Agenda Item: 3.6 REPORT TO: MEETING DATE: REPORT TITLE: SUMMARY OF REPORT: GOVERNING BODY 23 March 2015 Sub Committee Summary This report summarises each Sub-Committee meeting of the Governing Body. Full copies of all minutes are available from the Board Secretary on request. The report identifies: Items requiring approval from the Governing Body Advises on delegated decisions taken Reports on key decisions Highlights items of particular interest or potential risk. REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: REPORT CATEGORY: AUTHOR: PRESENTED BY: OTHER COMMITTEES/ GROUPS CONSULTED: EQUALITY ANALYSIS (EA) RISKS: CONFLICT OF INTEREST: PATIENT ENGAGEMENT: PRIVACY STATUS OF THE REPORT: a. Ratify and endorse the delegated decisions taken by the Sub Committees; b. Receive the monitoring information on key decisions; c. Be advised of the items of particular interest or risk; d. Receive the Stakeholder Committee minutes for information. None Tick Formally Receipt √ Action the recommendations outlined in the report. Debate the content of the report Receive the report for information Anne MacLeod Board Administration Manager Report supported & approved by your Senior Y Lead Angela Brown Director of Corporate Business Content discussed at Local Delivery Group and Quality & Safety Committee. N Has an EA been completed in respect of this report? N Have any risks been identified / assessed? N Is there a conflict of interest associated with this report? Y Has there been any patient engagement associated with this report? Y Can the document be shared? Which Strategic Objective does the report relate to 1 2 3 4 Commission the right services for patients to be seen at the right time, in the right place, by the right professional. Optimise appropriate use of resources and remove inefficiencies. Improve access, quality and choice of service provision within Primary Care Work with colleagues from Secondary Care and Local Authorities to develop seamless care pathways Page 1 of 7 Tick Agenda Item: 3.6 NHS EL CCG Governing Body 23 March 2015 SUB COMMITTEE SUMMARY OF BUSINESS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This report summarises each sub-committee of the Governing Body and identifies: Items requiring approval from the Governing Body Advises on delegated decisions taken Reports on key decisions Highlights items of particular interest or potential risk. Full copies of the minutes are available from the Board Secretary on request. 2. SUB COMMITTEES 2.1 Audit Committee: The minutes of the 9 February 2015 are attached in full at Appendix A. 2.2 Local Delivery Group: 19 January & 16 February 2015 Chair : Dr Mike Ions The Group discussed issues relating to the following areas: a. Items requiring approval from the Governing Body b. Delegated decisions taken, requiring ratification by the Governing Body c. Reporting on key decisions Transforming Care – Winterbourne Concordat The Transforming Care Programme had been revised following a DoH review undertaken by Stephen Bubb and the report summarised the actions required by CCGs and Local Authorities to address the recommendations in the Bubb report. A significant amount of work was required to ensure the recommendations are monitored and managed and additional capacity would be provided to manage this workstream for the organisation. Pennine Lancashire Cases for Change Programme Update The performance tracker for each workstream was presented and members discussed possible changes to the domains to provide assurance and likelihood of success of the project. Finance & Planning Update Members received an update on the financial position for the nine month period to 31 December 2014 which confirmed that all statutory targets would Page 2 of 7 be achieved in the financial year. Key financial issues were considered in terms of planning for 2015/16, noting that the final Planning return was due for submission by 27 February. The Month 10 financial report was presented to the February meeting which outlined significant overtrade with ELHT, the prescribing forecast was in line with previous assumptions and Individual Patient Activity reports suggested significant over-performance. QIPP Delivery The status report identified that all schemes have achieved planned savings to date, bringing the level of target savings achieved to 83% in Month 10. Navigation Hub The Navigation Hub is a scheme to support system resilience and the implementation of the Better Care Fund Plan objectives with partners across the health & social care system, providing a key interface with current services in three specific areas: Integrated Discharge & Discharge to Assess Intensive Home Support Clinical Navigation Hub including a Director of Services Phase 2 of the service looks to further develop the Directory of Services to ensure it is robust and resilient and develop marketing material to promote the service. Further information was presented to the February meeting to enable a decision on the commissioning of the phased incremental increases to the service including elements of finance, key performance indicators and the evaluation process to understand the impact of the pilot. Members agreed to support the Directory of Services and Phase 1 to March 2016, using the service as a single point of access referral parallel to ICAT and to see how BwD proceed with Phase 2. EMIS Web for Hospices Members were asked to consider a funding request to update Hospice clinical systems to EMIS web in respect of the East Lancashire, Pendleside and Rossendale Hospices. Members agreed to support Option 2, providing 5 year funding of EMIS web using non recurrent funding. GP in Urgent Care Evaluation Members received an evaluation of the GP in Urgent Care Service. It was recognised that the flow and number of patients has increased more quickly at the GP in UCC than the reduction seen within A&E. Following the success of the Challenge Fund Bids submitted by both CCGs, commissioners would continue with the Pilot for a further 12months whilst procurement processes were put in place for the Primary Care Front End model bid. It was agreed that a number of changes were required to the pilot going forward in relation to the triage model, IT, shared processes between provider and the deflection target. Hospital Alcohol Liaison Service Members received an evaluation of the enhanced Hospital Alcohol Liaison Service (HALS) pilot, which commenced in July 2013 and was due to expire on 31 March 2015. A recommendation was made for continuation of the pilot in its current form until March 2016 and reissue commissioning intentions in Page 3 of 7 September 2015 moving towards the redesign of a single PL Integrated Specification, linking HALS, mental health and Police Liaison. Members agreed to extend the pilot for 12 months, with a request to check the hours of the service to ensure the service is available when needed. NHS 111 NW CCGs supported the proposal for a single procurement process for the NHS 111 service in June 2014 and the Invitation to Tender (ITT) was issued to the market place in October 2014. The final stages of the evaluation period have now been reached and the NHS 111 Programme Board were in a position to request final sign off of the recommendations. Members supported the recommendations which would be ratified by the Governing Body at the February meeting. Re-Commissioning of Locally Commissioned Medical Services The report outlined the review of Locally Commissioned Medical Services undertaken by EL CCG with a proposal for the re-commissioning of these services during 2015/16 and beyond. Members accepted the recommendations which would be presented to the Remuneration Committee for approval. Dermatology Procurement Options The CCG had embarked upon a programme of service re-design for Dermatology Services with ELHT as the existing main provider. Simultaneously the existing community Dermatology service contract with About Health ended on 31 December 2014 and an interim extension was in place to ensure continuity of service. It was recognised that re-design work is not progressing in line with anticipated timescales and a number of options were being re-visited. NHS England Consultation – Prioritising Specialised Services Following NHS E Consultation on prioritizing specialised services, it was anticipated that elements of specialised services coming back to the CCG would be Wheelchairs and Neurology Outpatients. Re-Design of Diabetes Services in East Lancashire Members received proposals for a redesigned primary care model for Diabetes Services across EL. The model is designed to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients with diabetes by providing a high quality service to patients closer to home. The model is aimed at building a robust infrastructure to ensure a sustainable and resilient service, while at the same time allowing secondary care to concentrate on more complex patients. The proposed model was well received and would be presented to the Remuneration Committee for approval, prior to submission of the final report to the Governing Body following the General Election. Prime Ministers Challenge Fund Sustainability Members received a copy of the bid submitted to the Challenge Fund by the EL Federation regarding additional GP access at ELHT. The Area Team were considering the bids and it was emphasised that the CCG were considering the totality of primary care in terms of the re-design. Page 4 of 7 Public Health Budgets – Policy & Practice Guidance Members endorsed the revised policy and practice guidance developed to ensure the consistent and transparent delivery of Personal Health Budgets for eligible persons and made recommendation to the Governing Body for ratification. d. Items of particular interest or risk : NONE 2.3 Quality & Safety Committee: 14 January & 18 February 2015 Chair – Michelle Pilling The Group discussed issues relating to the following areas: a. Items requiring approval from the Governing Body : NONE b. Delegated decisions requiring ratification by the Governing Body : NONE c. Reporting on Key Decisions Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust A Quality Summit was held in December 2014 following the publication of the CQC report. The report identified areas of good practice and highlighted areas where improvement was required. Calderstones had responded with a detailed action plan and it was agreed to establish a Quality Improvement Board to support the organisation to move forward, chaired by the Chief Nurse of NHS E Lancashire & Greater Manchester, with senior representation from all stakeholders. A Quality Improvement Plan was also being developed, using the same methodology as used for ELHT post Keogh. The Chair congratulated the teams on the work and support provided to Calderstones and was encouraged that a system wide mechanism was in place to offer support to patients. Integrated Business Report Members received a comprehensive report and attention was drawn to key areas in respect of contracting and performance, particularly relating to 36 week waiting times, A&E performance, Ambulance handover and Stroke admissions and the work ongoing to address these areas. Serious Incident Review Group The Group had received and scrutinised a number of reports from Provider organisations and recommendations outlined in the report were approved. HCAI Update The report provided an update on the current position in terms of MRSA, CDiff, MSSA and EColi infections allocated to ELCCG. Public Health England were working to support social care providers on how to manage outbreaks of presumed Norovirus. ELHT had their own policy in place regarding MRSA screening and a thematic review was ongoing, working towards involvement with primary care. Reconciliation of CQUIN – Q2 Update Members received an updated report providing a summary of requirements, evidence submitted and recommendations for both ELHT and Calderstones. Members supported the recommendations outlined in the report. Page 5 of 7 Safeguarding Update The Safeguarding Dashboard outlined current activity together with information regarding the Channel Programme. Details of the Prevent agenda and counter terrorism strategy were also provided, noting that a Bill was progressing through Government to strengthen the partnership arrangements. Responsibility would fall to the CCG going forward and it was agreed that primary care needs to be involved in this work. Safeguarding Annual Report The revised Annual Report was presented for formal receipt following discussion at the November meeting when a number of amendments were suggested. A user friendly version would also be developed and included on the CCG website. Policy for Approval The Claims Management Policy had been updated to ensure the CCG has a robust system for the management of claims and that clearer procedures are in place for staff. The policy was approved, subject to clarification on the appropriateness of including Duty of Candour in the policy. This was subsequently included. CQC Intelligence Monitoring Data on GP Practices The report provided a summary of the CQC intelligence monitoring data and bandings in relation to GP Practices in EL, which had been published on the CQC website. The report was well received and emphasised the need to ensure Practices categorised as Band 1 are supported when under review. Fundamental Standards Following the publication of the Francis Report, further legislation had been published introducing fundamental standards for all current health and social care providers from October 2014 and for all providers registered with the CQC from April 2015. These are intended to help improve the quality of care and transparency of providers, ensuring that those responsible for poor care can be held to account. Calderstones – Friends & Family Test The Friends & Family Test requires monthly reporting on numbers of responses from both staff and patients. Due to the static nature of the clients based within Calderstones and their different levels of understanding, it was agreed to change the frequency of reporting to quarterly. 18 February 2015 : This was a Virtual Meeting approach due to a clash with other meetings and Members were asked to consider key documents and support the recommendations: Serious Incident Review Group Recommendations The Group had received and scrutinised a number of reports from Provider organisations and recommendations outlined in the report were approved. 2014/15 CQUIN Reconciliation Q3 for EL CCG Hosted Contracts The report set out the EL CCG hosted provider performance against each indicator of their 2014/15 CQUIN schemes for Quarter 3. Recommendations in relation to the release of payment against each indicator were considered and approved. Page 6 of 7 2015/16 CQUIN Development Position The report set out the current position in relation to the development of local CQUIN indicators and quality requirements for EL CCG hosted provider contracts. ELHT, Calderstones and BMI Hospitals were at different stages of discussion and agreement, details of which were outlined in the report. Safeguarding Update The report summarised the outcome of a meeting with ELHT to review their safeguarding arrangements, in line with the Safeguarding Standards. Areas for development were outlined together with progress made. There are plans in place for improvement and the CCG will continue to monitor progress. Duty of Candour – Improving Patient Safety & Openness The DoH issued a consultation on how NHS organisations can be incentivised to implement the Duty of Candour and how the NHS Litigation Authority might be given a role in its enforcement. Members provided feedback to enable a CCG response to the consultation to be submitted. Integrated Business Report The comprehensive report provided key messages in terms of contracts, performance and quality. Risk Management Report The report outlined the work ongoing across the organisation in relation to risk management. Each risk is owned by a senior manager and members were assured that all risks are being actioned and mitigated. d. Items of Particular Interest of Risk : NONE 2.4 Locality Steering Group Summaries : Chair – GP Clinical Leads Locality summaries are attached at Appendix B. 3. STAKEHOLDER COMMITTEES The following Stakeholder Committee minutes are attached at Appendix C for information. Pennine Lancashire Clinical Transformation Board : 7 January & 4 February 2015 East Lancashire Health & Wellbeing Partnership : 4 February 2015 CCG Network : 18 December 2014 & 29 January 2015 4. RECOMMENDATIONS Members are asked to: a. Ratify and endorse the delegated decisions taken by the Sub Committees; b. Receive the monitoring information on key decisions; c. Be advised of the items of particular interest or risk; d. Receive the Stakeholder Committee minutes for information. ANGELA BROWN Director of Corporate Business Page 7 of 7
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