Grizzly Growl - Fairhaven Middle School

Mar. 27, 2015
110 Park Ridge Rd
Bellingham WA 98226
647-6876 or 676-6450 ext 1#
676-6450 ext 2#
676-6450 ext 3#
Main Office
676-6450 ext 4#
School doors open
8:45 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
First bell rings
9:10 a.m.
Late bell rings
9:15 a.m.
11:54–12:24 p.m.
12:28—12:58 p.m.
12:58—1:28 p.m.
Table of Contents
(ctrl & click on any green underlined word will take you to that
Drop Off/Pick Up Reminders
Events Calendar
8th grade Service Learning
Happy Days Play
Lost & Found Reminder
Sports Registration
Summer Opportunities
Dear FMS Families,
This spring, Bellingham Public Schools will be giving a new state test called the Smarter Balanced Assessments that will affect students in grades 3 - 11. Eighth grade students will take the Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) in science in addition to
Smarter Balanced.
Cross Country-All grades Football and Girls Basketball-7th & 8th ONLY
Now is the time to register for spring sports for Cross Country, Football and Girls Basketball.
The sports deadline for making payments is April 3, BEFORE Spring Break. All spring sports
will start on Monday, April 13th. All details and required forms are available from the FMS
website, under the Activities & Athletics tab or in the main office.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have already participated in a previous sport this school year
then you ONLY NEED TO PAY the Sports fee before the April 3 deadline.
It is very important that you and your parent sign and date each form, sometimes in more than
one location. We need to confirm that you have insurance, and completed an emergency contact name and phone number. Your Sports Physical also needs to be signed and dated by your
Dr. or family Physician. Sports Physicals are valid for 24 months.
Parents dropping students off in the morning for clubs, please do not use the upper
parking lot to drop off. Please drop your students in front of the building by the stairs
below the upper parking lot. They can easily walk up the stairs to the door to enter
the building.
Parents dropping off or picking up students after school, please remember to pull all
the way forward to the end of the drive and please do not block the crosswalk. We
want our students to feel safe walking home.
This alleviates a tremendous amount of congestion for staff trying to park in the mornings and for parents dropping off and picking up students. Thank you for your help with this.
6th Grade Girls
Beginning after
Spring Break,6th grade
girls are welcome to
come play intra-mural
basketball in the gym
before school, from
8-9 am, Monday,
Tuesday,Thursday and
Remember SCRIP
is still
available! We have lots of Woods Coffee and
Pizzazza cards available. To order contact
Deanne Kanenaga at or go online go to the FMS
PTSA website
fmsptsa/ Just click the order SCRIP here link
and it takes you to the form. There are paper
forms in the front office at FMS as well.
Materials needed for Compass Classes:
Lost and Found
at FMS... is
All Lost & Found items not claimed
by 4pm on Friday, April 3rd, will be donated, so
please encourage your student to check for any
missing items. Lost and Found items are located
on the left, just inside the main entry of the
school. A perfect opportunity for both parents
and students to look thru and claim them will be
either The Evening of the Arts,
April 2nd and Happy Days performances’ April 1st & 2nd!
Thank you!
Spring is right around the corner and many of you are
cleaning through your house. The Compass team at
Fairhaven Middle School would love some of your old
stuff. We will have a big art project coming up in May
and are collecting the following items: buttons, construction paper, ALTOID tins, small fake flowers,
stickers, any unused crafting supplies for scrapbooking.
If you have something that we may be
able to use but it wasn’t listed. Call
Tanya Peckler at 360-676-6450 x.
4659 or email her at
Thanks so much for your support!
Wrestler Auction & Alumni Duel
FMS Cross Country season begins April 22nd.
With the exception of that first week, practices
Friday April 3rd, 2015
will be four days a week, excepting Thursdays.
At Bellingham High School
Meets are scheduled for Wednesdays. There
will be one meet in May on a Tuesday. More
Dinner and Silent Auction—6:00 pm
on that later. The focus of our program at FMS
Live Auction & Alumni Duel—7:30pm
will be on teaching your child not only how to
In need of some help around the house?Help us send our wrestlers to
be a better runner—but also on how to work
camp by putting them to work! Now is your chance to bid on a pair of hard
with the mind to enhance all aspects of life. The
working wrestlers. But, that’s not all! We will also be hosting the first ever
program is low-key, low stakes, low pressure.
Whatcom County Alumni Duel.
We can work with anyone no matter their abilEnjoy Dinner and a Duel—$15/pp
ity and interest level—as long as they are willTickets on Sale now!
ing to do ‘the work.’ Practices will comprise of
call (360) 676-5006 or email
drill work centered around creating functional
strength and proprioceptive mobility—that is
To view the duel line up please join our facebook event at:
teaching the mind to contextually get better at
doing the movements the body must do to run
most efficiently. The run part of practice—will
take us off campus on most days—from BouleTRIVIA
vard Park, The Hundred Acre Woods—Arroyo
1. Mosquitoes have teeth. True or False
Park, Marine Park, and Fairhaven Park. We aim
to create the most positive, caring, nurturing
2. A sneeze flies out of your mouth at over
True or False
and inspirational climate possible—while also
further educating your child on related aspects 3. Penquins can jump as hi8gh as six feet in the air. True or False
of mind and body health.
4. If the month starts on a Sunday, it will have a Friday the 13th.
True or False
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5.
5. A wind with a speed of 74
Service Learning
Eighth Graders Serving the Community
This winter, all eighth graders at Fairhaven Middle School have been engaged in various service learning
projects in our community. This collaborative learning experience has paired over 240 eighth grade students with
over 60 parent volunteers and Western Washington University pre-service teachers at 30 community sites.
Prior to working on site, students chose a service category in which they would like to participate. These
categories included environment, youth, elderly, and social services. Students researched their service category
through various current event assignments. Next, students worked to fulfill a specific need at their community sites
on five different Fridays for a two-hour block of time. Each week they reflected about these experiences through
several journal reflection questions that they discussed about in small groups.
Now that the service learning projects are coming to an end, students will be considering a change they
would like to see made by writing a bill for our Mock Congress related to their service category.
It is evident that our students have benefited from this experience in diverse ways, including exploring their roles
in the community and expressing their civic responsibilities. This service learning project would not have been
possible without our parent volunteers, WWU pre-service teachers, and our community partners. Our 8 th grade
teachers would like to formally recognize their participation.
Parent Volunteers and WWU Pre-Service Teachers
Elizabeth Henry
Lisa Moulds
Elke Incantalupo
Andrea Dickerson
Sarah Rose
Taraleen Rosen
Erika Palmer
Sonja Duncan
Leslie Burns-Grondin
Gail MacDonald
Mark Weathers
Laura Henkel
Sarah Wakeling
Jane Dieveney-Hinkle
Krista Morrow
Kris Smith
Karrie Keenan
Pat MacDonald
Tracy Cereghino
Lena Anders
Wha Kim
Carol Johnston
Taylor Hope
Kerry Day-Krusniak
Kierin Lund
Bret Simmons
Denise Gunn
Trina Williams
Nancy Cullinane
Kai Farrar
Tye Hulford
Carrie Lanham
Melana Sandeno
Genevieve Delisle
Sean Wilson
Maggie Meader
Marnie Hansen
Quenby Peterson
Elisa Barbone
Robin Lancaste
Cindy Antico
Wendy Keneipp
Diana Jacobs
Andy Romanyshyn
Heather Baker
Luke van’t Hoog
Annie Harris
Whitney Frazier
Heather Capristo
Amy Gould
Michael Karb
Rich Hoyle
Haley Anderson
Community Sites
Summit Place
Salvation Army
Geneva Elementary
Sunnyland Elementary
Wade King Elementary
Happy Valley Elementary
Little Epistles Preschool
Lowell Elementary
Sunnyland Preschool
Highgate Convalescent Center
North Cascades
The Willows
Columbia Elementary
Bellingham Health Care
Rosewood Villa
Alderwood Park
Nooksack Salmon Enhancement
Children’s Co-op Preschool
Highland Convalescent
Lighthouse Mission-Drop In Center
WMBC Senior Center
Larrabee Elementary
Barkley YMCA
Woodway Senior Ctr
Little Darling School
Carl Cozier
Mt. Baker Care Center
Bellingham Parks and Rec.
St. Francis
Summer Opportunities:
The Ecology Youth Corps
The Ecology Youth Corps (EYC) is looking for hard working teens who want to help clean
the environment and earn money this summer! The EYC has been hiring teens for over forty years and is state government’s largest youth employment program.
Teens must be between the ages of 14 and 17 years old on the first day of employment.
EYC has no income, academic or previous work experience requirements.
For more information or PDF versions of the application and reference forms, please visit
http://www/ or visit the student services office
department for applications. Application deadline: April 10, 2015
2015 Enrichment Scholarship Program
The Assistance League of Bellingham Enrichment Scholarship funds the tuition for a qualifying summer enrichment program or camp ($500 for grade 6-8/ $1000 for grade 9-11).
The Assistance League does not offer or suggest a list of summer camps.
If you are in grades 6-11, and going to attend a summer camp or summer program this
year, then consider the Assistance League of Bellingham’s Summer Enrichment Scholarship!
You may win up to $500 (middle school) or $1000 (high school) towards tuition for U.S.
based summer camps and programs in a wide range of qualifying subjects. The specific
summer program is up to the individual student. The AL will help scholarship awardees
with the cost of tuition, providing the camp qualifies. Qualifying programs do NOT include
sports camps, programs involving foreign travel, private lessons, or religious studies. Programs which do qualify include a wide range of possible subjects including debate, chess,
orchestra, band, dance, robotics, theater, writing, art, leadership, ecology studies and more.
Students may apply for only one scholarship per year. Previous years’ awardees may apply
again. Relatives of ALB members are not eligible
Application materials are now available on the ALB at http://; click on the link “our programs” at the left of the page or
visit the student services department for applications. Application deadline: March 20,
GIRLS GO TECH WORKWhat? Fun-filled day of technology including robotics, forensics, computers and a campus scavenger hunt.
Meet Captain Wendy Lawrence, former NASA astronaut!
Where? Whatcom Community College, Syre Student Center
When? April 25, 2015, from 9am to 3pm
Who? Middle school girls PLUS a parent or guardian
Cost: $10.00 (includes 2 lunches and a T-shirt)
Questions? Email or call 360-383-3190 You can also pick up a registration form
from Mrs. Bacon or Mrs. Penner at FMS or visit
The FMS Grizzly DEN Afterschool Study Center Program is open
for all FMS students. DEN is an acronym for Do Everything
Necessary. This program is availablefor all students that need or
want a quiet place to catch up on class assignments, work with a
small group, and receive tutoring help. DEN meets MondayThursday, 3:45 – 5:00 in the FMS school library.
DEN is financially supported by the Brushfire Foundation which has provided the program with an ample supply of drinks and snacks for each student that attends DEN.
DEN has recently acquired three extremely capable Sehome High School student volunteer tutors that are available most days to help support FMS students to achieve academic success.
Please stop by anytime to check it out. Talk with your teacher for more information
about the Grizzly DEN Afterschool Program! The program is monitored by Mrs. Martin, 676-6450 Ext. 4606
PTSA Nominating
Apr 1 - Happy Days Play 7:00 pm
Apr 2 –Happy Days Play 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm
Apr 6 –10 –Spring Break
Apr 14 –Smarter Balance Testing Begins
Apr 15-17 –Future Problem Solvers State Comp.
April 17 –Spirit Assembly 3:05 pm
April 20– Washington DC parent info night 6:30
April 22– Fairhaven READS! 6:30
April 27– 5th Graders visit FMS
April 30– 12:15 Dismissal
May 1– No School/Teacher Workday
May 8- Spirit Assembly 3:00
May 25– No School/Memorial Day
Our PTSA Nominating Committee is
actively seeking candidates to fill open
board positions for next school year. Please
contact Rachel Williams at or Deanne
Kanenaga at for
more information. Participating in the
PTSA board is a great way to know what's
going on at school and to shape PTSA programs and priorities. New perspectives and
ideas are so important!
It’s time for another…
Spring 2015
This is one big book club, made up of kids, adults and good reads. We get together to build community and connections through our discussion of a common book.
Our meeting will be held this spring. Prior to the meeting, participants read the current pick – on
their own or with a friend or family member. Then, we all meet up one evening in the Commons for refreshments, activities, and to share our thoughts about the book. By the end of the night, readers achieve a
greater appreciation for the book and one another!
This spring’s meeting will be held in the Fairhaven Middle School Commons on Wednesday, April
22 , 2015, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
This year’s book is Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson. It is the recipient of both the
National Book Award and Newbery Honor Award.
You can pick one up in our FMS library, your language arts classroom or at a local bookstore.
Mention you part of Fairhaven Reads at Village Books and you’ll receive a 15% discount.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
The PTSA has purchased extra copiers for Fairhaven Middle School, and copies are also available
at the public library. If you want to purchase the book go to Village Books and mention “Fairhaven
READS” for a discount!