"AMERICAN TRADITIONAL ARCHER" APPlication The "American Traditional Archer'' is meant to be an association used as a venue for Archery Organizations around the Country to get their scheduled events to other traditional archers around the country for each upcoming year. The one yearly mail-out will be scheduled to go out at the first of each year. The goal of the "American Traditional Archer" (ATA) is to promote Traditional Archery throughout the Country and the possibility to also carry the yearly mail-out as a travel guide for those of us that would like to visit events in other parts of the Country. The yearly mail-out will contain events month by month, listing the name, dates, location as well as contact infonnation to all the ATA members. These members can pass that information along to anyone who may want to attend. Primarily, only two or three day events will be listed. NOTE: The "American Traditional Archer'' Does Not Require any Traditional Archery Organizations or their members to Join the ATA to have their event listed. We would, however, welcome anyone who would like to join to support this endeavor. Regardless, the "American Traditional Archer'' will gladly get any Organizations event infonnation to its members. To support & become an "American Traditional Archer'', membership is only $10.00 per year. To Be A Member. Please Print Information Below: First Name._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Last Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ &reetorP.O.Box_______________________________________ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ _ Zip_ _ _ _ _ __ e-mail_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone ( **************************************************************************************************************• Please Mail Check to:" American Traditional Archer" 2117 Farley Road - Birmingham, AL 35226 - Phone (H) (205) 822-3563
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