2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM Patrick Henry High School June 22 - August 5, 2015 -- 7:30am-1:00pm STUDENT INFORMATION Student Name: Home School: Date of Birth: Student ID #: Parent Name: Grade: Email: Home Address: Parent Phone: Parent Phone (alt): Emergency Contact: Please check one: E. C. Phone #: Hanover County Resident Non-Resident I have read and understand the regulations on attendance, student conduct, and student dress stated in the brochure I received when I enrolled in summer school. I agree to abide by all rules and expectations for student behavior as outlined in the Hanover County Code of Student Conduct. (Signature of Parent) (Signature of Student) (Date Signed) FORM DUE DATE Registration begins May 4, 2015. Completed forms should be returned to student’s school counselor by JUNE 12, 2015, or if submitting after June 12th, registrations should go to the school counselor at Liberty Middle School by JUNE 16. Registrations will not be accepted after June 16, 2015. COURSE INFORMATION Sufficient enrollment will determine if a course will be available. Classes are held Monday through Thursday at Patrick Henry High School, 7:30am-1:00pm, unless otherwise noted. July 2nd is a holiday; no classes will be held that day. TUITION Hanover County Resident - $170 per course; Non-Hanover County Resident - $255 per course Students are allowed to take up to two (2) courses during summer school (June 22 - August 5, 2015). If a student does not pass an SOL test, tuition is not charged for the corresponding academic course. If a second course is taken, tuition must be charged for the second course only. ACADEMIC COURSES: To enroll, place an “N” on the line next to the course that you will be taking as a NEW course. If you are repeating the class, place an “R” on the line. SESSION I: Language Arts June 22 - July 14, 2015 E100: Language Arts 6 E105: Language Arts 7 E110: Language Arts 8 SESSION II: Mathematics July 15 - August 5, 2015 M200: Math 6 M203: Math 7 M208: Math 8 Science and Social Studies (scheduled based on enrollment) S301: Life Science S303: Physical Science S351: Earth Science H400: U.S. History I (6) H401: U.S. History II (7) H402: Civics (8) COURSE INFORMATION, continued ENRICHMENT COURSES: Dates, times, and costs differ for the Enrichment courses; see below for details of each. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday only. To enroll, check the box next to the course that you would like to attend. If there are two sessions being offered for a course, please specify between Session I and II by checking the appropriate box. Course credit is not given for Enrichment courses. Artrageous! Ceramics (SU33) July 20-30, 2015; 8:00am - 12:30pm $175, Hanover County residents; $225 non-residents Enrollment: minimum 12; maximum 16 Artrageous! Game Design (SU40) June 22 - July 1, 2015; 8:00am - 12:30pm $175, Hanover County residents; $225 non-residents Enrollment: minimum 12; maximum 16 Artrageous! Printmaking (SU34) July 20-30, 2015; 8:00am - 12:30pm $175, Hanover County residents; $225 non-residents Enrollment: minimum 12; maximum 16 Artrageous! Surface Design (SU35) June 22 - July 1, 2015; 8:00am - 12:30pm $175, Hanover County residents; $225 non-residents Enrollment: minimum 12; maximum 16 Bridges to Algebra (EL50) Session I: June 30, July 1-2 and July 7-9, 2015 Session II: July 14-16 and July 21-23, 2015 7:30am - 1:00pm $125, Hanover County residents only ESL Tutorial (SU01) June 22 - July 23, 2015; 7:30am - 1:00pm No charge; Hanover County residents only Keyboarding (SU36) Session I: July 6-8 and 13-15, 2015 Session II: July 27-29 and August 3-5, 2015 8:00am - 12:00pm $75, Hanover County residents only Enrollment: minimum 10 “Middle School Jump Start” - Organization & Study Skills for 6th Graders (SU37) July 6-9, 2015; 8:00am - 12:00pm $65, Hanover County residents only Enrollment: rising 6 th graders only STEM Engineering Camp (SU41) August 10-13, 2015 - Choose one of the sessions below: Session I: 9:00am - 12:00pm Session II: 1:00pm - 4:00pm $60, Hanover County residents only Enrollment: rising 7 th-8th graders only STEM+H - Health Science Camp (SU42) August 3-6, 2015 - Choose one of the sessions below: Session I: 9:00am - 12:00pm Session II: 1:00pm - 4:00pm $60, Hanover County residents only Enrollment: rising 7 th-8th graders only NOTE: Both STEM courses will be held at the Hanover County Specialty Center at Hanover HS; see brochure for more details. --- SCHOOL USE ONLY: Payment Details & SOL Information --Amount Due: $ Paid by: Payment Received By: Check # OR Cash Date Received: SOL INFORMATION: Only for the course(s) for which the student has registered, please indicate below if he/she passed the corresponding SOL. COUNSELOR: Circle below SOL to be tagged for free tuition, if applicable. (maximum: 1 course) Course E100: Language Arts 6 E105: Language Arts 7 E110: Language Arts 8 M200: Math 6 M203: Math 7 M208: Math 8 Passed SOL Test? YES NO Student has an IEP^: Course S301: Life Science S303: Physical Science S351: Earth Science H400: U.S. History I (6) H401: U.S. History II (7) H402: Civics (8) ^If “yes,” attach profile sheet. The School Counselor signature is required for enrollment in summer school 2015. (Signature of School Counselor) (Date Signed) Passed SOL Test? YES NO n/a n/a n/a n/a
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