ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CALLED TO BE CHRIST CENTERED Touching Lives + Transforming Hearts + Teaching God’s Word On July 13, 1877, the first service The Summer of Service of record for what was later to become St. Mark’s Parish was conducted by the Rev. William Robards Wetmore, who pedaled his bicycle from Lincolnton to be here. Early services were held in the old Academy on the north side, as well as at City Hall and the old YMCA on Main Avenue and South Street. A church building was erected on West Long Avenue and consecrated November 20, 1903, by the Rt. Rev. Junius M Horner. St. Mark’s officially became a parish in 1915 with 74 communicants. The present location of St. Mark’s was acquired and converted in 1948 and the Parish Hall added in 1955. Upgrades with additional meeting space were done in 2005 and our playground was added in 2012. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 258 W. Franklin Blvd. Gastonia, NC 28052 704-864-4531 fax 704-865-3367 The Rev. Shawn Griffith, Rector Mrs. Julia Bozarth, Dir. of Music Ms. Dionne Browning, Bus. Admin & Youth Advisor Mrs. Jean Eaddy, Office Admin Mrs. Polly Redd, Dir. of Christian Formation & Communication Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act— they will be blessed in their doing. James 1:22-25 One afternoon, Kristin Major and I were talking about the many things that happen here at St. Mark’s and we got onto the subject of Vacation Bible School. Kristin mentioned the fact that a number of our children have aged out of the typical Vacation Bible School where they sit around and do crafts, yet they are still too young to go on a week-long mission trip to some other state. Kristin suggested maybe this year we could offer something where children are involved in a combination of local service projects and fun activities, possibly finishing with a lock-in at the church. When we approached Polly with the idea, things started to come together. Looking at the Belize mission trip for adults and youth 16 and above, the youth mission trip to WV, and now considering a mini service week, the idea of “The Summer of Service” was born. Regardless of your age, this summer you have the opportunity to serve the greater community. I have always been taught that we are called to reach out to others on three different levels - locally, nationally, and globally. This summer will be the first time St. Mark’s has taken on that challenge. Even if you are not able to physically participate on one of the trips, there will be ways that everyone can support this ministry by giving to help others do the work. Belize Trip (July 5 – 12) Our Belize trip includes a week of working at Holy Angels Anglican School (details of our work project will be discussed later) and then allows us to travel back to the mainland where we will visit some ancient Mayan ruins and other Central American places. The trip will cost approximately $2,000 per person and as of this point we have 10-12 St. Mark’s people seriously interested, at least one person from All Saints wanting to go, and another 12 people from the Episcopal Church in Sparta, for a total of 25 people. You must be 16 to go on the Belize trip. Fund raisers are being planned to help with (cont. on page 2) St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 page 1 Worship Services Regular Service Schedule Saturdays 5:00 pm Mark’s Place Contemporary Eucharist in Belmont Sundays (nursery 9:15ff) 8:00 am Eucharist Rite I 9:00 Breakfast followed by Sunday School for all ages 10:30 am Eucharist Rite II with Children’s Chapel Weekdays 8:15 - 8:50 am Monday Thursday, Morning Prayer w/ Eucharist on Wednesdays 3:30 pm 1st Wednesday, Monthly HE at Covenant 4:30 pm Wednesdays Bible Study w/ 6 pm Eucharist @ Covenant Village 7:00 pm Thursdays HE w/ Healing, Order of St. Luke Holy Baptism is the main way to join the Episcopal Church and is done at Sunday worship 4 times a year: All Saints Sunday in Nov, Epiphany in Jan, the Saturday of Easter weekend, and the Feast of Pentecost, or as needed. Schedule baptism by contacting the clergy or church office. Confirmation is an adult affirmation of faith that occurs when our Bishop visits. Speak to the clergy about becoming a member of St. Mark’s by baptism, confirmation or having your letter transferred from another church. (cont. from page 1) expenses and there are many ways to support this exciting trip. If you are planning on going, you need to start working on your passport and make sure your name in on our list. A planning meeting will be held March 15th after church to provide information to those interested in the Belize trip. Youth West Virginia Mission Trip (August 2-8) Our mission trip last year to West Virginia was a huge success. It cost us around $3,500 for 4 adults and 7 youth to go and serve and our Youth are already talking about going back. Last year we repaired a family’s bedroom floor and replaced a roof. They know what we can do and expect great things from us this year. We have money in this year’s budget and some left from previous years to help us with the expenses for the trip for as many youth and chaperones who want to go. This trip is for those rising 6th grade and older. Adults are welcome. Dates are set, more details later. A Local Week of Service (June 22-25) Our local service week will be for our children in 2nd through 6th grades (these are flexible ages) and will have no cost. Our plan is to find places such as Crisis Assistance Ministry and other agencies where children can do hands-on work to help others. We will do one day with our ARC friends who are here at St. Mark’s. We will have both Gospel based conversations and social activities such as swimming and bowling to build community. We probably will include a lock-in type sleep over to end the week. I have never been so excited about ministry in my life. I truly believe this will not only impact the lives of the people we serve, but transform our parish in a new and deeper way as we live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Peace, Shawn + St. Mark’s Current Vestry & Parish Leadership Meetings are the third Sunday of the month and are open to everyone. Please pray for your Leadership. Class of 2015 Susan Carson - Parish Life/Newcomers Vicki Caudill - Pastoral Care Kristin Major (Senior Warden) - Stewardship/Outreach Liz Willett (to fill unexpired term) - Worship Class of 2016 Steve Campbell - Finance Chris Christy (Junior Warden) - Communications Christi Jolley - Youth/Formation David Summers - Long Range Planning Class of 2017 Gary Brewbaker - Finance Jane Cauthen - Pastoral Care Jackie Quinley - Parish Life/Newcomers Blaine Rudisill - Evangelism Building and Grounds will operate through the office staff. St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 page 2 Family Promise guests will be with us the week of March 15-22. Through this ministry we provide shelter, food, comfort, and our own unique fellowship to several homeless families who are working on successfully moving into more permanent housing. The families are with us for one week, twice a year. Each day of their week here at St. Mark’s, volunteers are asked to provide dinner from 5:30 to 8:00 (our meals are covered this week) or to serve as overnight hosts (sleeping here from 8:00 pm to 7:00 am). We also need help with the set-up of the spaces on March 15 after church and pack up on March 22 before Sunday School and someone to provide the families with lunch on Sunday after church. (That Sunday we will have an intergenerational Sunday morning activity in the Parish Hall to give our families the time they need to move out.) People are needed to help with laundry and restocking after they leave. There are also other times when support is needed. For more information about the week, speak to our coordinator, Kenna Watts (704-842-0065 or To volunteer, type the website link that is at the bottom of this article into your browser or sign up on the chart near the front door. Help us show the famous St. Mark’s hospitality to these our neighbors. Donations Needed Bags of Wrapped Easter Candy Plastic Easter Eggs For the Annual Easter Egg Hunt held on Easter Day, April 5th Leave your donations in the Palm Saturday Event Saturday, March 28 10:00 - 11:30 am Come make Palm Crosses for our Palm Sunday Services. box near Polly’s office SPRING FORWARD Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 8 at 2 am. Remember to turn your clocks forward one hour or you could miss church completely. St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 Bring a dozen hard-boiled eggs and dye them for the Egg Hunt Come do other activities related to Holy Week and Easter A Fun Day for Children and Adults page 3 Office Hours: The office is open MondayThursday from 9 to 4 and closed on Fridays. Dionne Browning, our Parish Administrator, works all 4 days; Jean Eaddy, the Parish Secretary, works Wednesdays & Thursdays. If you have a pastoral emergency, call the office or Shawn’s cell @ 704-718-7034. Bible Studies: St. Mark’s has several Bible study groups meeting at various times. The Wednesday morning group meets at 10 am at the church each week and is doing basic beginning scripture. The Wednesday afternoon group meets at Covenant Village at 4:30 pm and is currently studying Matthew’s Gospel. Eucharist follows at 6 pm. The Belmont Group meets once a month at 6:30 pm at Blaine and Cookie Rudisills’ house. Their next meeting is March 4 or you can speak to Cookie or Fr. Shawn. There are also two opportunities for women to study the Bible in their circle groups noted in the ECW news. Our Faith & Health Ministries checks blood pressure the 4th Sunday of each month and provides other health information via handouts and bulletin board displays. Our Parish Nurse Coordinator Reba Childers oversees our Health Ministries with the support of several other nurse-professionals in the congregation who work to keep us all healthier. St. Mark’s Aikido Club meets Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 7:009:30 pm for both young people and adults. Children ages 8 and up can learn this traditional Japanese martial art. Classes are free and tailored to individual ability levels. Currently no children participate, but Dan Gilbert can easily adjust to your needs. Contact him at to answer questions, or stop by one evening. Remember We Collect Campbell labels for Thompson’s and Boxtops for Sherwood and Gardner Park. Keep this in mind as you travel. Containers are on the elevator sideboard. St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 There are two different Women’s groups that meet each month. The Covenant Circle meets the first Monday each month at 10:30 and is studying Psalms. Troy Merritt heads up this group. The Tuesday Evening Circle meets the first Tuesday at 7 pm and is using the book The Scarlet Cord which looks at 12 Biblical women from a 1st person point of view. In March they will talk about Deborah, the Old Testament Judge. Cursillo is a weekend retreat in which people learn about God’s overwhelming love for us and how to strengthen our personal relationship with God. It is a profoundly life changing experience to which anyone Decolores! who has gone to a Cursillo weekend can attest. The next weekend is scheduled for April 23-26 and Fr. Shawn will be serving on team as spiritual director, along with David Burns. If you are interested in learning more about this weekend experience, speak to David or Vicky Burns or any of those wearing the colored crosses. The weekends are held at Christmount Assembly in Black Mountain. The Cursillo Community meets every other Saturday at 9:00 am in Balthis for their 4th Day Group Reunion where they focus on their on-going ministry of prayer, study and action. Check the newsletter calendar for their schedule and join them on any Saturday meeting. You can also learn more about the Cursillo weekend from them. Our Prayer Shawl Group meets the 4th Monday of the month @ 10 at Caravan Coffee in Belmont. The next meeting is March 23. This group knits or crochets, adding prayers while they do it, to wrap you in prayer. If you need a shawl for yourself or another, they are at the church door. Fr. Shawn will bless a shawl at any time. Contact Nancy Brewbaker (704-868-4493) for more information about this ministry. There are many open dates to give Altar Flowers in honor or thanksgiving for someone or thing or in memory of someone. The sign-up book is on the sideboard by the main door. page 4 CAMP HENRY INFORMATION It is time to begin making your summer plans. Hopefully they include sending children to Camp Henry. Located at Lake Logan in the western part of the state, Camp Henry is run by the Diocese. Camp Session dates are listed below and registration is open. When you register online you will be asked to pay a $150 registration fee. St. Mark’s, through the Brotherhood and an Endowment Fund dedicated to camp scholarships, works to ensure any child who wishes to attend camp is able. Rates are between $335 for Mini Camp to 535 for regular sessions. Please let the office know if you register a child for camp so we can make the proper arrangements. Sessions: Parents & 1st Timers (K-3) June 18-20 Senior High June 21-27 3rd-5th Grade 6th-8th Grade June 28-July 4 July 5-11 Mini Camp (grades 2-3) 4th-6th Grade 7th-9th Grade July 15-18 July 19-25 July 26-August 1 There are also LAMP sessions (Leadership, Adventure, & Mission Program) which replaces the former CIT program, and CHOS which is the Camp Henry Outdoor School. These sessions are more expensive and last longer. Many of our young people have attended Camp Henry and can tell you about their experiences. For more information or to register, go to or pick up a flyer on the sideboard located beside the main church door. Youth News Club 45 and EYC has exciting things planned for March. On March 1st they will learn about Lent and walk the Stations of the Cross in the church. March 8 the EYC will leave after breakfast that Sunday to go skiing. Greg Dills will be driving the group up and back with the church van. Children will need $75 to cover costs and “sponsorships” are available to assist. On March 15 they will have a program during the Lenten Supper time. March 22 and 29 are possible service projects with lunch for the Family Promise guests and help with the Easter Egg Hunt. Plus lots of basketball in the parking lot. If you would like to donate to help feed the group at any time, we have a parent who is willing to cook for them. Donations can be made to the “Feed the Youth” fund. St. Mark’s Newsletter– March 2015 page 5 A Summer of Service: 3 Different Mission Opportunities June 22-25 - A Local Gaston Mission “Trip” in place of VBS A week of local service and fun for those in elementary and middle school instead of our traditional summer Bible School. We will sort food at CAM, help a parishioner with summer projects, work with the ARC Kamp program at St. Mark’s, plus swim, bowl, play at the park and have a lock-in one night. Be watching for details and registration. July 5-12 - A Mission Trip to Belize Work on projects at Holy Cross Anglican School in Ambergris Caye, plus Mayan ruins, the rain forest and the beach. This trip is for those 16 and older. 1st meeting March 15th. August 2-8 - West Virginia Youth Mission Trip We are heading back to Highland Education Project in Welch, WV to work with them on more projects. Open to all in grades 6-12 and their trusty adult “chaperones”, the people at Highland know how we work, so they are planning great things for us to do this year. Be watching for the details for all these Mission/Service opportunities. There will be lots that everyone can do to support the service involved, with funds, prayers, and actions. Don’t miss out on the fun, learning, and helping others. “Who Is My Neighbor? A look at those beyond our church walls” A Lenten Study Series Sunday Evenings, March 8, 15, and 22 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm A Simple Supper of Soup and Sandwiches with a program based on The Good Samaritan that looks at Our Neighbors here at St. Mark’s, Gastonia Come be part of the conversations. St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 page 6 Parish Transitions Birth Correction: Natalie & Sarah Rogeau, Ann & Dale Ward’s grandchildren were born January 15, not the 14 as stated in the February newsletter. Confirmations (all done on Sunday, February 22 by Bishop Taylor) : Kyle Anthony Bond Ryan Michael Bond Abigail Elaine Dills Thomas Alan Jolley Sophi Linda Jolley David John Major Lynnsey Morgan Price William Blaine Rudisill, Jr Allison Jane Sherrill Gwendolyn Anastasia Walker Jacob Dylan Walker Sophia Therese Varriale Received: Travis Arthur Johnson Zachary Mackenzie Martin James Caleb Callaham Dana Colby Caudill Heather Hatcher Griffin Logan Chas Lovelace Lacretia Ann (Krissy) Miura Pierre Anthony Miura Melodie Sellers Walker Robert Brenton Walker Sara Caldwell “Cathy” Wesson Corey Rachel Lovelace Tiffany Jean Solod Reaffirmed: Mary Susan Stragand Transferred In: Cathy Croxton, from All Saints, Gastonia Easter Memorials and Honorariums Your donations provide the beauty of Easter lilies to decorate God’s house as we prepare to celebrate the glorious Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Place this form along with your check or cash donation in the alms basins on Sundays or mail it to the church office. Deadline: Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 Please provide the following printed information: Given in memory of: Given in honor of: Your name: Phone number: St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 page 7 7pm Tuesday Evening Circle Meeting 6pm EfM, 7pm Aikido 10am Prayer Shawl Group, Caravan Coffee, Belmont 7am @ Panera 29Palm Sunday 30MP in Lent: 5-7pm Lenten Supper w/program EYC 31 24 yrinth & Stations 5pm Mark’s Place 4th Day Reunion 10 am Make Palm Crosses & Easter Activities for all 279am-noon Lab- 289am Cursillo Place, Belmont 215pm Mark’s 7am @ Panera 1st Day of Spring! 20 23MP in Lent: 26 19 4th Day Reunion 5pm Mark’s Place, Belmont sure Checks after church 25 18 yrinth & Stations 139am-noon Lab- 149am Cursillo Place, Belmont noon Labyrinth & Stations of Cross available 22Blood Pres- Day 17St. Patrick’s 12 75pm Mark’s Sat 6Fridays: 9am- Fri 9am-12 Labyrinth & Stations 7am @ Panera church/1st Belize Meeting IHN week begins 11 3:30pmCovenantHE 10am Bible 101 7pm Aikido 4:30 Covenant Bible 7pm OSL: HE w/ w/ H E @ 6pm Healing 6:30/7pm Choirs 5Thursdays: Thu 5-7pm Lenten Supper w/program 16MP in Lent: 15Vestry after 5-7pm Lenten Supper & program Time Begins-Spring @ Panera Bread Forward EYC skiing /DOK after church 8Daylight Savings 9MP in Lent: 7am 10 10:30 Covenant Circle Meeting MP in Lent:7am @ Panera Bread 8:15; HE on Weds. 4Wednesdays: 1Sundays: 8amHEI 2Mon-Thurs: MP@ 3Tuesdays: 9am Breakfast/SS 10:30 am HEII;4pm EfM I ;5-7pm Pancake Supper w/ program EYC Wed Mon Tue Sun March 2015 SCHEDULE FOR LAY LEADERSHIP – MARCH 2015 Lay Readers March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Lent II Lent III Lent IV Lent V Palm Sunday Jeff Bozarth Eden Isbell Liz Willett Jeff Bozarth Ed Hoerning Liz Willett Judy JacksonMalina Pat Townsend Judith Maloney Brenda Gilbert 8:00 am Lay Readers Alex Williamson Chad Barker Wendela Correia David Burns Sharon Chris Christy McElveen Paul Johnstone Dale Ward Walter Lassiter Richard Mike Janik Martinez Rachel Varriale Pat and Don Miller Mike Stanley Alan Jolley Mary Carter & Jim Butt Chuck and Edna Steve Campbell Forbes Gary Brewbaker Blaine and Cookie Rudisill Jean Eaddy Jane Cauthen Susan Stragand Paul Johnstone Wayne Willis Greg and Pam Dills Sophia & Anthony Varriale, Ethan Barker, Blaine & Catherine Rudisill Chad Barker Thomas Jolley Sophi Jolley Savannah & Connor Smith Emma Grey Taylor Alan Jolley Stewart Butt Ethan & Emmy Thrower Gwen & Jake Walker Alex Campbell Allison, Jack & Apple Sherrill Clay Williamson Alex Williamson Austin Biles Abigail & Eli Dills Kyle Bond Maggie Griffin Tripp Griffin Donna Taylor Krissy Miura Sophia Varriale Heather & Brenda Gilbert Tripp Griffin Sophi Jolley Andrew & Terri Williamson Jackie Quinley Coffee Hour Pat Smith Judy Hobbs Tina Queen Mary Carter Butt Breakfast Jeremy McCarey Pam & Greg Dills Jim Redd Don & Pat Miller Continental Breakfast Eli Dills Nancy Lynn Hargis Emmy and Marcia Thrower David John and Maggie Griffin Emma Grey Kristin Major Carol Carothers Taylor, Terri Williamson Steve Campbell Steve Campbell Steve Campbell 10:30 am Ushers Greeters Acolytes (Adult in Italics) Nursery Chapel Leaders Vestry Lock-up St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 Steve Campbell Jay Barnes Liz Domenico Sharon McElveen Marcia Thrower Steve Campbell page B ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 258 WEST FRANKLIN BLVD. GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA 28052 Mark’s Place The reading of the Daily is a time honored Contemporary Worship - Belmont Office tradition in the Church. Morning Prayers are said Saturday Evenings at 5pm around the world in a 6509-B W. Wilkinson Blvd constant voice of prayer Belmont Village Shopping Center and praise. If you would like to be part of this between Bi-Lo & Papa John’s “unceasing prayer”, come St. Mark’s offers a contemporary worship service at 5:00 pm each Saturday in Belmont. This relaxed, come-as-you-are service is perfect for those who cannot worship on Sunday mornings or for anyone looking for a more contemporary option for worship expression. The group sings mostly praise music, celebrates Eucharist in a Rite III style, and discusses the readings together as an interactive sermon. Want to know more? Speak to Fr. Shawn, check out the Mark’s Place Belmont facebook page or web site, or just show up on a Saturday evening and see what’s happening. All are welcome! St. Mark’s Newsletter - March 2015 to Morning Prayer any day Monday through Thursday. It begins with silence at 8:15 followed by the office at 8:30. On Wednesdays the group celebrates Eucharist. If a simple Daily Devotion at home works better for you, there is one that includes a psalm, short Scripture reading and collect on page 137 of The Book of Common Prayer. Forward Day By Day offers an excellent daily devotion and our Facebook page has a daily meditation or prayer taken from various sources posted each morning. page 8
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