewart
Helen Thomas
Margaret Wickler
YFS Legacy Society
Members of the Youth & Family Services Legacy Society show their commitment to the
children in our community by including YFS or the YFS Foundation in their will, estate plan,
or named endowment.
The YFS Legacy Society provides an opportunity for donors to express their
commitment to YFS in a lasting and meaningful way. Through planned giving,
donors combine their philanthropic goals with their estate planning objectives
to make the ultimate expression of their values and priorities to invest in the
lives of thousands of children in western South Dakota. This past year, Youth
& Family Services received more than $113,000 in legacy gifts. These gifts
will help ensure that future generations of children continue to receive the
health, nutrition, education, prevention, and recreation services they need.
YFS Foundation
The YFS Foundation (YFSF)
continues to make good
progress in its Endowment
and Land/Facilities
Improvement campaign. This
will ensure the continuation
and expansion of critical
services by building
long-term financial stability
for YFS programs. So far, we
have secured pledges
and gifts totaling more than
$1,467,789. Approximately
48 percent of these pledge
commitments were given
specifically for the
Land/Facilities Improvement
campaign. Almost 81 percent
of the remaining pledges are
unrestricted, demonstrating a
high level of trust in our board
and organization. Last year
the YFSF provided $138,488
to YFS, Inc. for programs,
services, and fixed costs. In
addition, $204,668 was given
to YFS, Inc. for land and
facilities purchases.
This past year, 298 new
donors supported YFS’
efforts to support children and
their families. In addition, 42
new donors contributed to the
YFS Foundation.
This past spring, 165 people
from the agriculture/ranching
community came together to
celebrate the work that YFS
is doing in western South
Dakota. This event, hosted by
Warren Window & Supply,
was a terrific opportunity to
showcase YFS programs,
meet new friends, and begin
building the relationships that
are essential to our
long-term success.
The YFS Foundation recognizes the following major donors for
the 2013 - 2014 fiscal year, giving $250 or more:
Anonymous (1)
Stan Adelstein
Advanced Family
Dental- Dr. Jay Segrist
Hank and Linda Bak
Scott and Jody Barbour
Jack and Alexis Benne
Black Hills Ammunition
Black Hills Area
Don and Kyle Blada
Gary and Gloria Brown
David Burgess
Donn and Lisa Burgess
Judy Burgess
Jason and Melissa Byars
Casey Peterson &
Associates, Ltd.
F. L. Clarkson Family
Dr. Jay and Angela
Darcie Decker
Dodge Town
Burke and Beth Eilers
Susan Fedell
First Western Federal
Savings Bank
Thomas Fritz and
Pamela Walsh Fritz
Pat and Erin Goetzinger
Tom and Mary Helland
Doug and Marnie
Joe and Bonnie Hilt
Greg and Becky
Jim and Mary Holter
Greg and Beth Hunter
Joe Jackmovich
Francis and Teresa Jahner
Stanley J. Johnsen
Concrete Contractor, Inc.
John and Margo Julius
Gene and Pat Lebrun
Tom and Kathy Letner
Pete Lien & Sons
John and Michelle Lintz
Tal and Fay Lockwood
Tom and Vicky Lowry
David and Robin Miller
Jim Morcom
Morgan Stanley Smith
Law Offices of John R.
John and Denice Murphy
Maureen Murray
Irv and DeMaris
Brian and Melanie Ogle
Judee Oldham
Terry and Connie Olson
Ron and Sharon Oney
Bev and Lloyd Paulson
Family Advised Fund
Bob Paulson
Lloyd Paulson
Pennington Title
The Honorable Craig
and Jane Pfeifle
Randy Powers and
Janet GundersenPowers
Kevin and Katherine
Dr. Ron and Marian Reed
Riddle’s Group
Jess and Joyce Riddle
Carrie Robley
Dr. John Rud and
Maria Tillan Rud
Rick and Rhonda
Vicki Schilling
Greg and Melissa
J. Scull Construction
Mike and Tiffany Smith
Dr. Willis and Patricia
Dave and Patsy True
Warren Window & Supply
Dan and Paula Warren
Frank Washburn Estate
Debra Watson, Attorney
Terry C. Whiting
Mark and Cathy Williams
1920 N. Plaza Blvd.
PO Box 2813
Rapid City, SD 57709
(605) 342-4195
Financial Review
Fundraising 2%
Effective Budget Control
Administration 11%
YFS has a reputation for effective
management of both our human and financial resources.
The sources of funding include private donations,
government grants and contracts, foundation grants,
and fees for services provided. The amount spent on
administrative and fundraising costs totals just
13 percent. This compares to the 15 to 25 percent
typical for smaller nonprofit organizations. The chart
at the right illustrates this excellent record.
Programs 87%
Serving Western South Dakota
Thanks to our success in and
around Rapid City, YFS now
serves thousands of children
and families in communities
separated by hundreds of miles
across western South Dakota.
The map at left shows the
counties that benefit from
YFS programs.
An annual certified audit on our complete financial statements was conducted
by Ketel Thorstenson, LLP with an unqualified opinion. The full audit with notes
can be viewed at www.youthandfamilyservices.org.
Statement of Functional Expenses
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Activities
Grants and Contracts
On behalf of the children of YFS, we wish to thank all of our donors and partners who have
contributed during the past year (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014). We want to especially
recognize the following major contributors (grants or contracts of $5,000 or more, monetary
donations of $250 or more, and in-kind donations of $1,000 or more) for their generosity
and compassion. Thank you for helping us provide hope for a brighter tomorrow and
empower the lives of children and families in South Dakota. In the 2013 - 2014 fiscal year,
YFS received grants and contracts for specific program purposes as designated by the
grantor from the following institutions and foundations:
$1,000,000 and Up
US Department of Education: South Dakota
Department of Education & Cultural
Affairs, Child & Adult Care Food Program
and Child & Adult Nutrition Services
U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services: Office of Head Start
$100,000 – $999,999
John T. Vucurevich Foundation
United Way of the Black Hills
YFS Girls Incorporated® of Rapid City
U.S. Department of Education: South
Dakota Department of Education &
Cultural Affairs, 21st Century Community
Learning Centers
U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services: South Dakota Department of
Social Services, Division of Community
Behavioral Health, Prevention Program
and Treatment
U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services: Substance Abuse & Mental
Health Administration, National Child
Traumatic Stress Initiative
$25,000 – $99,999
Citi Foundation
Larson Family Foundation
United Way of the Black Hills:
YFS Child Care
YFS Counseling Center
U.S. Department of Justice: South Dakota
Department of Social Services, Victims of
Crime Assistance
Walmart State Giving Program
(Walmart Foundation)
Wellmark Foundation
$5,000 – $24,999
Adams-Mastrovich Family Foundation
Black Hills Area Community Foundation
City of Rapid City: Community Investment Fund
General Mills Foundation/American Dietetic
Gwendolyn L. Stearns Foundation
Sheldon F. Reese Foundation
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban
Development: Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG), City of Rapid City
Major Contributors
On behalf of the children of YFS, we wish to thank all of our donors and partners
who have contributed during the past year (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014). Thank
you for helping us provide hope for a brighter tomorrow and empower the lives of
children and families in South Dakota.
Anonymous (14)
28th Bomb Wing, EAFB
28th Operations Group, EAFB
34th Bomb Squadron, EAFB
37th Bomb Squadron, EAFB
97.5 The Hills
Academy of Dance Arts
LaVonne Ackerman
Action Mechanical
Stan Adelstein
Advanced Family Dental Dr. Jay Segrist
Dr. H. Lee and Robbie Ahrlin
Allied Arts Fund
Alpine Inn
Altrusa Club of Rapid City
American Association of
University Women
Dr. Dale and Jeanette Anderson
Jill and Charles Arbeiter
Architecture Incorporated
Arrowhead Country Club
Jack and Tehra Atwater
Donald and Lauren Balyeat
Scott and Jody Barbour
Dr. John and Anne Barlow
L.M. Baylor
Bear Country USA - Pauline Casey
Michael and Amy Beck, Jr.
Ken Beer
Doug and Jane Beisner
Jack and Alexis Benne
Matthew Benne
Sam and Joyce Benne
Kenneth and Sandra Berger
Thomas and Linda Berger
Dr. Dale and Mary Berkebile
Stephen and Dr. Gail Bernard
William and Dr. Shana Bernhard
Dr. Marcia Beshara and
Robert Rosenquist
Best Western Ramkota Hotel &
Conference Center
Jr. Bettelyoun
Robert and Debra Biernbaum
Shastin Bird
Black Hills Assoc. for Education of
Young Children
Black Hills Community Bank
Black Hills Community Theatre
Black Hills Corporation
Black Hills Dermatology, PC
Black Hills District Dental Association
Black Hills Federal Credit Union
Black Hills Gold Jewelry by Coleman
Black Hills Harley Davidson
Black Hills Harley Owners Group
Black Hills Health & Wellness Center
Black Hills Parent Magazine
Black Hills Pediatric Dentistry
Black Hills Power
Black Hills Quilters GuildProject Warmth
Black Hills Regional Multiple Use
Black Hills Runners Club
Black Hills Surgical Hospital
Black Hills Ultrasound
Kyle and Don Blada
Christopher and Renee Blair
Blake’s Trailer Sales & Repair
Blessed Sacrament Church
Dr. James and Maggie Bloom
Robert and Janet Blumenthal
David and Patty Booze
Craig and Kimberly Briggs
Dr. Douglas and Janis Bright
Altha Brink
Gary and Gloria Brown
Donald and Cherie Brown
Bob and Judy Buckingham
Buffalo Wild Wings
Cindy Buren
Burger King
Barry and Maxine Burgess
Judy Burgess
Shawn and Jodi Burke
Bursch Travel
Robert and Julie Burton
Butler Machinery
Dana E. Caldwell
Fred and Leanne Carl
Greg Carlin
Dr. Gary Carlson
Sandra and Scott Carlson
Tom and Narcell Carsten
Coralee and Al Carter
Casey Peterson & Associates
CETEC Engineering Service, Inc.
Malcom and Cheryl Chapman
Children’s House Montessori
Children’s Trading Post
Nancy Christensen
Robert Christman
Cristina Cirian
Ron and Paula Clark
Classic Hits Q92.3
Classic Rock 100.3 The Fox
Troy and Dawn Claymore
Kerri Clucas
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. High Country
Coffee Lobby
James and Christine Coleman
Colonial House Restaurant
Kelly Commet
Community Health Center of the
Black Hills
Connoisseur Media
Construction Industry Center, Inc.
Consumer Credit Counseling of the
Black Hills
Counts of the Cobblestone Car Club, Inc.
Courtesy Subaru, Inc.
James and Margaret Cowan
Joseph and Heather Cox
Dave and Kathy Crabb
Creekside Mini Golf and Dairy Twist
Dr. Michael Crutcher
Dwight Cundy
Dacotah Bank
Matthew Dahl
Dakota Prairie Landscapes, LLC
Dana Dental Arts
Deadwood Chamber of Commerce &
Visitors Bureau
Dean Foods
Major Contributors
Dr. Nadene Deiterman-Greni and
Keith Greni
Delta Dental of South Dakota
Jeff Devine
Bob DeWald
Dr. Phyllis S. Dixon
Joe and Jolene Dobbs
Douglas and Judy Donahue
Randy and Margie Downey
Doyle’s Frame and Auto Body
Ron and Jean Drummond
Duhamel Broadcasting
George and Nancy Dunham
Charles and Miriam Dunmire
Dr. Egon and Rita Dzintars
Eagle Sales of the Black Hills
Dr. Rachel and Rick Edelen
Barbara Eilers
Michael and Gwen Elliott
EAFB Airman and Family Readiness
David and Deanna Emery
Owen and Lee Ann Emme
Rod and Gogie Enstad
Amie and Hugh Estes
Bud and Zetha Estes
Justine and Doug Estes
Evergreen Office Products
Kyle Ewing
Exchange Club of Rapid City
Express Marketing
Paul and Denise Faiman
Robert and Gayle Fairey
Family Thrift Center
Peggy Fedell
Susan Fedell
Feeding South Dakota
Fenske Media Corporation
Dr. Norman and Diane Ferrier
Drs. Robert and Victoria Finley
First American Title Co.
First Gold, Inc.
First Interstate BancSystem Foundation
First Interstate Bank
First Presbyterian Church
First Western Federal Savings Bank
Fisher Beverage
J. Seymour and Janet Flinn
Eric and Lisa Flint
Foothills Frame Shop
Founders Park Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Friend
Thomas Fritz and Pamela Walsh Fritz
Dr. Larry and Yvonne Froistad
Dr. Tim and Deb Frost
Employees of Fugro, Inc.
Dale and Jacquolyn Fullerton
Jeff and Karla Fullerton
Barbara and Dan Gammeter
Scott and Susan Gannaway
Bob and Judy Geis
Denny Gemeny
Kathryn Gerlach
Mary Gilbertson-Lee
Jeffrey and Dr. Kimberly Goble
Jeffrey and Holly Godber
Pat and Erin Goetzinger
John and Julie Gordon
Dr. Richard and Nancy Gowen
Granite Automotive
Great Clips
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Great Western Bank
Great Western Tire
GreenTree Servicing
Donald and Doneen Grimm
Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson & Ashmore, LLP
Gloria and Rodney Gunn
Pam Gutknecht
H & R Block
Dr. Donald and Brenda Habbe
Jim and Carmen Haefs
Joel and Kenna Hagan
Brian Hagg
Hair Loft
Gary and Patricia Hamilton
Jackson and Margaret Hammitt
Sharon and Mark Hasvold
Haugo Broadcasting
Lora Hawkins
Stanley and Jean Hawthorne
Roger and Christy Heacock
Headlines Academy
Heartland Paper Company
Tom and Mary Helland
Jerald and Phyllis Hellwig
Susan and Mike Hencey
Dennis and Judy Hengen
Jim and Sondra Hennen
Doug and Marnie Herrmann
John W. Hey & Company
John and Judith Hey
Loretta Hill
Dr. Briana Hill
Hills Materials Company
Chad and Terri Jo Hilt
Jason Himrich
Juanita Hinesmon
Hits 102.7
April Hix
Hobart Sales & Service, Inc.
Alfred and Kay Hofmann
Bill and Jen Holec
Greg and Becky Hollibaugh
Homes for Heroes
Hot 93.1
Joyce Hoyer
Everett and Roberta Hoyt
Hubbard Feeds, Inc.
Greg and Beth Hunter
Gregory and Colleen Hyde
Ichiban Sushi Bar and Japanese Cuisine
Independent Insurance Agents of
Rapid City
J & J Truck & Auto Body
J & K Marketing
Mary Janklow
Duane and Constance Jelkin
Jenner Equipment Company
Loma Jennings
Dr. George and Ellen Jenter
Jim and Cindy Jesseph
Janell Jewett
Stanley J. Johnsen Concrete Contractor, Inc.
Roger Johnsen
Dr. Dave and Kathy Oulman Johnson
Ross Johnson Design Company
Archie and Shirley Johnson
Dave and Wendi Johnson
Dave and Laurie Johnson
Dwight and Mary Johnson
Eunice Johnson
Tonya and Ross Johnson
Julius & Simpson Law Offices
Bob and Bernice Julius
John and Margo Julius
Mary Kaiser
Steve and Marty Kalkman
KAT Country 98.7
Susan Kelts and Jay Davis
The Honorable Judge Janine Kern
Ketel Thorstenson, LLP
KEVN Black Hills Fox
KICK 104
Kieffer Sanitation
Phil and Jan Kirch
Kenneth and Nancy Kirk
Kirk Funeral Home
Janet Kirsch
Kiwanis Club of Spearfish
Kiwanis International of Rapid City West
Vergil Kjerstad Construction
Pamela Klein-Teuber
KNBN News Center 1
Dr. Roger and Janice Knutsen
Lavern and Suzanne Koch
Curtis and Jennifer Konvalin
Major Contributors
Ralph Kopp
Carroll and Dennyce Korb
Korczak’s Heritage, Inc.
KOTA Territory News
Charles Kothe
Drs. Stephen and Virginia Frei Kovarik
Dr. Vera O. Kowal
Dr. Jennifer Kozel
Dr. Tom and Mollie O. Krafka
Donald and Nancy Krebs
Deborah Kuehn
Yvonne Kuehn
Dean Kurtz Construction Company
Lloyd LaCroix
Lamar Advertising Company
Barbara Landguth
L.B. Lane Family Foundation
Gary and Kendra Larson
Jessica Larson
Dr. Brett and Pat Lawlor
Gene and Pat Lebrun
Dale and Sheila LeFebre
Dr. Raymond E. Lemley Memorial Fund
Tom Lessin
Tom and Kathy Letner
Liberty Jeep Superstore
Charles and Barbara Lien
John and Michelle Lintz
Linda Lintz
Peggy Livermont
Liv Hospitality LLC
Bernita Loucks
Arthur and Sarah Ludwick
David and Rebecca Lust
Lynn, Jackson, Shultz & Lebrun, PC
Dr. Joe and Nonie Lytle
MAC Construction
Made for Shade Foundation
Main Street Market, Inc.
Main Street Square
Kevin and Sharon Martin
Marvin Windows and Doors
Vernon and Barbara Mascher
LeeAnn Mattison
Sue McCormick
Ronald McDonald Delta Dental Care
Michael and Lori McGuire
McKie Ford Lincoln
Garry McKinnon and Cabrina
Schatz McKinnon
MDU Resources Group Inc.
Midcontinent Communications
Midcontinent Foundation
Midcontinent Media Foundation
Mid-Dakota Diesel, LLC
Midwest Marketing, LLC
Bonnie Miller
David and Robin Miller
Karen Miller
Justin and Karrie Miller
Kim Mills
Minervas Restaurant
Mix 93.9
Mark and Carolyn Mollers
Mona Lisa’s on Main
Mona Lisa’s Photography
Montana-Dakota Utilities
Robert Moore
Robert and Lois Moore
Jim Morcom
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
James and Phyllis Mudge
Robert and Deborah Mudge
Law Offices of John R. Murphy
John and Denice Murphy
Nachtigall’s Greenhouse
Ashley Nagy
Nash Finch
National American University Holdings
National Association of Letter Carriers
Native Sun News
Ninth District Medical Alliance
Dwight and Janize Nissen
Dr. and Mrs. Jason and Bianca Noble
Patricia Nohr Van Patten
North Western Warehouse/Allied
Van Lines
Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc.
Office Depot Foundation
Old MacDonald’s Farm
Judee Oldham
LeRoy and Peggy Olesen
Dr. Thomas Oliver
Jim and Karen Olson
Terry and Connie Olson
Once Upon a Child
Ron and Sharon Oney
Optimists/Morning Club
Outback Steakhouse
Outdoor Campus- West
Pan-O-Gold Baking Co.
Papa Murphy’s
Parent Teacher Outlet
Krystal Park
Larry Patnoe
James and Marluce Patterson
Curt and Cathy Paulsen
Bob Paulson
Beverly and Lloyd Paulson Family Fund
Lloyd Paulson
Pennington Title Company
Perdue Woodworks
Donald and Joan Perdue
The Perfect Hanging Gallery in the
Main Street Square
Mark Perrenoud and Janet
Barry and Roxie Peterson
Bernie Peterson and Mary
Wickler Peterson
Bruce Peterson
Dwight and Linda Peterson
Rodney and Karen Pettigrew
The Honorable Judge Craig and
Jane Pfeifle
Marty and Tina Pfister
Peggy Pientock
Pioneer Bank & Trust
Planet Hair
Alan and Cindy Platt
Patricia and Dave Ploof
Richard and Gloria Pluimer
Glenn and Martha Plumb
Randy and Janet Gundersen-Powers
Jason Pratt
Quaker Steak & Lube
Robert and Doreen Quinn
Tim and Karen Raben
Jesse and Glynda Rahn
Kevin and Katherine Randall
Rapid Chevrolet Cadillac
Rapid City Area Schools
Rapid City Auto Dealers Association
Rapid City Cosmopolitan Club
Rapid City Does Drove #33
Rapid City Jaycees
Rapid City Journal
Rapid City Medical Center
Rapid City Parks and Recreation
Rapid City Public Libraries
Rapid City Regional Hospital Family
Practice Residency Clinic
Employees of Rapid City United Postal
Rapid City Woodworkers Association
Rapid PDR
Rapid Referral Network LLC
Wilfred and Margaret Rasmussen
Memorial Trust
Dr. Louis Raymond and
Dr. Julie Todd Raymond
R.C.S. Construction, Inc.
Jerry and Joan Record
Dan and Maxine Redin
Major Contributors
Lee Redlegs
Dr. Ron and Marian Reed
Regional Health
Craig and Lonna Reiner
Reinhart Food Service
Natalie and Scott Reisenauer
Reptile Gardens
Jess and Joyce Riddle
Riddle’s Jewelry
Al and LeeAnn Rieman
Wayne and Janet Rippel
Chuck and Kay Riter
Rockin’ Roustabouts
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Rhonda Ross
Margaret Rossknecht
Roth Trucking, Inc.
Roush Moving & Storage
Rushmore Financial Management
Rushmore German Club, Inc.
Rushmore Media Company
Rushmore News, Inc.
Rushmore Obstetrics & Gynecology
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
Donald and Linda Rydstrom
Rick and Rhonda Rylance
Dr. Robert J. Sage
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Thomas More High School
Sam’s Club
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge E. Sanmartin
Greg and Karen Schaefer
Scheels All Sports
William and Dr. Pamela Schmagel
Dave Schmidt Insurance Agency, Inc.
Jack and Rhonda Schock
Travis Schriner
Pat and Alan Schulte
Greg and Melissa Schweiss
Dr. Lycia Scott
Kari Scovel
J. Scull Construction Company
Andrew and Jessica Scull
Jim and Mary Scull
Lisa Sea
SECO Construction, Inc.
Security First Bank
Dr. Ed and Peg Seljeskog
Servall Uniform & Linen Supply
Donald Shannon
SHE 106.3
Cliff and Kathleen Shoemaker
Larry and Helen Simons
Chef Jeff Slathar, CWPC
Mike and Tiffany Smith
Misty Smith
Mary E. Snortland
Gloria and Dwight Sobczak
Lloyd and Jan Sohl
South Canyon Lutheran Piecemakers
South Dakota Dental Foundation
SD National Guard Child & Youth
South Dakota Project Learning Tree
SDSU Pennington County Extension
South Park United Church of Christ
Spearfish Optimist Club
Robert and Darlene Sperling
Gary and Gloria Stanley
Starbucks Coffee Company
Shirley Stec
Stec’s Advertising Specialties, LLC
Wes and Gladys Storm
Richard and Frances Stracqualursi
Dave and Betty Strain
Strider Sports
David and Guyla Sturgeon
Subaru of America, Inc.
Gail and Duane Sudman
Dr. Willis and Patricia Sutliff
Larinda Tabaha
Taco John’s of Rapid City
Employees of Technology and
Innovation in Education (TIE)
Melanie and John Teems
Dr. Hubert and Armoryl Theissen
Mark and Lisa Thomsen
Shannon and Lycia Thornburg
Paul and Mary Thorstenson
R. Fred Thurston
Dr. Loyal and Emily Tillotson
Time Equipment Rental & Sales
Pat and Mary Tlustos
Paul and Carole Tonn
Dennis and Darcy Torres
Toyota of the Black Hills
Kay S. Trucano
Dave and Patsy True
Joan and Craig Uhre
University of Colorado
Upper Deck Architects, Inc.
US Bankcorp Foundation
Donald and Donna Van Liere
Rhonda Van Patten
John and Linda Van Vlack
Nobel and Marg Veal
Andrew and Jacquee Vig
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Vogele
Max Main and Mary Vroman
John and Kitty Walker
Jeremy and Wendy Walla
Walmart Foundation
Walmart of Rapid City
Edyth Warne
Tom and Sharon Warner
Warren Window & Supply
Dan and Paula Warren
Debra D. Watson, Attorney
John and Cindy Way
Traci and Danny Wendelboe
Chuck and Carol Wendt
Mary Jane Wendt
Dana West
West River Electric Association, Inc.
Western Dakota Insurors
Western Stationers
Westjet Air Center
Dr. Jay White
Kyle and Suzanne White
Terry C. Whiting
Bev and Bill Whitney
Who’s Hobby House
Who’s Toy House
Gregory and Sandra Wick
Tom and Diane Wickham
Lt. Col. Don Wickler (Retired)
Mark and Cathy Williams
Williams & Associates Architecture
Dr. Roger and Diane Wilson
Jennifer and Ted Wilson
Clara Wiltse
McKenzie Witt Carpentry Inc.
Dr. Gregory and Nanette Wittenberg
William and Judy Wittrig
Kenneth and Kelly Wrede
Phil and Carolie Zacher
Kristina Zimmerman
Larry and Dyann Zimmerman
Zonta Club of Spearfish
Zonta Club of the Black Hills
PO Box 2813 • Rapid City, SD 57709-2813
Telephone: 605.342.4195 • Toll Free: 1.800.YFS.9832 • Fax: 605.342.0693
Web: www.youthandfamilyservices.org • Email: info@YFSSD.org