ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC. FLORIDA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE CONFERENCE GUIDE AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION May 1-2, 2015 Holiday Inn Tampa Westshore Airport 700 N. Westshore Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33609 Mary Breaux Wright, International President Dr. Yvonne Barnes, SE Regional Director Karen W. Blount, State Director, Florida/Bahamas BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths Mrs. Mary Breaux Wright International President Mrs. Karen W. Blount, Florida State Director flstatedirectorkb@gmail.com BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Dr. Yvonne Jefferson-Barnes SE Regional Director Blazing New Paths CHAPTER PHOTO CHALLENGE! #Be Finer! As chapters gather for Founders’ Day, Reclamation Activities, and Finer Womanhood Celebrations, please take a moment to create a unique Chapter Picture to submit by April 3. 1. As a part of the #Be Finer! Campaign, we will showcase chapter pictures at the May State Conference and recognize with awards for the best photos. 2. Rules are simple…Be creative! ª Photo should demonstrate the theme “Be Finer!” ª Chapters may determine attire for picture ª Chapters may determine pose for Sorors ª Photos should be unique and creative 4. Quality of picture should be 300 dpi and submitted in jpeg format. 5. Do not use cell phone; photos should be of professional quality 6. Picture should be emailed by April 3 7. Photos submitted for challenge should not be placed on social media before the end of the May Conference 8. Amicae may also participate Send photo to: Soror Michelle Lanier michelle1920lanier@gmail.com BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths FLORIDA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE May 1-2, 2015 Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:00-5:00 pm 5:00-7:00 pm 7:00-10:00 pm Friday, May 1, 2015 10:00 am-6:00 pm 8:00 am-11:00 pm 8:00 am-11:00 am 11:00-12:45 pm 1:00 pm-2:30 pm 2:45pm -4:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:30 pm 4:00-5:00 pm 4:30 pm-5:30 pm 7:30 pm-11:00 pm Saturday, May 2, 2015 8:00 am-9:30 am 9:45 am-11:15 am 11:15 am-12:30 am 12:45 pm-2:00 pm 2:30 pm-4:30 pm 4:30 pm-5:30 pm 5:00 pm-7:30 pm 5:00 pm-7:30 pm 8:00 pm -11:00 pm Conference Preparation Financial Team Meeting Florida Executive Board Meeting Registration Vendors/Exihibits Florida Executive Board Meeting/Breakfast Lunch on Your Own Workshops 1 & 2 Workshops 3 & 4 MIP Certification (for New Certification or Refresh) Amicae Executive Board Meetng "Zetas have Heart" Zumba/ Fitness Awards Dinner/Dance Amicae Prayer Breakfast Zeta Business Session I/Amicae Business Session I Voting by Areas Life Members Luncheon or Lunch your Own Business Session II/Amicae Business Session II Post Executive Board Meeting Youth Advisors Certification Amicae Advisors Certfication Post Conference Activity (TBA) BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Zeta and Guest Registra/on Link: h#ps://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/flzetas2015flc Amicae and Guest Registra/on Link: h#ps://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/amicae2015flc Vendor Registra/on Link: h#ps://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/vendorapplica=on2015 ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION ACCEPTED ONLY. There will be no paper registra/on forms. Graduate Sorors/Amicae: $155.00 + convenience fee Undergraduate Sorors: $125.00 + convenience fee Sigma/Male Network/Guests: $90.00 + convenience fee Early Registra/on: April 6, 2015 Increases $20.00 April 6nd – April 12th No Registra/on aRer April 12th • The convenience fee is non – refundable once your order is processed. • You are able to use a check (personal or chapter) to register. The funds will be deducted electronically (e-‐check). As usual, credit and debit cards will also be accepted. • SUBMIT, PRINT AND SAVE YOUR RECEIPT. BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths Holiday Inn Tampa Westshore Airport 700 N. Westshore Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33609 www.tampahi.com 813-289-8200 HOTEL RESERVATION LINK: hVp://www.holidayinn.com/redirect? path=hd&brandCode=hi&localeCode=en®ionCode=1&hotelCode=TPACP&_PMID=998015 05&GPC=ZPB FLORIDA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC. WITH THE FLORIDA PEARLS, INC. Single/Double: $99.00 + 12 % tax Reserva/ons must be secured for one night’s room and tax at the /me of booking. (Will not charge card in advance) HOTEL DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: April 16, 2015 CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT Check-in time: 3:00 PM Check-out time: 12:00 PM PARKING: COMPLIMENTARY FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS OVERVIEW AND WORKSHOPS Networking and Empowering Workshops Participants at Conference this year will walk away with the necessary tools needed to help manage your chapter, as well as brainstorm new ideas. The Workshops offered at this year’s Conference are as follows: • Effective Leadership/Effective Membership--Zetas and Amicae • National Data Migration--for Zetas (for Chapter Financial Officers) • Chapter Roundtable, Best Practices • Zetas Have Heart--Zumba/Fitness • MIP-Membership Intake Training for New Members and Refresher for • Members • Amicae Sponsors' Certification (If attending, select during Registration process) • Youth Advisors' Certification (If attending select during Registration process) BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths CONFERENCE INFORMATION CONFERENCE ATTIRE Workshops and Business Sessions: Business / Basic Royal Blue, Black, Navy or Gray Skirt Suit, Dress or Pants NO jeans, athletic warm-up suits, beach wear, sandals, shorts, paraphernaliai.e. t-shirts, jackets, caps or any other non-business wear. Amicae Workshops and Business Sessions: Business / Amicae Colors Awards Banquet: After Five / Semi-Formal / Black or Zeta / Amicae Colors Zeta Zumba – Zeta Exercise Wear BADGE IDENTIFICATION Please wear your badge at all times. Your badge is your official entry pass to the business meetings, meal functions, social functions and the vendor’s area. Only Sorors who are registered and have a badge may attend a plenary session. DELEGATE SEATING All delegates are required to be seated ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the business meeting. Seating will be reserved for delegates, Zeta Doves, Life members and the Florida Leadership Conference Executive Board. Alternate delegates will not be permitted to sit in the area reserved for delegates. * The dress code will be strictly adhered to and conference attendees not abiding by the code will be asked to conform to the conference standards. BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths FLORIDA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Metropolitan Ministries Partnership School 102 E. Palm Avenue, Tampa, FL 33602 Adopt-A-School Project Metropolitan Ministries Partnership School meets the educational needs of homeless and at-risk students in the Tampa Bay area. We work in partnership with Hillsborough County Public Schools to help students who have experienced trauma achieve academic success as well as social and emotional growth. School is in need of school supplies for students K-5 who may be homeless or in transitional housing as well as traditional students who are enrolled in the school. School Supplies needed: wide ruled notebook paper, pencils, dry erase markers, journals –wide ruled composition books, glue sticks, 3-prong folders with pockets, 1 inch 3-ring binder (with pocket on cover), Kleenex, Cleaning Wipes, backpacks, crayons * Minimum of 20 items required. ** Drop-off items during registration Undergraduate/Youth $25 = 35 Z-points $50 = 50 Z-points $75 = 100 Z-points Graduate/Amicae $50 = 50 Z-points $75 = 75 Z-points $100 = 100 Z-points Z-HOPE Link: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/zhope2015 Gift cards will also be accepted: $25-Undergraduate/Youth and $50-Graduate Chapters/ Amicae. BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths ADVISOR / SPONSOR CERTIFICATION TRAINING Certifications for Youth Advisors and Amicae Sponsors Select while registering for conference All advisors and sponsors: Must be financial on all levels before registering for a certification workshop Must meet the national requirements listed below 1. Amicae Sponsor requirements: • No less than 2 must get certified (3 or more preferred) per chapter • No newly inducted members • 2 year consecutively in current chapter just prior to becoming an sponsor • Attended at least one or more State conferences • Willingness to attend Amicae conference activities with the Amicae (information will be covered during training) 2. Youth Advisor requirements: • Multi-step certification process. Certification is not awarded until all steps are completed. o National Center for Safety Initiatives Background check o CPR Certified o Certification training workshop o Chapter Basileus sign off and document submission • Minimum of o 2 per age group per chapter IF age group meetings are held at the same time o ~OR~ total of 2 certified advisors for the chapter as long as the age groups meet at different times • 1 year previous experience as a Zeta Youth advisor or 1 year internship with another certified advisor (within your chapter or another chapter with a youth auxiliary) 3. Undergraduate Advisor requirements: (NOT OFFERED DURING THIS CONFERENCE) Minimum number cer=fied per chapter –2 advisors Minimum of 2 year consecu=vely in current chapter just prior to becoming an advisor A#ended at least one or more Boule ~OR~ Regional ~OR~ State conference within the last two years of start in that role MIP Cer=fied prior to a#ending the advisor training Advisor and all on the advisory commi#ee must be cer=fied BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths MIP CERTIFICATION REGISTRATION MIP certification-first time attendees must purchase manual https://www.memberplanet.com/s/se_zphib/2014_15_mipmanual MIP Review link (no need to purchase manual) www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/2014-15mipcertificationreview Deadline: April 20 For MIP Review please bring your manuals and pre-‐register. Cer=ficates will not be issued if your are not pre-‐registered. BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths SOUVENIR JOURNAL AD FORM Ad Prices (Select your choice) q Full Page Black & White q 1/2 Page Black & White q 1/4 Page Black & White $100.00 $75.00 $50.00 q Photo $10.00 Additional PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Ø All informa=on for the ad should be typed Ø Please be sure all names and =tles are spelled correctly Ø All ads must be sent in High Resolu=on PDF format at 300 dpi quality Ø All photos submi#ed must be in JPEG format Ø Funds for ads will be verified before prin=ng in journal Pay for ad online AND email ad to: Soror Michelle Lanier michelle1920lanier@gmail.com Deadline for ads: Friday, April 3, 2015. https://www.memberplanet.com/s/ZPBIncFlorida/souvenirjournalad2015 BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths ZETA DOVES FORM (New Doves only since 2014 conference) If this is your 50th year as a member please complete this form. Current Doves please indicate your DOVE status when registering for the Conference NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE TELEPHONE: CHAPTER OF INDUCTION (NAME, LOCATION): YEAR INDUCTED: NUMBER OF YEARS AS A ZETA: CURRENT CHAPTER: CHAPTER ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: SIGNATURE OF BASILEUS: NOTE: You must wear uninterrupted white for the Awards Banquet on FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. E-mail this form by FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 to: Soror Michelle Lanier Florida State Zeta Doves/Legacies Coordinator michelle1920lanier@gmail.com BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths TRIUMPHANT SORORS FORM Please list all Triumphant Sorors (since last conference) from your chapter and include a photo or copy of Obituary program. NAME CHAPTER DATE PASSED Email this form, along with a picture or obituary, by FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 to: Soror Joyce Kerce Florida State Chaplin/Necrology Coordinator zetajgk@verizon.net BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths ELECTION AND VOTING INFORMATION Soror Kareesa Keys, Chair kareesak@gmail.com Election Day: • • Saturday May 2, 2015 Time: 11:15am-12:30pm Nomina=on Forms are on website www.zphibfl.org 2015 Florida State Officer Vacancies: • • • • Chairlady of the Executive Board Antapokritis Tamias Historian On-site Electronic Voting Process The Nominations and Election committee has worked diligently to provide a successful and positive voting experience during the Florida State Leadership conference. Voting during the 2015-2016 Florida State Leadership Conference will be completely electronic and accessed through an electronic device. Sorors will be able to use their own electronic device (smart phone, tablet, or laptop) to vote during the election. The device should have the ability to connect to the internet. The host hotel will provide free wireless internet service for conference attendees. Each voting delegate will be given a hyper link to access the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Florida State Leadership Conference voting ballot created and secured by the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Office. A secure voting access code is required to vote and will be issued at election check in on Saturday, May 2nd. To expedite time, it is strongly recommended that EVERY Soror bring and use her own electronic device to vote on Election Day. Please bring you device with you to the voting area. There will electronic devices available only for those who DO NOT have an electronic device. Several Nomination and Election Committee members will be tasked to provide assistance to Sorors who may require additional assistance during the voting process. Voting Registration/Check-in All voting delegates must present a photo ID AND conference badge at voting check-in. Once checked in, each voting delegate will be issued a voting access code that is to be entered on the site to access the ballot and to begin the voting process. Secure voting access codes will be issued by the Hillsborough County Supervisors of Election office. Once the voting access code is issued, the voting delegate will be directed to a voting station to vote privately using her electronic device. The voting access codes can only be used one time. Once the code is used, it is inactive. Back-up A paper ballot method will be used in the event there is difficulty accessing the voting ballot webpage only. A paper ballot will NOT be issued if a Soror has trouble with her electronic device. She will be directed to a committee member tasked with troubleshooting. BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths VOTING DELEGATE FORM All financial chapters are entitled to seat delegates at the Conference. ZETAS: Determination of the number of voting delegates to which your chapter is entitled should be made according to chapter size: MEMBERSHIP Up to 4 Members 5 to 25 Members 26 to 50 Members 51 or more Members DELEGATES One (1) Delegate Two (2) Delegates Four (4) Delegates Six (6) Delegates Below, list the names of your Chapter Members that will serve as voting delegates. Your delegates MUST BE REGISTERED for the conference. This will be cross-referenced with your chapter’s registration forms. CHAPTER NAME __________________________________ DELEGATE NAMES (PLEASE PRINT) 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. ALTERNATE DELEGATE NAMES (PLEASE PRINT) 1. 2. CHAPTER/AUXILIARY BASILEUS (PRINT NAME) _________________________________________Phone Number ___________________________ CHAPTER/AUXILIARY BASILEUS SIGNATURE ____________________________________________ This form must be received by FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2015. Submit this form to: Soror Paula Kay Florida Financial Secretary 2623 E. 28th Avenue flstatetamgram@gmail.com There will be NO nominations from the floor. Ballots will be pre-printed. BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths REGISTRATION LINKS / DEADLINE REMINDER Ads for Souvenir Journal https://www.memberplanet.com/s/ZPBIncFlorida/souvenirjournalad2015 Deadline: April 3, 2015 Zeta & Guest Registration Link: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/flzetas2015flc Deadline: April 6, 2015—Early Registration Amicae & Guest Link: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/amicae2015flc Deadline: April 6, 2015-Early Registration Vendor Registration Link: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/vendorapplication2015 Deadline: April 10, 2015 MIP Certification Link: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/se_zphib/2014_15_mipmanual https://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/2014-15mipcertificationreview Deadline: April 20, 2015 Z-HOPE Link: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/zpbincflorida/zhope2015 Youth Advisor Certification: (If attendiing select during registration) Amicae Sponsor Certification Link: (if attending select during registration) Hotel Registration: hVp://www.holidayinn.com/redirect? path=hd&brandCode=hi&localeCode=en®ionCode=1&hotelCode=TPACP&_PMID=99 801505&GPC=ZPB Deadline: April 16, 2015 BUILDING ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZETA WHILE Blazing New Paths
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