March 20, 2015 Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs Investing in quality housing solutions. KHC Program Guide Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) March 20, 2015 Changes/Additions New MRB and Affordable DAP Household Income Limits Effective with reservations as of today, Friday, March 20, 2015, the new MRB and Affordable DAP Household Income Limits will be in effect. KHC’s Mortgage Revenue Bond Conventional Products 30-Year Loan Term Conventional No MI Program --- HFA Preferred Risk Sharing Conventional With MI Program --- HFA Preferred PARAMETER Loan Terms Eligible Occupancy Eligible Purpose Eligible Property Types Ineligible Property Types Down Payment of 3% Maximum LTV/CLTV Minimum LTV Minimum Credit Score Ratio Guidelines Borrower Contribution/Reserves Income Limit Manual Underwriting Maximum Seller Contributions Other Real Estate Property Subordinate Financing ***if property is a KHC REO, none of KHC’s DAPs can be used*** Home Buyer Education Follow DU Findings Documentation Mortgage Insurance KHC will order ALL MI for TPO Lenders See page 6 for specific guidelines KHC Approved MI Companies Desktop Underwriter (DU) Only allowable AUS system Must receive an Approved/Eligible recommendation Conventional No MI Program Conventional With MI Program 30-Year, Fixed Interest Rate Owner Occupied Purchase One-unit dwellings or approved condominiums Manufactured housing or co-ops Borrower’s Funds, Gift, KHC DAPs, or Welcome Home Monies 97/105% 81% 680 40/45% None KHC’s MRB Household Income Limits Not Permitted 3% for CLTV > 90% and 6% for CLTV < or = 90% Cannot own any other real estate property including manufactured housing Community Seconds per Fannie Mae Guidelines, All KHC DAPS Applicable. Special Feature Code 118 Community Seconds If all borrowers obtaining the loan are first-time home buyers (no ownership interest in a residential property in the last three years), at least one person on the loan must complete pre-purchase home buyer education in the form of an online, telephone, or face-to-face workshop Most Recent Year Tax Transcripts Verbal VOE for borrower(s) within 10 days of the note date Required – Charter Coverage None Required 97% - 95.01% 18% 95% - 90.01% 16% 90% - 85.01% 12% 85% - 81.00% 6% Genworth, MGIC, Radian & N/A United Guaranty In the “ADDITIONAL DATA” In the “ADDITIONAL DATA” screen, select screen, select “HFA PREFERRED RISK “HFA PREFERRED” Special Feature Code: 741 SHARING” Special Feature Code: 820 KHC will not purchase conventional loans that are determined to be High Priced Mortgage Loans. Borrower must meet BOTH KHC and MI Company guidelines. UG has additional restrictions when a DAP is used. Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 2 of 10 KHC’s MRB Program Purchase Programs 30-Year Loan Term Federal Housing Administration (FHA) • • • • Minimum 640 credit score Financing to 96.50 percent of lesser of sales price or appraised value All KHC DAPs and other KHC-approved secondary financing applicable Maximum ratios of 40/45 with AUS approve/eligible, accept/accept through TOTAL Upfront and Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums 30-Year Loan Term LTV less than or equal to 95% 1.75% UFMIP .80 Annual LTV greater than 95% 1.75% UFMIP .85 Annual Rural Housing Services (RHS) • • • • • Minimum 640 credit score Financing to 100 percent of the appraised value, plus guarantee fee of 2.0/0.50% annual fee. All KHC DAPs and other KHC-approved secondary financing applicable Ratio requirements per agency guidelines KHC will accept GUS findings, including reduced documentation and, with approval, expanded ratios up to 40/45% Veteran’s Administration (VA) • • • • • Minimum 640 credit score Financing to 100 percent of the lesser of the appraised value or sale price All KHC DAP programs and other KHC-approved secondary financing may be used Ratio requirements and funding fee per agency guidelines Maximum ratios of 40/45% with AUS Approval Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 3 of 10 Kentucky Housing Corporation – – 502-564-7630, extension 291 Lender Partnerships • Delegated Lender – Originate, process, responsible for program compliance, credit and property underwrite, close and fund KHC’s Secondary Market loan products, register loan in MERS and obtain insuring document. • Correspondent Lender – Originate, process, credit underwrite, close, and fund KHC Secondary Market loan products, register loan in MERS, and obtain insuring document. If KHC delegated, lender will fully underwrite. • Third-Party Originators – Originate and process Kentucky Housing Corporation loan products. KHC performs the underwriting, closing and table funds the loans. The loan will close in KHC’s name. • Gross annual household income must be within applicable income limits • All non-borrowing occupants 18 or older must disclose income and complete Kentucky Housing Form 98. • Property must be borrower’s principal residence within 60 days of loan closing. • Borrower cannot own any other residential property the day of closing including manufactured housing. • The mortgage loan must be new mortgage loan, not refinance. The only permissible exception is a temporary loan, such as construction loan or land contract (contract for deed), which has a term of 24 months or less. Gross Annual Household Income Limits: Lender Compensation All Lenders may NOT charge Origination or Discount Points. Delegated Lender: May make a maximum of 2.50% plus customary and reasonable fees. May charge a MCC Review Fee of $225 when offering a MCC. Correspondent Lender: may make a maximum of 2.50% plus customary and reasonable fees to include the underwriting fee of $495 paid to KHC (netted out of at time of purchase) for Conventional and RHS loans. • 2.50% paid to Delegated or Correspondent Lender at time of loan purchase Third-Party Originators: may make a maximum of 2.00%: • 2.00% paid to the lender at closing • All Loans close in KHC’s name Additional Fees Administrative Fee: On EVERY loan an Administrative Fee of $105 must be disclosed and paid to KHC • There is no longer a Tax Service or other misc. fees KHC Second Mortgage Fees Listed on a separate GFE, TIL, and HUD-1. • Regular and Affordable DAP Document Preparation Fee to the Closing Agent -- $50 • DAP Recording Fee -- $25 • Regular and Affordable DAP Odd Days Interest • Delegated and Correspondent Lenders can fund the DAP or have KHC fund the DAP. • If KHC is to fund the DAP the Delegated or Correspondent Lender will need to notify KHC by 1:00 p.m. EST prior to the day of closing. • KHC will not allow high-cost mortgages under the revised HOEPA coverage test. Third-Party Originator Lender – GFE Breakdown Block 1: “Our Origination Charge” fees include: • Origination Charge: 2.00% Origination Charge, the UW Fee of $495 and Administrative Fee of $105. Block 2: “You receive a credit of $___ for this interest rate of ___%.This credit reduces your settlement charges. 2.00 percent credit given. Block A: The Underwriting Fee of $495+ Administrative Fee of $105 Home Buyer Eligibility • Must be a first-time home buyer, unless purchasing in a targeted county. • Must be U.S. citizen or resident alien. Households must meet two income requirements: • Compliance Income Gross annual household income is the sum of the total anticipated income from all sources received by the proposed occupants during the 12-month period commencing with the date of initial occupancy (closing). The income of the head of the household, spouse, co-head, and other adults 18 years and older must be counted to ensure the household does not exceed the income limitations (page 8). If the Affordable DAP is used, the household must also comply with Affordable household income limits. • Qualifying Income Qualifying income includes income from the applicant(s) that is considered stable (continuing for at least three years, “effective income”) and is used to calculate household’s debt ratios. To assist the lender in calculating MRB Compliance income, an income calculator is located on KHC’s Web site under Lender/Realtor tab. Household Status An applicant must be divorced or legally separated (length of time separated does not matter). If not legally separated and spouse will not be occupying subject property, applicant does not qualify for a Kentucky Housing loan. The household, including non-borrowing occupants age 18 and older, must meet MRB requirements. Non-borrowers’ income is counted in the bond compliance income calculation. Mortgage Insurance with Conventional Preferred Product KHC allows Charter Coverage for the 97% Conventional Product with Mortgage Insurance. KHC will order ALL MI Certificates for TPO Lenders. TPO Lenders will have the ability to choose the MI Company when making a loan reservation. KHC Delegated and Correspondent Lenders will order their own MI Certificates. KHC Delegated and Correspondent Lenders can continue their existing delegated MI relationship with MI Companies or send the file to the MI Company for approval. KHC will accept both based on the company’s preference. Correspondent Lenders will need to provide the Final MI Certificate prior to KHC’s Loan Approval. Listed below are the MI Companies and the portal names to access the Conventional Preferred Product. Genworth: Simply Underwrite MGIC: MGIC Go! Radian: One Underwrite Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 4 of 10 Kentucky Housing Corporation – – 502-564-7630, extension 291 United Guaranty: Full File Underwriting – UG has additional restrictions when a DAP is used. Borrower must contribute the lesser of 1% or $1,000, maximum DTI ratio 41%, and reserves of 2 months PITI. Borrower must meet BOTH KHC and MI Company guidelines. Bluegrass Appraisal Management, Inc., All Conventional Appraisals must be in compliance with Appraisal Independence Requirements (AIRS). KHC will accept transferred appraisals as long as in compliance with AIRS. Appraisal Ordering Workflow for TPO Lenders Credit Standards KHC will require all originating lenders to comply with the general Ability-To-Repay (ATR) standards and consider DTI in making reasonable, good faith determinations that the consumer has the ability to repay the loan. KHC’s credit standards and maximum ratio requirements are listed down below. • Insuring Agency credit standards for the loan type the borrower receives. • 640 minimum credit score required for FHA, VA and RHS • 680 minimum credit score required for Conventional and must receive an Approve/Eligible recommendation from DU through HFA Preferred Risk Program for Conventional No MI Program or Conventional with MI must receive an Approve/Eligible recommendation from DU through the Preferred Program. • AUS approval (DU or LP) required only for FHA Rate/Term Refinance Program and FHA and VA Purchase Program. KHC will accept GUS findings for RHS Purchases. • FHA Streamline Refinance – must not use AUS. • Maximum debt ratios allowed are 40/45, with AUS approval. • Maximum debt ratios for RHS of 29/41 for manual underwriting w/o GUS approval. • Collections, bankruptcy, and foreclosure follow insuring agency guidelines. • Electronic Signatures allowable on purchase contracts per Agency Guidelines. • Non-taxable income can be grossed-up by 15%. • Maximum age for credit documents: • Government Loans is 120 days • Conventional Loans is 120 days • IRS Form 4506-T is required to be executed by the borrower at the time of application and closing. Appraisal Process for Correspondent Lenders Correspondent lenders will continue to order ALL appraisals. Correspondent lenders participating in the Conventional product will be required to upload the appraisal into Fannie Mae Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) system prior to submission to underwriting. For delegated lenders, it must be uploaded prior to approving the loan. Correspondent lenders must provide a copy of the Submission Summary Report (SSR) form showing a successful status with a doc file ID along with the UAD compliance form and any proprietary appraisal messages. Lenders shall submit any additional documentation relating to these findings. All Conventional Appraisals must be in compliance with Appraisal Independence Requirements (AIRS). KHC will accept transferred appraisals as long as in compliance with AIRS. Appraisal Ordering Process for Third Party Originator Lenders Bluegrass Appraisal Management, Inc. must be used for all FHA and Conventional appraisal requests for the Third Party Originator (TPO) lenders. TPO lenders need to get set up with • Complete a case number request for FHA Loans and e-mail to with a copy of the purchase contract. KHC will e-mail the case number to the TPO lender. • TPO lenders will order appraisal through Bluegrass Appraisal Management’s Web site at • TPO lenders will pay for this service at time of the initial request with a credit card. Due to MDIA regulations the lender must pay for this and not the borrower. • TPO lenders can track the progress of the appraisal online. • Once the appraisal is completed, an e-mail will be sent to both the TPO lender and KHC giving access to the appraisal. • KHC will underwrite the appraisal and upon completion will notify TPO lender via e-mail. If the loan is a FHA loan, the Conditional Commitment will be attached to the e-mail. • KHC will directly send a copy of the appraisal by mail or electronically to the consumers within a week of completion and review by the KHC underwriting department. • If a final inspection is required, the TPO lender will be responsible for ordering this through Bluegrass Appraisal Management, Inc. • At closing, the TPO lender will collect the appraisal fee and any final inspection fees from the borrower. The fee for the appraisals will be $450 for FHA and $410 for Conventional loans. Originating lenders may collect the appraisal fee from the borrower if in compliance with MDIA. Originating lenders will be responsible for payment on all appraisal requests. FHA Appraisals are good for 120 days. Property Eligibility Residence – one-unit, single-family dwelling, new or existing property located in Kentucky • MRB Purchase price limit of $265,000 • KHC requires a full appraisal Acreage • Up to one acre of land. • If more than one acre, an Acreage Waiver (KHC Form 90) must be obtained. Repairs All repairs required as part of appraisal must be completed prior to closing and inspected by appraiser or appropriate fee inspector. Termite Report Kentucky Housing Corporation will follow the insuring agency guidelines. • If termite report has been done, KHC requires a copy of the report. If the report shows damage to foundation, main beams, etc., and/or water in crawl space/basement, this must be addressed. All infestation must be treated and proof of treatment must be provided. Structural damage inspections may be provided by a structural engineer or FHA fee inspector. • If the borrower has waived having a termite inspection, the Kentucky Housing Corporation Termite Inspection Waiver (Form 99) must be signed at closing. Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 5 of 10 Kentucky Housing Corporation – – 502-564-7630, extension 291 • A termite soil treatment certificate (Form NPCA 99A and 99B) is required on all new construction properties except on conventional loans. Applicants not required by law to file a tax return during past three years must identify the year not required to file in the Mortgagor Certification of Eligibility (Form 6). Lender must examine tax returns for any evidence applicant claimed deductions for property taxes or mortgage interest, indicating previous ownership of principal residence. Lender should review all income claimed, household size, and whether property was used in trade/business. Property and Business Use Property may not be used in any manner that permits any portion of the cost of the home to be deducted as trade or business expense for federal income tax purposes, or if more than 15 percent of total living area is used primarily in trade or business. • Federal Recapture Tax If using Kentucky Housing MRB funds, borrower may be subject to Federal Recapture Tax. However, for all loans closed on or after October 1, 2006, Kentucky Housing will reimburse borrowers subject to the Recapture Tax. Reimbursement guidelines can be found on Kentucky Housing Form “Federal Recapture Tax Reimbursement Policy Disclosure/ Application.” • Mortgagor and Seller Certifications Kentucky Housing Mortgagor and Seller Certifications are required (Kentucky Housing Forms 6 and 7). New Construction For FHA, VA, and RHS, a one-year building warranty is required. Also a ten-year warranty with final inspection; or three inspections; or building permit, certificate of occupancy, and photos required. Manufactured Housing • • • Only new manufactured housing is permitted with RHS. New and existing single and doublewide manufactured homes are acceptable with FHA and VA. Affidavit of Conversion to Real Estate is required. Must have a valid title or certificate of origin to prepare affidavit. Copy of the cancelled or surrendered title and ALTA 7 endorsement to title policy is required. For New Construction –obtain Certificate of Origin (in Underwriting package), then apply for title of loan, then do Affidavit of Conversion. Condominiums Condominium or planned unit developments must follow agency guidelines. For FHA, condominium must be listed on HUD’s Web site as an approved condominium. For Conventional, condominiums must meet Fannie Mae guidelines. Please review KHC’s condo listing on the Web. This list is to determine if additional interior insurance coverage is required. This does not warrant that the condo is approved by any insuring agencies or KHC. If condo is not listed, KHC requires proof of whether the interior coverage is included in the master policy. If not, a separate interior policy equal to half of loan amount is needed. First Mortgage Funding Sources All loans are fixed with a 30-year term. Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) Eligibility First-time home buyers in non-targeted counties are eligible. For all targeted counties (see Appendix F for list of targeted county map on Web site) all first- or second-time home buyers are eligible. Previous Homeownership Applicants obtaining MRB funds cannot have had ownership interest in their principal residence during the three-year period prior to the KHC loan closing date. This does not apply if the home is in a targeted area or if the applicant owned a manufactured home and is granted a waiver using KHC Form 3. • Federal Tax Return Requirement Applicants purchasing in non-targeted county must provide the most recent three years’ signed federal taxes, if they had to file. For targeted areas no tax returns are required. IRS 1040-EZ form is acceptable for any tax year. Computer printouts of IRS forms that include tax year and each line item of IRS form are acceptable if applicant has signed printouts. Internet transcripts provided by IRS, with an IRS code at top and an IRS stamp on them are acceptable. IRS form 8453 is not acceptable. Borrowers can obtain tax returns by calling 1-800-829-1040. FHA 203K Streamline Program The FHA 203K Streamline Program is the primary program for the rehabilitation and repair of single-family housing. The program provides up to $35,000 toward repair/rehabilitation of the property. • All standard FHA borrower and credit underwriting guidelines apply. • Combines funds needed to purchase along with funds needed to repair or rehabilitate. A 10-20 percent contingency is required on all FHA 203K Streamline loans. With TPO Lenders, KHC requires a minimum of 10 percent contingency. Correspondent Lender can charge 10-20 percent. The 10-20 percent contingency has to be inclusive of the $35,000. • TPO Lender is given three months for a borrower to complete all work. Correspondent Lender may follow agency guidelines of six months for a borrower to complete all work. • Regular and Affordable DAP can be used with the FHA 203K Streamline Program. • A Supplemental Origination Fee must be charged by all TPO lenders. It is calculated as the greater of $350 or 1.5 percent of repair cost. This fee must be reflected on the GFE. This fee will be paid to KHC for the overseeing of the repair escrows. • Follow FHA Agency Guidelines for eligible/ineligible repairs. • Correspondent Lender will be responsible for overseeing the repair escrow accounts. The Correspondent Lender may charge a supplemental origination fee (the greater of $350 or 1.5 percent of rehabilitation cost). • KHC’s has a Web page dedicated to FHA 203K Streamline Program on the Lender Services page. MRB Special Funding Program Effective with reservations as of March 5, 2015, on a first come, first served basis. Gross Annual Household Income of $35,000 or less and meet one of the following population requirements: At least one home buyer is age 62 or older; At least one member of the household is disabled and is receiving disability income; A single- or two-parent household with at least one dependent child under the age of 18 living in the home Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 6 of 10 Kentucky Housing Corporation – – 502-564-7630, extension 291 Eligibility: $115,000 Purchase Price Limit (new or existing construction) First time Home buyers unless located in a targeted county Regular & Affordable DAP available 640 minimum credit score FHA, VA or RHS first mortgage options AUS Approval required (except RHS) 40/45% Max ratios Section 8 Voucher to Homeownership Eligible Section 8 participants may use their Housing Choice Voucher to assist them in purchasing a home. The term of assistance is 15 years, unless elderly or disabled. Housing Voucher assistance can be used two different ways. See the Section 8 Calculator on Kentucky Housing’s Web site. • Counted as Income (FHA, RHS, and VA) Added to the gross monthly income for determining ratios (can gross up 15 percent). • Counted as a PITI Reduction (FHA and RHS) A reduction of PITI (added to qualifying ratio based on gross earnings only, no grossing up). • Minimum credit score policy of 640 is required. • AUS requirement is waived. Assumability All Kentucky Housing Corporation MRB loans except Conventional are assumable provided buyer meets requirements set out in the Tax Exempt Financing Rider attached to the mortgage. First Mortgage Term and Rate • Term – Fixed for 30 years. • Rate – Subject to change on a daily basis. Rate Lock Extension Policy • Reservations for MRB first mortgages, Regular and Affordable DAP loans can be made anytime through KHC’s Web site, • New and existing property (45-day rate lock term). • Must have property identified. • Each buyer may have only one current reservation. • Must close within the 45-day lock. • Any change to loan amount over a 10 percent tolerance may result in a higher interest rate. • A second reservation may not be issued unless initial reservation has been expired or cancelled for 30 days or the borrower has changed property. • Locks that expire on the weekend or holiday will automatically be extended to the following business day. • KHC will monitor loan fall out. • Reservation Extension Policy: • 1-15 days for .25 percent fee • 16-30 days for .50 percent fee (total for 30-days extension) • Once the loan has reached the 30-day extension period, the lender will be required to relock the loan based on the higher of the original interest rate or market rate for 45 days with no additional fees. • Property Change–If the borrower changes property, the current interest rate is cancelled and a new reservation has to be made at the market interest rate. • For adjustments, lender must call (800) 633-8896, ext. 291 or e-mail to have a change made. Automated Underwriting • Prior to closing, Kentucky Housing Corporation or its delegated underwriter must still approve all loans approved by AUS. • KHC will accept limited documentation required by AUS with a few exceptions. KHC requires: No LP allowed with Conventional No MI or With MI Product Contact KHC if sponsorship is needed for DU access. Appraisal – Full appraisals required on all loans. All income documented. • KHC requires AUS approval on all FHA, VA and Conventional loans. Exceptions may be made for Section 8 to Homeownership (if loans still meet agency guidelines). • For all DAP loans, the amount must be shown as subordinate financing in AUS. • KHC will accept GUS findings on RHS loans as well as the reduced documentation detailed within. • Any additional fees charged to Kentucky Housing by Fannie Mae as a result of errors or loans not closed with KHC will be billed to the lender for reimbursement. Loan Review Process Kentucky Housing Corporation will attempt to review the file within 2-4 business days of receipt. KHC will notify the lender of loan approval, pended loan, or rejection status by e-mail to the e-mail address identified by the lender at the time reserved. • The e-mail will identify borrower’s name and status of loan. Approvals, rejections, and listings of pended items can be printed from the Web site. • All conditions of loan approval must be met prior to or at closing. Proof that all conditions have been met must be provided in closed loan package submitted to Kentucky Housing. Conventional Fannie Mae Requirements for Correspondent Lenders Correspondent lenders must comply with all Fannie Mae requirements for origination, processing, underwriting, prefunding review, closing, and post-closing. Lenders must comply with pre-funding requirements of a sample prior to closing. Any significant findings must be reported to KHC within 30 days. Lenders must ensure that all loans are NOT considered High Priced Mortgage Loans. KHC will NOT purchase a High Priced Mortgage Loan. Lenders will obtain most recent year of tax transcripts on all borrowers and verify employment on all borrowers within 10 days prior to the note date. Lenders will also upload appraisal to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) System. Conventional Fannie Mae Requirements for Third Party Originator Lenders TPO’s will be required to obtain most recent year of tax transcripts prior to underwriting. Verification of employment on all borrowers must be done within 10 days prior to the note date. KHC will perform the 10 percent pre-funding sample and uploading of appraisal to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) System. Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 7 of 10 Second Mortgage Products Down Payment Assistance Program (DAP) Guidelines Only home buyers obtaining a Kentucky Housing Corporation first mortgage are eligible for DAP funds. Interest Rate with DAP applicable. DAP Regular Affordable MRB Affordable Income (Household Income) New and Existing Properties New and Existing Properties Up to $6,000 Must go maximum allowed LTV on first mortgage amount Up to $4,500 Must go maximum allowed LTV on first mortgage amount 5.50% amortized over 10 years 1% amortized over 10 years Income Eligibility Eligible Properties Amount Terms MRB Purchase Price Limit AUS Ratios Required Repairs $265,000 Enter as Subordinate Financing AUS Approval required Borrower must qualify with additional monthly payment. With AUS approval, can go up to 40/45 percent Buyer or seller may use OWN funds to pay for repairs and pay off existing debt DAP GFE & TIL Available in Loan Connection Services--$50 Document Preparation Fee to closing agent and $25 (estimated) Recording Fee When utilizing Regular or Affordable DAP with the Conventional Product, if unable to get a DU Approve/Eligible at a 97% LTV with DAP, then you may lower first mortgage down to 95% LTV. Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 8 of 10 KENTUCKY HOUSING CORPORATION 2015 MRB GROSS ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME LIMITS Effective March 20, 2015 The income limitations listed below are imposed by federal law. Failure to comply with them may create adverse consequences for Kentucky Housing Corporation and its bondholders. Funding Source: Mortgage Revenue Bond (Purchase Price Limit – $265,000) Person(s) per household Anderson Ballard Barren Boone Bourbon Boyd Bracken Bullitt Caldwell Calloway Campbell Christian Clark Daviess Edmonson Fayette Franklin Gallatin Graves Greenup Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Hickman Jefferson Jessamine (1 or 2) (3 or more) 68,600 78,890 55,800 64,170 55,800 64,170 71,200 81,880 81,840 95,480 55,800 64,170 85,440 99,680 64,100 73,715 55,800 64,170 58,700 67,505 71,200 81,880 55,800 64,170 81,840 95,480 57,500 66,125 72,720 84,840 68,200 78,430 62,200 71,530 85,440 99,680 55,800 64,170 55,800 64,170 57,500 66,125 59,600 68,540 63,400 72,910 76,920 89,740 67,080 78,260 64,100 73,715 68,200 78,430 For all other counties not listed above: Person(s) per household Kenton Larue Laurel Livingston Lyon Madison Marshall McCracken McLean Meade Mercer Muhlenberg Oldham Owen Pendleton Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Trigg Trimble Union Warren Webster Woodford $66,960 (1 or 2 persons) Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 (1 or 2) (3 or more) 71,200 81,880 71,520 83,440 55,800 64,170 55,800 64,170 55,800 64,170 68,520 79,940 59,500 68,425 60,400 69,450 69,000 80,500 55,800 64,170 59,100 67,965 55,800 64,170 64,100 73,715 74,880 87,360 85,440 99,680 81,840 95,480 72,900 83,835 55,800 64,170 76,920 89,740 55,800 64,170 55,800 64,170 76,920 89,740 55,800 64,170 60,600 69,690 76,080 88,760 68,200 78,430 $78,120 (3 or more persons) Page 9 of 10 2015 GROSS ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD AFFORDABLE DAP INCOME LIMITS Effective March 20, 2015 Purchase Price Limit for AFFORDABLE DAP– Secondary Market Funding: $294,000 MRB Funding: $265,000 (1) (2) (3) (4 or more) Bath, Bell, Breathitt, Casey, Clay, Clinton, Cumberland, Elliott, Estill, Floyd, Fulton, Grayson, Green, Harlan, Hart, Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Knox, Lawrence, Lee, Leslie, Lewis, Lincoln, Magoffin, Martin, McCreary, Menifee, Metcalfe, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Ohio, Owsley, Perry, Pike, Powell, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Russell, Wayne, Whitley, and Wolfe Counties Person(s) 25,700 25,400 33,050 36,700 Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Spencer, and Trimble 35,950 41,050 46,200 51,300 Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Jessamine, Scott, and Woodford 38,200 43,650 49,100 54,550 Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Gallatin, Kenton, and Pendleton 39,900 45,600 51,300 56,950 (1) (2) (3) (4 or more) Other Counties Person(s) (1) (2) (3) (4 or more) 29,650 30,850 33,350 34,700 37,050 38,550 Larue 33,400 38,200 42,950 47,700 Allen 25,950 27,000 Laurel 25,900 29,600 33,300 36,950 Anderson 38,450 43,950 49,450 54,900 Letcher 26,000 29,700 33,400 37,100 Ballard 30,750 35,150 39,550 43,900 Livingston 27,650 31,600 35,550 39,450 Barren 28,300 32,350 36,400 40,400 Logan 27,900 31,900 35,900 39,850 Boyd 30,250 34,600 38,900 43,200 Lyon 30,750 35,150 39,550 43,900 Boyle 28,500 32,600 36,650 40,700 Madison 32,000 36,600 41,150 45,700 Breckinridge 28,150 32,150 36,150 40,150 Marion 28,250 32,250 36,300 40,300 Butler 26,400 30,200 33,950 37,700 Marshall 33,350 38,100 42,850 47,600 Caldwell 27,250 31,150 35,050 38,900 Mason 29,300 33,500 37,700 41,850 Calloway 32,900 37,600 42,300 46,950 McCracken 33,850 38,650 43,500 48,300 Carlisle 26,400 30,200 33,950 37,700 McLean 32,200 36,800 41,400 46,000 Adair Person(s) Carroll 28,400 32,450 36,500 40,550 Meade 28,800 32,900 37,000 41,100 Carter 26,000 29,700 33,400 37,100 Mercer 33,150 37,850 42,600 47,300 Christian 28,850 32,950 37,050 41,150 Muhlenberg 26,900 30,750 34,600 38,400 Crittenden 29,200 33,350 37,500 41,650 Nelson 30,950 35,350 39,750 44,150 Daviess 32,200 36,800 41,400 46,000 Nicholas 26,400 30,200 33,950 37,700 Edmonson 33,950 38,800 43,650 48,450 Owen 34,950 39,950 44,950 49,900 Fleming 27,650 31,600 35,550 39,500 Robertson 28,950 33,100 37,250 41,350 Franklin 34,850 39,800 44,800 49,750 Rowan 26,700 30,500 34,300 38,100 Garrard 31,050 35,450 39,900 44,300 Shelby 40,850 46,650 52,500 58,300 Grant 31,200 35,650 40,100 44,550 Simpson 30,200 34,500 38,800 43,100 Graves 28,950 33,100 37,250 41,350 Taylor 26,450 30,200 34,000 37,750 Greenup 30,250 34,600 38,900 43,200 Todd 27,750 31,700 35,650 39,600 Hancock 32,200 36,800 41,400 46,000 Trigg 28,850 32,950 37,050 41,150 Hardin 33,400 38,200 42,950 47,700 Union 28,300 32,350 36,400 40,400 Harrison 30,450 34,800 39,150 43,450 Warren 33,950 38,800 43,650 48,450 Henderson 35,500 40,600 45,650 50,700 Washington Webster 28,750 35,500 32,850 40,600 36,950 45,650 41,050 50,700 Hickman 31,300 35,800 40,250 44,700 Hopkins 30,050 34,350 38,650 42,900 Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs–KHC Program Guide–March 20, 2015 Page 10 of 10
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