CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DETAILS Last Name: Name: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Address: Telephone: E-mail: Yıldız Senem 19.04.1976 İstanbul Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Education Foreign Language Education, 34342 Bebek, İstanbul (212) 359-6499 EDUCATION Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Degree: Major: Minor: Dissertation: Doctor of Philosophy in Education, 2003 Language Education Instructional Systems Technology (Advisor: Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, Ph.D.) Exploring Factors Influencing EFL Speaking International Graduate Students’ Forum Participation and Social Presence in Two Web-Based Graduate Courses in the U.S. (Chair: Larry J. Mikulecky, Ph.D.) Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Degree: Major: 1998-2003 1993-1997 Bachelor of Science, 1997 Translation and Interpretation WORK EXPERIENCE Dec. 2003 – Present Instructor, Boğaziçi University, Foreign Language Education Department, İstanbul. 2000 – 2006 Adjunct instructor for L630, English for Specific Purposes online course, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 1999 – 2000 Instructor for L530, Computer Assisted Language Learning online course, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 1 Feb. 1998 – June 1998 Instructor of English as a foreign language, TurkAmerican Association, Ankara. 1998 – 2003 Reference Specialist in ERIC Reading, English, and Communication Clearinghouse, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN PUBLICATIONS Aydin, Z., Yildiz, S. (2014). Use of wikis to promote collaborative writing in EFL. Language Learning and Technology, 18(1), 160-180. Altun, N.E., Yildiz, S. (2013). Effects of different types of tasks on junior ELT students’ use of communication strategies in computer-mediated communication. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 3(2), 17-40. Yıldız, S., & Tatar, S. (2012). The use of multimedia computers in Turkish classrooms: Perceptions of foreign language teachers. In Y. Bayyurt & Y. Bektaş-Çetinkaya (Eds.), Research Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English in Turkey: Policies and Practices (pp. 253−269). Peter Lang. Tatar, S. & Yıldız, S. (2010). Empowering nonnative-English speaking teachers in the classroom. In A. Mahboob (Ed.), The NNEST lens: Non native English speakers in TESOL (pp. 114−128). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Yıldız, S. & Tatar, S. (2010). Overcoming limited instructional planning and vision in Turkish schools. In J. Egbert (Ed.), CALL in limited technology contexts (pp. 201−213). Texas: Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO). Yıldız, S. (2009). Social presence in the web-based classroom: Implications for intercultural communication. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13(1), 46-65. Yıldız, S. (2007). Critical issues: Limited technology contexts. In J. Egbert & E. Hanson-Smith (Eds.). CALL environments: Research, practice and critical issues (second edition). (pp. 140-160). Alexandria, VA: TESOL. Paulus, T.M., Horvitz, B., Shi, M., Yıldız, S. & Siegel, M. (2004). Instructional systems technology (IST) core working in teams. A wisdom tools scenario. TechTrends, 48(4), 60-61. Yıldız, S. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003). Exploring the electronic forum participation and interaction by EFL speakers in two web-based graduate level courses. Distance Education, 24(2), 175-193. 2 Yıldız, S. & Chang, C. (2003). Case studies of distance students' perceptions of participation and interaction in three asynchronous web-based conferencing classes in the U.S. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 4(2). Also available at: SELECTED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Fuchs, C., & Yıldız, S. (March, 2015). Preparing for the unexpected: Exploiting teaching moments in telecollaboration. Paper presented at 7th Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Conference, New York, USA. Yıldız, S. (June, 2012). Use of iPad applications to introduce English as a foreign language to young Turkish learners. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Yıldız, S. (March, 2012). Young Turkish learners’ first encounter with English as a foreign language through mobile devices. Paper presented at IADIS International Mobile Learning Conference, Berlin, Germany. Tatar, S., & Yıldız, S. (August, 2010). Underuse of technology: Perspectives of Turkish teachers of English. Paper presented at 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe: Budapest, Hungary. Erkunt, H., Erçetin, G., & Yıldız, S. (2008, May). Developing electronic portfolios in a computer supported collaborative learning environment: A case study with pre-service ELT Teachers. Paper presented at the 8th International Educational Technology Conference, Eskişehir, Turkey. Yıldız, S. (April 2007). Overcoming barriers and misconceptions in promoting effective CALL integration. Paper presented at 5th ELT Conference: Technology CALLs You, Ankara University, Ankara. Altun, N.E., & Yıldız, S. (September 2006). Communication strategy use of EFL speakers in synchronous CMC environment. Paper presented at EUROCALL Conference, Granada, Spain. Yıldız, S. (May 2006). Latest technology: Why have it if you can’t use it? Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Hawaii, USA. Kartal, G., Yıldız, S., & İnelmen, E. (June 2005). IT-integrated lifelong learning program for teachers: A first draft. Paper presented at EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network) Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Yıldız, S. (April 2005). Social presence through textual communication: Discourse analysis of EFL speakers. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. 3 Kartal, G., Yıldız, S., & İnelmen, E. (February 2005). Bilişim teknolojilerinin yüksek öğretimde kullanımı: BT destekli bir öğretim modeli. Paper presented at Akademik Bilişim 2005 Conference, Gaziantep University, Turkey. Yıldız, S. (July 2004). Participation and social presence of EFL speaking international students in two web-based courses. Paper presented at EARLI’s JURE (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Yıldız, S. (May 2004). Educational research and use of technology in Foreign Language Education Department at Boğaziçi University. Paper presented at Irmak INGED Day: Innovations in ELT Conference, İstanbul, Turkey. Paulus, T., Boling, E., Shi, M., Horvitz, B., & Yıldız, S. (October 2003). Effectiveness of a web-based scenario learning experience in the context of a graduate instructional design course. Paper presented at the Annual AECT Convention, Anaheim, California, USA Yıldız, S., & Tatar, S. (October 2002). First year Turkish graduate students’ academic difficulties at a U.S. university. Paper presented at the meeting of the Interchanges & Exchanges: Current Trends in ELT, Ankara, Turkey. Yıldız, S. (October 2002). Experience the WebQuest: An inquiry-based internet activity in your classroom. Paper presented at the meeting of the Interchanges & Exchanges: Current Trends in ELT, Ankara, Turkey. Tatar, S., & Yıldız, S. (October 2002). Requests by Turkish and American speakers of English. Paper presented at the International Conference on World Englishes: Perspectives into the 21st Century, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. Yıldız, S. (October 2000). Speaking anxiety of Turkish graduate students. Paper presented at the Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. SELECTED CITATIONS RECEIVED Zheng, B., Lawrence, J., Warschauer, M., & Lin, C., (2014). Middle school students’ writing and feedback in a cloud-based classroom environment. Knowledge and Learning. Jusoff, K., & Khodabandelou, R. (2009). Preliminary study on the role of social presence in blended learning. International Education Studies, 2(4), 79-83. (on p.79) Hsinyi, P., Wei-Hsin, L., & Chao-I, W. (2009). A framework for assessing high school students' intercultural communicative competence in a computermediated language learning project. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 20(1), 95-116. 4 Chen, C. L. (2006). Cross cultural collaboration via message board for cultural understanding and language learning. M.A Thesis in TESL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cross, J., & Hitchcock, R. (2007). Chinese students’ (or students from China’s) views of UK HE: differences, difficulties and benefits, and suggestions for facilitating transition. The East Asian Learner, 3(2). Hall, A. (2006). Who’s learning? Responding to the needs of a culturally diverse world of online learners. Proceedings of the 23rd annual ascilite conference: Who’s learning? Whose technology? University of Sydney. Hall, A., & Herrington, J. (2010). The development of social presence in online Arabic learning communities. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(7), 1012-1027. Lum, L. (2006). Internationally-educated health professionals: a distance education multiple cultures model. Education and Training, 48(2/3), 112-126. (on p.121) Park, M. K. (2006). The lived experience of Asian international students in online learning environments in higher education. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Missouri-Columbia. Peng, H., Lu, W.H. & Wang, C.I. (2009). A framework for assessing high school students’ intercultural communicative competence in a computer-mediated language learning project. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 20(1), 95-116. Sherblom, J. C., Withers, L. A., & Leonard, L. G. (2009) Communication challenges and opportunities for educators using second life. In C. Wankel & J. Kinglesy (Eds.) Higher Education in Virtual Worlds: Teaching and Learning in Second Life. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK. (on p.43) Tan, Y. H., & Tan, S. C. (2010). A metacognitive approach to enhancing Chinese language speaking skills with audioblogs. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(7), 1075-1089. Wan-Yun C. (2006). Effects of electronic English learning for the staff in the airline industry: A case study of China airlines. M.A Thesis in English, National Kaohsiung Normal University. Yang, M. L. (2006). Exploring Taiwanese EFL students’ responses to synchronous CMC: Effects on language use, learning and transfer, and perceptions. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. Xie, K., Debacker, T. K. & Ferguson, C. (2006). Extending the traditional classroom through online discussion: The role of student motivation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(1), 67-89. (on p.68) 5 Zha, S. (2006). The effects of a technology supported training system on second language use strategies for international teaching assistants. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Missouri-Columbia. ACADEMIC CONSULTANCY Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of “Avrupa Eğitim Vakfı Okulları” since August 2014. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIPS Member of Teaching English with Technology Journal Editorial Board. SCHOLARSHIPS and AWARDS Isabel Craig Scholarship awarded by Indiana University, School of Education, Bloomington, 2003. Harste Alternative Literacies Fellowship awarded by Indiana University, School of Education, Bloomington, 2003. Scholarship awarded by Turkish Ministry of National Education to pursue master and doctoral stduies in the U.S., 1998-2003. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Research Methods in TEFL Study and Research Skills TEFL: Reading and Writing Materials Evaluation and Preparation in EFL Boğaziçi University Boğaziçi University Boğaziçi University Boğaziçi University GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Computer Assisted Language Learning online course English for Specific Purposes online course Research Methods in TEFL Program Evaluation Educational Technology in English Language Education Indiana University Indiana University Boğaziçi University Boğaziçi University Boğaziçi University PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member of Coordination Committee of TESOL Symposium on Dual Language Education: Teaching and Learning Two Languages in the EFL Setting. September 23, 2005. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. 6 Member of Coordination Committee and participant of Summer Institute on Academic Writing organized by Boğaziçi University and Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, 12-23 July 2004, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul. PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS Computer Assisted Language Learning Using Computer Technology for Instructional Purposes English for Specific Purposes Materials Evaluation and Development MEMBERSHIPS Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Yıldız, S. (2003). Exploring Factors Influencing EFL Speaking International Graduate Students’ Forum Participation and Social Presence in Two Web-Based Graduate Courses in the U.S. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. SUPERVISION OF M.A. THESES Bener, E. (ongoing). The Use of Reflective Blog Tasks in a Blended Practice Teaching Course. M.A. Thesis in TEFL, Bogaziçi University. Aydın, Z. (2011). Enhanced Collaboration in Foreign Language Education: Use of Wikis in Collaborative Learning Projects. M.A. Thesis in TEFL, Bogaziçi University. Bilgin, H. (2010). The Effects of a Learning Management System on the Achievement of University EFL Students. M.A. Thesis in TEFL, Bogaziçi University. Akıncı, M. (2009). Effectiveness of Corpus Consultancy in Teaching Verb+Noun Collocations to First Year ELT Students. M.A. Thesis in TEFL, Bogaziçi University. Altun, N.E. (2006). Effects of Different Types of Tasks on Junior ELT Students’ Use of Communication Strategies in Computer-Mediated Communication. M.A. Thesis in TEFL, Bogaziçi University. COMPLETED RESEARCH PROJECTS 7 English language teachers’ use of computer technology in elementary and secondary schools in İstanbul (Project Director, Funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2005-2007). The Effect of Corpora Use on the Teaching of Collocations in English (Project Director, Funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2008 - 2011). Eight year basic educational reform in Turkish educational system and quality in foreign language education (Project Team Member, Funded by TÜBİTAK, 2005 2010). English language teachers’ profile in elementary and secondary level schools in İstanbul and identification of criteria for teacher recruitment (Project Team Member, Funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2006 - 2011). ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS The potential contribution of multimedia digital storybooks and other language teaching materials on Turkish preschool children’s foreign language learning (Project Director, Funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2011- present). LANGUAGES English (Native like proficiency) French (Reading proficiency) Italian (Beginner level) 8
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