Academic Career and Education

Eugen Dimant, M.Sc. M.Sc.
Affiliation 1:
University of Paderborn, Center for International Economics, Germany
Affiliation 2:
Harvard University, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, USA
Experimental Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Ethics, Crime Economics, Corruption, Migration
Academic Career and Education
The University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA
Jindal School of Management
Visiting Researcher: 08/2015 – 09/2015 (Invitation: Gary Bolton)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program (PPE) & Behavioral Ethics Lab
Visiting Researcher: 02/2015 – 04/2015 (Invitation: Cristina Bicchieri)
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Lab Fellow: 08/2014 - present
Visiting Researcher: 08/2014 – 09/2014 (Invitation: Lawrence Lessig)
George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Interdisciplinary Centre for Economic Science (ICES)
Visiting Researcher: 03/2014 – 08/2014 (Invitation: Dan Houser)
University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Graduated in Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Valedictorian, GPA: 3.9 (ECTS grade point average: 1.1, A+)
Thesis: “Contagion Effects in Crime and the Role of Social Proximity – An Experimental
Investigation” (1.2, A+)
University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Center for International Economics and Chair in Institutional Economics and Economic Policy,
Chair: Prof. Burkhard Hehenkamp
3rd Year Doctoral Candidate, 10/2012 - present
University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Graduated in International Economics (M.Sc.)
Valedictorian, GPA: 3.9 (ECTS grade point average: 1.1, A+)
Thesis: “The Nature of Corruption - An Interdisciplinary Perspective” (1.0, A+)
Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich, Germany
Chair in International Institutional Comparisons
Research Assistant (Invitation: Panu Poutvaara)
University of Ottawa – Telfer School of Management, Ottawa, Canada
Exchange Semester
University of Paderborn, Paderborn (Germany)
Graduated in Business Sciences and Economics (B.Sc.)
Thesis: “The Economy of Anarchy – Does Society Need a State?” (1.7, A)
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Publications, Working Papers
A Crook is a Crook...But is He Still a Crook Abroad? On the Effect of Immigration on
Destination-Country Corruption, Forthcoming in German Economic Review (with T. Krieger and
M. Redlin)
The Economics of Corruption in Sports – The Special Case of Doping, Harvard University Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics Working Paper Series No. 55, under review (with C. Deutscher)
The Antecedents and Effects of Corruption – A Reassessment of Current (Empirical) Findings,
MPRA Paper No. 60947, under review
The Nature of Corruption – An Interdisciplinary Perspective, CIE Working Paper Series No. 201406, under review
The Effect of Corruption on Migration, 1985-2000, Applied Economics Letters, 20(13), pp. 12701274 (with T. Krieger and D. Meierrieks)
Long-term Care Cost Projections for OECD Countries, CESifo DICE Report - A Quarterly Journal
for Institutional Comparisons (with S. Neelsen)
Work in Progress
Deviant Behavior and Justifiability – An Experimental Investigation (with C. Bicchieri)
Distrust and Ambiguous Signals – An Experiment (with R. Kurzban)
Corruption and (A)Symmetric Liability (with U. Dasgupta)
Self-Reporting and Corruption - Experimental Results from a Bribery Game (with J.
Buckenmaier and L. Mittone)
Crime, General Deterrence and Swiftness of Punishment – An Experimental Analysis (with J.
Buckenmaier and A.-C. Posten)
On Contagion Effects in (Criminal) Behavior and the Role of Social Proximity – An
Experimental Investigation, job market paper
More Money More Problems? An Experimental Investigation on the Impact of Wage Raises on
Individual Corruptibility under Uncertainty (with B. Hehenkamp)
Other Publications / Articles
The Economics of Corruption in Sports: The Special Case of Doping, Harvard University, Edmond
J. Safra Center for Ethics Blog
A Crook is a Crook…But is He Still a Crook Abroad? On the Effect of Immigration on
Destination-Country Corruption. Harvard University, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics Blog
The Effect of Immigration on Destination-Country Corruption. Transparency International,
Corruption Research Network
Wages Increases for Public Officials: Not Such a Good Idea after All? Transparency International,
Corruption Research Network
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Corruption, Migration and the Brain Drain. Transparency International, Corruption Research
Awards, Scholarships and Grants
Heinz Sauermann Award, German Society for Experimental Economic Research (Research
Grant for Project WiP-3)
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University (Research Grant for Project WiP-3)
DAAD Congress Scholarship (Travel Grant for Conference in Atlanta, USA)
DAAD Full Doctoral Scholarship (Funding for Research Position at George Mason University &
Harvard University, USA)
North-Rhine Westpahlian Academy of Sciences Humanities and the Arts Scholarship (Travel
Grant for Winter School in Haifa, Israel)
I.S.E.O. Scholarship (Travel Grant for Summer School in Iseo, Italy)
DAAD Congress Scholarship (Travel Grant for Conference Tokyo, Japan)
National Scholarship Program – Study Fund OWL, (Achievement Scholarship), until 2013
Germany Foundation for Integration (Patronage: Chancellor Angela Merkel), until 2014
DAAD PROMOS (Travel Grant for Semester Abroad in Ottawa, Canada)
Summer/Winter Schools
Winter School Learning, Decisions and Bounded Rationality, Tel Aviv, Israel
Lecturers: I. Evrev, D. Fudenberg, A. Rapoport, R. Selten, J. Sterman, P. Wakker
The Economics of Corruption 2013: Experimental Approaches to Responsible Governance,
Passau, Germany
Lecturers: C. Engel, M. Kocher, J. G. Lambsdorff, G. Schulze
International Max-Planck Research School – 7th Uncertainty Summer School, Jena, Germany
Lecturers: G. Bolton, C. Engel, G. Gigerenzer, W. Güth, D. Harhoff, C. Jolls, F. M. Scherer
I.S.E.O. Summer School 2013 with 5 Nobel Laureates in Economics, Iseo, Italy
Lecturers: G. Akerlof, E. Maskin, D. Mortensen, W. Sharpe, M. Spence
LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macro-economics, Barcelona, Spain
Lecturers: J. Duffy, F. Heinemann, R. Nagel, C. Noussair, A. Rustichini, S. Sunder
Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Ghent, Belgium
Presentation: [WiP-2]
Morality, Incentives and Unethical Behavior Conference at UCSD, San Diego, USA
Presentation: [WiP-2]
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Colloquium at the Solomon Laboratories of Experimental Psychology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Presentation: [WiP-2]
International Conference on Anti-Corruption, Good Governance and Human Rights 2014
(ICAGGHR), Paris, France
Presentation: [6]
Erich-Schneider Seminar at Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
Presentation: [WiP-2]
CESifo 8th Workshop on Political Economy, Dresden, Germany
Presentation: [6]
Southern Economic Association Conference - 84th Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA
Presentation 1: [WiP-2]
Presentation 2: [6]
9th AEW (Alhambra Experimental Workshop), Barcelona, Spain
Presentation: [WiP-2]
Western Economic Association International – 89th Annual Conference, SABE & ICABEEP,
Denver, USA
Presentation: [WiP-2]
2nd Haverford Meeting on Behavioral & Experimental Economics (BEEMA), Philadelphia, USA
Presentation: [WiP-2]
Florence Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Florence, Italy
Presentation: [WiP-1]
Western Economic Association International – 10th Pacific Rim Conference, Tokyo, Japan
Presentation: [WiP-1]
Teaching Experience (Lecturer [1], Teaching Assistant [2] or Coach [3])
[1] and [2]: Economics of Corruption / Applied Economics: Topics in Crime and Health
[1] and [2]: Institutional Economics / Information Economics / Seminar Experiments in
Behavioral Economics
[1] and [2]: Economics of Corruption / Seminar Economics of Corruption
[2] and [3]: Investment
[1] and [2]: Competition Policy / Health Economics
[2] and [3]: Management and Corporate Governance / Investment
[2] and [3]: Investment
[2]: Management and Corporate Governance
[2]: Marketing
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Professional and Other Working Experience
KPMG (Forensics, Munich 2013), Rödl & Partner (M&A Consulting, Munich 2012), KfW Banking
Group (Risk Management Financial Institutions and Rating, Bonn 2011), SAP America Inc. (Global
Audit, Philadelphia 2011), SAP Germany (Global Audit, Walldorf 2009), Wincor Nixdorf (Banking
Division, Paderborn 2008)
All as Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant or Coach at the University of Paderborn
Chair in Finance and Investment (Prof. Dr. Dr. Löffler & Prof. Dr. Uhde, 2010 – 2012), Chair in
Corporate Governance (Prof. Dr. Fahr, 2008- 2010), Chair in Management (Prof. Dr. Schneider,
2011-2012), Chair in Marketing (Prof. Dr. Eggert, 2008-2009), Chair in Taxation (Prof. Dr. Sureth,
Extra-Curricular Activities
Coach of the University of Paderborn Team participating in the 2015 John Molson MBA
International Case Competition (Semi-Finals), Montreal, Canada
Research Correspondent at Transparency International (responsible for experimental research
on corruption and the economics of migration), 04/2014 - present
Member of a scientific working group of Transparency International, 03/2013 - present
Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue
Business Fluent
Professor Burkhard Hehenkamp (supervisor)
University of Paderborn
Chair in Institutional Economics and Economic Policy
Professor Daniel Houser
George Mason University
Director, ICES, Chair, Department of Economics, and Professor, Economics
Professor Cristina Bicchieri
University of Pennsylvania
Director, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program and Behavioral Ethics Lab
Professor Tim Krieger
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Wilfried Guth Endowed Chair of Constitutional Political Economy and Competition Policy
March 20, 2015
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