平成27年3月17日 日EU規制協力に関する共同文書をとりまとめました 本日(3 月 17 日)、ブラッセル(ベルギー王国)において開催された第 18 回「日 EU 産 業政策対話」において、「日 EU 規制協力に関する共同文書」をとりまとめました。 経済産業省は本日(3 月 17 日)、ブラッセルにおいて、第 18 回「日 EU 産業政策対 話」(石黒経済産業審議官、欧州委員会域内市場・産業・起業・中小企業総局カレ ハ総局長が共同議長)を開催し、「日 EU 規制協力に関する共同文書」をとりまとめ たところ、その概要(別添)を公表いたします。 「規制協力」とは、5~10 年後の製品投入を見据え、新たな市場を創造するため、 日EUの官民が初期段階から連携することで、規制の相違を小さくし、将来的に必 要な共通のルールを策定しようとするものです。 昨年 5 月の日 EU 定期首脳協議の共同プレス声明において、日 EU 産業政策対話 を通じた規制協力の議論を進めていくべきとの合意を踏まえ、ロボット、化学、自動 車等の 12 分野 13 項目に係る議論の進捗等を今回の共同文書としてとりまとめま した。なお、本概要は、欧州委員会成長総局でもプレスリリースされる予定となって います。 (参考)日 EU 産業政策対話 1993 年 1 月、森通商産業大臣(当時)とパンゲマン欧州委員会副委員長(当時)と の間で、日EU間の産業協力等を議論することを目的として開催に合意。1993 年の 第 1 回(於:ブラッセル)以降、日本と欧州の交互で開催。 (本発表資料のお問い合わせ先) 通商政策局欧州課長 信谷 担当者: 土屋、堀内 電 話:03-3501-1511(内線 3001~4) 03-3501-1096(直通) Regulatory Cooperation between Japan and the EU This paper outlines Regulatory Cooperation between Japan and the EU under the EU-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue. Building on the existing cooperation on regulations and standards, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Directorate General for internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs consider that cooperation at earlier stage in their respective legislative process is more effective and preferable to avoid potentially damaging discrepancies and help solving existing difficulties. They are of the view that, as two of the world’s largest and most sophisticated economies, cooperation to eliminate, reduce and prevent behind-the-border issues, while bearing in mind that legitimate policy objectives of regulations and standards such as safety are fully respected, will permit to enjoy the following benefits: Firstly, addressing the behind-the-border issues would be a large source of economic growth for both. Secondly, cooperation on regulations and standards between Japan and the EU enhances the competitiveness of their own industries, by reducing cost of compliance especially for SMEs, by providing market readiness for new technologies on a global scale, and by together encouraging third countries to adopt international regulations and standards so that they enjoy better living standards with best products of the highest quality. Thirdly, METI and DG GROW, through this enhanced cooperation, covering all issues under their competence or beyond, could play a role in giving new momentum to the development and implementation of international regulations and standards. Robotics METI and DG GROW may consider setting up a WG on the robotics sector and deepening their policy dialogue to explore uniform application of product certification. Consideration will be given to the existing relevant technical specifications (safety standard EN ISO 13482 with a clear delimitation to ISO 13485 relevant to medical device robots). Chemicals ・Risk assessment of chemical substances Authorities of both sides have exchanged information related to the progress of evaluation and risk assessment/management of chemical substances. As for nanomaterials and endocrine disrupters, both sides consider the possibility of cooperation, while observing international policy trends, in particular the activities of the OECD. ・Transferring information of chemical substances METI and DG GROW have agreed that relevant regulatory authorities exchange information and suggested to invite both EU and Japanese industry representatives to EU-Japan working group discussions on the topic at the appropriate time. Revision of Flammability Classification in GHS METI and DG GROW will exchange views on the technical review of the classification of flammable gases under the UN GHS, taking account of the work that will be carried out by joint working group of the sub-committees of experts for UN GHS and TDG (Transport of Dangerous Goods) during the biennium 2015/16. Automobile METI and DG GROW held Working Group under the Industrial Policy Dialogue in October 2014, with attendance of experts from private sector, where UN-R110 and GTR Phase 2 on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles were discussed. METI and DG GROW will seek for other new areas in the context of automobile regulations and standards under the Industrial Policy Dialogue. They will continue the respective contacts to seek commonly acceptable solutions. Conflict Minerals As for “a draft regulation of responsible sourcing of minerals originating in conflict-affected and high-risk area”, DG TRADE and GROW agree to exchange views with METI on developments when appropriate and with the aim to encourage broader use of due diligence amongst upstream but also downstream operators. METI and DG GROW also continue to deepen the cooperation in following areas, Eco-design, Construction, Resource efficiency, Medical devices, IT and manufacturing, FLMs(Forced Localization Measures) in ICT and Personal data protection for strengthening of economic relationship.
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