March 18, 2015 'N __0° St_.___ Ma_r_y_s ___ ____e_w_s ~)~ "Nurturing a lifelong love for Jesus, each other, and learning" Special points of interest: • March 19 (Thursday) -Early dismissal; 2nd grade Hot Dog lunch • March 21 (Saturday) --Quarter Throw Down--6 p.m. • March 23 (l'1onday) Basketball Awards banquet--6:30 p.m.; Parish Council meet ing-7 p.m. • -Noon March 27 (Friday) Living Stations-2:30 p.m. ; Easter break begins • March 28-April 6 Easter break • Is it Bingo? Is it an Auction? Come and join us for an even ing of fun and find out what it's all about? Call up your pals, girlfriends, neighbors, co workers, family and invite them to join you on Saturday, March 2 I, 20 15 for the 5MB Quarter Throw Down. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the Auction begins at 7 p.m. Check out the flyer for a list of participating vendors and other important information. You won't want to miss this fast, action-packed, prize-filled evening! March 24 (Tuesday) Open House-l 0 a.m. • Ouarter Throw-Down April 7 (Tuesday) Classes resume; Sum mer uniforms Easter Break place those old sneakers with a nice new pair of allwhite tennis shoes for PE. Spring Mulch Sale Our spring mulch sale was quite successful despite the rainy weather. Thank you to Junior and Tina Stokes who organized the sale and deliv ery. Thank you to Scott Goldsmith, an alumni parent, for using his equipment to load mulch onto the trucks. We appreciate all the help of our volunteers who braved the chilly rain to deliver and unload the mulch: Tony McRoy, Jeff Lloyd, Jason Rol lins, Dante Rollins, Jim Kettle, Joe Aviles, Joseph Aviles, Dan iel Pruitt and Steve Harrer. Thank you to everyone who purchased mulch. You are what made this fundraiser suc cessful. Check in the main office if you want to buy any bags of mulch that are left. Although Charles County Public Schools have added days back into their sched ule and shortened their spring break, St. Mary's Bry antown will follow our reg ular scheduled break. The last full day of school is Fri day, March 27, 2015. Clas ses will resume on Tuesday, April 7, 2015. Check our Hot Lunch Orders calendar on our website at We would like to thank our Classes resume on families for cooperating with Tuesday, April 7, 2015. our new ordering procedures making sure orders are done Students will return on-line and that payments are wearing their Summer turned in timely. We ask that Uniforms! Please check order on time. you continue the Student-Parent Hand Any lunch order that is placed book for details on proper without full payment will be uniform. Easter break cancelled and returned, and would be a great time to you will have to provide lunch replace uniforms that no for your child/children for that longer fit and perhaps re month. Thank you for your 13735 Notre Dame Place Bryantown, MD 20617 understanding and cooper ation. If you have any fur ther questions, please con tact Mrs. Caniglia. TAP News-Very Important! Please note these im portant ordering deadlines prior to Easter break. *03-1 9-1 S-Last week for physical paper card orders *03-2S-IS-Last day for Walk-up sales *03-31-IS-Last day for Presto-Pay, Scrip Now, and Reloads. Stock up for Easter shopping and get as much discount on this year's TAP rebate as possi ble. We will continue the TAP program beginning with paper orders on April 8, 2015. These orders will start your account for the 2016-2017 school year. Start out right and order your groceries and gas every week! Registration for 2015-2016 If you are a current family who has not re-enrolled your child we kindly ask that you do so as soon as possible. To ensure your child's seat for next year current families need to supply a $150 registration fee and update the TADS online application. We 301-932-6883 301-843-3387 p~ 1 St. Mary's News appreciate your cooperation as our enrollment numbers help to determine many things for the fall including textbook and supply If you have any questions contact Mrs. Crozier or Mrs. Caniglia. "I had heard of you by word and mouth, but now my eye has seen you. I disown what I have said, and repent in dust and Job 42:5-6 Program Want to earn a significant tuition rebate quickly and easily? Simply a family who ,."""iict-",,.c and remains at the school entire year (20 I 2016), and you will receive a $1 000 tuition If there are two students that you are for a $1500 tuition credit. the word of 5MB's registration, discuss with families the things that 5MB has to and help reduce your tuition. 100th year logo are on display in foyer. is also information on how to land's End is working with our school to offer this very special logo, so our cur rent alumni families can participate in this year's spe cial of our history of Catholic education. If you help or further infor mation, contact our parent volunteer, Clare Stine, at 301 934-3412. 5 will be offered Sunday from 9:30 to I I: 15 a.m. throughout school year. hope that this ser vice will a benefit by chil with quality care while the 10 a.m. Mass. For more infor mation and to rpcrl<::tl"r lisa Shumaker at 301-870 2220 ext. I I. 5MB is celebrating its 1000h anniversary of Catholic cation. and you can purchase spirit wear from land's Samples of clothing ac cessories depicting our spe Catholic Business Association Scholarship Saint, Blessed or Servant of God--Feast Day or Passion St. Photina Included in this week's packet is the information and application for CBA is April I, 20 I Families must mail Scholarship. note that the own application supporting documents to the CBA address at bottom of the first page of the application. If you are applying, you must also have a letter of recommendation from Father Conley and Mrs. Caniglia. Please make those requests for letters of recommendation by March 20, I so Mrs. time to write the before break. This scholarship is an excellent way to help offset tuition. but you to eligible. must apply and comply with all of the Our Students are Amazing! accomplishments. They certainly have featured in we had to on with our been so many amazing things and students and citizens. a whole page to of our students were issue of the Catholic Standard for advocating for the Maryland Education Credit. Those students are Raina Dela Cruz, Holly, Sam Silverstone and Catherine Nguyen. Several other students were featured in the online version of the Catholic Standard standing on the We've been """.... excellent n""eli.-3t".. 1'1.<7 for what seems tnr.ov.:... to get the of the State House. results of our teams. All of our teams did an representing our school, but more importantly for representing their excitement of what they had learned. Our 8th grade won 7 more to go with the 5 had already If you like to view these winning rrl",nhi~" they are on display outside Mrs. won earlier in Caniglia's office. teams competed with numerous private and public schools in the tri-county area of Southern Maryland. They participated ming. and the 5th in areas of challenges and ers. Mrs. Truss and Mrs. ideas, construction program A huge thanks to our Science teach for their leadership in guiding their students in curriculum. Thanks also goes to our computer teacher, Mr. his technical very challenging and of course thank you to the engineers who assisted our students on a weekly basis. Great job everyone! This weekend our Imagination teams competed at the six teams from various levels Thank you to all County Regional Competition. We dedicated Keith Mr. & Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Padgett & Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Dyson, Mr. Watson. Mr. Waltemyer. We would also like to thank our Shirlene Jody Mclain, Bull. Donald Hill. and Sandy Nguyen. Thank you to our faculty representative. Mr. Wilson. who organized teams and coaches. We will have two of our teams advancing to the State Competition. Brand Aid, coached by Mr. Watson and represent our at state! We wish academics, and teamwork. Congratulations to our Confirmation luck! Our 01 teams are another by Mr. Krechman will example of challenging work! who attended a Confirmation Spirit Spirit Day was at preparation for holy sacrament of Confirmation. wonderful Bacon Barn, Mary's Newport Church and was a day filled with prayer, fellowship, games, and the was the guest speaker/musician and he lies. Save the grade parents will some on the commitment of Confirmation and the amazing gift that God has given us in this sacrament. St. Mary's Bryantown will be having Confirmation on 15 at 7 p.m. past Saturday. hosting the reception May 26. the 8th grade Confirmandi and their 2 nd Grade Hot Dog Lunch THURSDAY, March 19, 2015 Hot Dog $1.00 Soda $.25 Chips $.25 Baked Goods Candy Jar names $.25 $.25 Vendor Quarter Auction Saturday, March 21, 2015 St. Mary's Bryantown School Bryantown, MD Doors open at 6:00PM / Auction begins at 7:00PM Questions or reservations? Call 301-536-8478 Michelle Truss Paddles are $3 each or 2 for $5 Bring your own quarters or buy them at the Throw Down All items are only 1, 2,3, or 4 quarters! Win items for as little as .25! Over 70 prizes wi II be won! Lots of variety, TONS of fun! Concessions available. Featuring products from: Origami Owl Glassed Euphoria Tastefully Simple Tupperware Celebrating Home Reclaimed Recycled Relics Jewelry in Candles Bottoms Up Everlasting Creations Miche Longaberger Princess House Thirty One AND MORE! ++++++ I I I I I I 1+ I I I I I 1++ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1++ I I I I I I I 1++++ I I I I I I 1+++++++ I I I I 1++++ How does a quarter throw down work? All bidders purchase a numbered paddle for $3 - a bingo ball with the same number goes into a basket. Vendors offer items for auction (new, quality items from their companies.) Based on the value of the item, you bid on the item with quarters. (Example - a $38 baking stone from Pampered Chef is up for auction. If you want a chance to win, you pay .50.) Everyone who wants to bid on the item pays .50 to their table worker, and holds their bidder number in the air. When all bids are in , the basket of balls is stirred, and a number is drawn. If the person holding the corresponding paddle number bid on that item, they win it. If not, another number is drawn until a winner is found from all bidders. This process continues until all 100+ items are won. Bidding scale for Quarter Throw Down auctions: Retail of $20 or less =1 quarter $21 - $40 =2 quarters $41 - $60 =3 quarters $61 + =4 quarters (no bids will be over 4 quarters, regardless of the value!) St Mary's School Lunch and DUE THURSDAY TH MAR. 19 on "Parent Print return the invoice payable to: St MarYs Bryantown. P~'Jrn'l"nt Place Your ORDER ONLINE Ensure Accuracy Return Online Invoice With Your Payment APRIL Monday I Tuesday I Wednesday I Thursday I 1. 7. 6. 2015 No School 8. 1 2 . No School 9. 1 Friday 3 . enter your PER CHILD.* *Complete No 10. No Menu Selections by Cost Grade 13. 15. 16. 17. Pizza Mac-n- Subs Hotline 21. 20. 22. 23. Pizza 24. Chick-Fil-A Subs 29. 27. Nicks Sub- Ham__ Tuna__ @ $3.50 each each each each each 30. Pizza Subs NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ... ·Pizza Hotline pizza price does NOT include a drink or chips.••• Tequila Grill Chicken or Cheese Quesadilla with rice, frUit, and a drink NICKS Subs includes chips, cookie, and a drink. Chick-FiI-A includes chips and a drink. Drink is a cup of fruit punch or lemonade. Extra cup costs $0.25. Chips can be purchased over the counter for $0.25 Ice Cream is available on Tuesday and Friday for $1.00 Please order on lineI SORRY 4/23 4/30 I Chick-Fil-A I Chick-Fil-A NO LATE ORDERS ACCEPTED 4/10 4/17 4/24 I Hotdo!< chies & drink Nuggets__ Wrap__ @ $1.50 each Extra hotdog $1.00 each to: St. Mary's Bryantown NO TOTAL ___.____ Total Amount ORDER ON-LINE ** Don't be Deadline: THURS, MARCH ON-LINE ** T _ __ $ LUNCH VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET FOR APRIL 2015 ; form is due Thursday, March 1 for lunch Sign below on dates you can For MON, For FRI, please arrive by 10:30 WED & THURS, please arrive by 11:15 **IF YOU SIGN UP, PLEASE SHOW UP FOR THE DATES YOU'VE COMMITTED!* Name/Contact # TEQUI GRILL NICK'S CH PIZZA HOTLINE TEQUILA GRILL NICK'S SU CHICK-FI HOT LUNCH 5 MONDAY 1/15 4/22/15 WEDNESDAY 4/23/15 THURSDAY 5 MONDAY 4/28/15 4/29/15 WEDNESDAY 4/30/15 PiZZA HOTLINE TEQUILA GRi NICK'S CHICK-FIL-A PIZZA HOTLINE TEQUILA GRILL NICK'S SU CHICK-FIL-A RETURN THIS FORM THE THANK YOU!!! If you are unable to make it for your assigned day, please contact Lynn Godwin @ 443-286-7628 or the school office @ 301-932-6883 as soon as you can, so other arrangements may be made. Thank you for your volunteer time and cooperation. Order Form 2014/2015 ilk Program 4th Quarter Milk Program (This is rts ~~~===e:=:~====~ day classes resume To order: III III III complete the below Return form + Make your check payable to A separate check is required for (Milk Money is in a account in with state regulations. ) 4th quarter cost:::: $lS.00/child Child's Grade: Flavor: White Chocolate Child's Grade: Flavor: White Chocolate Child's Grade: Flavor: White Chocolate Payment: __ I wish to order for the 4th quarter(remainder of the school year) -- $1S/child Reminders: );> Milk form/payment due date: ~~=======~=======' );> Changes to your child's flavor choice may be made at that time. Thank you. SPRING MULCH SALE (pre-order sale only) Proceeds to benefit St. Mary's Bryantown Church and School Shredded Hardwood Mulch $4.00 per 3 cubic ft. bag ORDER BY FRIDAY, March/~I' 2015 Where: St. Mary's Bryantown School Parking Lot (PICK UP ORDERS) 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617 Contact: Any questions, please call the school at 301-932-6883 (NO ORDERS will be accepted over the phone) Email FREE DELIVERY FOR THE PURCHASE OF 50 BAGS OR MORE NO ORDERS Will BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PAYMENT DUE fOR ORDERS: fRIDAYp MARCH (NO EXCEPTIONS) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MULCH ORDER FORM - DUE BY THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 Red Colored Mulch Brown Colored Mulch Black Colored Mulch # of Black Mulch bag 3 cubic ft. Mulch _ _ _ _ X $4.50 per bag 2 cubic ft. Total Enclosed Check Total Enclosed Check Total Enclosed Check # of Brown Mulch bags _ _ _ _ X $4.00 per Free delivery # of purchase of 50 bags or more. _ _ _ _ X $4.50 per bag 2 cubic make check payable to: Mary's. d PAYMENT AND ORDER FORM TO TINA STOKES either through The School's White Envelope or Drop in the collection basket during weekend Name: Address: Phone #: Email: Special instructions for delivery: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NJHS TUTORING SERVICE }I> }I> When: Mondays (after school) Time: 3:45-4:30 PM (if parents are not present after 4:30, children go directly to BAC and will be charged) }I> Where: 2nd Grade classroom };;>We tutor students from grades 1 to 5, any subject, and make sure they have fun! Please make sure children return permission slip to respective teacher so they can be sent/collected in office Tutoring permission slip Student's first and last name: Grade: ----- Parent's/guardian's signature: ___________________ ----------------- Are there any particular subjects your child needs assistance on? Please check off the days your child can attend tutoring: March 23 April 13, April 20, April 27 ***Please make sure your child will be present at the tutoring session Dear Family, Look what's here! YOUR CHILD'S ART... It's on 20 LARGE STICKERS, now isn't that smart? Art so unique, they're one of a kind! Our top quality products, such a rare find! Square 1 Art ordering is well on its way ... Funds for the school HIP HIP HOORAY! Ornaments, travel mugs, coasters and more ... Key chains, mouse pads, simply too good to ignore! We always need gifts for family and friends ... Not to mention great keepsakes where memories never end! A deadline is required and we must "do our thing" ... Just in1agine your child's art and the praise it will bring! Best of all we n1ake it so easy, it's true! With our new online ordering, secure and convenient for you. Celebrate your child's artistic achievement! Order Now! Orders are due March 20 th • . " Catholic Business Association - Scholarship Information and Application Do you need financial assistance to send a student to a Catholic School located in Charles County? If so, we may be able to help. The Catholic Business Association of Charles County has established a scholarship fund to C:11oport children in need who will attend a Charles County Catholic School in the coming school year :;"0 j 5 - ()C) i The mission of the scholarship fund is to support the growth of parochial education in Charles County and help provide financial assistance for children in need. SCholarship Criteria: 1. Student(s) must be Charles County resident(s). 2. Student(s) and family must be registered and practicing Catholics. 3. Family and/or student(s) must be recommended by the Pastor of the parish attending . 4. Family and/or student(s) must be recommended for financial need by the school Principal. 5. Scholarship priority will be given to Student(s) not presently attending a Catholic School. 6. Scholarship is available for student(s) to attend primary grades (kindergarten through eighth grade) at a Charles County Catholic School. 7. Applicant(s) will be referred to the Catholic Business Association Scholarship Fund Committee for application , review, and selection . 8. Scholarship is available for one year and applicants will need to reapply each year. 9. Scholarship is available for a family (Only one application needed per family.) 10. Financial need must be established as evidenced by a copy of the most recently completed and signed tax return supplied with application. (At a minimum: If the 2014 Tax Return has not been completed by the time an application is submitted, a copy of supporting W-2s for 2014 tax year will still need to be provided. Once the tax return has been completed and prior to awarding of scholarship, a copy of the completed & signed 2014 Tax Return will need to be received by the scholarship committee.) 11. Deadline for Submission of Applications to Scholarship Committee: April 1 2015. ! Sch01arships continue to be available to applicants if the following conditions are met: 1. The above guidelines are met (except for # 5 above). 2. Student(s) remain in good standing with the Catholic School attending. 3. Applicant(s) must reapply to the Catholic Business Association of Charles County. For More Information Contact: Catholic Business Association of Charles County Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 847 La Plata 20646-0847 (RV1/2015) b Catholic Business Association Scholarship Application Check 1.) Name box: First Application Reapplication Student(s) to attend Catholic School in Charles County: 2.) Student Age: _ _ _ _ _ __ to enter: in new school year: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3.) Name of Parent/Guardian and Mailing Address of student: Full Name: Mailing Address: Location 4.) Name of Parish Name of School where student will attend: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.) List names of other children in family & school they will attend during the upcoming school Las! Name First Name M. Initial Age Grade School " " ,. ,. ,. 7.) Parent's Occupation Data: Father's Occupation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How Long: _ _ _ _ __ Employer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Annual Income: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other ______ Source: _ _ _ _ _ __ Mother's Occupation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How Long: _ _ _ _ __ Employer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Annual Income: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other Income: _ _ _ _ _ Source: _ _ _ _ _ __ Total Monthly Income (including Father, Mother Other (RV 12/2014) 8.) Dependents in household: ________ (Include all children, wife, husband and others) 9.) Personal _ _ _ _ _ Total Monthly Payments (To include auto, home, _ _ _ _ _ Total 10.) Value of Personal & tuition expenses) (To include balances on outstanding debts; auto, home mortgage, cards, and any other debts or obligations) ___________ Home __________ Autos _________ Savings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other Assets 11.) Annual Tuition Amount of __________ Books, Uniform Aid awarded and committed I-v!nQI""Ic<:,c _ _ _ _ _ __ new school 12.) Financial Aid Applications made to (Check appropriate): _ _ _ Archdiocese _ _ _ Children'S Fund _ _ School _ __ Explain) I/We declare the information listed in this application and on supporting financial data is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge Mother's I Note: Please enclose a copy of your most recent tax return with this If the tax return sent back with this application is not for the 2014 tax year, include a copy of at least the 2014 W-2s. Once the 2014 tax return has been completed and prior to our awarding scholarships a signed copy will need to be received by our scholarship committee. Please mail application along with required documentation April 1, 2015 to the: Catholic Business Association of Charles County Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 847 La Plata, MD 20646-0847 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Committee Use Only _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 Parish Priest Letter: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. FinanCial Data _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. Tax Return: _ _ _ _ _ _ Signed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ _ __ 2 (RV 12/2014) 5MB SPIRITWEAR AT LANDS' END • 5MB spiritwear items are now available from Lands' End! • A variety of clothing and other items ideal for staff, students and their families are ready to order. • Two choices of 5MB logos: o 5MB's standard logo o A special commemorative looth Anniversary logo • Three convenient ways to order: o Online -- o By phone -- Lands' End live help 1.800.963.4816 o From the Sears store/Lands' End biosb at the St. Charles Towne Center mall where by this third method only shipping is r n l:d! A customized website of St. Mary's items can be accessed here: rch.html?action=landina&selectedSchool Nu m=900 130519 When ordering, please be sure to reference 5MB's PREFERRED SCHOOL NUMBER 900130519 so our school can earn cash boeR rewards on each purchase. For further information, please contact Clare Stine (301) 934-3412. ST MARYS SCHOOL 900130519 Lands' End: your spiritwear source. J:;;l Online: Go to landsend.comlschool and create or si9n in to your account. Include your student and school information in My Account (or find your School using the Preferred School Number Search: 900130519). Start shopping with your personalized product checklist. • Phone: Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your student's Preferred School Number 900130519, grade level and gender. Our team of consultants is available 24/7 for assistance. sea rs In-Store: Visit your local Lands' End at Sears store. Our associates can help you with sizing information and you can place your Preferred School order online via the store kiosk. Please note, Lands' End at Sears stores may have a limited product assortment (no logo'd merchandise is available in the store). " St CharI s Towne Ctr 5 00 R 301 S Waldorf MD 20603 (301) 870-6338 • Fair Oaks Mall 12000 Fair Oaks Mall Fairfax, VA 22033 (70 3) 385-2235 • Seven Corners 6211 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22044 (7 0 3) 531-6g05 • We stfield Montgomery 7103 Democracy Blvd B thesda, MD 20817 (301) 469-4216 LANDS'END ® SCHOOL UNIFORM 800-469-2222' Come and share your talent at the Variety Show! • Auditions Immediately After School on: April 13 and April 20 (Come to 1 audition and leave when you finish) Mandatory Dress Rehearsal After School on: • Hope you can make I l_ -t Fun Fit SK Walk-Run Saturday, April 11, 2015 Proceeds go to help save the Rain Forest Location: Lower parking lot of St. Mary's Bryantown School Registration: 8:00 am - 9:00 am Start time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Sponsored by St. Mary's Third Grade Class • Registration forms available at: Cost: $10 Adult and $5 Child under 16 years of age (family group rates available) • Mail registration form and check payable to: St. Mary's School, 13735 Notre Dame Place Bryantown, Maryland 20617 or register and pay at the door • Emergency Medical Team on site • T-Shirts for sale - Kids and Adults. • lunch will be available for purchase - - - MARYlAN D - - Education Credit Stay Informed. Take Action! Call to Action Take Action Now! Background on Legislation: The Maryland Education Credit (Senate Bill 405 I House Bill 487) provides companies and individual businesses a 60% tax credit on donations to nonprofit Student Assistance Organizations. Those organizations in turn provide financial assistance for student expenses such as tuition, supplies, tutoring, transportation and special needs services. A business entity who donates may receive a credit of up to $200,000. The bill was heard last week before the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee. Now we need to convince those committees to move the bill to the floor. Did you know? More than 700 students from 11 Maryland counties and Baltimore City are expected to attend Nonpublic School Advocacy Day in Annapolis Wednesday, March 4! Students from more than 30 schools will arrive during the 8 o'clock hour and take part in a rally in the Senate before spending the day in both the Senate and House chambers. Another thing to know: The passage of the Maryland Education Credit in the legislature would help lower-income families - from BOTH public and nonpublic schools - afford tuition and other educational expenses for their children. It would give kids the opportunity to attend schools which best suit their needs. Low-income children receive first priority for financial assistance. Here's one last thing to know: Business donations will help all of Maryland's children, whether they attend a public or non public school. The donations will provide financial assistance for academic tutoring, books, supplies, technology, tuition assistance and special needs services, affording students the ability to continue to attend the schools which best suit their needs. Action: Join your voice with the hundreds of students that will be in Annapolis and email your Senator and Delegates urging them to support the Maryland Education Credit. TELL THE MARYLAND LEGISLATURE WHAT YOU WANT! 1.) Log in at the following link to send your message: 2) Write a letter (see template on reverse side of this page) 3) Call your Maryland delegate and senator to express your support and ask for theirs. Letter Template [INSERT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS HERE] [INSERT DATE] The Honorable [INSERT NAME AND OFFICE ADDRESS - find at ~}!}!..:!!!J~~~~~~] [SenatorlDelegate (choose as applicable) INSERT NAME]: I am writing to ask you to Maryland's students and businesses by supporting the Maryland Education Credit (SB 405 & HB 487). The Maryland Education Credit will business investment in education and provide students in both public and nonpublic schools the educational assistance that they need, which they might not otherwise be able to afford. bill important to me because [INSERT ONE REASON]. Thank you for your representation and commitment to education. As you know~ there are over 100,000 K-12 students in Maryland nonpublic schools across the state, which collectively save our taxpayers about $1.5 billion annually. This legislation can help save many schools from having to close their doors, thus preserving those annual savings to the state. Now, more than our children and their families Maryland Education Credit. Senate Bill and your support for the Bill 487! Sincerely, [SIGN YOUR NAME]
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