Current School Newsletter - Carroll County Public Schools

March 2015 Newsletter
Principal: Patricia Reed
Assistant Principal: Tracy Gardner
375 Ronsdale Road
Sykesville, MD 21784
410-751-3280 Fax: 410-751-3285
Notes from the Office
Dear Families,
Is it Spring yet? Students have been practicing and preparing to showcase their talents for
the LSE Talent show this Thursday evening, March 12th at 6:00pm. Ms. Klunk, our new Music
teacher and Mrs. Liveley, LSE parent, have been working together after school managing
acts rehearsing for the big event. We are excited to see all of the talent represented in the
show! We encourage our LSE families to come out and support our students!
As we continue to provide quality instruction despite the weather, we wanted you to be
aware that our new state testing for third to fifth graders will soon be happening. All
students will be tested in ELA and Mathematics using the PARCC assessment, an online,
interactive way for students to display their mastery of Maryland College and Career
Readiness Standards as they progress through school. The online testing will replace paper
and pencil tests and will enable teachers and parents to monitor student progress at
multiple points in a more timely and efficient manner. Students will have “Performance
Based Assessment” (PBA) in March, followed by a shorter “End of Year” (EOY) testing
session in May. The overall testing time is an average of 8.5 hours, divided between the
two subject areas. Rather than multiple choice tests, the PARCC assessment requires
students to show conceptual and critical thinking rather than rote memory tasks. Fifth
grade students will continue to participate in the MSA online Science Assessment next
month. While there is no way to study for these assessments, attendance at school is the
best preparation. Our staff has embraced the new standards, and our baseline
performance on the PARCC assessment will give everyone information about the strengths
and needs of our students. Teachers have taken students to the computer labs to
become familiar with the format of the assessment as well as how to use the interactive
Be sure to talk about the purpose of the assessment with your child. The PARCC
Assessment is an exam designed to test students understanding of the Maryland College
and Career Readiness Standards and compare our students’ performance with schools
across the state and nation. Having your child at school on time helps them prepare for
their day and take the test with their peers. Let your child know it is ok to feel nervous when
taking a test, but to take deep breaths and try to relax so they can do their best. Food is
fuel for the brain. Giving your child a nutritious breakfast helps them function at their best
and gives them energy. Tell your child to do their best on the test to show what they
know. Keeping routines consistent at home help your child feel comfortable so they can
do their best. Getting a good night’s rest will help your child think clearly and be alert
during the test. Encourage your child to listen to the directions, read each passage and
question carefully, read all answer choices, and check their work.
During testing, each child will need to have access to his/her own headphones. Please
send in a pair of headphones in a plastic zip lock bag labeled with your child’s first and
last name, and homeroom teacher’s name. If you do not have headphones, please send
a note to your child’s teacher and headphones will be provided.
Your child can go to to review practice items for the PARCC
assessment. Your child has had the opportunity to practice these items in their Humanities
and STEM classes. It would also benefit your child to practice using virtual manipulatives.
Utilize the PARCC sites provided by the county found on the county’s webpage.
If you have any questions or concerns related to the PARCC Assessment, please let Mrs.
Gardner or myself know.
Please remember that our Spring Break has been adjusted due to the weather this year.
School will now be in session all day on Friday March 27th and Monday, March 30th.
Tuesday, March 31st will be an early dismissal day and Wednesday, April 1st will begin
Spring Break. We have already added a day to the end of the school year. If we have
any additional “snow days” this year, our Superintendent, Mr. Guthrie will request a waiver
from the state.
Thank you for your support!
Pat Reed
Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016 School Year
March 16th to March 20th, 2015 – 9:00am – 2:30pm
Wednesday, March 18th – 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Who is eligible to register for Kindergarten?
Students are eligible to attend CCPS if the student resides in Carroll County on a full time
basis with their custodial parent or court appointed legal guardian.
****** A student must be five years old on or before Sept.1st 2015 to enroll in
In limited and specific circumstances a kindergarten student may be eligible for an early
entrance or a delayed entrance into kindergarten. Please see the Student Services
Manual on the county website: Section I, and Section IV for more information.
What school will my child attend?
Each school serves a particular community. To determine what school serves a specific
address, you can check the Carroll County Public School Website or contact the
Transportation Department at 410-751-3229.
Who can enroll a child in school?
Only the biological parent, custodial parent, or court appointed legal guardian may enroll
a child in school. A step parent, other relative, or non-relative shall not enroll a child. If
you are the non-custodial parent, you must have a notarized statement from the custodial
parent granting permission for the child to live with you, as well as, grant permission for you
to enroll the child in school and make educational/medical decisions for the child. If you
are not the biological/custodial parent or court appointed legal guardian, contact the
Student Services Department at 410-751-3120 to inquire about enrolling a student.
Where and when do I register my child for school?
Kindergarten registration will take place at Linton Springs during the week of March 16th to
the 20nd 2015 from 9:00am to 2:30pm and Wednesday, March 18th from 3:30 to 6:30pm.
You will need to personally appear to register your child, complete an enrollment form,
and other required documentation. You will need to bring proof of age, proof of
residency. Proof of immunizations will need to be submitted by August 7, 2015.
What documents are required to enroll a child in school?
All students must have legal proof of age and proof of residency. Proof of immunizations
will be required by August 7, 2015. See below for acceptable documents
Proof of Age- One of the following documents, listed in order of preference, must be
provided. The original document must be presented and a copy will be made.
Birth certificate
Birth registration notice
Physician’s certificate-signed statement by physician or midwife in attendance at
birth as to the date shown on their records.
Baptismal or church certification
Hospital certificate – gives child’s full name, parent’s(s) name, DOB, signed by
Official school record
Official court document indicating child’s birth date
Parent’s affidavit – must be approved by the school’s Pupil Personnel Worker.
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Student Services
Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
Proof of Residency- One of the following documents must be provided.
SIGNED Lease/Rental Agreement on a home/apartment in which the parent/legal
guardian is currently residing (expired lease is not acceptable
Current Rent Receipt *
Recent Bill for a service delivered to the residence (e.g., BGE, land-line phone,
cable, oil, water) *
Mortgage Statement/Bill *
SIGNED Settlement Document
Property Tax Bill from the current fiscal year indicating “Primary Residence”
Deed (must show house number, street name and name of parent/legal guardian)
Residence Verification Statement accompanied by an acceptable proof of
residency for the owner/ lessee of the property.
Real Property Data Search Report listing parent/guardian name and "principal
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Student Services
Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
PROOF OF IMMUNIZATION- You must provide one of the following documents by
AUGUST 7th, 2015:
Acceptable proofs of immunizations are any of the following:
Clinic record or Physician Office record
DHMH 896 (Immunization Record for the State of Maryland)
Other State Official Immunization records
Official School Records
All of these records MUST be signed by an authorized person. Parent signatures are
not acceptable. Personal/Family "Baby Books" are not acceptable/official records.
The school nurse will review the record to determine if your child's immunizations meet
current requirements.
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Student Services
Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
Refrigerator Page
Early Dismissal Days – Early dismissal days are planned days throughout the school year. Don’t
let them creep up on you and find yourself at a loss for daycare or for someone to meet your
child at the bus stop. Put these dates on your calendar now, and also let your daycare provider
2014 – 2015 Early Dismissal Days:
March 27th
March 9th – March 13th – Book Fair Preview Week
March 11th – Kindergarten Field Trip – Eldersburg Library
March 16th – March 20th – Book Fair Buying Week
March 16th – March 20th – Kindergarten Registration Week – 9:00AM – 2:30PM
March 18th – Kindergarten Registration Evening hours – 3:30PM – 6:30PM
March 18th – 1st Grade Field Trip – Chesapeake Arts Center – 9:15AM – 12:45PM
March 19th – Family Literacy Night – 4:00PM – 7:30PM
March 19th – Spelling Bee – 5:00PM – 8:00PM
March 23rd – 27th – Vision and Hearing Screening – All students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 4th and
teacher and parent referrals
March 31st – Early Dismissal
April 1st – April 6th – Spring Break
April 7th – Return to School
Volunteers are divided into two groups:
Level 1 Volunteers:
Description – Activity takes place under direct supervision of a CCPS staff member and/or involves no solitary student
contact. Activity takes place with a large group of students (twenty or more) at one time for a short period of time.
Examples include, but are not limited to: guest speakers/presenter/readers, event ticket collectors and concession stand
operators. Requirement Checklist: 1) Annually register by completing a Volunteer Information form (only one per
school year). 2) Sign in when you arrive to volunteer so your service will be credited to our location, and sign our
before leaving. #) Wear volunteer identification lanyard with badge.
Level II Volunteers:
Description – Activity takes place under direct or limited supervision of a CCPS staff member or there is unsupervised
time with students. Examples include, but are not limited to: classroom helpers, tutors, chaperones, and mentors.
Requirement Checklist: 1) Attend annual volunteer training at least seven (7) school days prior to volunteering to
allow time for the screening process and data entry. School days are defined as days when schools are open for
students. Additional school days may be required to complete the screening process. 2) Complete a volunteer
information form (both sides) 3) Sign in when you arrive to volunteer so your service will be credited to our location
and sign out before leaving to avoid difficulties when volunteering at the same site or at other schools.
If you would like to be a volunteer, you can attend any training session offered for Carroll County Public Schools. The
CCPS website ( has a complete listing of Volunteer Training Sessions.
Upcoming Volunteer Trainings:
March 11th – Piney Ridge Elementary – 6:30PM
March 18th – Eldersburg Elementary – 5:00PM
March 18th – Mechanicsville Elementary – 6:15PM
April 7th – Mechanicsville Elementary – 10:45AM
April 9th – Robert Moton Elementary – 6:00PM
April 13th – Eldersburg Elementary – 5:00PM
April 14th – Piney Ridge Elementary – 6:30PM
April 22nd – Board of Education – 10:00AM
Board of Education – 6:00PM
Contacting your child’s Teacher
Phone calls – If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please try to call them during their
planning time. Sometimes it may be necessary for you to speak with them first thing in the
morning, but please try to keep morning calls to a minimum. The following is a list of the planning
times for each grade:
Kindergarten – 12:05 – 1:05pm
1st Grade – 1:05 – 2:05pm
2nd Grade – 2:05 – 3:05pm
3rd Grade – 8:35 – 9:35am
4th Grade – 9:35 – 10:35am
5th Grade – 10:35 – 11:35am
Attendance Guidelines
Below are listed the definitions and timelines that will be used to determine a student’s attendance:
Present Full Day:
In attendance for four hours or more of the school day.
Absent Half Day:
In attendance for at least two hours of the school day, but less than four hours.
Absent Full Day:
In attendance for less than two hours.
Please contact the school office at 410-751-3280 before 9:00am to request homework.
Absences are considered unexcused if a note is not received within 5 days. When sending in a note,
please have the child’s first and last name, teachers name and dates absent, and the reason for the
absence. You may also send absence notes to
Inclement Weather Policy – In the event that it becomes necessary to close schools for the entire
day because of inclement weather (snow or heat), the announcement will be made no later than
6:00AM through the following media sources: WTTR, Channel 21 and Channel 3 (Westminister),
as well as the major network TV stations (Channels 2, 11 and 13). (For other areas and stations,
please check your school calendar, page 20.) If necessary to close all schools early, the notification
will be made through the same stations as for the closing of schools.
Pupils and parents are urged NOT to call the school, radio stations or the Pupil Transportation
Office to inquire about school closing and bus service since calling handicaps the handling of
Please Note! When schools are closed all day or closed early, there will be no after school or
evening events. This includes tutoring, meetings, planned special events, performances, and Use of
Facility arrangements.
Weather Reminders - As the weather turns cooler, please label your child’s coats and jackets!
Remind your child to check the lost and found during lunch. Please make sure your child is dressed
appropriately for outside recess & PE classes.
February Starbuck
K – Anthony Pellegrino, Jacob Stein
1st – Aleeza Babar, Kassidy Lively
2nd – Ben Welsh, Kayla Severson
3rd – Alesandrina Paplauckas, Anna Rodgers
4th – Andrew Marcinko, Olivia Haines
5th – Kevin Callejas, Blake Magill