Mission Statement Welcome! TheTexasCity‐LaMarque ChamberofCommerceisan organizationofbusinessesand individualswhosepurposeis tocreateapositivebusiness environment,assistineco‐ nomicdevelopment,support publicandprivateinstitutions, promotetourismandcommu‐ nityinvolvementand,ingen‐ eral,enhancethequalityoflife inourcommunities. ConnieBradley,Marathon 2015Chairmanofthe DearChamberMember: JimmyHayley President Goals 2014 1. Promoteapositive businessclimatefor businessandindustry 2. Promoteandassistin economicdevelopment 3. Encouragelocal purchasingand employment 4. Supportandadvance education 5. Promotetourism 6. IncreaseChamber membershipandretain existingmembers 7. Encouragemembership involvementinChamber activities 8. Supportthegoalsand objectivesofour committees 9. Enhanceenvironmental awareness 10. Educateandkeep membershipinformedof legislativeactivities TheTexas City‐ La Marque Chamber of Commerce invites you to explore the many opportunities for you, your business and your employees to join us and get engaged! From Economic Development and Legislative Action to Leadership Mainland, Small Business, Education and Tourism….The Chamber isleadingtheway. We look forward to growth, partnerships,andcollaborationsthatwe have never before experienced. The opportunity to work together has never been more important than the present. Together, we can make improvements to our businesses, economy,andqualityoflife. For those of you who have already joined us in our work and commitment, thank you for being a “Partner In Progress”! Please consider the Chamber as one of the best business and community investmentspossible. 2 WhatistheChamberand Howdoesitfunction? YourChamberofCommerce isavoluntary partnership of business and professional peopleworkingtogethertobuildahealthy economyand improvethequalityoflifein yourcommunity. As your Chamber works to accomplish these goals, it wears many hats: economic developer and planner; tourist center in‐ formant; business spokesperson; business counselor and advisor; and public rela‐ tionspractitioner. Simplystated,theChamberworkstomake your community a better place for every‐ onetolive,workandplay. The Chamber of Commerce functions throughactivecommitteesoftheorganiza‐ tion. Money, planning, inspiration and guidance are useless unless the members work vigorously on the committee of their choice. Every member hasa voice in determining thepoliciesandprojects.Everymemberis needed to work on active committees to getthejobdone. TheChamberHistory The Texas City‐La Marque Chamber of Commerce was formed in January of 1969 with the purpose of promoting civic, economic, industrial, agricultural, educational and social welfare for the peopleofLaMarqueandTexasCity. The merger between the Texas City ChamberofCommerceandtheLaMarque Chamber of Commerce came after several months of studies which showed the practicalityoftheformationofonecentral Chamber of Commerce in order to better serve the interests of both cities and the Metropolitanarea. 3 2014 Executive Board Chairman ConnieBradley MarathonPetroleum Chairman Elect RayBrooks MarathonGBR Vice Chairman/Treasurer JimMacPherson Valero Vice Chairman KirkBroiles ScribblesEmbroidery Vice Chairman JayCarnes CarnesFuneralHome Vice Chairman CynthiaLusignolo TexasCityI.S.D. Vice Chairman GenevieveMcGarvey McLeod,Alexander,Powel&Apffel Past Chairman ChrisDeVries StandardSteelSupply President JimmyHayley TexasCity‐LaMarqueChamber Ex‐Of icio Directors 2015BoardofDirectors ConnieBradley MarathonPetroleum KirkBroiles Scribbles JohnCornyn U.S.Senator TedCruz U.S.Senator RandyWeber U.S.Representative LarryTaylor TexasStateSenator WayneFaircloth TexasStateRepresentative Dr.GregBonnen TexasStateRepresentative JudgeMarkHenry GalvestonCounty BobbyHocking LaMarqueMayor MattDoyle TexasCityMayor RayBrooks MarathonGBR JayCarnes CarnesFuneralHome TheaChoate AMOCOFederalCreditUnion JamiClark Benny’sLiquor ShayneCowan Eastman ChrisDeVries StandardSteelSupply,Inc. PeteDunn,Jr. DunnHeatExchangers MichaelEhrat MainlandMedicalCenter NickFinan CityofTexasCity AlexGetty CityofLaMarque ElizabethIles WhitleyPenn BrianJohnson Ashland BryonJohnson DeMontrondGulfFreeway IvanLangford GulfCoastWaterAuthority Dr.BethLewis CollegeoftheMainland EmkenLinton Emken‐LintonFuneralHome 4 4 2015BoardofDirectors Dr.CynthiaLusignolo TexasCityISD 2015SpecialEvents Calendar JimMacPherson Valero AnnualBanquet January29,2015 TasteoftheTown&Auction March26,2015 SmallBusinessWeekEvent April20‐23 IndustrialTradeShow April21,2015 Funfest May29‐30,2015 NewTeachersBreakfast AugustTBA,2015 ShrimpBoil&Dance August29,2015 ChamberGolfClassic October7‐8,2015 BayouFest October17,2105 ChristmasOpenHouse December8,2015 GenevieveMcGarvey McLeodAlexanderPowel&Apffel RyanMcGill TheDowChemicalCompany TonyNewman TheDowChemicalCompany ToddNolte TNTSigns&Graphics GregPloss ChemicalProcess&Production KittyPotter TexasFirstBank LeeSkipper RaymondJamesFinancialServices JohnSmith MoodyNationalBank SonnyTholcken TreyIndustries BillTyler NuStarEnergy SalViscontini ValeroRe ining TerriWatkins LaMarqueI.S.D. R.C.Williams RobcoServices ScooterWilson Oiltanking LeonardWoolsey TheGalvestonCountyDailyNews 5 Ambassadors The goal of the Ambassadors is to represent the Chamber and act as the “Welcoming Committee” at ribbon cuttings, ground breakings, special events and other goodwill and public activities. C O M M I T T E E S Director in Charge: Chairpersons: Kirk Broiles, Scribbles Embroidery Lori Carnes, Carnes Funeral Home Dom Orozco, Golden Division Staff in Charge: Lorrie Koster EconomicDevelopment ThegoaloftheEconomicDevelopmentCommitteeistoimprove theeconomyintheTexasCity‐LaMarqueareabyattractinga diversi icationofnewbusinesses,expansionofexistingindustries andimprovingthebusinessclimateforbusinessdevelopment. Director in Charge: Development Corp. Chairpersons: Staff in Charge: Nick Finan, Texas City Economic Alex Getty, La Marque Economic Development Corp. Jimmy Hayley Education The goal of the Education Committee is to encourage and supportasystemofeducationaimedatexcellenceinthepublic andprivateschools,andcollege.Also,toawardascholarshipto students from La Marque High School, Texas City High School andCollegeoftheMainland. Directors in Charge: Chairpersons: Staff in Charge: Dr. Beth Lewis, College of the Mainland Dr. Cynthia Lusignolo, Texas City ISD Terri Watkins, La Marque ISD Leanne Post 6 GoldenDivision The Golden Division consists of residents who are retired, handicapped,ornotgainfullyemployed.Theirgoalistoassist the Chamber with its activities through volunteer service and providetheopportunityforitsmemberstoservethecommunity and themselves by the use of their years of experience and expertise. They have monthly meetings at the Chamber of ice on the irst Wednesday of each month. Activities include assisting Chamber staff, volunteer assistance for events and supportChamberfunctionswithattendance. Directors in Charge: Union Chairperson: Staff in Charge: Thea Choate, AMOCO Federal Credit Dom Orozco, Golden Division Leanne Post LeadershipMainland ThegoaloftheLeadershipMainlandProgramistoidentifyand assist citizens who want to learn more about the challenges facing the community and to train, educate and motivate key employeesforfutureleadershiproleswithinthecommunity. The class is composed of no more that 20 individuals and is chaired by former graduates of Leadership Mainland. Applications are submitted and upon enrollment, the enrollmentfeeentitlestheparticipantstolocalandoutoftown transportation,meals(15)lodgingfortheweekendretreatand theAustintripandgraduationplaque.Theclasswillmeetone day per month and get an in‐depth background into our community,countyandstate. Director in Charge: Chairpersons: Pete Dunn, Jr. , Dunn Heat Exchangers Stacey Gonzalez, AMOCO FCU Pete Dunn, Jr., Dunn Heat Exchangers Staff in Charge: Jenny Senter 7 C O M M I T T E E S LegislativeAction C O M M I T T E E S The goal of the Legislative Action Committee is to maintain a rapport with legislative bodies on a local, state and national level,forthepurposeofreceivinginputfromthecommunityand providing feedback to legislators who represent our needs and interests. The Committee’s further responsibility is to provide legislative facts to the Chamber members on important issues affecting the local area and/or member businesses. Activities includetheLegislativeLuncheon;Resolutions Directors in Charge: Emken Linton, Emken Linton Funeral Home Chairperson: Ivan Langford, Gulf Coast Water Authority Phil Roberts, Mabry Herbeck & Roberts Staff in Charge: Jenny Senter SmallBusinessCouncil The goal of the Business Council is to provide and support activities or projects to assist businesses to grow and succeed. Activities: Business of the Month, Sponsor Professional Development Seminars and Motivational Speakers, Small BusinessoftheYearAwardandPartnerwiththeSmallBusiness DevelopmentCenter;StateoftheCountyandCitiesBreakfast Director in Charge: Jay Carnes, Carnes Funeral Home Chairpersons: Jami Clark, Benny’s Liquor Lee Skipper, Raymond James Financial Staff in Charge: Leanne Post 2015 “Chamber U” Big 3 Workshops : “Where Do I Put My Advertising Dollars” “Human Resources – How Not to Get Sued” “How to Lower Business Taxes” 8 Tourism ThegoaloftheTourismCommitteeistopromotetheTexasCity‐ LaMarqueareaasadestinationtovisitorsaswellasthespecial eventsandpointsofinterestintheTexasCity‐LaMarquearea. Director in Charge: Chairpersons: Alex Getty, City of La Marque Sally Briggs, Gulf Greyhound Park Linda Turner, Texas City Museum Staff in Charge: Lorrie Koster Women’sNetworking C O M M I T T E E S Women’s networking and social opportunities to develop rewarding relationships. “Ladies ● Who ● Lunch” is informativeandinspirationalprogramsforbusiness,personal, andprofessionalgrowth. Director in Charge: Genevieve McGarvey, McLeod Alexander Powel & Apffel Chairpersons: Kitty Potter, Texas First Bank Staff in Charge: Jenny Senter YoungProfessionals Young Professionals get involved, learn how to make a difference in the community, and become our next generation of leaders. Our mission is to develop and connect young professionals to create business, community and individual success. Director in Charge: Jay Carnes, Carnes Funeral Home Chairpersons: Gabe Sims, Standard Steel Supply Sean Doyle, Texas First Bank Staff in Charge: Jenny Senter 9 AnnualMembershipBanquet January29—DoyleConventionCenter S P E C I A L Director in Charge: Chairperson: Staff in Charge: Connie Bradley, Marathon Chris DeVries, Standard Steel Supply Jenny Senter TasteoftheTown/Auction March26—DoyleConventionCenter Taste of the Town Director in Charge: Taste of the Town Staff in Charge: Auction Director in Charge: Auction Staff in Charge: R.C. Williams, Robco Services Leanne Post Greg Ploss, Chemical Process & Prod. Lorrie Koster SmallBusinessWeek E V E N T S April20‐23—ShowboatPavilion Directors in Charge: Chairpersons: Staff in Charge: Connie Bradley, Marathon Petroleum Georgia Meyer, Catherine Miller Jenny Senter IndustrialTradeShow April21—DoyleConventionCenter Directors in Charge: Chairpersons: Sonny Tholcken, Trey Industries Sal Viscontini, Valero Re ining Staff in Charge: Jenny Senter 10 Funfest May29‐30—TBA Director in Charge: Chairpersons: Group Staff in Charge: Kirk Broiles, Scribbles Todd Nolte, TNT Signs & Graphics Bryon Johnson, DeMontrond Auto Jimmy Hayley, Jenny Senter, Leanne Post, Lorrie Koster Darcie O’Brien NewTeachersBreakfast AugustTBA—MainlandMedicalCafeteria Directors in Charge: Chairpersons: Staff in Charge: Dr. Cynthia Lusignolo, Texas City ISD Terri Watkins, La Marque ISD Dr. Beth Lewis, College of the Mainland Leanne Post ShrimpBoil&Dance August29—NesslerCenter Directors in Charge: Chairpersons: Ray Brooks, Marathon, GBR Elizabeth Iles, Whitley Penn Kitty Potter, Texas First Bank Staff in Charge: Darcie O’Brien GolfTournament October7‐8—BayouGolfCourse Directors in Charge: Chairperson: Staff in Charge: Chris DeVries, Standard Steel Supply Tony Newman, The Dow Chemical Co. Jim MacPherson, Valero John Smith, Moody National Bank Brian Johnson, Ashland Scooter Wilson, Oiltanking Bill Tyler, NuStar Jenny Senter 11 S P E C I A L E V E N T S BayouFest October17—HighlandBayouPark S P E C I A L E V E N T S Director in Charge: Chairperson: Ryan McGill, The Dow Chemical Co. Mayor Bobby Hocking, City of La Marque Mac McGaffey, City of La Marque Staff in Charge: Jimmy Hayley, Jenny Senter, Leanne Post, Lorrie Koster, Darcie O’Brien LaMarqueChristmasParade December3—WalterFiegelPark Director in Charge: Chairpersons: Staff in Charge: Alex Getty, City of La Marque Jay Carnes, Carnes Funeral Home Darcie O’Brien BusinessLuncheons CharlesDoyleConventionCenter Directors in Charge: Connie Bradley, Marathon Petroleum Staff in Charge: Jenny Senter, Leanne Post, Lorrie Koster, Darcie O’Brien • • • • • State of Cities and County State of the Industry Hurricane Preparedness State of Education Legislative 12 PastChairmen 1969 Joe A. Hoover 1992 Dave Gulledge * 1970 J. W. Arrington, Sr. * 1993 Ron Plackemeier 1971 J. F. Luhning* 1994 Walt Crowder 1972 Joe F. Hoover* 1995 Gene Menn 1973 R. J. Fosdick * 1996 Phil Roberts 1974 Harvey Prichard 1997 Georgia Meyer 1975 Doug Hoover 1998 Kitty Potter 1976 Bill Martin 1999 Sally Briggs 1977 Bill Wilson 2000 Bill Mathis 1978 Jack Lindsey * 2001 Tomy Hamon 1979 B. J. Childs 2002 Frances Levisee * 1980 Dale Laine, Sr. 2003 Tommy Lambright 1981 Charles Herbeck 2004 Tommy Clark 1982 Jim Taylor * 2005 Dean Alexander 1983 George Bostick * 2006 Richard De Vries 1984 T. G. Fitzgerald * 2007 David Moss 1985 Dwight Spurlock 2008 Fred Newhouse 1986 Julia Oliver 2009 Alan Hutchins 1987 Jimmy Rasmussen 2010 Neil Geary 1988 Don Wooldridge * 2011 Shawn Bailey 1989 Emken Linton 2012 Mark Ciavaglia 1990 Ralph Holm 2013 Peggy Davenport 1991 Gary Meyer * 2014 Chris DeVries *Deceased 13 P A S T C H A I R M E N The Chamber offers the opportunity for all members to partici‐ pateinanyofthecommitteesthatmeetduringtheyear.Inaddi‐ tion to the education and networking opportunities available that committees offer, many other events and gatherings make networkingpossible. N E T W O R K I N G 14 Texas City and La Marque are part of the Mainland Texas Gulf CoastareathatiscradledbythewarmTexassunshineandsoft GulfShorebreezes.There’snobetterplaceto indawidevariety of activities for yourself, your friends and your entire family! Here’sjustafewoftheactivitiesavailable.Andthebestpartis... there’ssomethingforeveryagegroup. AnnualMembershipBanquet January 29 TasteoftheTown&Auction March 26 IndustrialTradeShow April 21 SmallBusinessWeek April 20‐23 Funfest May 29‐30 NewTeachersBreakfast August TBA ShrimpBoil&Dance August 29 GolfTournament October7‐8 BayouFest October 17 LaMarqueChristmasParade December 2 ChristmasOpenHouse December 8 15 S P E C I A L E V E N T S TexasCity‐LaMarque ChamberofCommerce 9702E.F.LowryExpressway TexasCity,Texas77591 Phone:409‐935‐1408 Fax:409‐316‐0901 www.texascitychamber.com The Texas City‐La Marque Chamber is committed to continued efforts aimedatimprovingthequalityoflifeofthecitizensintheTexasCityand LaMarquecommunities.ThededicatedChamberStaffincludes: President: VicePresident: AdministrativeAssistant: MediaRelations: MemberServices: StaffVolunteer: 16 JimmyHayley JennySenter LeannePost LorrieKoster DarcieO’Brien DeloydHarris
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