Message from Our Pastor 1 8 2 5 5 W E S T C A P I T O L D R I V E

As members of St. Dominic Catholic Parish, we commit ourselves
“To Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ,
Each One for the Sake of All.”
Message from Our Pastor
Next weekend, we will join Christians
throughout the world in beginning our
observance of Holy Week, the Christian
celebration of Passover. I wish to
invite you to join in our solemn
celebrations of the most important
events of our faith.
What better way could there be to
end the journey of Lent 2015 than for
you and your families to make the
prayer services of Holy Week, times for
family prayer?
May the blessed palms you will
receive, next weekend, be a sign of your
commitment to the Lord, that you are
willing to join Him, as we will celebrate
the events of Holy Week.
One important spiritual goal of the
Lenten Season centers on the serenity
that comes with making peace with
God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The power of the Lord’s healing mercy
and forgiveness experienced in the
words of absolution is one of the
greatest gifts entrusted by Jesus to his
Two Quad-parish Lenten
Reconciliation Services will take place
this week at 7 pm, with Monday’s
service, March 23, being hosted here
and Wednesday’s service, March 25,
being held at St. Joseph Church in
Wauwatosa. Deacon Greg Diciaula will
be the homilist. Priests from the QuadParishes and some help-out priests will
serve as Confessors. What a wonderful
spiritual gift is yours for the asking!
May God continue to bless our 2015
Lenten journey,
~Father David H. Reith
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Quad Parish Lenten Penance
Saturday, April 25
St. Dominic Parish Arts & Activities Center
Have you volunteered and served St. Dominic Catholic
Parish through one of our ministries or committees?
We want you to know how much we appreciate your support
of our mission, to Seek Christ, Know Christ and Become Christ,
Each One for the Sake of All!
An RSVP will be required.
Please watch future bulletins
for more details.
Planning To Attend Holy
Thursday Services?
Consider participating more fully
by having your
feet washed
during the Mass
of the Lord’s
Supper on the
evening of Holy
All are all
encouraged to
participate in this remembrance of
our Lord’s example of humble service
to His apostles. Sign-up posters are
in both narthexes or contact Deacon
Greg, 262.547.4216 or Barb
Schenauer in the Parish Center,
Stay here & keep watch with me
Sign up for Night Watch, prayer
before the Blessed Sacrament, in the
PAAC, following the Mass of the
Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday
evening. Sign-up posters are in both
narthexes or contact Deacon Greg,
262.547.4216 or Barb Schenauer in
the Parish Center, 262.781.3480.
Monday, March 23, 7:00 pm, here
at St. Dominic
Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 pm at
St. Joseph in Wauwatosa
Easter Memorials
Please consider remembering
your loved ones with
a gift to the annual
Easter memorials. A
special envelope is
included with your
Stewardship packets,
which can be filled out with the
names of any deceased loved ones for
whom you wish us to pray.
Please turn in the envelopes, either
in the collection baskets or to the
office in the Parish Center, by Sunday,
March 29, so that the names can be
listed in the bulletin. Anonymous
donations are also accepted.
Pastoral Council Discernment Process For 2015/16
The discernment process for Pastoral Council
members is beginning. Our new name of Pastoral
Council reflects the focus of the council as being leaders
for the pastoral needs of our parish. If you are interested
in helping set the direction of our parish, please consider
discerning. Nomination forms and drop off boxes are
available in both narthexes after Masses, or you may
nominate via email or our website. Please see for further details. Thank you in advance
for your prayerful consideration.
School Advisory Committee Nominations
As the end of the school year approaches, it's time to either nominate yourself
or someone whom you believe would be a good addition
to the School Advisory Committee. The School Advisory
Committee is in need of 2 members to replace those who
are completing their terms on the committee. Both
positions are for three year terms. The School Advisory
Committee is open to all adult parish members. Being a
St. Dominic School parent is not a requirement. Please
submit your nominations online at, by emailing Mariellen
Roeder at or by returning the nomination form,
found in today's bulletin, to the school office before April 17.
Please reach out to any current School Advisory Committee members if you
have questions: Mariellen Roeder, Jim Larscheid, Jim Brown, Tim Caprez, Patti
Bohne, Rich Reinbold or Carol Rothermel.
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Adult Confirmation Sessions
Begin Soon!
Are you 18 years or
older and a baptized
Catholic who received
First Eucharist, but
has not completed the Sacraments of
Initiation? Classes begin soon for
you! The preparation program
includes six sessions. These sessions
will be held with the Quad parishes
beginning on Tuesday, April 14. Find
out what the Holy Spirit can do for
you! For more information, please
contact our Pastoral Associate, Mary
Lestina at 262.781.3480
Attention EMHCs
We would like to update our
list of those receiving
Communion visits and those
who are bringing Communion
to them. Please contact Mary Lestina
in the Parish Center at 262.781.3480
or .
Attention All Knitters Or Those Wanting To Learn!
Knit one, Pray Too! is for anyone who would like to knit with a group. Don’t
know how to knit? No problem! We can help you learn. We provide the pattern
for anyone interested in learning to knit or crochet prayer shawls.
Join us on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Marcy Center.
Don’t have time for another
meeting? Again, no problem! Knit
at your own pace and place, and
when you’re finished bring it to
the Parish Center!
What’s a prayer shawl?
Many blessings are knitted into
every shawl. The knitter or crocheter begins each shawl with prayers for the
recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the
shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is given away.
For who are the shawls intended?
Those undergoing medical procedures, illness or recovery, as a comfort after a
loss, during bereavement, or ministering to others.
A prayer shawl, knitted with love and draped over the shoulders of a sick or
grieving family member, is a fitting metaphor of how our faith provides warmth
and refuge during life’s greatest challenges.
Psalm 139: 13-14 “You created every part of me, knitting me in my mother’s
womb. For such handiwork, I praise you. Awesome this great wonder!”
If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Norton at
262.794.3409 or
Rosary For Life
Join with members of our Respect Life Committee in praying
the Rosary, petitioning for the sanctity of all life on Tuesday,
April 7 and Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00 pm, in the Chapel.
Don’t know the Rosary well? Prayer aides will be available. For more
information, please contact Bob Boehler at
Attention Lectors!
The Lenten Schedule has been sent to the Lector email group
and will be posted on If you don't have internet
access, your schedule is in our lector slot in the usher's room.
If you would like to join our ministry, please contact Mary
Skladanek at 414.217.2770 or
Join Us For A Biblical Walk
Through The Mass
In his video-based study, A Biblical
Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward
Sri explores the roots of all we
experience at Mass and explains their
significance. You will come to know
and understand the Mass as never
before, leading you to a richer
worship experience.
Stations Of The Cross
From the earliest of days, followers of Christ have told the story
of his passion, death and resurrection. Each Friday in Lent, we
recall the journey from Pilate’s praetorium to Christ's tomb,
meditating on the 14 Stations from a modern day perspective, as
we pray “Everyone’s Way of the Cross”. You are encouraged to make the Stations
of the Cross part of your Lenten journey. Please join us each Friday of Lent at
7:00 pm in Church, as we walk the Via Dolorosa, the Way of Sorrow.
Experience Lenten Vespers!
Join us on Wednesdays in Lent, at 7:00 pm, when we will celebrate
evening prayer or “Vespers” in the Chapel. We call it “Sung Vespers” because,
with the exception of the prayers after the Psalms and the Scripture Reading, the
entire prayer is sung by those gathered and a cantor.
Join us for A Biblical Walk Through
the Mass, in the Marcy Center,
beginning Tues., March 24, 7:00 to
9:00 pm, and continuing every Tues.
through May 5. There will be no class
on March 31, during Holy Week.
For more information or to register
for the study, please contact Debbie
Caputo at 262.781.3480 or
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Gaining Spiritual Strength For The Rest Of The Year
Lent isn’t a time for “achieving” anything. It is a time of preparation. In Luke
6:12, we’re told that “in those days he
departed to the mountain to pray, and he
spent the night in prayer to God.” Christ didn’t
spend forty days in the wilderness to prove he
could resist temptation. He did it to prepare
for the days ahead when he’d be mocked,
scorned, beaten, crowned with thorns, and
mercilessly crucified. He did it to strengthen
himself and show us how to resist the Devil.
In a sense, we’re like athletes of a different
kind during Lent. Athletes don’t just go out
and play a game or compete in a marathon,
without first going through rigorous training.
Even II Timothy 3:16 says that Scripture is
“useful for teaching, for refutation, for
correction and for training in righteousness.”
Athletes watch their diet, exercise appropriate muscles, and build up a
wellspring of strength and resistance to pain and fatigue. They prepare for the
perils ahead by increasing their capacity for achievement and tolerance of
Like athletic training, we employ a diet of Scripture, we exercise in the form of
prayer and we build up reserves during Lent that will come in handy when we
face our toughest battles throughout the year. Remember that once it’s over,
Lent doesn’t come around again for more than 300 days. So, it’s important to
maintain this spiritual strength gained during Lent.
Lenten Stewardship Prayer
Lord Jesus,
At this time of year, our thoughts
are turned to the ultimate sacrifice
You made for us on the cross.
Inspire us to make whatever
personal sacrifice is needed to bring
us closer to you.
May our practice of sacrificial
stewardship during this Lenten
season lead us to the victory of the
Clothing Collection For All
Saints-Our Lenten Outreach
In the name of All Saints Catholic
Church, a heartfelt thank you for all
the clothing donations during the
past week. The generosity of our
community, represented a total of
3,812 items for the clothing drive
for our needy brothers and sisters
at All Saints in Milwaukee. The
donations were overflowing and the
generosity of Deb Olla, Amy
Whittenberger and the 9th and 10th
LFF students in sorting the clothing
was remarkable. Our Lenten focus on
the Corporal Works of Mercy has
been a great blessing in so many
ways. One parishioner said, “The
focus on the Corporal Works of Mercy
has been life changing for me this
Lent. I feel strongly that what we are
doing for those in need, is more a
blessing for me, than those who
receive. I feel a closeness to Jesus in a
deeper way, knowing that what we
do for his own, we do for him. Lent,
this year, has really changed me”.
We Want You To Show Us Your Faith In Action!
We’re always looking for pictures from St. Dominic Catholic Parish or School
activities, events and outreach programs for various publications, and
slideshows. Please email high-resolution files to Meg Picciolo in the Parish
Center, , or hard copies to Meg’s attention, in the
Parish Center. Photos will be returned. Show us your FAITH IN ACTION!
Fact Of Faith—The Annunciation
During the season of Lent, Catholic churches are
adorned in purple, symbolizing repentance and
solemnity. There are at least two occasions during Lent,
however, when the liturgical colors change, at least
briefly. One such occasion is the fourth Sunday of Lent, or
Laetare Sunday. On that Sunday, priests can wear rose
colored vestments. Another occasion to put away the
purple for the day, is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.
The feast of the Annunciation is on March 25. Start with Christmas on
December 25, and subtract nine months, and you’ll get the reason for the feast.
The Annunciation celebrates the coming of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin
Mary and announcing to her that she is to be the mother of the Savior.
On the feast of the Annunciation, we switch to white vestments and pray the
Gloria at the beginning of the Mass. Both are symbols of the joy that
accompanies the Incarnation - Christ becoming human and choosing to be born
as one of us. Even during the solemn penitential season of Lent, the Church
acknowledges the coming of the Savior with hope and joy.
~Fr. Larry Rice, CSP
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Our Students Thank You!
Dear Parishioners,
Thank you so
much for all the
support you give to
St. Dominic Catholic
School. There have
been many changes
to the school
because of your donations. One
improvement is the new
gymnasium. I play basketball and it is
nice to have a new court to play on.
A Catholic school is the best
experience a middle school student
my age could have. Our Catholic
school has nice people and families
and high quality teachers. Without
your help, the members of the school
would not have had as good of an
education as they did. Thank you
again for your kind, thoughtful
Dominic Kowalik, 8th grade student
Alfombras in the PAAC
The students of St. Dominic Catholic School will soon be
undergoing an exercise in beauty and penance, familiar to
Latin American cultures, known as alfombras.
Students will learn about this tradition coming from
Antigua, Guatemala, during Spanish class with Mrs. Lori
Miller, our Spanish teacher. Throughout the week, the
students will be creating their alfombras through the
center of the PAAC using colorful sand to create beautiful
works of art. The creation of the alfombra is a gift of the
children's labors in penance. The beautiful "carpet" that is
created is left undisturbed until the procession signifying
Jesus's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, is celebrated.
Ours will remain intact until the evening of Holy Thursday when the Blessed
Sacrament is placed in the PAAC for adoration in honor of the
Triduum. Interestingly enough, no one seems tempted to walk on the beautiful
works of art until the procession arrives. It's an unwritten rule and one that is
well-heeded . . . no one ruins an alfombra on purpose.
Forensics News!
We'd like to congratulate our seven Jr. High Forensics students who qualified
to go to the State Forensics Meet on Saturday, March 28.
8th graders Mara K and Emma P; 7th graders Jenny A, Clare B, Mary Rose O,
and Sophie P; and 6th grader Grace S. Join us in praying that the Holy Spirit will
come to them to help them deliver the best performance they can.
Priceless Bake Sale Update
Thank you to all who participated in the annual Priceless Bake Sale
last weekend. Your generosity generated $1, 775.00 for All Saints
Congratulations to our raffle basket winners as well! Enjoy your goodies!
Be Creative
Nora Orgovan
Love & Lamb Dolores Wechter
Summer Fun Marie Schmude
Janet Otten
Watch It Grow Carlene D’Amato
Basket of Fun Debbie Ward
DIY Cards
Nora Orgovan
Carmela Kustner
Bakers Delight Mary Karen Halmstad Kids Crafts
Melissa Elsinger
Maria Kucharski
Cards for You Diann Pergande
Marie Schmude
Ducky for You Mary Skladanek
Putting Faith Into Practice During Lent
As your meatless meal this Friday, make pancakes as a family for dinner.
Plan to attend Holy Thursday service and have your feet washed. Sign ups
are available in the narthexes.
Pray for those who have died and are in heaven. Say a special prayer to God
in remembrance of them.
Children’s Ministry Upcoming Weekly Events
Tuesday, March 24: LFF classes for K5-6th grade 6:15-7:30pm in school
Wednesday, March 25: Toddler/Preschool Playgroup MC 5/6, 10:00 am-noon
Thursday, March 26: LFF classes for K5-6th grade 4:30-5:45pm in school
Sunday, March 29: LFF classes for K3-1st grade 9:00-10:15am in school
Nursery during 9:00 am Mass in Marcy Center 5
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) during 9:00 am Mass
For Family Thought...
~adapted from Celebrating Sunday
for Catholic Families, Liturgy Training
In this Sunday’s
Gospel, we hear
about how a seed
falls to the ground
and dies, and grow
into a plant that
produces much fruit. What fruit
came from Jesus’ death?
This week, plant some seeds with
your family. Even though it is still a
bit chilly, you can plant spinach and
kale outdoors, or get some beans and
pumpkins started inside, to
transplant later. Allow each member
of your family to put one seed into
the soil. Talk about how Jesus is like
the seeds. He goes into the tomb at
this Death, and he remains there for
several days, just as the seed will
disappear into the earth and will stay
there for a while. Just like the first
leaves poke up from the soil, Jesus
appears to his disciples in his
glorified, resurrected state.
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It’s the Last Week of Lent. Prepare yourself as we move into Holy Week!
For our Corporal Works of Mercy this week, we focus on Burying the
Dead. There is a special flyer in this bulletin. Cut out the purple cross or
make your own and put on it the names of your loved ones who have passed
away. Remember them this week. On Palm Sunday, next Sunday, bring your
cross to place in the basket, so we can lift them up in prayer for the Holy
Thursday Mass.
† ALMSGIVING challenge: Guardians of the Galaxy, how about giving to your
jar some money in honor of those who you are remembering?
Junior High (7th & 8th graders)
SOC (Summer Outreach Camp) July 20-22 - If you missed the
information/registration meeting and would like to know more, please
contact Debbie in the Youth Office. Space is limited!
Mark your calendar! April 24 – Quad Parish Dance held at SJV.
Registration forms are on The deadline to register is April 22.
High School (9th-12th graders)
Join us on Friday, March 27! We’ll start out at 7:00 pm in church with the
Stations of the Cross and afterwards we will go to the Youth Room for a
game night and cheese or veggie pizza! Please call to let us know if you’re
coming, so we know how much pizza to order.
Update On The 2015 Summer Mission Trips
Lifetree: July 25-August 1 We have 2 openings for anyone 18 and above to
attend. Call Youth Office, if you would like to come, at 262.781.3480 x252.
Mission Trip Events In March
Seroogy’s Easter Candy and
Buena Vida Coffee orders can be
picked up next weekend after all
Lifetree Meeting on Wednesday,
March 25 at 7:00 pm in the
LFF For Teens
Sundays, 10:10-11:50 am
unless otherwise noted
7th grade: TODAY for the
Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally
8th grade: TODAY for the
Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally
Confirmation 2014-2015
All forms are PAST DUE.
March 22- Baran/Kane, Case/Thiel,
Debakker, Goetze/Bryant,
March 29- Conway/Peot, Lengell/
March 22 – Goetze/Bryant – Open
Door Cafe
Lolek is a Catholic faith-building organization for young
adults, ages 18-35, in our Archdiocese.
Meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at St.
Mary's-Elm Grove at 7:00 pm, beginning with adoration at 7:00 pm,
followed by a brief social before the speaker. For more information,
visit or like us on Facebook.
This Tuesday, March 24—Confession with Fr. Peter Berger
ARISE Milwaukee
What: Arise Ministries consists of a team of
young adults who join various parishes and
institutions around the Archdiocese to offer
dynamic mission talks and powerful nights of adoration, praise and worship,
and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All ages are welcome.
When and where: Various parishes and Catholic institutions around the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Check here for the schedule: http://
The next Arise mission will be held at St. Mary's Visitation in Elm Grove
on April 14, 15, and 18.
Every Wednesday 7:00 to 9:00 pm, at St. Robert
Parish in Shorewood
Cor Jesu is a Latin phrase for "Heart of Jesus." It is an
opportunity for anyone in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee
to continue to encounter Christ through Eucharistic adoration, reconciliation,
praise & worship music and Mass. Join us for this amazing opportunity of praise!
For more information please visit
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Divine Mercy Sunday
You are invited to attend an afternoon program
on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12, at the
Redemptorist Retreat Center, 1800 N. Timber
Train Lane in Oconomowoc, from 2:00-4:00
pm. The program will begin with holy hour and
rosary followed by a homily. At 3:00 pm, the Divine
Mercy Chaplet will be prayed. For more information,
please call 262.567.6900.
The Chaplet is associated with the paintings of the
image, as in St. Faustina's diary. In the image, Jesus
stands with one hand outstretched in blessing, the
other clutching the side wounded by the spear, from which proceeds beams of
falling light, red and white in color. An explanation of these colors was given to
St. Faustina by Jesus himself, saying, "The two rays represent blood and water."
These colors of the rays refer to the "blood and water" referenced in the Gospel
of John, (John 19:34) and which is also mentioned in the optional prayer of the
Chaplet. The words “Jesus I Trust in You” usually accompany the image.
The original Divine Mercy image was painted by Eugene Kazimierowski, under
St. Faustina's direction. However, according to her diary, she cried upon seeing
that the finished picture was not as beautiful as the vision she had received, but
Jesus comforted her saying, "Not in the beauty of the color, nor of the brush is
the greatness of this image, but in My grace." The picture was widely used
during the early years of the devotion, and is still in circulation within the
deChantal Society For
Wed., May 20, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Thurs, May 21, 9:00 – 11:00 am
Saint Francis de Sales Seminary,
3257 South Lake Drive
Who among us doesn’t need an
hour of peace
and quiet? We
invite you to
take a short
respite that
silence, prayer
and spiritual
formation….time for YOU. The de
Chantal Society is a group of women
who are passionate about supporting
vocations, families and their own
relationship with God.
Our May gathering will be led by
Father Tim Kitzke. Please join us for
whichever time works best for
you. At our May gathering,
registrations will be opened for our
fall de Chantal Retreat. RSVP to, or
414.747.6463. Bring a friend or two!
New Horizons Weekend for
Friday-Sunday, April 17-19
Schoenstatt Retreat Center
in Waukesha
This healing weekend is designed
to help each participant embark upon
a new phase of life. It is an
opportunity for divorced persons to
pause and examine their lives – their
strong points and weaknesses, their
hurts, disappointments, joys and
frustrations. It is a weekend of
involvement. The cost of $150.00
includes five meals and lodging for
the entire weekend (financial
assistance is available). Registration
deadline is Friday, April 10, 2015. For
more information or a registration
form, please contact Annette in The
Nazareth Project office at 414-7582201 or visit the following website:
Hope In The Midst Of Grief—A Shared Experience
The loss of a significant person in our lives leaves a big hole
– both in our hearts and in the very fabric of our everyday
lives. How do you navigate that loss? What are the
guideposts? Who are the guides and companions along the
way? What light gives courage in darkness?
Together we will explore our own grief terrain and discover
others’ as well. We'll explore questions like, “Am I going crazy?” “Why am I not
feeling the grief?” or “When will I stop feeling like this?” Find support from
others and help support them. We’ll even laugh and snack!
Mondays, May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015, at 7:00 pm
St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Room P201
There is no charge, but registration is requested. To register,
please call 262.796.3944, or email
Anyone who wishes to heal from the loss of a loved one and
grow in a supportive environment. Need not be Catholic or a
member of one of the supporting parishes of St. John Vianney,
St. Dominic, St. Mary and St. Joseph.
Because you deserve it!
Natural Family Planning Series
Are you looking for ways to help enrich your marriage and grow
closer to each other? Try Natural Family Planning! It is an
effective way to space children and helps to strengthen your
marriage! Come join us for a 3 class NFP series at Holy Angels in
West Bend on April 14, May 19, & June 16 from 6-8:30 pm to learn! Register at Child care and scholarships are available if needed. Contact
Amanda Ramthun at or 262.707.3018.
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Spring Is Coming—Join Us
For Pew To 5K Training!
Yes, believe it or not,
temperatures will rise and
the Steeplechase 5K run/
2 mile walk at our
Dominic Days Festival will
soon be upon us! It’s time
to get on the road to fitness, people!
Beginning Tuesday, April 21, and
every Tuesday and Thursday for the
next 12 weeks, we’ll be doing a Pew
to 5K training program, with the
Steeplechase on Saturday, July 11,
being the end goal. We will meet near
the bell tower at 5:45 am and begin
with a prayer.
To cover all levels, Tina Jessick
(active runner), Jessica Brown
(middle of the road) and Molly
Schmidt (not so much) will be leading
the charge.
Feel free to contact Molly Schmidt, or
262.781.3480 with any questions.
Coming in April!
St. Dominic Logowear & Accessories
Are you thinking spring?
We have NEW! St. Dominic short sleeve
and long sleeve T-shirts!
Did you miss our fall
sweatshirts last fall?
Then order them now!
You can choose from full zip,
hooded, crewneck and hooded
pullover styles!
Do you find yourself carrying
materials, laptops and a tablet
from place to place?
Get organized and pick up a St. Dominic
Tote! We have an open top tote with a
side pocket or a zippered top tote
with sleeves for mobile devices!
Look in next week’s bulletin for further details on
colors, prices and when and how to order!
Do You Have A Pyx That Is Not Being Used?
We are reaching out to all parishioners who might have one of our
pyxes in their possession and is not being used! We are running short
and would ask that if you are not using it, please return to the parish center or
the sacristy. Also, if you know someone who is homebound or in a nursing
facility and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call Mary Lestina at
the parish center. She will be happy to train you and provide you with all you
need to be the extension of the parish community in bringing our Lord to them.
Annual Altar Server Training
Do you have a son or daughter, in the 5th grade or older, who would like to
serve the Lord as an altar server at our Masses? Fr. Brad is requesting those
newly interested in becoming altar servers, attend for an in-depth training
session. Current altar servers are encouraged to attend for a refresher.
Wednesday, April 22 at 3:00 pm or Saturday, April 25 at 8:45 am
Please rsvp to Barb in the Parish Center, at 262.781.3480 x242, or
This Lent, He Is Waiting - Prayer and Reconciliation
He Is Waiting, a new Lenten initiative of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, invites
Catholics who have been away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation to find
Jesus waiting for them. Invite Catholics you know to join you the first five
Tuesday nights in Lent at parishes throughout the archdiocese. This Season of
Mercy, spend time with The One who loves you. To find a participating parish
near you, visit and search for He is Waiting.
Join Us For Book Club!
Please join us on Monday, April 13,
at 7:00 pm in the
Parish Center for a
lively discussion
of Orphan Train,
by Christina
Baker Kline. All
are welcome!
A long journey
from home and
the struggle to
find it again form
the heart of the intertwined stories
that make up this moving novel.
Foster teen Molly is performing
community-service work for elderly
widow Vivian, and as they go through
Vivian’s cluttered attic, they discover
that their lives have much in
common. When Vivian was a girl, she
was taken to a new life on an orphan
If you have any questions about the
St. Dominic Book Club, please contact
Nancy Jurss at
w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t
In Loving Remembrance
In your charity, please remember in your prayers the
following people who recently died:
† Daniel Campbell, husband of Maureen Campbell,
father of John
† Bryant Chaffee, husband of Karen Chaffee, father of
Ryan and Aaron, brother-in-law of Lynn (Keith) Achatz,
uncle of Emily and Sara
† Deacon Thomas Monday, brother of Gerry (Kathy)
Monday, uncle of Molly (Ted) Schmidt
† Maria Axt, mother of Cynthia (Gerardo) Caballero,
grandmother of Michael, Ana, Mark, Matthew and
† Robin C. Schultz, daughter of Mike & June Schultz,
brother of Russell
Remember In Your Prayers…
...parishioners or family of parishioners who are ill, or
recovering from injury or surgery, especially Judy Bickler,
Russell Bordeaux, Carol Dati, Kathleen Fischer, Jean
Gabardi, Gregory Golbricht, Bridget Griepentrog, Larry
Hanson, Elaine Kleinhans, Genevieve Klinker, Dave
Kornacki, Tom Leupold, Janet Lillie, Adam David Maresca,
Joe Marincic, Marlene Pribe, Norma Reith, Kenneth
Schaefer, Judy Shilka, Jeff Steinhardt, Robert Stormowski,
Peggy Tate, Jim Toby, Mary Jane Walsh, Dolores Wechter,
Katie Wilkenson, Jim Wolak, Pat Wutke and Jim Zielinski
Mass Intentions
Monday, March 23 - St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
8:30 am † George Sternig (Glenn & Carolyn Schellhaas)
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
Tuesday, March 24
6:30 am † Tony Rinaldi (Rinaldi family)
Wednesday, March 25
8:30 am † Pauline Bartolone (Lena Siegert)
Thursday, March 26
6:30 am † Mem Pham (granddaughter)
Friday, March 27
8:30 am † Arlene Krawczyk (Jerry & Jerri Melchior)
Anointing of the Sick
Rosary in the Chapel after Mass
Saturday, March 28
3:30 pm Individual Reconciliation in the Chapel
4:30 pm † Mary Jane Conlin (Ann M. Rozman)
Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday of the Passion
of the Lord
7:30 am For All Parishioners
9:00 am † Cvetka Cop (Marijn Grum)
11:00 am † Frank Orlando (Franca Orlando)
†Maria Axt (Terry & Sue Ripple)
Sanctuary Lamps
The Church Lamp will burn during the month of March
in memory of Thi Do.
The Chapel Lamp will burn during the month of March in
memory of Fr. Edward M. Grohall, our first pastor.
Please visit or call the Parish Center for sacramental information.
Weekend Maintenance Staff, Tim Buckingham...... x282
Parish Center……………………………….….....262.781.3480
Pastor, Father David H. Reith………………………………..x222
Associate Pastor, Father Brad Krawczyk……………...x224
Deacon, Larry LaFond…………………………….262.345.5357
Deacon, Greg Diciaula…………………………….262.547.4216
Teaching Parish Seminarian, Michael Thiel………..x229
Pastoral Associate, Mary Lestina………………………..x225
Administrative Services, Amy Whittenberger….... x253
Child Ministry, Stacey Irvine……………………………….x251
Liturgy & Music, Paul Burzynski..……………………......x240
Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Debbie Olla………..x252
Finance Administration, Karen Chaffee………...…....x223
Marketing-Communications, Meg Picciolo .............. x248
Parish Membership & Events, Molly Schmidt......... x241
Evangelization Minister, Brian Magliocco…………...x620
Administrative Assistants:
Finance, Jeanne Verthein ................................................. x227
Liturgy/Music & Human Concerns, Barb Schenauer . x242
Lifelong Faith Formation, Debbie Caputo………….x250
Administrative Support, Judy Shilka........................ x228
Maintenance Supervisor, Steve Veres ........................ x282
Maintenance Staff, Dan Hughes ...................................... x282
School Principal, Jill Fischer ............................................. x271
School Secretary, Mary Kay Reinbold .......................... x280
Parish Trustees
Michael Ricci ......................................................... 262.781.1358
Jerry Buting ........................................................... 262.783.6555
Pastoral Council Officers
E-mail ...................................
Chair, Don Drees ................................................ 262.781.2516
Vice Chair, Jim Palzewicz ......................... 262.790.1209
Secretary, Meg Siehr ........................................ 262.691.2139
Additional Contacts
Marcy Center ............................................... 262.781.3480 x233
Marcy Center Kitchen .............................. 262.781.3480 x232
Prayer Network: Kathy Monday....................262.790.0535
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ................................................ x600
Email addresses for all staff members may be found on our website,
w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t
Readings for the Week of March 22
Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33
Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/
Jn 8:1-11
Tues: Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30
Wed: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38
Thurs: Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/
Mk 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39
This Week’s Schedule
Sunday, March 22
9:00 am
Children’s Ministry LFF-School Classrooms
9:00 am
Nursery - MC5/6
9:05 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - MC7
10:00 am
7th & 8th gr. WCYR - Offsite
10:10 am
12:00 pm
Scout Leadership Training - Cafeteria
3:00 pm
Bel Canto Chorus Performance - Church
(purchase tickets at
6:00 pm
Boy Scouts - Cafeteria
9:00 pm
Adult Men’s Basketball - PAF
Monday, March 23
9:30 am
Milwaukee Catholic Mamas-MC 5/6
2:30 pm
Market Day Pickup-Cafeteria
2:50 pm
Intermediate Band-PAAC
3:00 pm
Campbell Visitation-Church
5:00 pm
Campbell Funeral - Church
6:30 pm
HR Committee-PC105
7:00 pm
Quad Parish Reconciliation-Church
Tuesday, March 24
2:45 pm
Engineering Program-MC2/3/6/7
2:50 pm
Guitar Stars-PAAC
3:00 pm
Hebron House Meal-Offsite
6:15 pm
CM 2nd Grade Church Tour-Church
6:15 pm
Children's Ministry LFF-School/CH
7:00 pm
Adult Formation-The Mass-MC7
Wednesday, March 25
7:05 am
Strings Advanced-PAAC
7:30 am
Time & Talent Committee-PC105
7:30 am
Saints In Training-MC7
8:30 am
Mass With All School-Church
9:45 am
Bible Study-MC1
10:00 am
10:30 am
Cantor Rehearsal-Church
2:45 pm
Children's Choir Rehearsal-Church
2:45 pm
Strings Intermediate-PAAC
6:30 pm
4/5 gr. Forensics Festival-MC All
7:00 pm
Lenten Vespers-Chapel
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Quad Parish Reconciliation-St. Joe Tosa
Discipleship/Evangelization Team-PC105
Palm Sunday Rehearsal-Church
Thursday, March 26
9:30 am
Parish Staff Meeting-PC105
2:45 pm
Forensics-Marcy Center
4:30 pm
CM 2nd Grade Church Tour-Church
4:30 pm
Children's Ministry - School/CH
4:30 pm
Knit One, Pray Too-MC7
6:00 pm
Cantor Rehearsal-Church
6:00 pm
Chess Club-Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Adult Choir Rehearsal-Church
7:00 pm
That Man Is You!-MC7
9:00 pm
Adult Men's Basketball-PAF
Friday, March 27
6:00 am
That Man Is You!-MC7/KI
10:00 am
Beginning Band-PAAC
1:30 pm
All School Stations-Church
2:45 pm
Strings Beginners-PAAC
6:00 pm
AA Meeting-MC6
7:00 pm
Stations of the Cross-Church
9:00 pm
Adult Co-ed Volleyball-PAF
Saturday, March 28
7:00 am
Men's Ministry-MC1-3
8:00 am
8:30 am
Art & Environment-Church, PACC
Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday
9:00 am
Children's Ministry LFF-School Facility:
9:00 am
Palm Sunday Procession-PAAC Facility:
10:10 am
10:10 am
9th gr. LFF-Youth Room
10:10 am
8th gr. LFF-School Classrooms
10:10 am
7th gr. LFF-School Classrooms
10:10 am
10th gr. LFF-Marcy Center
12:15 pm
Holy Thursday Practice-Church
9:00 pm
Adult Men's Basketball-PAF
Lenten Outreach 2015:
our Superhero
Jesus’ call to us: Empower All Saints Parish in Ministry
“If I saw one of my people who had died and been thrown outside the walls of Nineveh, I would bury him” . ~ Tobit 1:17
Our Weekly Corporal Work of Mercy Challenge
The fifth week of our Lenten Journey will be focused on the work of mercy: Bury the Dead. Unlike most of the
other Corporal Works of Mercy, burying the dead is not mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 25; but it is noted in the Bible
as a righteous act. In the Book of Tobit, for example, the apparent author describes what he did during a time of his
people’s deportation to Assyria: “During Shalmaneser’s reign I performed many charitable works for my kinsmen and
my people. I would give some of my bread to the hungry and my clothing to the naked. If I saw one of my people had
died and had been thrown outside the walls of Nineveh, I would bury him” (1:16-17). It is noted by several biblical
scholars that the corporal work of mercy also refers to helping people grieve over the loss of their loved one.
Although we experience the physical separation of a loved one, the spirit and presence of them remains with us. The
Spiritual Work of Mercy, “to pray for the living and the dead” is our Christian obligation.
Testimony of Becoming Christ to Another
In January of this year, news of the Vatican burying a homeless man who had
passed away, in the Vatican cemetery, touched the hearts of people world wide.
Willy, a homeless man, who was well known to priests, Swiss Guards, and
people in and around the Vatican, attended the 7:00 am Mass in a Vatican
Church faithfully, for 25 years. He was well known by local business owners.
Although he was poor, with all his belongings in a folding grocery cart, he was
rich in faith. He had many friends. He would strike up conversations with young people and would invite them to go
to Mass. He received the Sacrament of Reconciliation often and would invite tourists to confession. He was missing
for several days, so someone checked local hospitals and funeral homes. Willy was identified in a local funeral home.
He had collapsed on a cold winter night at the age of 80, unidentified by authorities. He was claimed by the local
Catholic community, who gave him a burial with dignity.
Our Challenge
What would Jesus want of us? What is He calling us to do? How can we live the corporal work of mercy, “burying the
dead”? The body is the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, the earthen vessel where God dwells. We were created by God,
in the image and likeness of God and therefore our bodies are holy. Every year in November,
we celebrate a Mass of Remembrance, recalling all those members of our parish or family
members who have died during that year. On Memorial Day, there are also Masses that are
celebrated in some Catholic Cemeteries. Here at St. Dominic, we offer a Memorial Day Mass in
our Prayer Gardens for our faithful departed. We remember the dead, and pray for them. Every
person from birth to natural death deserves a burial and prayers for them.
This week, we ask that you fill out the cross with a name or names of your family members and
friends who have died, and place them in the baskets at the north narthex. The school will be
having a special prayer service on Holy Thursday at 10:00 am, where they will pray for all those
names on the crosses.
Almsgiving Challenge
our Superhero
Our teams of disciple sidekicks: Avengers (wee ones to Grade 5), Guardians of the Galaxy (Grade 6-through high school
seniors), Justice League (Adults) and the Fantastic Four (Fr. Dave, Fr. Brad, Deacons Larry and Greg) will compete to
collect the most money during Lent for All Saints. Jars will be available in the front of the Holy Family Statue or in the
School. Any money that comes in without a specified group will be placed in the Fantastic Four Jars. Our goal: $30,000
to help All Saints in their ministry. Check the posters
in the narthexes to see our progress!!!
Family Activity
This week would be a great time to visit the graves of loved ones, to recall their life and pray for them. As a family, you
can also call a family member, neighbor or friend and offer support for their loss during this Lenten season. Another
option is to spiritually adopt someone who has died with no identity, and in your own prayer, ask God to bless him or
her . Every person had a mother or father, and possibly siblings. There are many unknown people who die, just like
Pray with the Saints
Blessed Mother Teresa was born in August 1910, in today’s Macedonia, and was of
Albanian descent. She lived most of her life in Calcutta, India. She founded the
Missionaries of Charity serving the poorest of the poor in all communities. Today,
there are more than 5,000 sisters in 133 countries. The sisters take 4 vows: Poverty,
Chastity, Obedience and the vow to “give wholehearted free service to the poorest
of the poor.” She is known for being the voice of the poor and caring for the
marginal, sick and dying people with all diseases. There are over 32 houses of her
sisters in the United States. She once said that the greatest “hunger in the world is
for love and care”. On one occasion, she and a few of her sisters had a private
audience with Pope John Paul II. As her car was entering the Vatican, she noticed a
man lying in the street. She asked the driver to stop the car. She went to examine
the man who was dying, returned to the car and told the sisters, “Please go ahead
without me. You know what we need to talk to our Holy Father about. Tell him I am
with Jesus, who is present in this dying man”. Mother Teresa was beatified in 2003.
Our Prayer
Blessed Mother Teresa, you cared for the poor, sick, lonely and dying children, women and men. You held
their hand when they were suffering and scared. You caressed them in their wounds and despair. You
prayed and consoled those who were dying, with no one to pray for them. You found children and adults in
cities and countries who were rejected and marginalized because of their disease and poverty. You
welcomed everyone. You gave them genuine love. You were an example of what Christ challenges us to
do—to love everyone in his name. Give us the courage to reach out to those who are dying, to the family
members of those who lost or are losing a loved one. You often said, “be Christ to each one you meet”. Our
parish mission, “To Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ, Each One for the
Sake of All” challenges us to be like you, Mother Teresa, in word, prayer and deed.
This Lent, our goal is to raise $30,000
to help All Saints Parish in their
Sacrifice Jars, below
the Holy Family
statues in the back
of Church
Cross of Remembrance
This week, we ask that you fill out the purple cross with
a name or names of your family members and friends
who have died, and place them in the baskets in the
north narthex. The school will be having a special
prayer service on Holy Thursday at 10:00 am, where
they will pray for all those names on the crosses.
Planning is underway for the St. Dominic 2016 biennial dinner auction, “A Knight in Vatican City“. Previous auctions have been
a tremendous success, thanks to the many individuals, families, groups and companies that supported the auction through
sponsorships. We would like to invite you to invest in our community through the auction! The biennial dinner auction has
become our largest fundraising event. Proceeds from this year’s fabulous evening will continue to support our parish mission
“to seek Christ, know Christ and become Christ, each one for the sake of all.”
Sponsorships are available in several categories:
The Knight Award - $2,500.00 Donation or above
† The 1st five sponsorships at this level will receive recognition/advertising on the ABC bidding device.
† 4 tickets to “A Knight in Vatican City” at the Milwaukee Hilton City Center
† Advertisement in the presentation, as well as verbal recognition during the live auction
† Full page ad in the “Knight in Vatican City” auction catalog
† Your business logo on the St. Dominic auction sponsorship webpage
St. Peter’s Basilica - $1,000.00 Donation
† 2 tickets to “A Knight in Vatican City” at the Milwaukee Hilton City Center
† Advertisement during the presentation, as well as verbal recognition during the live auction
† Half page ad in the “A Knight in Vatican City” auction catalog
† Your business logo on the St. Dominic auction sponsorship webpage
St. Peter’s Square - $500.00 Donation
† Your name, group or company will be prominently displayed on a themed decoration as part of the auction
evening decorations, as well as recognition as a table centerpiece.
† Your business logo on the St. Dominic auction sponsorship webpage
The Sistine Chapel- $300.00 Donation
† Your name, group or company will be prominently displayed as a table centerpiece
All sponsorships will be acknowledged on the St. Dominic website and parish bulletin. Please help make this auction a success by
supporting “A Knight in Vatican City”. If you have questions or would like more information regarding sponsorships, please
contact Tracey Durst at 262-617-3174 or Thank you for supporting the St. Dominic Biennial Parish
Dinner Auction!
Please detach and return this form with your tax deductible contribution. Tax ID# 39-0928315
St. Dominic Catholic Parish—2016 Knight in Vatican City Sponsorship
_____The Knight Award - $2500.00
_____St. Peter’s Basilica - $1000.00
_____St. Peter’s Square - $500.00
_____The Sistine Chapel - $300.00
Name or Company Name as you would like it to appear:_____________________________________________
Luke 12:48
We are in need of people to assist with pre-auction
planning and to help the day or evening of the auction
on February 6, 2016. If you have an interest in helping
with a particular committee, please email Jessica
Brown or Tina Jessick at
Thank you to all who have committed time and talent to
assist with the planning of "A Knight in Vatican City" so far.
We are so blessed and appreciate your willingness to help!
John & Jill Austin
Chris & Cathy Illman
Class Packages
Lisa McGown
Mariellen Roeder
Class Parties
Katie Bando
Lori Staviski
Cherie Knoebel
Michelle Minessale
Michelle Sands
Bobbie MacDonald
Wendee Puccetti
Marey Riemer
Event Volunteers
Mary Kay Reinbold
Molly Schmidt
Volunteers needed
for the evening
Event Presentations
Molly Schmidt
Gift Acquisition
Katie Bando
Ann Hilbert
Kristin Sohn
Gift Distribution
Susan Cobb
Rhonda Koprowski
Volunteers needed
for the evening
LFF Outreach
Lindsay Lawson
Debbie Olla/Stacey Irvine
Co-chair needed
Dan Herda
Steve Gigot
Lori Wisnefski-Strebe
Teresa Ratay
Mary Kay Reinbold
Molly Schmidt
Mark Tushaus
Sponsorship & Underwriting
Tracey Durst
Student Art
Michelle Minessale
Michelle Sands
Thank you notes
Dena Fura
Dodie Novak
Tom Dieckelman
Wine Pull
Kara Rankin
Stacey Seim
One TouchPoint CCI
Ann Herro
Tina Reilly
Lori Staviski
Coach USA
Cindy Rusnak
2015-2016 School Advisory Committee
The School Advisory Committee is in need of two members to replace those that are completing their terms on
the committee. Both positions are for three year terms. The School Advisory Committee is made up of seven
parish members, one St. Dominic Catholic School faculty representative, the school principal, and the pastor.
Our purpose is to develop, define and promote the policies of the school. The advisory committee also provides
counsel and advice to the principal and pastor. School Advisory Committee members serve the school through
several committees.
Member responsibilities include:
Monthly meetings from August to June
Work on various committees
Assistance with the annual school open house
The School Advisory Committee is open to all adult parish members. Being a St. Dominic Catholic School parent
is not required. Elections will be held online and after Masses, May 14-17. Nominees are invited to the next
School Advisory Committee meeting on April 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the school resource center. Please consider
nominating yourself or someone else!
Nominee Name: ______________________________________________
Nominee Phone: __________________________ or E-mail: _________________________________________
Nominee Name: ______________________________________________
Nominee Phone: ___________________________ or E-mail: _______________________________________
Nominee Name: ______________________________________________
Nominee Phone: ___________________________ or E-mail: ________________________________________
Please return your nominations by April 17, 2015 via any of the following methods:
 Return this form to the School Advisory Committee mailbox in the school office
 E-mail your nominations to Mariellen Roeder at
 Nominate Online by clicking here, or the link on our website:
If you have any questions about School Board or the nomination and election process, please feel free to contact
any of the current School Board members:
Mariellen Roeder, Chair
Jim Brown, Secretary
Patti Pavlic Bohne
Jim Larcheid, Vice Chair
Carol Rohtermel
Tim Caprez
Rich Reinbold
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Personal and Business
Bryant Chaffee, Parish Member
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David Strigenz
Collision & Auto Body Repairs
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Tobin J. Strupp DDS
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Tony Pruski
Insured parish member
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520 Hartbrook Dr., Hartland
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Friday & Saturday 6:00am - 11:00pm
18025 W. Capitol Dr. (262) 783-4501 • Fax (262)783-6371
Monday - Sunday 6:00am - 11:00pm
115 E. Collins St. (262)569-0072 • Fax (262)569-0036
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Chicago & O’Hare
622 North 79th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213
Timothy T. Brennan
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John Norfolk - Parish Family
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Parish Member
Daniel G. Gundrum, CFP®
Financial Advisor - Parish Member
800-792-2473 •
777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202-5391
21150 W. Capitol Dr.
Brookfield, WI
414-765-1465 • Fax 414-298-7400
Phone 781-2700
Help For Senior Independence
Charles W. Steinbach, D.D.S.
414 403 6227 Parish Member
Terese Wutke
Thomas A. Steinbach, D.D.S.
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Triangle Tool Corporation
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W249 N5267 Executive Dr.- Sussex
Maggie Spada, CFP®
Financial Advisor
Parish Member
8609 W. Port Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53224
TEL: (414) 357-7117 • FAX: (414) 357-7610
Nationally recognized digestive health experts
James T. Kwiatt, M.D.
Frank Fantazzi, PT, ,DPT, OCS
Parish Member
Mark Snyder, PT, DPT
(262) 796-2850
700 Pilgrim Parkway, Elm Grove
Board Certified Gastroenterologist
Mayfair/Elmbrook/Mukwonago: (414) 454-0600
Oconomowoc/Waukesha: (262) 569-7877
317 Oakton Avenue
Bus: 262.695.1109
20350 Water Tower Blvd., Ste. 101
Brookfield, WI 53045
(262) 432-8506
The Right People/The Right Ideas/The Right Tools
Landscaping • Design
Renovation • Grounds Care
Walkways and Patios
Tree Science & Services
David Marcello
Serving real estate needs
Watertown: (920) 262-1099
Fax: (414) 454-0971
Family Founded and Operated for 40 years
Shea Hughes - Owner / Parish Member
8555 W. Forest Home Ave., Ste. 100
Greenfield, WI 53228
(414) 529-4044
5801 Washington Avenue, Ste. 100
Racine, WI 53406
(232) 884-7700
Parish Member
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