April 2015 THE VIEW FROM HERE Greetings, As April approaches, we are entering into a very busy season of the year. April 2nd is Maundy Thursday, with a soup supper at 6:00 pm and Maundy Thursday service with communion at 7:00 pm. Maundy Thursday is when we remember the night on which Jesus was betrayed, and when he celebrated “The Last Supper” with his disciples. In John’s Gospel, Jesus didn’t pass the bread or cup as in the other three Gospel accounts. Instead, he washed the feet of his disciples and gave them a new command: “Love one another as I have loved you.” That’s where we get the term “Maundy Thursday.” Maundy means “Commandment.” “Love one another as I have loved you.” said Jesus. What would happen if we would love each other that way? What if we laid down our lives, our agenda, our power, our control and even our opinions the way Jesus laid down his life? What a different world this would be if we humans really cared about other people, especially those who have no voice and no power; no wealth or status; the way Jesus treated them? Jesus’ words are NEVER easy for us to hear. He never supported the status quo; or the rich and powerful. He always sided with those who were left out and left behind, and that’s what he challenges each of us who would follow him to do. “Love one another as I have loved you.” That’s what Maundy Thursday is about. It’s a night to remember Jesus’ challenge to all of his followers to actively demonstrate love and caring for all people, just as he did. It led him to the cross, where will such actions lead us? “By the power of your great love, O God, you have raised Jesus from death to new life. We ask to be joined in his resurrection so that we may be freed from all that binds us. Roll away the stones covering our lives so that we might serve you with joy. By your Spirit, grant that we may follow the Risen Christ into the future you are ever creating. Make us excited to live by the kingdom you have begun and are bringing to our world in Christ Jesus, in whose glorious name we pray. AMEN.” (Lawrence W. Farris) The Mission of First Presbyterian: As followers of Jesus Christ, we will nurture a Christian community that: grows in God’s love, cares for one another, and responds to the needs of the world. WING We’re GRO Grace and Peace, Pastor Ken Ribe disciples of Jesus who… GROW in God’s love through... weekly worship regular group, family & personal study CARE for one another through… daily prayer friendships in our church community RESPOND to the needs of the world through… service in and beyond First Presbyterian generous giving We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. 2 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, April 2015 CLERKS CORNER Dennis Junk, Clerk of Session At its Stated Meeting in March, Session: Heard that the Pastor Nominating Committee is continuing work on the Mission Information Form. Heard that during the past month, Pastor Ken has: Planned Ash Wednesday Service; Worked with Tatiana on service/bulletin details, performance and future; Met with Finance Committee; Met with Traditional Worship Committee; Led Adult study on the Reformation; Met with Personnel Committee; Met twice with Music on the Edge planning team; Made a hospital visit Decided, based on a recommendation from the Finance Committee, to rescind and earlier action and to pay Per Capita due from 2011 as soon as possible and to pay Per Capita due for 2015 by the end of this year. Heard from the Personnel Committee that Tatiana has finished her contract with Express Personnel and will be hired as a church employee when she returns from vacation a week from Monday. Heard from the Worship Team: that there would be one service for Easter (5 April 2015) but no meal. Decided to discontinue with the “Meet and Greet” at the beginning of the service and to replace it with a formal welcome to visitors and a sharing of birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. Discussed whether to attempt to hire an intern for summer and determined that there would need to be a commitment from parents before such a step should be attempted. Discussed revising our team structure to a committee structure, with each committee having a Session representative to report on the committee’s activities. Agreed on the following standing committees, with representation as indicated; more work is needed to define what each committee will do and to recruit additional committee members from the church membership at large. Building and Property: Richard Jorde Communication/Publicity: Laurie Elhard Education: Delphine Gregoire, Bonnie Jacob Forsyth Finance and Stewardship: Laurie Elhard Hospitality: Linda Shaw Elgin, Donna Thompson, Judy Simmons Nominating: Josh Lindenberg Outreach and Mission: Linda Shaw Elgin, Donna Thompson Personnel: Mike Swanson, Josh Lindenberg Worship: Session meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The next stated Session meeting is April 9, 2015. As always, members with concerns or ideas are encouraged to come to the open forum at the beginning of each stated Session meeting. If you are not able to come to the meeting in person, but would still like your voice to be heard, you are welcome to write a letter to the Session or to seek out a member of Session prior to a stated meeting. 3 www.firstpresgf.org SUN MON First Presbyterian Church, April, 2015 TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 6pm Soup Supper 7pm Maundy Thursday Service 9am Bulletin Folding 7pm Korean Prayer 8am Men’s Breakfast 9:30am Church Quilters 9 6:30pm Church Quilters 5 6 Communion 10am Combined Service Office Closed 9am CD Ministry 1pm Community Quilters 10 11 4pm Finance Team 7pm Session 6:30pm Church Quilters 7pm Middle School Group 9am Bulletin Folding 7pm Korean Prayer 9:30am Church Quilters 14 15 17 18 1pm Community Quilters 6pm Quilting class 7pm Book Study 4:30 Ladies Night Leading Well, Leading Long Out 6:30pm Church 2pm After Eve 9am Bulletin Quilters 6pm KIN @ Day Folding 7pm Middle School Report 7pm Korean Prayer Group 7 1pm Community Quilters 6pm Quilting class 8 NO Potluck 12 9am Contemporary Service 11am Traditional Service 4pm Praise Team 13 9am CD Ministry 1pm Community Quilters 16 9:30am Church Quilters Presbytery of Northern Plains Meeting 19 20 21 22 23 24 9am Contemporary Service 11am Traditional Service 4pm Praise Team 9am CD Ministry 1pm Community Quilters 2pm Hessed Bible Study 1pm Community Quilters 6pm Quilting class 7pm Book Study 6:30pm Church Quilters 7pm Middle School Group 5pm Quilts & Coffee (Sanctuary, Great Room & Kitchen) 9am Bulletin Folding 7pm Korean Prayer 26 27 28 29 30 1pm Community Quilters 6pm Quilting class 7pm Book Study 1pm Newsletter Folding 6:30pm Church Quilters 7pm Middle School Group 9am Contemporary Service 11am Traditional Service 4pm Praise Team 5pm Music on the Edge 9am CD Ministry 1pm Community Quilters 25 9:30am Church Quilters 10am Rummage sale Meeting 4 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, April 2015 APRIL BIRTHDAY’S Howard Smith Travis Holum Kenneth Hallgrimson Devin Sherve Karen James Tad McGurk Lois MacGregor Susan Sheppard John Whitcomb Donna Helgerson Paul Chan Chad Moses Shaylee Moses William Crow Delphine Gregoire April 2nd April 4th April 8th April 13th April 15th April 15th April 18th April 19th April 21st April 23rd April 25th April 25th April 25th April 26th April 30th VISIT THE CHURCH LIBRARY A wide selection of books & magazines. Check out books using the pocket card. Children’s books are also available in the Gloriosa Room. Praise Team Passionate for music? Then perhaps you are just the right type of person to sign up for Praise Team. If you are interested in joining please seek out a member of the team, who can be seen singing their hearts out in the front of the church. Adult Studies & Discussion Groups Men’s Breakfast (conversation) -1st Saturdays at 8:00 am at Perkins on Columbia Women’s Circles A Bible Study groups meets the second Monday of each month at 2:00 pm. A book group meets the third Thursday of each month at 2:00 pm, During the Fall/ Winter months. Please contact the church office for details Ladies Night Out Every 3rd Wednesday at 4:30 pm-7:00 pm at Dakota Harvest. Book Study Book study every Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm in the conference room. Sunday Programs for Children Young Children & Worship 10:10 am Age 4 - Grade 6 April 12th, 19th, & 26th Middle School Group The First Presbyterian Church of Grand Forks, Middle School Youth Group will meet on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm at the church. Come and join us in discussions, devotions, music, service projects, and socializing on: April 8th April 15th April 22nd April 29th Check us out and see what you think! It will be a great time to hanging out and have some fun. 5 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, April, 2015 CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP LEADER! New Contemporary Worship Leader Ben Breidenbach is a Freshman at UND studying Finance and Economics. He is involved in ONE, an advocacy and volunteering organization, the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, and the UND Varsity Gentlemen, an acapella group on campus. Music has been a huge part of his life and he is looking forward to being able to make music with First Presbyterian. “I will sing for your love and justice, to you, Oh Lord, I will sing Praise” Psalm 101:1 ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING! On Easter Sunday, we join with many other Presbyterian Churches, the United Church of Christ; United Methodists and a few other mainline denominations in receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing offering (OGHS). The OGHS is one of the offerings that we support that makes a huge difference in the lives of people here in the United States (US) as well as around the world. It is, in my mind, one of the best things we do as a church. All across the world our denomination works in many communities where people lack access to basic necessities like food, clean water, education, or sanitation. Your gift supports programs that work to end hardships and address many of the things we take for granted here in the U.S. For example, each year 1.4 million children die because of poor sanitation; one in nine people around the world do not have access to safe and clean drinking water. In many countries, each day, women and children walk miles to a river to get water for their families for the day. Through the OGHS we are working to provide for some of these basic needs that we take for granted. You can read more about this offering in the bulletin inserts. Please give generously because your gift will make a difference in the lives of real people. Thanks ALL HANDS ON DECK FOR PRESBYTERY! What is “Presbytery?” If that is a question that you are asking, do we have an opportunity for you! On April 17 and 18, we are hosting the Spring Presbytery meeting of Presbytery of the Northern Plains. We are expecting somewhere in the vicinity of 80 to 100 people here from all across the region. Bob and Susan Sheppard are coordinating the evening meal on the 17th, but they will need help with both set up and clean up. We also need people to bring cookies; bars; pastries; fruit and veggie trays, etc. for afternoon snacks as well as morning snacks on Saturday the 18th. We need people to be at the registration table; and others to greet and help our guests to feel welcome here. This is also an opportunity for you to come and observe what goes on at a presbytery meeting, and learn a bit about how we are a “connectional church.” There are many opportunities for you to serve. Please sign up on the big board by in the fellowship hall, or call the church office and let us know how you are willing to help. If you have an idea for an article or advertisement that could go in the newsletter. Please feel free to contact Tatiana at 775-5545 or firspres@firstpresgf.org. Prayer Chain To request prayer for yourself or a loved one, please call: Bonny Crow at 775-6425 or email Tatiana at firstpres@firstpresgf.org Please secure permission before using a person’s full name in your request. 6 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, April 2015 CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE! Mark your calendars for the upcoming church rummage sale on Saturday, May 2nd! The sale is planned from 8:00 am-2:00 pm with an early entrance at 7:00 am for those that want to pay $2.00. You may start to bring your donations to the church on April 20th and have them here no later than noon on Friday, May 1st. We ask that all items be clean and ready to sell. We will accept clothing but ask that it is up to date and gently used. We will not be taking any TVs or computer monitors. If you are able to price your items that would be very helpful as well. In order for our sale to be a success we will need many volunteers to help with set up, cashiers the day of the sale and of course clean up. Please consider signing up to help as you can! A portion of the money collected at the sale will be donated to The Third Street Clinic with the remaining used for a new foosball table for the church and other church projects. We will be making signs for the sale on Saturday April 25th at 10:00 am at the church. All are welcome to help. Set up for the sale will start Thursday, April 30th. A sign up board for opportunities to help with the sale will be posted at the church soon! Preston E., Emily W., Zoe E., Charlie E., Tanner F., Avery G, Delphine, Kelly F., Youth not Pictured: Abby F., and Brooke J. YOUTH MAKING AN IMPACT! On Saturday, March 14, 2015, the Youth Group delivered the items collected for the Circle of Friends Humane Society. They were also able to present a check of $209 from the bake sale that will go towards medical cost of the animals in the shelter. Thank you to everyone who donated items and purchased the treats. The youth and their families had a tour of the humane society and learn different aspects of pet care and about animals in general. Many of the youth (and their parents) had one or two animals who had became their favors throughout the afternoon. In April the youth group will explore their faith and science. They plan on building rockets and have a guest speaker, Ron Fevig, an Professor at the University of North Dakota. If any youth are interested in joining us, we meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the church. All are welcome. Zoe E. playing with adoption hopeful Landon (the dog). THANK YOU! Your recent gift to the Circle of Friends Humane Society was deeply appreciated. Thank you for your commitment to the welfare of animals. 7 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, April, 2015 VOLUNTEER AT NORTHLAND RESCUE MISSION! You are invited to volunteer at the Northland Rescue Mission with other Presbyterian churches in our region. We will gather at the Northland Rescue Mission on April 22, 2015, at 10:30 a.m. Where we will get a tour of the facility and help serve the noon meal. Then we will help brain-storm future events for our region. First Pres is part of the Presbytery of the Northern Plains North-East Ministry Region. Regions were formed to create opportunities to better get acquainted with your nearby Presbyterian brothers and sisters and unite in mission and ministry. It is expected these will be unique times of sharing. It is a great opportunity to give back to the community and get to know each other as we plan future gatherings together! Please RSVP to the church office by April 15, 2015. TEN REASONS TO VOLUNTEER! #10: It's good for you. Reduces stress. #9: It saves resources. Volunteering provides valuable community services so more money can be spent on local improvements. #8: Volunteers gain professional experience. You can test out a career. #7: It brings people together. Uniting people from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal. #6: It promotes personal growth and self esteem. Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy. #5: Volunteering strengthens your community. Support families Improve schools Support youth #4: You learn a lot. Discover hidden talents that may change your view on your self worth. #3: You get a chance to give back. People like to support community resources that they use themselves or that benefit people they care about. #2: Volunteering encourages civic responsibility. Community service and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it. #1: You make a difference. Every person count. https://students.ucsd.edu/student-life/involvement/community/reasons.html
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