FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT March 21-22, 2015 5:30 pm PREACHER: Fr. Joel Warden INTENTION: Alfonfa Hermosilla READERS: Anna Schiavone, Anne Preston 9:00 am PREACHER: Fr. Dennis Corrado INTENTION: Edward Lorenzo READERS: Christina Joy, Dympna Bowles, Michael Geraghty HOSPITALITY: Mary Maloney, Colette Price EM: Jason Perez, Mary Maloney MC: Dory Hottensen 11:15 am PREACHER: Fr. Dennis Corrado INTENTION: Pro Populo READERS: John Ryan, Felicia Juliano, Martha Burgess HOSPITALITY: Migdalia LaPorte, Claude Piaubert, Robert Regan, Christine Janove EM: Mary Anne Gentile, Richard Carlson, Cathy Srour, Carole Ver Eecke MC: Br. Jim Simon CROSS AND CANDLE BEARERS: Georgiana, Benjamin, Rania, Leila 6:00 pm PREACHER: Fr. Joel Warden INTENTION: Ken Bartlett READERS: Jaclyn Kramer, Connie Winston HOSPITALITY: Teresita Avelar, Manuel Castro READINGS 1st Reading: EZ 37: 12-14 2nd Reading: ROM 8: 8-11 Gospel: JN 11: 1- 45 T HE O RATORY C HURCH OF S T . B ONIFACE 109 Willoughby Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA Tel: Tel: 718-875-2096 Fax: 718-875-4678 Fax: Website: Website: Email: Email: Twitter: @brooklynoratory Follow us on Twitter: Deadline for for Bulletin Bulletin Info: Info Deadline March 25 20 March March 29 30 Bulletin Bulletin:: Noon, Noon, March : Noon, April 530Bulletin March Bulletin: Noon,March March2625 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 23, March, Lenten Weekday, St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop Fritzner Paul For the Parish Catechumens Tuesday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 24, March, Lenten Weekday, Fritzner Paul In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph Wednesday 25, March, The Annunciation of The Lord 7:30am: Fritzner Paul 12:10pm: Jeroen Ponsen Thursday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 26, March, Lenten Weekday Margaret Tufts Priest’s Intention Friday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 27, March, Lenten Weekday Josiah Paul Simons Adam Seminara Saturday 5:30pm: 28, March, Lenten Weekday Andree Praileur Smith Community Prayer for Those Who Are Sick: Anders Pilitz, Jessica Silverman, Valerie Moss, Judith Allen, Edna Poduch, Mary Lou Carney, Patrick Spieldenner, Maria Rabb, Edie Brown, Christine Phillips, Patrick Gallagher, Emilio Pelosi, Connie Schiavone, Henry Latham, Kenneth G. Bagot, Duncan Fraser, Doug Tveter, Margaret Slattery, James Houghton, Mary Pat Ahern, Ken Dray, Paul Goodloe, Constance Richardson, Steven Carlson, David Straub, Andrew Jerdon, Lauren Van Roten, Richard Batten, Lorraine Diahy, Margaret Shea, Gideon Abbas, Dennis McCoy, Marie Smith, Kathy Leitman, Donald Corrado, Jeff Almaii, Larry Bressler, Patricia Henson, Frank Sweeney, Maureen Lally, John Moogan, Alex Wallace, Rachel Owens, Ellen Barrett, Elaine Heron, Ted Ostberg, Camille Ryan, Rosemary Weill, Annemarie Neiman, Mike Greeley, Larry Mc Geaney, Mary Jean Kelley, Joseph Poux, Chris Gubanich, Ed Cranston, Rick Boeshore, Donna Marie Agoncillo, Ron DuBois, Joseph Fioravanti, Buddy Van Roten. For Those Who Have Died: Edward Cardinal Egan, Ken Bartlett, Jean McGuire, Erik Roman, Benito Soto, Jody Robitaille, Carolyn DiFiore Balmelle, Annie Ravitz, Marie Pinho, Frank Simmons, Ross Villardo, Thomasina Palladino, Patricia Calcado, Don Pottter, Catherine A. McCarthy, Randy Hallock, Margaret Mersh, Carol Ann Barra, Thomas Skelley, Esther Troike, Edward O’Reilly, Richard Patrick, Dylan Cronick, Robert Kiernan, Thomas Carley, John Barrera, John Bourne, Chuck Walsh, Rosemarie Martorell, John K. Tveter, Margaret Hughes, Sr Kilian Sullivan, Gus Moynihan, Maureen Dirken, Nancy Kuhlman, John Joseph Butz, John Henry Butz. PARISH STAFF – Rev. Fr. Joel M. Warden, C.O., Ph.D., Pastor (ext 103); Rev. Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, C.O., Ph.D., Parochial Vicar (ext 109); Eileen Randig, Pastoral Associate, Formation Tel. 718.222.2983,; Christopher Smith, Business Manager (ext 104); Carole Fabrizio, Administrative Assistant (ext 101), MUSIC MINISTRY – Benjamin Niemczyk, Director of Music/Choir Director (ext 105); Scott Ellaway, Interim Organist; Stephen Parahus, Cantor. IN RESIDENCE – Very Rev. Fr. Dennis M. Corrado, C.O., Provost, Rev. Fr. Mark J. Lane, C.O., Bro. James Simon, C.O., Rev. Fr. Michael Callaghan, C.O. PARISH TRUSTEES – Karla Denalli, William Vinicombe FINANCE COMMITTEE – William Weigel (Chair), Bridget Rohde, Tom Levy (Stewardship), Beth Skelley, Carlo Trigiani, Blair Craske PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 2014 –2015 Larissa Payne (Chair), Pam Guigli (CoChair), James Murphy (Secretary), Marie Bresnahan, Martha Burgess, Ramona Candy, Suzanne Carlson, Amy Deal, Michael Devlin, Linda Douglas, Patty Evers, Kathy Gaffney, Rose Halligan, James Ryan, Cara Tuzzolino. ANNOUNCEMENTS Coffee Hour today is hosted by Meg Mazzeo, Christine Giangreco and George Garber. Other volunteers will contribute food. It is a St Joseph's Day celebration. Lenten Loose Change Collections are as follows: March 22, St. Mark’s Parish, Lokitaung, Kenya; March 29, Oratory Music Program. Special Note for Loose Change Collection, 3/29/15: Though our Lenten loose change collections are usually for the benefit of local and national charitable organizations, across the Palm Sunday weekend we will take up a Second Collection to support the Oratory Choir and Music Ministry. Please, if you are inspired by the beauty and devotion of our parish musicians be prepared to be generous on this day. Donations can also be made for this cause online via a special option in the Green Giving program. Every cent made through this special collection remains in the parish and will be used to continue the important gift of music in our liturgical life. Women's Group Forming - This fall St. Boniface is planning to launch a new fellowship group for women in their 20s and 30s. The group will include spiritual, social, and service components. We are looking for 6 to 8 women to form a steering committee and help drive the group, from writing its mission statement to planning monthly activities. The kickoff meeting for the steering committee will be in mid-April, date TBD. If interested, please email Jane DiLeo PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH Confirmation Candidates Linen Collection for Nazareth Housing - Donations Requested - This year’s Confirmation candidates are collecting linens for Nazareth Housing, which provides temporary housing for homeless families. The candidates will sort and deliver the linens on Saturday, April 18, as part of a day of service. The donations will be given to families new to the shelter for whom every day necessities, like linens, are a pressing need. Please consider making a donation to support the youth of our parish as they prepare for Confirmation. Most needed items (new or gently used) are: • Single Sheets (fitted, top sheets, and pillow cases) • Towels (bath, hand, washcloth) Collection Weekends: March 28/29 and April 11/12. Please place donations in the marked collection bins in the back of church. Thank you for your generosity and support. Lenten Rice Bowl Project for OSD Students - This year the students in our parish religious education program, the Oratory School of Discipleship (OSD) will be participating in the Catholic Relief Service's Rice Bowl Project. The children and their families are being encouraged to place their offerings from food or other "fun" activities in this simple container. Please see the website, in News category, for all the info on this project. Baptisms: If you would like to have your child baptized here at St Boniface, please contact the priest coordinating that baptismal session. Fr. Anthony can be contacted at 718-875-2096, ext. 109 or at Fr. Joel can be contacted at718-875-2096, ext. 103 or at Baptisms for the 2014-2015 pastoral year will be celebrated on: April 12, 11:15 mass (Fr. Anthony), May 31, 11:15 (Fr. Joel), August 2, 10:00am mass (Fr. Anthony). NOTE THESE DATES AND EVENTS Book Club Schedule - March 22, We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo. 1:00 pm Aula Maxima. Sponsor a Cantor - If you would like to underwrite a cantor please contact Fr. Anthony at Lenten Vespers - The Lenten theme is from Ephesians 2-4-10 “For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance that we should live in them.” Sundays, in the church at 4:00pm. March 22 - Mildred Perez, Director of Outreach and Prevention, Nazareth Housing; March 29 -Torkil Heggstad, Lay member of the Oratory, Freelance Translator, Editor, and Interpreter. Solidarity with the Poor: Monthly Prayer Service - Join us as we gather each month to contemplate how we as Catholics are called to respond to poverty. We will gather in the Church from 7:00pm - 8:00pm on the following dates: April 9, May 21 and June 11. Items/Services Needed for Auction at Annual Parish Fundraiser on May 1. We turn to you once again for help with the auction that will take place in conjunction with the annual parish fundraiser which is scheduled for Friday, May 1. As we did last year, again the auction will be composed of two parts. The first will be done completely electronically via a special website. The second part will be on the night of the auction when certain special items will be available only to those attending the event. If you haven’t participated in an auction at St Boniface before, some of our most popular items include vacation rentals, home-cooked meals, tickets to athletic or cultural events in the city, or even music lessons. If you would like to offer an item or service up for auction or have any questions please contact Father Anthony at 718-875-2096 or at a special auction email: We ask that the item or service have a value of at least $150. DID YOU KNOW? Our Sunday bulletin is printed and delivered to us FREE OF CHARGE, 52 weeks a year, courtesy of the J.S. Paluch Company. In order to continue this courtesy, it is important that our parish increase the number of ads on our ad page in the bulletin. Please consider taking out an ad or suggesting a bulletin ad to a local business, organization or professional. Be sure to support our ad sponsors. For ad placement information, please contact: Eileen T. Walsh, J.S. Paluch Company, (917)922 0963 Direct, or at Please refer to our bulletin, #122750. Thank you! Food Pantry Collection - The Social Justice Committee collects and delivers to food pantries, 12 months a year, non-perishable unopened food. This is becoming even more important with the decrease of government benefits such as food stamps and unemployment insurance. Food is collected in the Seat Boxes marked Food Pantry in Newman Hall. Holy Strollers: A Group for Parents of Small Children will be held the first and third Friday of the month, at 11:30am. Join us in Newman Hall for fellowship and prayer - light refreshments provided. Contact Tera Tarulli for more details: Pastoral Care Work - If you are interested in providing lay pastoral care to those in need, please call the parish office at 718-875-2096. Zen Meditation / Christian Spirit - Unplug, tune in/ “Be still and know” (Ps 46:10). Wednesdays, 6:15pm to 7:30pm (beginners 6:00pm), starts on time, no reservations, beginners welcome. 111 Willoughby Street (Newman Hall). Host: Christopher Smith: 718.875.2096 x-104. EASTER PLANTS may be given by individuals who wish to offer a gift of best wishes in the name of a relative or friend, or as a memorial of a deceased relative or friend. The suggested offering for each plant is $20. We must receive requests with offering no later than Tuesday, March 24, to permit printing of names in the Easter bulletin. You can either place your request with your offering in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office, The Oratory Church of St. Boniface, 109 Willoughby Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please print legibly BEST WISHES PLANTS MEMORIAL PLANTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Extra Mass Easter Morning: We will be having an extra Mass on Easter Sunday morning set to start at 11.20 PM in Newman Hall. These past couple of years attendance at the 11.15 AM choir Mass on Easter Sunday has been enthusiastic and has almost dangerously overwhelmed the capacity of our church building. That in mind, we've determined there is a need to provide an extra opportunity for worship on Easter, the most important Feast of our church year. This extra Mass is meant to serve the purpose of fulfilling the needs of overflow at the 11.15 AM as well as to provide, perhaps, a more relaxed and family-friendly experience much like the popular 5.30 PM Mass on Christmas Eve. Be assured that this celebration, even though not in the church space proper, will include the highest levels of preaching, music and participation that our liturgies are noted for. Many guests and first-timers come on the big feast days, often drawn here because of the reputation of our choir and music ministry. If you are a regular parishioner and are able to enjoy the choir's excellent work from week to week we would ask you to consider providing an act of hospitality to guests who may never have enjoyed the experience of an 11.15 Mass at the Oratory by opting to attend the 11.20 Mass in Newman Hall, or to come to the 9.00 AM Mass in church on Easter Sunday, or even to the extraordinarily moving Easter Vigil Mass starting at 9.00 PM on Holy Saturday in order to leave some room at the 11.15 AM. SCAFFOLDING AND PROTECTIVE COVER: In order to comply with Local Law 11, the BellTell Lofts building directly next to us has to engage in a process of inspecting and repairing its brick façade. As the process begins (and while work commences on the sections of BellTell that adjoin our buildings) a protective bridge scaffold has been constructed in the garden and flat buffer protection has been installed on the roofs of the sacristy and the Oratory residence. Soon, protective mesh will be suspended above the peaked church roof. The engineers hope that this project will go quickly but, in the meantime, in order to protect our property and the various people who use our space for personal prayer, worship and meetings, general access to the garden has to be restricted to individuals who have to move from the back door of the residence to the church, sacristy or back door of the 111 building. Unfortunately, gatherings shouldn't take place in the garden as this work is being done and children, in particular, should be prevented from using the space and/or playing on the scaffolding. ___________________________________________________________________ Holy Week 2015 Palm Sunday – March 29 5:30pm – Saturday Vigil Mass 9:00am – Mass with cantor & organ 11:00am – Procession & Solemn Mass 4:00pm – Vespers 6:00pm – Mass Monday – March 30 Day of Reconciliation Penance: 3:00pm – 6:30pm 7:00pm – Community Reconciliation Service Holy Thursday – April 2 12:10pm – Prayer Service with Communion Penance: 11:00am – 12:00pm 7:30pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday – April 3 12noon – Stations of the Cross Penance: 11am-12pm & 1pm-2pm 3:00pm – Liturgy of the Passion Holy Saturday – April 4 9:00pm – Easter Vigil Mass ♪ Bring your own bell ♪ (Note: No 5:30pm Mass on this evening) Easter Sunday – April 5 9:00am – Mass with cantor & organ 11:15am – Solemn Mass 11:20am - Mass in Newman Hall (Note: No 6:00pm Mass on this evening) Signs & Symbols on our Way to Easter What Is Passiontide? Two weeks of Passiontide begin today: the first is known as “Passion Week” and leads us to Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion; the second is known as “Holy Week” and leads us to the glory of Easter. Why are the Saint’s Statues Covered? The passion of the Lord dominates these solemn days. The tradition of covering statues reminds us that it is Jesus’ death and resurrection that makes saints possible. We stop our normal devotions for a while to remember that Jesus is the model of all sanctity. Put simply: if Jesus was not risen from the dead there would be no saints. Indeed the very practice of devotion to the saints is to lead us more readily to Christ. A cloth may also be used to drape the cross. This draws our attention even more clearly to the drama of the cross as relayed in the reading of the Passion Narrative in the Gospel: the central mystery in the drama of our salvation. Catholics can also cover statues and icons in their homes during this time. What is the Triduum? The Paschal Triduum is three-days-in-one that begins on the evening of Holy Thursday, flows through Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and ends on the evening of Easter Sunday. Why Remove the Holy Water from the Baptismal Font? Holy Water is removed from the font on Holy Thursday as the altar is stripped bare of frontal and linens, candles are removed, and generally all normal decorations and liturgical aids are removed as we await the Passion and death of our Savior. There is no Mass celebrated on Good Friday and Holy Saturday as we enter into the Passion and death with Jesus. After Good Friday and Holy Saturday, we move into the principal feast of our liturgical year and the celebration of the central act of our faith: the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. At the Easter Vigil, we are sprinkled with fresh Holy Water to remind us of the grace of our own baptism. Why No Organ Music? After the Gloria at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday no organ accompaniment is used. The Hymns and Psalms are sung by voice alone to again remind us that these days are solemn days when we suspend the normal embellishments of life to concentrate on the mystery of our salvation in the death and resurrection of Christ. The organ reawakens with the Gloria at the Easter Vigil, punctuating Jesus truly risen so that we may be filled with and sound out our joy at the wonder of this gift. Why Light Our Candles from the Easter Candle? The Easter Candle symbolizes Christ the Light of the World who dispels the darkness of evil and sin. By His light we are enlightened, so we light our candles from His source only. Our light comes from Christ, not from matches or a lighter. As each of us lights our candle from the light passed to us from the Easter Candle, the Light of Christ is spread, dispelling darkness throughout the world. Opportunities for Reconciliation during Holy Week Day of Reconciliation - Monday, March 30 Penance: 3:00 – 9:00pm Community Reconciliation Service: 7:00pm Holy Thursday - April 2 11:00 a.m. – Noon Good Friday - April 3 11:00 am – Noon & 1:00-2:00 pm
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