THE CALENDAR Expressing the Mission and Ministry of First Baptist Church Chippewa Square Savannah, Georgia Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 9:45 Bible Study 11:00 Worship 12:15 Congregational Luncheon 12:45 Easter Egg Hunt in Orleans Square F IRST THOUGHTS For several weeks now, you have been reading about the promotional video that our church is currently producing for use on our church website. The simple fact of the matter is that our congregation has a lot to overcome from some of the more extreme expressions of the “Baptist” name, among them, the shenanigans of the Southern Baptist Convention, the outright hatred of the Westboro Baptist Church, and the continuing legacy of fundamentalist Jerry Falwell. Ask the average unaffiliated person on the street what they think of when they hear the word “Baptist,” and you get a laundry list of negative impressions. As I say, we have a lot to overcome. The video is being produced by Josh Jasso Films with the assistance of Lauren Colwell and Ginger Heidel. It features a number of our church members explaining what they love about First Baptist Church, why they joined, what keeps them coming week after week, and what makes them most proud about our congregation. In short, the video explains our uniqueness as a congregation to persons outside of our fellowship and some of the ways in which we are “a different kind of Baptist church” than the caricature they may first imagine. We hope that this brief introduction to our congregational life, mission, and ministry will be enough to whet their appetite and to encourage them to visit one of our worship services and try us out. Here is where you come in. Because our corporate worship experience is such a central part of who we are as a church, we want to include scenes of our Sunday morning worship service in this promotional video. We purposely have chosen Palm Sunday and Easter as the two remaining days of filming in order to feature the most comprehensive view of what we do in worship, including congregational singing, our magnificent pipe organ, adult choir, bell choir, children processing with their palm fronds, communion, sermon, prayers, lay readers, scripture lessons, affirmations of faith, and more. Obviously, we need all of you to make this happen in the most compelling way, and especially these next two Sundays. We hope that as members or regular attenders of First Baptist, you will want to help us put our best foot forward in this video through your attendance and enthusiastic participation. Any person who does not wish for their image to be used is free to sit in the balcony, but frankly, we hope that all of you will take part. We encourage everyone to sit “forward” in the sanctuary, to take an active role in the congregational prayers and singing, and not to look directly at the cameras that will be present. As we worship our God together, let’s use this opportunity to invite friends to join us and to reach out to others who would love to be a part of a church like ours if they only knew it. I will look for you this coming Sunday. Hospitalizations Amelia Dreese Hospice Savannah Vreeland George Candler Hospital – Room 686 Maundy Thursday Menu Thursday, April 2, 2015 meatloaf buttered potatoes spinach casserole roll strawberry shortcake Children’s Time on March 29 Lauren Colwell Hospitality Hosts Doug and Tricia Craig Lay Reader on March 29 Phil Campbell March Responsibilities Greeters on March 29 Kee and Seon Kim Audio: J ohn Rabun Greeters: Martha Davis Ordinances: Shirley Allen and Lynn Hadwin Sanctuary: J ohn Thomas Ushers Serving in March Harrell Roberts, captain Glenn Arnsdorff Reed Creaser James Cubbedge Deacons Serving in March Reed Creaser, captain Ann Frech Bill Heard Ginger Heidel Emily Richardson-Dion Les Stull A LENTEN DEVOTION ON CLEARING A PATH...ANXIETY Sometimes our fears and anxieties create the greatest barriers to our being able to clear the pathway to a healthy relationship with God. Our fears often encircle us like dark clouds. We allow them to control our lives and to stunt our personal and spiritual growth. It may seem as if these thoughts are insurmountable. How do we let go? How do we surrender our feelings of fear and worry from their role as our everyday companions? We find ourselves at home in these feelings of darkness. The unknown of what we may encounter on the path to letting go often scares us and halts us in our tracks. We all carry around a fear. Some fears may feel small and some fears may feel all-consuming. We struggle with the fear of moving forward after a great loss. We worry about sharing our heart again after a love leaves. We fear that we aren’t going to be good enough or that we can’t do all that is asked of us. Painfully, we fear that our futures will never improve. During this season of Lent, allow your mind to think of the possible: a love, a life, a new career, or a stronger faith in your God. The process of letting go of fears is not an easy journey. It will include debris blocking your path or even dead ends. However, there is a way through the clutter of our mind and our heart. Draw upon your family, your strengths, your church community, and your faith to help you in facing your fears. Allow yourself to trust. The first step may be to pray about your fears and to speak them aloud. Envision a place without your fear, a place where you feel more free and closer to God. – Jennifer Currin-McCulloch The following persons have birthdays during the month of April: April 1 April 2 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 11 April 13 April 14 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 21 April 22 April 26 April 28 April 29 - James Cubbedge Bettie Hodges - Becky Bolt - John Thomas - Anabelle Malcolm - Whit Davis Hudson Harrison Bill Kleinpeter - Marty Foxx Tom Scholl - Polly Cargill Stramm - Noel Cooper - Howard Pendley - Lynne Davis Winona Pendley - Madeline Cervino - Kami Johnson - Dale Willhite - Brenda Helmly - Charlie Waldrop - Alan Pritchard - Philip Campbell Nathan Finley Richard Lewis FLOWERING OF THE CROSS On Easter Sunday, April 5, you are invited to bring flowers to adorn the cross on the front steps of the sanctuary. Members of the Flower Guild will be present to assist in the placement of the flowers. Wednesday – April 1 No Activities Maundy Thursday – April 2 5:00 p.m. Meal in Lewis Hall 6:00 p.m. Service in Sanctuary Good Friday – April 3 7:00 p.m. Service in Sanctuary Dear Church Family, A thousand thank-yous to all of you. You have been reminding me daily that losing nearly every thing is far from losing everything; I treasure being in community with you. Thank you for the things you have given me and especially for the fellowship with which you surround me. Gratefully yours, Jenni Halpin TASK FORCES – GREETERS This week we are highlighting the Greeters Task Force. Members of the Greeters Task Force stand in the narthex on Sunday mornings to greet people as they enter and exit the sanctuary. They are available to answer questions, welcome newcomers, and connect visitors with others in the congregation. If you would like to welcome others to our church, please consider joining this group. Contact chair Donna Plunkett or staff liaison Kyle Ballantine. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH facing Chippewa Square at 223 Bull Street Offices located behind the sanctuary at 102 West McDonough Street Phone 912-234-2671 Fax 912-236-4493 Email Website Office hours Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 First Baptist Church P.O. Box 9551 Savannah, GA 31412-9551 Address service requested CHURCH STAFF John M. Finley - Senior Minister Lauren E. Colwell - Associate Minister for Spiritual Formation and Families Kyle J. Ballantine - Organist and Choir Director Faye Anderson - Secretary Karen Jerald - Secretary Janice Quarterman - Custodian Bill Roberts - Custodian Vol. 81 The Calendar Lauren Colwell, Editor March 25, 2015 No. 12 Schedule of Activities March 29-April 4, 2015 SUNDAY, March 29 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 12:15 Congregational Luncheon Lewis Hall 12:45 Easter Egg Hunt Orleans Square MONDAY, March 30 10:00 Staff Meeting Conference Room WEDNESDAY, April 1 No Family Night Activities THURSDAY, April 2 5:00 Family Night Meal 6:00 Maundy Thursday Service Sanctuary 7:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal Room 300 FRIDAY, April 3 7:00 Good Friday Service Sanctuary The Worship of God Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 Eleven O’clock Maundy Thursday Service Thursday, April 2 6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Sermon: “One Far Fierce Hour and Sweet” First Lesson: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Second Lesson: Philippians 2:5-11 Gospel Lesson: Mark 11:1-11 Anthem: “Sanctus” by Charles Gounod Good Friday Service Friday, April 3 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Easter Sunday Service Sunday, April 5 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary
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