MARRIAGE and CIVIL PARTNERSHIP Fees from 1st April 2015 Provisional Booking Fee - Provisional booking fee for a ceremony taking place in Blackpool (Non refundable) Giving Notice - Give Notice (per person) - To attend the residence of a housebound person in order to Give Notice (Notice fee is extra) - To attend the residence of a detained person in order to Give Notice (Notice fee is extra) - Application to shorten the waiting period for a Registrar General’s Licence (per person) £ 40.00 35.00 46.00 67.00 28.00 The Wedding Chapel – Ceremony Fees Tower View Room - Total party not to exceed 75 people Daytime Ceremonies - 10am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm & 5pm - Monday to Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday & Bank Holiday 210.00 260.00 300.00 315.00 Tower View Room - Total party not to exceed 75 people Evening Ceremonies - 6pm, 7pm & 8pm - Thursday - Friday - Saturday 230.00 280.00 320.00 Sea View Room - Total party not to exceed 12 people Daytime Ceremonies - 10am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm & 5pm - Monday to Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday & Bank Holiday 115.00 205.00 245.00 275.00 Register Office Room – Couple plus two witnesses only – 9am, 10am, 11am & 12noon Monday to Thursday 45.00 The Town Hall - combined fee for Registrars attendance and venue hire - Monday to Thursday - Friday - Saturday 300.00 365.00 420.00 Certificate Fees - Certified copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificate at time of registration - Certified copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificate after time of registration ( 5 Day Service ) - Certified copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificate after time of registration ( Same Day Service ) - Commemorative certificate Dawn Titherington Registration Manager/ Superintendent Registrar The Wedding Chapel People’s Promenade Blackpool. FY1 1AP Contact T: (01253) 477 177 F: (01253) 477 195 Email: 4.00 10.00 28.00 8.00 Marriage or Civil Partnership Ceremony Fees or Signing of Civil Partnership Register at: An Approved Venue – Single Ceremony – latest ceremony starting at 5pm - Monday to Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday & Bank Holiday 285.00 335.00 375.00 390.00 An Approved Venue – Single Ceremony – 6pm, 7pm & 8pm - Thursday - Friday - Saturday 305.00 355.00 395.00 Fees for attending a marriage or civil partnership elsewhere Registrars Fees - To attend a marriage or civil partnership in a Registered Building - To attend a marriage or civil partnership at the residence of a housebound person - To attend a marriage or civil partnership at the residence of a detained person 84.00 79.00 86.00 Superintendent Registrars Fees - To attend a marriage or civil partnership at the residence of a housebound person - To attend a marriage or civil partnership at the residence of a detained person 82.00 93.00 Please note: st 1. All fees are subject to change on the 1 April of every year. 2. If the time you require for your ceremony falls outside of the hours specified above eg before midnight on New Year’s Eve or during the Illuminations, then please contact us. We will consider any time and can provide a costing for your unique ceremony. Dawn Titherington Registration Manager/ Superintendent Registrar The Wedding Chapel People’s Promenade Blackpool. FY1 1AP Contact T: (01253) 477 177 F: (01253) 477 195 Email:
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