"heiEDUCATION – Better Together! Excellent teacher training in

"heiEDUCATION – Better Together! Excellent teacher training in Heidelberg" is a joint project of
Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University of Education (HUE) that is funded by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF) through the "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" initiative. Subject to the
allocation of funds by the BMBF, the universities are looking to fill the following job vacancy from 1 October
2015 to 30 September 2018:
Three positions for doctoral candidates in the Cultural Heritage cluster (65% each, TV-L EG13).
The Cultural Heritage cluster (History, Philosophy, Ethics, Protestant theology, Catholic theology, Jewish religious
studies, Art, Music, Latin, Greek, Archaeology) focusses on the development and study of new concepts for the
investigation and dissemination of cultural knowledge in the past and present. Studies on the diversity and
interdependence of cultural developments aim at making the reflection on the relevance of our cultural heritage for
the present an integral part of teacher education. Classical philology links the Cultural Heritage cluster with the
Text and Language cluster.
Primary responsibilities:
 Ambitious doctoral thesis within the scope of the overall project
 Developing new teaching/learning concepts in accordance with the cluster's objectives and within the
context of your own doctoral thesis
 “2 SWS Lehre” = 2 hours of teaching per week during term
 Taking part in interdisciplinary research and teaching concepts within the cluster
 Participating in the heiEDUCATION graduate programme
 University degree with above-average GPA (qualifying you for a PhD programme) in a cluster subject
 Strong ability to perform independent scientific work in a team
 Highly developed language and communication skills
 Experience with interdisciplinary cooperation is desirable
 You will be expected to work closely with all members of the heiEDUCATION project
 Excellent German language skills are mandatory but can be acquired in the course of one year
We look forward to receiving your application, including the following documents:
 Curriculum vitae including description of your academic education and career, publication list (if applicable)
and (language) certificates
 Motivational letter
 Exposé on your doctoral thesis (approx. 2 pages)
 Where possible one recent reference evaluating your (scientific) work
Institutionally, the heiEDUCATION staff are affiliated with one of the two universities. Structurally and in terms
of content, they belong to the joint Heidelberg School of Education.
Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University of Education attach great importance to providing equal
professional opportunities for women and men. Applications of qualified persons with a severe disability will be
treated preferentially if the candidate fulfils the requirements. (Travel) expenses incurred in the course of this
application cannot be reimbursed. We apologise that we cannot return your application.
Please send your application in a single PDF file (25 pages max., 5 MB max.) to heiEDU4@uni-heidelberg.de
by 7 June 2015 (receipt by midnight). Please name the PDF file 2-15-ke-dok (job ID) followed by your last
name, and state the same ID in the subject line of your e-mail.
Heidelberg University ∙ Heidelberg University of Education ∙ Contact: heiEDU3@uni-heidelberg.de