PowerPoint Presentation - Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG

CCG Feedback February 2014
Below are the issues raised in the January Development Workshop CCG feedback segment, along with their outcomes.
To raise a query, you can email iesccg.gp-contract-queries@nhs.net The mailbox is monitored twice daily, issues are then logged
and a response should be available within 20 working days.
Feedback on the Sexual Health
Services – practices are not clear on
what is now happening and where
(if at all) they are supposed to refer
 The service is running at the Ipswich Hospital site with limited capacity and additional nurse run clinics have
been set up in central Ipswich. All symptomatic STI and HIV patients are seen at the hospital clinic.
 The message is for all patients to use the Ipswich Hospital clinic as usual – if they phone or attend they will be
 The patient contact number has not changed and is 0300 123 3650. The advice line for clinicians only is 01473
 Temporary modular buildings are being refurbished for delivery in April which is in time for the final date the
hospital have given the service to move out completely. It will be a fully equipped specialist facility based in
community for 4 years, after which a permanent solution will be in place.
Patient self-referred to AHPS and
were called by a private company –
this is currently being investigated
IHT physiotherapy wait is around 3
PALS are not aware of this issue. For any queries please use the contract query email: iesccg.gp-contractqueries@nhs.net
Glaucoma service – the service has
been sending letters to practices
regarding follow-up appointments
for deceased patients (letter states
that the patient hasn’t been seen
because they are deceased but the
practice can re-refer that patient if
SERCO – Medical students are no
longer able to shadow district
nurses. What is the reason for this?
The Contracting team at the CCG are working with the Glaucoma service (Newmedica) to resolve the issue. If
practices have any further examples of where this or similar issues have occurred, please email iesccg.gp-contractqueries@nhs.net
The CCG’s Contracting team have provided the latest waiting times for Physiotherapy and these show a maximum
wait of 18 weeks, with 17 patients over 12 weeks (7%). This is within the contractual standard. Practices are
advised to email the contract query line if they feel that this is not the case so that specific cases can be reviewed.
SERCO are not aware of this issue. If there are any specific examples of this please email the contract query email
for investigation: iesccg.gp-contract-queries@nhs.net
The Wellbeing Service are telling patients
that they have stopped doing counselling
and are only now doing group CBT
Mandatory training - Can GPs have a
day/afternoon covering all mandatory
APS – there seems to be issues with their
capacity out of hours.
Consultants at the Nuffield need to tell
their patients that they are on the NHS
OA hip/knee pathway when relevant
QOF QP OA Hip pathway – are the
changes to the pathway going to affect
the reporting/evidence collecting for QOF
SERCO are now long taking bloods in the
community – how will this be resolved?
Link workers are being asked to
undertake wellbeing services
NHS 111 – Letters are not reducing in size
despite reassurances that they are
NSFT have clarified that one to one CBT is being offered in groups and in individual settings, alongside other
therapies, driven by the needs of the service user
Sessions commonly known as ‘mandatory’ training will be considered as part of the 2014/15 training
There have been a number of on-going issues with the APS service regarding capacity constraints and the
Quality and Contracting teams have been collating this information by practice. In addition Ipswich Hospital
and SERCO/SCH have completed audits for the Community Intervention Services (CIS) function, collating
information of areas/days/times and numbers of constraints. This information has been submitted and
discussed through the contracting routes. If practices have any specific examples, please email the contract
query email for investigation: iesccg.gp-contract-queries@nhs.net
This is going to be raised at the Trauma and Orthopaedics Clinical Network meeting in March and we are
liaising with Contracts to ensure that the Nuffield is aware of the pathway. If practices which to raise any
further incidences, or anything of a similar nature, please email iesccg.gp-contract-queries@nhs.net
The CCG have been informed that all practices in Ipswich and East Suffolk have opted to take up the Area
Team offer to commence work on the East Anglia Preparatory QOF Scheme. The CCG would like to highlight
that whilst we do not expect practices to report on or evidence the use of the QOF QP pathways previously
identified, it is expected that practices will continue to use them.
Serco has raised with us some important questions about what is included within the contract currently and
if and where, gaps may exist. We are working very closely with Serco to address this and ensure a quality
service for all housebound patients. Whilst we do this Serco has committed to continuing to provide the
Linkworkers are now part of the Wellbeing Service but do not deliver wellbeing sessions. However, they will
support the end of the wellbeing session clinics to provide advice and signposting on to other services when
the wellbeing intervention is about to come to an end. If practices have any concerns or feel that this is not
the case, please email the contract query email for investigation: iesccg.gp-contract-queries@nhs.net
This appears to be a national issue. Suffolk NHS 111 and Harmoni have welcomed requests to visit practices
and speak to staff and gather feedback.