���St. Mark is a welcoming community, boldly witnessing Christ`s love.���

Non-Profit Org.
St. Mark Lutheran Church
1614 West 5th Street
Storm Lake, IA
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Permit No. 35
“St. Mark is a welcoming community, boldly witnessing Christ’s love.”
St. Mark Lutheran Church ELCA
April 2015
Visit our website -- www.stmarkstormlake.com
Saturday Worship at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m.
In April
April 1 7 pm
First Communion Instruction
April 2 6:30 pm
Maundy Thursday (Communion)
April 3 6:30 pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
April 4 5:30 pm
Easter Vigil (Communion)
April 5 6:59 am
Easter Sunrise Service (Communion)
April 5 9:00 am
Easter Sunday (Communion)
April 11 & 12
Munching for Missions (Damascus Rd Re-entry)
April 18 & 19
Blanket Weekend
April 25 & 26
Thankoffering & New Member Installation
New Life & Easter Peace
Lent is a busy time in the church. So I always look forward to Easter, both for the joy that
the celebration of the Resurrection brings, but also for that promise of new life. To me, that
new life is both the hope of everlasting life and also a renewed energy to live this earthly life
to the fullest. After 40 days of Lent, with all the extra worship services and activities, I could
use some extra energy!
But what about you? When are the times in your life that you feel like you are in need of recharging? Have you been struggling with illness or depression, broken relationships, grief,
stress or anxiety? Maybe you look forward to healing, an end to conflict, or an unexpected
source of relief. Many look forward to the summer months as a time to get away from work
for some vacation time. Whatever is wearing you out or getting you down, the thought of
new life sounds refreshing and encouraging!
But how does this new life unfold for us? When we hear the Easter story of Christ’s resurrection and God’s promise of new life what does it mean for us now, today, in the midst of
our struggles?
For me, the promise of the resurrection to new life helps in two ways. First, it calms my
fears—fears of death, pain, guilt and the unknown. Knowing that God actually came to earth
and walked among us, and finally gave his life as a sacrifice for me—that must mean that
God thinks I’m worth saving! It must mean that the Creator actually cares about me and my
earthly life; which brings me to the second way God’s promise helps me right now. The resurrection to new life gives me a sense of perspective.
Think of it this way: if all we had was this short time on earth, then what would be wrong
with trying to enjoy it to the fullest; squeezing every last drop of material comfort out of life
without regard for anyone else? There wouldn’t be much reason to love another person,
other than the enjoyment they give to you. There would be no worry about caring for our
surroundings, because we won’t be in them for long anyway. There would be no need to
worry about our actions at all, because everyone would come to the same end in the long
run. In short, the ends would justify the means and there wouldn’t be any consequences for
selfish gain, unless you got caught.
But if there is a resurrection! Then that means everything matters! Other people are of the
utmost value because we all have the opportunity to experience eternal life with Christ. Our
actions matter, our care for neighbors and creation matters because they belong to God.
But our material comforts begin to lose their shine because those are only temporary, and
they pale in comparison to the value of God’s children with whom we will share eternal life.
So my prayer for you is this: May this Easter season fill you with peace in the face of your
stress and struggles, and may you be filled with the Spirit of Love and the energy to encounter the world from the perspective of your new life in the Resurrected Christ.
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Ben
April 1 7 pm
First Communion Instruction
April 2 6:30 pm
Maundy Thursday (Communion)
April 3 6:30 pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
April 4 5:30 pm
Easter Vigil (Communion)
April 5 6:59 am
Easter Sunrise Service (Communion)
April 5 9:00 am
Easter Sunday (Communion)
The days of Lent are passing by quickly and Easter will be here soon. The days of
new life are with us once again.
PPC met for its regular meeting on March 12. We have two festivities to organize,
one is RAGBRAI and the other is the 4th of July pie booth. Ken and Karna Converse
have agreed to organize the meal for RAGBRAI and will receive assistance from Dan
and Wende Douglas and others. Bob and Gloria Rohlfsen are seeking several people
with whom they can work to do the pie booth. Bob and Gloria have great notes from
last year so we look forward to another successful 4th in the park serving pie and ice
cream. If anyone is interested in helping with either of these events please contact the
We discussed Pastor Ben’s housing situation and agreed to support him in the same
manner as we have since his arrival for another six months or until his house in Creston is sold.
The nomination committee is seeking people for various positions on boards as well
as vice president of PPC. If you have an interest in the work of one of the boards,
please don’t wait to be called. Contact Ken and let him know that you are willing to
serve. The congregational meeting for election of these people is set for May 31 following the Sunday service.
Respectfully yours,
Rick Lampe
Moms. We are moms. United forever by the tight bonds of motherhood, we share this journey that
we hold dear. There are things we universally understand, about this amazing gift of motherhood.
That very word, “Mom,” breathes certain unique characteristics, able to transcend our differences,
beautifully describing one who gives beyond herself, one who loves greater than she ever dreamed
We are boy moms. We are brave, true, loyal, kind, and loving. We live and breathe all things boy.
We are familiar with dirt, noise, and finding rocks in the dryer. We’ve been chased by snakes,
worms, and water balloons. We’ve learned about cars, trains, sports, and how to shoot off a rocket.
We know how to throw balls, run fast enough to catch a speeding toddler, bait a hook, and cheer
loudest for these precious souls who hold our hearts. We’ve stepped on Legos in the dark and wondered if we would survive the pain. We’ve fed cheerios to Minions, been rescued by Spiderman, and
have sent a few villains to time out, all in one big, adventurous day.
We’re crazy about our boys and some days, we wonder how our hearts don’t just break wide open in
the midst of such huge love.
We are girl moms. We are brave, true, loyal, kind, and loving. We live and breathe all things girl.
We are familiar with sparkles, sequins, and things that shine. We’ve played with dolls and teddy
bears, and thrown balls in click clacking dress up shoes. We’ve rode bikes with cowgirls who wear
pink hats and boots. We’ve had tea with a princess, face painted kitty cat faces on giggly girls, and
barely survived the drama of “I don’t want to wear that today.” We’ve listened to countless stories of
girlfriends, what she said, he said, and sang every word to a Disney princess movie more times than
we could ever count. We know the true pain of a bad hair day, and understand the trauma of finding
hair, chopped clean, from our daughter’s own head, long beautiful strands lying on the floor, right
next to the safety scissors. We’ve danced in the living room, twirled and swirled, baked chocolate
chip cookies, and licked the bowl clean. We’ve caught lady bugs, picked flowers, and dreamed up at
the stars, all in one big, adventurous day.
We’ve learned the true meaning of “fancy,” and also learned the true meaning of love. Fancy hearts
so full, we wonder how we can contain it all, in the midst of such huge love.
Moms. Brave, true, loyal, kind, and loving. We work, we nurture, we help, we teach, we encourage,
we lead, we care, we coach, we listen, we hug, we cheer, and the list goes on.
We make life…all together…better.
But here’s the truth. Every mom gets weary sometimes. And some days we feel lonely, and we’ve
had enough of listening to Pup Patrol, or countless princess songs, and we find that we need a little
more substantial conversation than just hearing the words, “no,” “why,” or “mine.” And we’re tired of
doing laundry, and vacuuming up little pieces of goldfish all stuck in the carpet. In fact, we’re just
tired of goldfish all together. And we’re weary from getting up in the night with the dear child who
was sick, and the other who just had a bad dream, and another who was thirsty. And we’ve
changed more diapers than we could ever count, and picked up more messes, and rocked, and
sang, and prayed, all these sweet ones to sleep, night after night, year after year.
And often, it’s a rather thankless job. This motherhood journey. Little ones have big needs, and as
much as we know they love us, they may not be the best at always making us feel appreciated for
the immensity of services we provide. Every hour. Of every single day. And often, hurried husbands,
though not intentional, may get busy with life and the pressures of career and responsibilities, and
the little things go unnoticed. And we know, deep down, that everyone is thankful for us, and cares
about us, but sometimes we just need to hear it.
And we feel alone in it all. Moms one moment, ready to conquer the world, or at least the to do list
for the day, enjoying these precious little people who call us Mom. But then, when we least expect it,
the spiral downward begins. And some days, it’s all too much, and after consistently hearing the
word “mom” every 4.3 seconds in one day’s time, and taxi driving kids to countless places, and one
big, dramatic meltdown at the grocery store, we just feel “all done.” And the lonely gloom of discouragement overwhelms.
Moms who are reading this today, we need each other. We need to remind each other, that we
stand together, that we’re not alone in this mom journey. That what we do is important. So incredibly
important. We need to hold our judgments and thoughts that we might know better about things, and
just choose to encourage, and inspire one another onward, towards greatness. There’s such power
And sometimes, late at night, when the house is all quiet, this happens.
You secretly tiptoe back upstairs, just to catch a glimpse of them sleeping, to make sure they’re
tucked in safely for the night, and you sit down beside the bed, and just watch these precious ones
who call you mom, peacefully, soundly, dreaming of tomorrow. And there’s a sudden, renewed
awareness of how much it all matters. You remember. That you’re raising greatness for the next
Sweet angel faces, treasured gifts, who may never know how much you loved. These little souls that
can drive you crazy, and push all your buttons, before the clock strikes 7am, but you just can’t hardly
get enough of them all in one day. Because you love. Moms, you know how to love.
During those quiet moments, listen for His whisper. It may sound like this, sweet and kind, reassuring and safe, full of grace, and understanding, “Good job Mom, I see you. I see how you love. I see
how you care. And you, my dear child, are never alone. “
He’s with us, Moms. Always, always. He is with us. And He sees. Every moment that we love.
So moms press on. Your life is a treasure.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she can laugh at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25).
Kandi Anderson, Director of Faith Formation
All St. Mark Lutheran Church members who will graduate from high school in the
spring of 2015 are eligible to apply for this post-secondary scholarship. The
scholarship is payable to the institution for tuition, fees, and/or books at an accredited
post-secondary two or four year college or technical school. Watch for a letter and
application in the mail. Applications must be completed and turned into the office by
April 19th.
MARCH 12, 2015
Present: Rick Lampe, Ken Converse, Margaret Stangohr, Rachel Nicholson, Kandi Anderson, Bonnie Hunter, Dean Nicholson, Dan Sievers, Pastor Ben McIntire, Bob Rohlfsen, Dan Douglas, Wende
The agenda, secretary’s minutes and treasurer’s report were all approved. The treasurer’s report as
of 2/28/15 showed a balance available for normal operations of $17,164.53.
Pastor Ben highlighted the great attendance we have had at our Lenten services so far. Kandi
thanked everyone for the great response to the Youth fundraisers. People are still needed to help
present “Walk with Jesus” on the evening of March 29.
Ongoing Business: It was voted to extend Pastor Ben’s housing subsidy for 6 months as they continue to try to sell their Creston house.
New Business: Ken and Karna Converse have agreed to take charge of the St. Mark meal for the
RAGBRAI riders coming through town in July. Lead organizers for the 4th of July pie booth are still
needed. Nancy Ledoux and Rick Lampe will represent St. Mark as delegates to the Synod Convention in May. A congregational meeting is set for May 31 for election of officers.
Board members gave their reports.
Respectfully submitted,
Rachel Nicholson, Secretary
The Damascus Road Reentry Committee is making progress in our plans to work with a soon
to be released man from the Rockwell City prison. We have been making numerous contacts
about living arrangements and jobs in the Storm Lake area. Your suggestions and ideas may
be just what we need so please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Ben, Brian Underwood or
Bonnie Hunter with your thoughts.
We are also very much in need of your financial support for this program. A Munching for
Missions is scheduled April 11th and 12thand donations will gladly be accepted at any time and
of any size. Please specify your gift is for the Reentry Program and give to Jane or put in
offering plate. Many thanks to those of you who have already given! We are sincerely interested in helping a brother in need.
The Fellowship Board is planning to celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday with some
special snacks we hope you will enjoy. We are looking forward to the real story of Easter-------------- the great and difficult gift God gave all of us.
We will also help to host a Munching for Missions by the Damascus Road Reentry Team on
April 11th and 12th. The menu will be Brian Underwood’s chili on Saturday evening and for
breakfast on Sunday morning we’ll serve sausages wrapped in pancakes. Please join us and
donate in a big way for this new ministry.
Thank-you to all of you who are washing the table clothes in the fellowship hall after using
them for the Lenten soup suppers and other events. We also want to thank those of you who
have served Sunday Morning Fellowship. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. We appreciate you!
Think Spring!
Julie Cook, Nancy Ledoux and Bonnie Hunter
4/01 - Abby Stuckel
Ken & Janet Strouse - 4/02
4/01 - Kari Rau
Bob & Dorothy Ohrlund - 4/14
4/03 - Justin Mellmann
Dennis & Cheryl Rodger - 4/16
4/04 - Richard Keen
Mark & Keri Shadlow - 4/19
4/04 - Beverly Reuter
Brian & Deb Reierson - 4/22
4/10 - Micaela McIntire
Curt & Christine Carlson - 4/29
4/12 - Connie Ellefson
4/13 - Brian McCrory
4/13 - Ryan Thompson
4/14 - Caden Brummer
Memorials to St. Mark:
4/16 - Jadeyn Pender
In memory of Jean Nixon - $155.00
4/17 - James Winterton
In memory of Jean Nixon - $25.00
to ELCA World Hunger
4/18 - Lindsey Kruse
4/20 - Dustin Smith
4/21 - Christine Freese
4/22 - Brody Deitering
4/22 - Warren Wilson
4/23 - Shirley Drzycimski
4/23 - Dustin Mattson
4/23 - Les Wilshusen
4/24 - Deb Mortensen
4/26 - Kandi Anderson
4/28 - Victoria Anderson
4/29 - Christine Carlson
4/29 - Jan Worthan
4/29 - Luke Wilshusen
4/30 - Roger Egland
4/30 - Melvin Samuelson
Please let the office know if we have
missed your birthday!
Hello - I have enclosed a memorial in Jean Nixon’s memory.
Please use it in your church choir fund as Jean loved music, and
Jean and I have known each other for 40+ years. We met when
we were teachers living in Minneapolis. She was a loyal friend
keeping in contact, even as her health deteriorated. She is now
at peace with no more pain!
Barbara Gunderson
Scottsdale, Arizona
April 8 – Board meets at 4:15 PM.
April 15 – Naomi circle meets for Bible study at 9:30 AM.
April 18 – Deborah Spring Cluster meeting/service opportunity at Lakeside Lutheran Camp from 10
AM – 2 PM. The camp will be providing us lunch at noon, at a cost of $7.50 per person. Please
RSVP to the church office by April 9th if you plan to participate. I need to send in a headcount by
April 11th.
April 18 & 19 – Blanket Sunday – A special thank you to the Sew and Do Ladies for the quilts and
LWR projects they completed this year. Any monetary donations will be sent to LWR to help defray
postage. Check out the new poster in the fellowship hall to see where our kits and quilts go.
April 20 – Sarah circle meets at 5:30 PM for a light supper and Bible study.
April 25 & 26 – Thankoffering – Thankoffering donations are sent to churchwide Women of the
ELCA to support all of their ministries.
June 19-20 – Tri-Synodical Gathering & Convention, ICCC Fort Dodge. More information next
There is yarn available in the office to knit or crochet prayer shawls. Directions are available.
Margaret Stangohr, President
ELCA Youth Gathering
Here we Come!!!!
JULY 2015
New member classes will be offered after worship on Saturday, April 18th and Sunday, April 19th.
Come and visit with Pastor Ben and other prospective members about becoming a part of this family
of faith. We all need the support of a faith community from time to time, and even when we feel
strong and secure in our faith, we gather to support our brothers and sisters. New members will be
installed during the services on April 25-26.
FIRST COMMUNION INSTRUCTION will be offered on Wednesday evening, April 1 at 7:00pm for
all students (and their parents) who have not received communion yet. Parents, if you think your
child is ready for this class, please bring them. First Communion will be celebrated during the
Maundy Thursday service on April 2 at 6:30pm.
DEAR CHURCH MEMBERS: The Storm Lake TeamMates Mentoring Program is excited to
announce that Paul Rhoads, Iowa State Head Football Coach, will be our quest speaker at our
Banquet of Celebration on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. The Banquet will be held at Buena Vista
Forum. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:15 p.m. start.
Tickets for dinner and presentation are $25.00 (Presentation only is $15.00). Advance sales only at
Community Education, Storm Lake United, KAYL, and Angie Woodford, Program Coordinator from
March 11 to April 17, 2015.
This is a school based mentoring program that focuses on positive relationships between mentors
and mentees. Storm Lake Mentoring data shows that mentored students show improvements in the
academics, less disciplinary referrals, and fewer unexcused absences.
To make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You
just have to care enough to be there.
The Storm Lake Teammates Mentoring Board
PB & J: Pastor Ben & Jesus
For inspirational thoughts during the
week, check out Pastor’s blog at
“LIKE” our page to follow our events, see
photos and stay connected
- Church Directory
Church Telephone 712-732-5255
Office Open: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Pastor Ben McIntire – 712-299-1795 ben.mcintire.rev@wisynod.org
Kandiss Anderson, Director of Faith Formation, kandi.anderson@wisynod.org
Jane Hartwell, Administrative Assistant – stmark@iw.net
Brenda Newell – Custodian
MARCH MUNCHING FOR MISSIONS hosted by the Social Ministry
Board raised $708.68 for World Hunger.
MUNCHING FOR MISSIONS will be hosted by the newly formed Damascus Road Re-entry Team and the Fellowship Board on April 11th &
12th. Offering will go to the Damascus Road Re-entry Team.
MEALS ON WHEELS: St. Mark is delivering Meals on Wheels the month of
April. If you would like to help out with this, please see the sign up sheet on
the round table in the entrance of the church.
RIDES TO WEDNESDAY EVENING CHURCH: If you would like a ride to the
WELL on Wednesday evening, please call the church office 732-5255. Starting
April 8th, rides will be available to anyone who would like one.
BAPTISMS: Jay Newcomb and Micah David Naslund were baptized during
worship services the weekend of March 14 & 15. Welcome to God’s Family.
TRANSFER: Doris Harvey has transferred to St. Mark from Our Savior’s,
Rembrandt. Welcome to St. Mark Doris.
April is Month of the Young Child & Child Abuse Prevention Month
In 2014, LSI’s early childhood programs made more than 14,900 home visits to Iowa families with
infants, toddlers and preschoolers. These programs help parents learn about child development,
parenting strategies and community resources, and they can also help reduce some of the risk
factors that may lead to child abuse or neglect, such as critical stress. LSI often partners with parents who grew up in unstable home environments and desire to give their own children a different
quality of life. Your support helps our youngest Iowans grow up healthy and safe!
LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA). Learn more at www.LSIowa.org and www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.
A New Parenting Path
When Kalee became a young mom in high school, she knew exactly what kind of parent she didn’t
want to be.
“My childhood was very different,” she said. “There was a lot of miscommunication on all levels
and yelling all the time. I had a lot of trouble growing up, and I didn’t want my kids to go through
Instead, Kalee and her partner Shane are finding their own parenting style, thanks to some support from LSI’s Families Together program. Families Together is a voluntary home visitation program that offers families parenting education, community resources, support and more.
“Kalee and Shane are so much fun to work with,” said Gaylene, an LSI caseworker. “They are very
good parents. They just needed a little more confidence in their skills.”
For example, the family learned new communication tips to use with their son Gabe, age 4.
“Before we started the program, Shane and I fought a lot about different parenting styles,” Kalee
said. “We would get frustrated when we couldn’t get Gabe to understand what we wanted him to
do. We learned how to talk to him better, and now we’re on the same page.”
Through Families Together, LSI can partner with families at any time from before their child is born
up to age 18. On average, an LSI caseworker will meet with a family for 10 – 12 months. That approach, which builds trust and relationships, is comforting, Kalee said.
“Gaylene feels like a part of our family,” Kalee said. “Gabe always asks when she’s coming. Having her here also helped prepare Gabe for school.”
Kalee hopes her two children will grow up happier than she was, she said.
“I don’t think it will be as much of a struggle for them to succeed,” she said. “They will feel more
secure and loved than I felt growing up.”