West Lea Civic Club Newsletter Volume 14, Issue 1 Officer & Directors President: Greg Mills March 2015 Meeting Information Vice President: Pamela Tingle All regular meetings of the West Lea Civic Club are held at Annette & Johnny Patke’s place at 6706 Heron (the building in the back). Secretary: Ann Strouhal We want to extend our thank you to the Patke’s for providing a great place to meet in our neighborhood! Treasurer: Mary Patek Section I Director Linda Caldwell Section II Director Alfredo Flores Parliamentarian: Joe Watkins Newsletter Editor: Ann Strouhal Definition of Sections: Section I: Between Meadow & West Lea 2015 Meeting Dates January 26 March 23 June 1 As you can see by the schedule to the right, we have six (6) meetings a year that are usually the fourth Monday of the designated month. Where there is a conflict with a holiday, the members often vote to reschedule. July 27 We have an annual BBQ, usually in September, which is an opportunity to come together for some neighborhood fun! Place: 6706 Heron (Patke’s back- building) September 26 (BBQ) November 30 Time: 7:15 gathering 7:30 meeting WLCC Membership Section II: Between West Lea & Mockingbird West Lea membership dues of $25 are always due January 1 of each year. Since this is the first newsletter for 2015, it will be distributed to all West Lea residents and includes an envelope for you to mail in your dues. Section III: Between Mockingbird & Heron If you should happen to misplace the envelope, your $25 dues can be mailed to: WLCC P.O. Box 84457 Pearland, TX 77584 The WLCC helps support our neighborhood in many ways – such as publishing/mailing the newsletters, hosting (& providing the “treats”) for the annual Halloween party & hayride, the annual BBQ, maintaining the areas around the West Lea signs, monitoring and/or requesting city/road activities that impact West Lea (like new street lights!), and any legal assistance that may be needed. West Lea Civic Club March2015 Page 2 WLCC Newsletter One benefit of membership in the West Lea Civic Club is that all paid members receive a copy of the newsletter, usually ever two months. And yes, Spring is here! But it’ not too late to announce our Christmas decorating winners: 1st Place – Mikeska’s on Meadow In this age of technology, and in an effort to save money, all other newsletters for 2015 will be emailed to paid members if you have an email address. When you pay your dues, please provide your email address or let us know if you need a hard copy mailed to you. The next issue of the WLCC newsletter will include a roster of paid members of the West Lea Civic Club. The newsletter provides information not only about our neighborhood but also about City of Pearland and Pearland Independent School District events and news. If you have information which you think may benefit other neighbors, please let the newsletter editor or any officer know! 2nd Place – Laitkep’s on Wingtail “Nextdoor” website Another Pipeline… 3rd Place – Burnett’s on Bluebird Some of you may have been “invited” to join a group site called Nextdoor. Enterprise Products, a multi-billion dollar pipeline company, is putting another 36 inch crude oil pipeline on the property just east of West Lea. You have probably heard the noise! Honorable Mention: Silva’s on Skylark West Lea was beautiful in December! Member Joe Watson set up the West Lea neighborhood for us. For those of you who have accepted the invitation, please give us your feedback. If all goes well, this may replace our WLCC website as it allows “real time” posting. Come to Monday’s meeting for more information. There is no compensation for the noise, only for property damage for those on the east side of Bluebird. Call Skip Holbrook with Rockford Construction @ 214-770-1571 if you need to report damage. FEMA Grant Information One of our residents, Lynn Tharpe, has done some research regarding FEMA grants. This is applicable for those homeowners who have flood insurance and whose properties are categorized as Severe Repetitive Loss properties. FEMA has a grant that offers homeowners assistance to mitigate their homes by elevating the house to alleviate future flooding and/or claims which would in turn reduce flood premiums. For more information, contact Lynn at 281-785-8669. West Lea Civic Club March2015 Page 3 Events for the whole family! March 28-29 Paws in the Park (FREE) & Pet & owner Fun Run (Must register). Both events start at 10 a.m. at Independence Park. Fun for the whole family. For more information, go to http://pearlandtx.gov/departments/parksrecreation/special-events/paws-in-the-park April 10-12 Pearland Crawfish Festival. For general information, go to http://pearlandcrawfishfestival.com/. For VIP tickets, go to http://visitpearland.com/2015/03/16/vipticketspearlandcrawfishfest/ April 18 Earth Day Celebration. Sponsored by the City of Pearland and Keep Pearland Beautiful. For more infomration, go to http://keeppearlandbeautiful.org/event/ May 1 Concert in the Park series begins. Free outdoor concerts on Friday nights at 7 pm at Southdown Park, 2150 Country Place Pkwy. If you do not have access to the internet, call the City of Pearland Parks & Rec Dept at 281-412-8900 for more information. Voting and election information Both the City of Pearland and PISD are holding elections on Saturday, May 9, 2015. The last day to register to vote is April 9. Early voting: April 27 – May 5 PISD Candidates: POSITION 3 Place 1 Mark Lewis Place 2 Kelvin L. Williams Place 3 Virgil F. Gant (incumbent) POSITION 4 Place 1 Andrew Solomon (incumbent) Place 2 Sean P. Murphy Pearland City Council Candidates: Position 2 Adrian Hernandez Self Employed (local business), former teacher www.meetadrian.com Position 2 Derrick Reed Attorney www.reedforpearland.com Position 2 Quentin Wiltz Dir. Of Commercial www.quentinwiltz.com Position 2 Trent A. Perez Engineer www.perezforpearland.com Position 4 Adrienne Bell Keith Ordeneaux (incumbent Student www.adrienne4pearland.org Energy Manager www.keithforpearland.com Position 4 The following link is from the Pearland Reporter regarding all the City Council candidates. http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/pearland/news/meet-the-pearland-city-councilcandidates/article_4a52fc2e-eed9-54c8-9bca-a2985c4fa854.html Did you know… As of 3/6/2015, student enrollment in PISD is 20,432. Estimated population of Pearland (within the city limits) as of January 2014 was 106,500 – and that was 1 year ago! West Lea Civic Club March2015 Page 5 letter Title Construction Updates We have another resident enrolled in the Pearland Citizens Police Academy – our President Greg Mills. He joins the ranks of other West Lea graduates Melvin & Crissie Emmons, Dennis Patek, and Joe Watkins. My apologies if I missed anyone! We welcome another West Lea resident! James & Jeannette Carrasco are the proud parents of daughter Jocelyn who joins big brother Jacob! McHard Road expansion 3/24/15 Meeting at Dawson HS at 6 p.m. to discuss the expansion from Mykawa to Cullen. Bailey Road expansion Latest information is that drainage plans are still being revised (Cowart Creek Project). Looking back at old newsletters, this project was to have been completed by October 2011! Other road projects on the radar: Hwy 288 toll lanes Hwy 288 NB feeder from CR59 to FM518 (2017) CR403 expansion between CR94 & Cullen (2016) CR101 west of Hwy 288 for a new subdivision Medical Facilities Have you seen the west side of Hwy 288? It has become a mini-medical center with several hospitals now open and others under construction. All of this in a community that only had a handful of doctors about 15 years ago. And a little humor to make your day… A husband and wife go to a counselor after 15 years of marriage. The counselor asks them what the problem is and the wife goes into a tirade listing every problem they have ever had in the 15 years they've been married. She goes on and on and on. Finally, the counselor gets up, walks around the desk, embraces the wife and kisses her passionately. The woman shuts up and sits quietly in a daze. The counselor turns to the husband and says, "This is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you do this?" The husband thinks for a moment and replies, "Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays, I fish." West Lea Civic Club Page 5 March2015 letter Title WLCC General Information West Lea Civic Club is a non-profit organization, chartered under the laws of the State of Texas, and domiciled in the County of Brazoria, Texas. The purpose of WLCC is to stimulate pride of ownership and residence in West Lea; to encourage a uniformly high level of care and maintenance in the subdivision; to provide support to residents and homeowners in disputes with providers of services (i.e. water, solid waste, power, etc.); and to lead in maintaining standards through enforcement of the recorded deed restrictions for each of the three sections in the subdivision. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the months of January, March, May, July, September and November at 7:15 o’clock p.m. at 6706 Heron, Pearland, TX. Special meetings may be held throughout the year and called as deemed necessary. Signs are posted at the entrance to the neighborhood the week before the meetings as a reminder to all members to please attend the meetings. Treasurer’s Report Our Treasurer reported at our January 2015 meeting that our ending balance for January was $4,301.59 WLCC Deed Restrictions If anyone is interested in receiving copies of the Deed Restrictions, please contact your section director or a member of the Civic Club. The Deed Restrictions are also available via the WLCC website at www.westlea.org. In addition to the WLCC Deed Restrictions, there are City of Pearland ordinances that also apply to property owners and residents of West Lea. Often the best way to solve a problem is to become a part of the solution. You can help make Pearland a cleaner, safer community by keeping your property clean. Become active in your neighborhood association, which focuses a lot of attention on quality of life, is also a way to become part of the solution. Citizen’s involvement in keeping a neighborhood clean is important. For the most common concerns of substandard structures, high weeds and grass, trash and debris accumulation, open storage, junk vehicles and front yard parking call (281) 652-1638. For illegal dumping and unsafe buildings, call (281) 652-1965 and report it to the Investigator. Sometimes people violate city codes because they don’t realize what they are doing is not acceptable. You may call (281) 652-1638 to report any code violations or to learn more about codes and how you can comply with local ordinances. Most people want to comply with the laws of the community where they live, but some don’t. Reporting violators is important to the overall quality of life in our community and it helps our city inspectors do a better job. To expedite service and response, make sure that you have a specific address or block before calling and any additional information that will help get the problem cleaned up.
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