ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE Issue 3 Principal : Ms Ana Rees PO Box 378 Robinvale Vic 3549 Phone : 03) 50263704 email : “The Grapevine” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE “OFFICE HOURS” 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday 27TH MARCH, 2015 “Once you have a clear picture of your priorities – that is your values, goals and high leverage activities, organise around them.” ~ Stephen Covey SEL Theme – Term 2, 2015 – “Organisation” Calendar of Events…… 27th..Last Day – Term 1 – 2.15pm Finish 13th..Term 2 Commences 24th & 25th..Camp Gallipoli – Melbourne 27th ..Pupil Free Day – Mallee Cluster PD th 28 & 29th..REACH Workshops 7th..Cross Country 12th, 13th & 14th..NAPLAN 15th..Mallee Division Secondary Cross Country 27th..Immunizations – Years 9 & 10 / Catch-ups – Years 7 & 8 9th..Queen’s Birthday Holiday 17th..College Photo Day 22nd to 26th..Year 7 Camp – 15 Mile Creek Be on time. Have all the materials, books, pens and other equipment you need ready for the lesson. Remain on task. Be prepared for class. Manage your time. Set goals. Be neat and tidy. Using time well. Understand and set your goals. ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 Principal’s Report We come to the end of a very short first term during which our staff and students have had a busy calendar of activities that have established the start of our academic and extra-curricular programs. We have established our College-wide social emotional learning program with the theme of Getting Along and move onto Organisation as next term’s theme. There have been many highlights this term. We have established the Quick Smart program from which we already have evidence of the benefits of this targeted, personalised approach. In particular the growth in learning confidence has been enormous, allowing students to participate more successfully in the classroom. Another highlight for us was the acknowledgement of our Citizens of the Year, Mr Siosiua Taumoefolau and Rebecca Conner by the Mayor and CEO of the Swan Hill Rural City Council during their visit to the College on Wednesday, 11th March. Mr Adamson is pictured with Mr Taumoefolau (below) after listening to a very enjoyable performance by the P12 Community Brass Band on the deck located at the Community Garden. 2 these this week is the Biggest Boot Camp Challenge fundraiser for cancer. We had students out of uniform in their pink and green providing a gold coin donation. We were also lucky to get a taste of what’s to come on Sunday with the personal trainers conducting a mini boot camp for our students. Thanks to Rebel Burkinshaw and her team for her organisation of this important community initiative in support of Olivia and Dani. I would finally like to wish all our students, staff and families a safe holiday and best wishes for Easter. Ana Rees Ms Ana Rees, Principal. Social & Emotional Learning (SEL Program This year has seen the launch of the Robinvale P-12 College Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Program. Social & Emotional Learning is the process through which we learn to recognise and manage emotions, care about others, make good decisions and behave ethically and responsibly, develop positive relationships and avoid negative behaviours. Beginning with Getting Along, students and teachers have been working hard at building relationships in their new classes and learning more about what it means to get along with and care about others. Organisation will be the main focus for Term 2, encouraging students to be on time, have all materials ready for class and to set goals for their own learning. Term 1 was a huge success and we are looking forward to a very energetic and organised Term 2. Prep to Year 4 Learning Community News Many thanks to our parents for the many ways in which you have given your support this term: having your children organised for school, reading at home with your children, attending our Swimming Carnival and Assemblies, encouraging and preparing your children to participate in camps and excursions and so forth. I encourage parents to contact the College whenever you wish to get feedback on how your child is progressing; our teachers are happy to help. The College is proud to have staff and students contributing to community activities and one of Weekly Award Winners 13th March, 2015 00A – Tyson Mumford – Getting Along 00B – Jasmine Morris – Confidence / Lailani Lee – Getting Along / Viua Taimani – Getting Along 12A – Ruby Hingano – Getting Along 12B – Rhianna Smith – Resilience 23C – Breanna McMonnies – Getting Along 34A – Emmanuel Fanua – Getting Along 34B – Djaran Kennedy – Getting Along “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 3 20th March, 2015 00A – Jarrod Johnson – Getting Along 00B – Kim Le – Getting Along 12A – Mathew Peniongo – Getting Along 12B – Kalliyan Krak – Getting Along Lake Cullulleraine Camp Last Wednesday, 18th March we left school with 43 students from Mr. Walsh’s, Mrs. Hazel’s and Mrs. Lal’s class. Thanks to the supervisors, Brad and Damion, also the teachers, Mrs. Hazel, Mrs. Lal and Mr O’Toole. We definitely had… FUN! ! ! Kayaking Water Sports Photo Trail Swimming T-Shirt Painting Kitchen Duty Team Games Concert Quiz Night Competition Results! Race of Amazingness won by Faith! Cup Stacking won by Baylea! T-Shirt Painting and Cat Walk - Paris and Frankie! 3/4 Camp Team won by Rascals! Second place - Scalywags! Third place - Scoundrels! Fourth place - Rapscallions! Fifth place - Pranksters! Thank you Frank for driving us to Lake Cullulleraine! By : Charlotte & Milly. Rotary Award Winner – Term 1, 2015 “Kaden McMonnies” Kaden has a friendly nature and is a very wellmannered student. He is always welcoming and helpful to staff and his classmates, inside the classroom and also in the playground. Kaden is also involved in many outside of school activities. Including basketball Aussie Hoops Well done Kaden and congratulations! “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 4 If you are interested in joining the Robinvale P-12 College - Chess Club please see Mr Nguyen for further details. Hope Progam Instrumental Music News Students participating in our 2015 Instrumental Music Program are reminded that the subsidized fee of $120 is due for payment by Friday, 27th March (today). The Instrumental Music Permission Form (completed at the start of the year) advises students of the following:‘Students who sign up for music lessons are making a number of commitments: Involvement in the lessons for the full year Participating in lessons Ensuring that all work missed from the scheduled classes is caught up Eventual involvement in College ensembles – eg Concert Band Classroom teachers / Learning Coaches reserve the right to refuse a student to attend Instrumental Music classes if they are not up-to-date in their School work. If you require any further information regarding our Instrumental Music Program please do not hesitate to contact Mr Pay at the College. Stephen Pay, Instrumental Music Program Co-ordinator. Select Harvest Visit Last Wednesday 4th March, 47 of our Year 10 students set off for the very first time to have a look through Select Harvests in full harvest mode. This excursion was pre-planned in late 2014 as Select Harvests wanted the students to see the whole operation at its busiest. After a couple of date re-schedules due to the almonds not being ready to harvest we set off on what was to be a really interesting day. The students were split into 2 groups for the day. One group went through the farm process including irrigation, maintenance, harvesting etc, whilst the other group rotated between HR, Warehouse, Production and Stockpad/Weighbridge. Select Harvests provided a bbq lunch and in the afternoon the groups swapped over. The Robinvale P-12 College would like to Chess Club acknowledge the extensive work to enable this excursion conducted by Sandra Kitt and Trish Handy. Many of the Select Harvest employees gave up their valuable time to show our students every aspect of Select Harvests and the vast career opportunities Mr Nguyen, with enough interest from students, available. The students along with the teachers hopes to start a Chess Club, commencing at the came back from the trip with a whole new view of beginning of Term 2. what actually goes on out at the Almond Farms. “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 5 Some of the comments from students….. “Really interesting, not what I thought.” “I wasn’t aware about all the other areas, especially the engineering and maintenance.” “The setup is big and the almond drying process was something I hadn’t seen before.” “I liked how the almonds were cleaned, shelled and sorted in the factory.” “There were heaps of different jobs.” From all reports the day was a huge success and the partnership between Select Harvests and the Robinvale P-12 College will continue with 8 students selected to participate in a Work Inspiration program to continue in Term 2. Paddock to Plate Filming Last Tuesday 17th April was a Pupil Free Day for our students, however 3 students accompanied by Julie Kelly, were fortunate enough to attend the filming of Paddock to Plate (schools program) out at Select Harvests’ Lake Powell Farm. The film crew, along with their producer, arrived from Melbourne at lunchtime and were straight into filming the harvest that was taking place on farm. Special thanks must go to those students Tahlia Cox, Sofaia Waqalevu and Mary Fangatua who came to school on their own time to watch the team film. Thanks to Select Harvest for enabling the students to become involved. Pictured (from left to right) : Louise Fitzroy (Producer), Tahlia Cox, Tim Joiner (Cameraman), Mary Fangatua, Sofaia Waqalevu, Mike Joiner (Assistant), Bruce Van Twest (General Manager of Processing), Aaron Bailey (Farm Manager) “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 6 Pictured Above : Guitar Chaiwan, Connor Wescombe, Latu Tuiaki, Sione Akauola, Talia Hingano, Dallas Togo-Singh Whole School Assembly & Living In Harmony Celebrations Work Inspiration A few weeks ago all our Year 10s were taken through every aspect of Select Harvests and their operations at Wemen and Lake Powell. From that, a select group of students who have shown interest will now take part in the 8 week Work Inspiration program. Work Inspiration will commence the first week of Term 2 on Thursday, 16th April and finish on Thursday, 4th June. This program is designed to show our students all the Career opportunities available to them right here on the doorstep of Robinvale. Select Harvests have joined with the Robinvale P-12 College to show the students in more depth over an 8 week period every aspect of the Almond Industry and its processes. Each student will have a designated supervisor and they will experience working conditions as if they are real employees. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience being a part of big industry and experiencing real work life. We will have updates throughout the term about the progress of the boys. Pictured Left : Guitar Chaiwan, Connor Wescombe, Latu Tuiaki, Sione Akauola, Talia Hingano, Dallas Togo-Singh “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 7 During this week staff and students have celebrated Harmony Week with a wide-range of activities. At Monday morning’s whole-School Assembly we recognized the many different cultures we have in Robinvale. We also acknowledged the wonderful work by a number of our students who were presented with ‘Getting Along’ and ‘Student of the Month’ Awards. Every recess this week we have had multicultural music playing over the PA system – from French, Sri Lankan, Italian, Indian (Bollywood) and Greek. On Wednesday the students in our Year 9 Program cooked a variety of sausages for students to try. Those students who were dressed in ‘cultural dress’ received a free sausage. Performers from the Stride Program entertained us all during lunch on Wednesday with the Brass Band playing a number of tunes to an enthusiastic audience on Thursday. Thanks to the Members of the Events Committee for organizing our ‘Living in Harmony Week’ celebrations. Getting Along and Student of the Month Award Recipients… Prep to Year 4 Learning Community… 00B - Getting Along – Vilivaka Filimone Award of Excellence – Cherry Foreman 12A - Getting Along – Ruby Hingano Award of Excellence – Jade Cramp 12B - Getting Along – Joseph Kirirua-Gill 34A - Getting Along – Jovi Duvuloco Award of Excellence – Milly Mitchell 34B - Getting Along – Mary-anne Le Award of Excellence – Kira Leslie Living In Harmony Week Celebrations Years 5-8 Learning Community… 56A - Getting Along – Sarah Parker Award of Excellence – Thao Huynh 56B - Getting Along – Russell Absalom Award of Excellence – Kacey Forbes 56C - Getting Along – Kate Murray Award of Excellence – Raffaela Crispo 07A - Getting Along – Noah Handy Award of Excellence – Bailey Aplin 08A - Getting Along – Sulaxshan Chandranathan Award of Excellence – Melissa Tep “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 8 Years 9-12 Learning Community… Getting Along – Mone Fuavao, Kar Boon Chang, Guitar Chaiwan, Geraldine Mezzatesta and Naomi Daukuro. Awards of Excellence – Chloe Katis, Anthony Trinh, Sandie Peniongo, Chloe Heeps, Connor Wescombe, Tusi Funaki, Sonia Cardin-Haw and Indy Mannix. Useful Internet Links For Parents “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” ROBINVALE P-12 COLLEGE | Issue 5 March, 2015 Year 7 and 8 Mathematics 2015 Information for Parents: Resources and Homework This year, we have adopted the Pearson textbook series for Mathematics in Years 7 and 8. On the inside back cover of the student textbook is a digital access code that can be activated to provide extra digital online content. This content includes a digital version of the text. It includes videos of a teacher presenting each worked example, other content-related videos, interactive lessons, games and quizzes. In addition, a pdf version of the text is available to download for off-line access to the text. In addition to this text, teachers use Mathletics, which is an online program available to students at any time, on any device - To assist Parents in helping their children with Maths and to provide a virtual tutor, each student also has access to Maths Online. These are short video lessons presented by a teacher on most topics in the Maths curriculum from Prep to Year 12. They are organised by Year Level, area of study and topic. Each topic is divided into a number of lessons. Visit Your student should have written down their username and password for each of these resources in their Maths work book. Homework time in Maths varies with a student’s existing skills and current learning goals. In general, the teacher designs one to two hours of homework a week with some work set for the term breaks during the academic year. Class time missed for any reason, is expected to be caught up as additional homework. (There are School procedures to cater for extended illness.) Students who do not complete sufficient work during class time will add to their homework load. In some cases, the teacher and/or Co-ordinator will enforce a lunch-time or after school work detention. Students may also be moved within the classroom to minimise the distractions that affect their work pace. Maths homework is best done in frequent sessions, less than 30 minutes duration, in a space with few distractions. Some students prefer a target oriented approach where they, their teacher, or you as a parent, set a goal and they work until the task is completed. An excel spreadsheet outlining a full Maths Online tutorial program for each year of Maths from Prep to Year 10 Advanced is available to download from “To develop learners’ skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to determine a successful future.” 9
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