2013-2014 Annual Report 2013-2014 Annual Report Business Attraction-Retention & Expansion Industrial Development Intercontinental Potash Corporation (ICP) –ICP received their final environmental impact statement (EIS) and a Record of Decision from Bureau of Land Management authorizing ICP to construct and operate its Sulphate of Potash Ochoa Project. ICP is currently working with the world’s largest banks and industry partners to secure funding for the project. The EDCLC is working with ICP to coordinate rail development efforts between Lea and Eddy Counties. www.icpotash.com Joule Unlimited - Joule completed their phase 1 small scale commercial and they are beginning to produce product. Joule recently announced that their fuel products meet the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for diesel and jet fuel. The EDCLC assisted with meetings associated with the State Land Office, IRB’s, and the recruitment of employees. www.jouleunlimited.com International Isotopes, Inc. (INIS) – INIS received their NRC licensure during 2012. The EDCLC is working with INIS to extend the dates on their agreements as they move forward with their project with an altered timeline. www.intisoid.com Eldorado Bio-Fuels - Eldorado has a demonstration facility in Jal and hopes to commercialize their production in the near future. The EDCLC has assisted Eldorado in trying to locate loans, grants, and other opportunities for capital investment for the commercialization of the project as well as assistance with the IRB process. www.eldoradobiofuels.com Petroleum Industry Expansions – The EDCLC helped several service companies of the oil & gas industry to find property or expand their operations (such as Nova Mud) in Lea County. We actively supported the efforts to not list the Sand Dune Lizard and Lesser Prairie Chicken as an endangered species and organized meetings for the industry to present valuable information to state agencies during various listening sessions. Site Selector Tours -The EDCLC participated in two tours, Houston and South Carolina, to meet with project brokers and site selection experts to promote Lea County. These visits are essential for building relationships and familiarizing project developers with the benefits of Lea County. The site selectors represent a wide variety of industries including manufacturing, energy, retail, logistics, distribution, warehousing, etc. New Prospect Development – The EDCLC responded to over 250 requests and/or proposals for information and hosted more than 20 site visits and project developer meetings, and was selected as a finalist location for a Moly-99 manufacturing facility, several retail chain locations, hotel developments, and housing additions. 1 2013-2014 Annual Report Rail Opportunities - Efforts have continued to work towards additional rail service to facilitate the use of the UP and the BNSF railways to promote industrial development. Additionally, the EDCLC continues to work with the railroad and potential companies to identify available land with rail access to locate projects throughout the county. Retention Efforts– The EDCLC has initiated retention and expansion visits with local and regional businesses. These visits allow us to identify potential expansion opportunities and additional recruitment targets. The EDCLC has conducted over 30 visits since the beginning of the program in February. Retail & Housing Housing Development -The EDCLC has worked to create housing brochures to provide information for developers that detail the available areas for building, municipal and county processes and incentive programs, and a list of area contractors. The EDCLC has fielded numerous requests for data and land from housing developers and financing institutions. There are several new housing projects, both multi-family and single-family that have opened in the past year or are in the planning or construction phase. Retail Development -The EDCLC used the Buxton Retail Study, which provided data to support the development of national/regional retail and hospitality development. This study and the database provide great detail about the retail trends and population groups in Hobbs and can be used well beyond retail applications. The EDCLC attended the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) conference and met with several retailers. The EDCLC has assisted several new restaurants, retailers, and hotels to locate in the EnergyPlex. A few of the new retail additions to Lea County include: Family Dollar, CVS, Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse, Buffalo Wild Wings, Dicky’s, Starbucks, Taco Bell 2, Dollar General, Hilton Garden Inn, Baymont Inn & Suites, Marriott TownePlace Suites, Zia Park Hotel, Value Place Inn, Tornado Car Wash, Advanced Auto Parts, and Papa John’s. The EDCLC will continue to promote Lea County to potential retailers and participate in the ICSC events. 2 2013-2014 Annual Report Marketing Airline Marketing A comparison of month over month shows that the airline service is generally increasing in revenues, ridership, and load factors. Fourth quarter 2013 showed the highest average load factor of 64%. The EDCLC contracted with a market outreach company to better understand the demand for flights to Albuquerque, Santa Fe and/or Denver. The results of the study show there is not sufficient demand to support additional demands at this time. The EDCLC continues to market our existing flights and explore the potential for additional air service opportunities. Marketing efforts have been focused on regional advertising in the media, billboards, and special events. Additional efforts have been made to connect with Houston travel agents and the United call center staff to inform them of the EnergyPlex and the flight schedule. The EDCLC continues to market the daily flights between Hobbs and Houston as part of the City Pairs Government Travel Program. This program is utilized by all Federal employees for travel across the United States and abroad. Departments utilizing the program locally include FLETC, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, and any other governmental agency that must travel to this area. A steering committee including members from Lea County, City of Hobbs, Lea Regional Airport, and the EDCLC remains active and provides guidance on issues that impact commercial air service, including working with the United team to continually improve the service provided at the Lea County Regional Airport. The EDCLC supports and provides information and promotional items to field trips and other community groups that tour the Lea County Regional Airport. The EDCLC launched an aggressive social media campaign to increase awareness. The FlyHobbs website averages nearly 2,000 visits per week and the FlyHobbs Facebook page has over 550 likes/followers. The EDCLC started a new radio ad campaign that encourages local businesses to share their positive experiences with the flights out of the HOB airport. 3 2013-2014 Annual Report EnergyPlex Marketing EnergyPlex Marketing - The EnergyPlex can now boast projects in the areas of oil & gas, nuclear, wind, solar, and bio fuels. The EDCLC and FlyHobbs websites have been redesigned to contain greater information and ease for the user. As part of the website update, a Building and Land Inventory System was developed for the EDCLC website to help accommodate companies and site selectors looking to locate their projects in Lea County. The EnergyPlex was also marketed at various trade shows specializing in energy sectors throughout the year. Live-Work-Play Marketing Workforce Marketing - The EDCLC began a new marketing program to target the potential workforce. The first phase of the Live - Work - Play campaign consists of using short 45-60 second video clips of workers in Lea County talking about who they are, what they do, and why their community is a great place to Live, Work, and Play. These video testimonials are hosted on the EDCLC website and are being shared through the various social media outlets. We will continue to grow this campaign in the coming year. 4 2013-2014 Annual Report Legislative Relations 2014 NM Economic Development Summit The EDCLC worked with the New Mexico Economic Development Department to host the 2014 Economic Development Summit in Hobbs in April. Nearly 200 community leaders and economic developers attended the conference. The EDCLC help to organize the logistics, receptions, speakers, and special tours during the Summit. The EDCLC also invited a group of site selectors to participate in a “speed—dating” event with conference attendees. After the Summit, the group of site selectors were given a tour of the community and had dinner with the EDCLC Board of Directors and representatives from the City of Hobbs and Lea County. Involvement with State Departments The EDCLC has established excellent relationships with NMEDD, the NM State Land Office and Land , and the Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department & the Oil Conservation Division. The EDCLC continues to work with these agencies to assist new and existing companies in Lea County. The EDCLC staff and board serve on a variety of state committees and organizations to support the EnergyPlex and state-wide economic development efforts. Interim Committees and Other Meetings The EDCLC hosted receptions for the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee, NM Energy Policy Listening Session and the Canadian Consulate. The EDCLC will host the Education Committee in September. More information will be given to EDCLC members in later editions of the PowerBytes newsletter and via email. Data and Information to Legislators 5 The EDCLC provided the Lea County legislators with specific data regarding municipal and county demographics, statistics, key contacts, and marketing materials including an economic impact analysis and EnergyPlex materials. The EDCLC also provided monthly updates on projects and EDCLC activities via the EDCLC PowerBytes Newsletter. The EDCLC also met with newly elected officials to inform them of the strategic direction of the EDCLC and its partners. 2013-2014 Annual Report Community and Leadership Development Certified Community Initiative The EDCLC completed grant applications for the new CCI program for Tatum, Hobbs, Eunice, Jal, and Lea County and collectively secured $18,000 annually for the next year to be used to market these individual communities. Some projects include new brochures for Tatum, promotional materials for Eunice and Jal and representation of all communities at retail and industry conferences. 50th Anniversary Celebration The EDCLC celebrated its 50th year as an organization and recognized the economic progress of Hobbs and Lea County through a variety of events. The EDCLC partnered with SIFE/USW, Lea County Schools, and the Lea County municipalities to teach children about economic development and city infrastructure systems by having them create a model city that represents their town 50 years from now. A fall banquet celebrated 50 years of diversification in the EnergyPlex, with key note speaker, Governor Susana Martinez. The event was attended by 175 guests. Staff Development & Training The EDCLC values training and education to provide the highest quality economic development services for Lea County. Staff participated in planning sessions for the upcoming year, skill improvement training courses, Leadership NM, HR management courses and website maintenance training. Power Hour Networking Events The EDCLC changed its membership meeting format to be more conducive to networking and allowing local businesses time to meet with local leaders and explore potential business expansion and partnering opportunities. These Networking Events are scheduled at least quarterly or as opportunities arise. 6 2013-2014 Annual Report Lea County EnergyPlex Economic Indicators The EDCLC has created a new Economic Indicator Report that will be updated quarterly, and placed on the website and distributed to members via the PowerBytes Newsletter. This report includes the most often requested information about largest employers, gross receipts taxes, rig counts and more. Selected annual data from the Economic Indicators has been included in this annual report. Lea County Total Gross Receipts $2,473,179,243 $2,396,830,763 $2,314,638,269 $2,223,740,667 $2,169,662,718 $2,020,980,749 $1,945,071,107 QTR 4 QTR 3 QTR 2 2013 QTR 1 2012 Air Passenger Traffic by Month (HOB) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 7 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2013-2014 Annual Report Top 5 Industry Average Weekly Wages Labor Market Statistics 2013-2014 2012-2013 33,142 31,672 1,470 4.4% $940 31,222 30,018 1,204 3.9% $932 Civilian Labor Force Total Employment Total Unemployment Unemployment Rate Average Weekly Wages Industry Manufacturing Real Estate, Rental and Leasing Mgmt. of Companies & Enterprise Mining Utilities URENCO Lea County GEO D&D Pipeline Construction Workforce 2013-2104 1,193 608 431 423 411 394 389 368 362 302 267 254 Nova Mud 225 Zia Racetrack & Black Gold Casino McDonald’s Restaurants Baker Hughes Willbros Lin-Mar WCS BJ Service Company 216 215 183 181 174 171 168 Source: EDC of Lea County – updated 5/2014 - Data not available at time of printing $1,619 $1,432 $1,374 $1,343 $1,297 $1,507 $1,365 * $1,358 $1,314 Lea County Average Rig Counts Top 20 Largest Employers Hobbs Municipal School Halliburton Energy Service City of Hobbs Lea Regional Medical Center Ferguson Construction Company Nor-Lea Hospital New Mexico Junior College Walmart Supercenter 2012-2013 Source: NM Department of Workforce Solutions – updated 5/2014 *Not in top 5 previous year—Transporting & Warehousing $1,314 was included on list Source: NM Department of Workforce Solutions – updated 5/2014 Industry 2013-2014 Workforce 2012-2103 999 450 413 425 220 290 290 355 325 272 257 248 151 150 - Month 2013-2014 2012-2013 May April 34 36 24 25 March 35 20 February 41 27 January 40 29 December November October September August July 34 33 35 29 33 31 31 31 33 37 28 25 Source: Baker Hughes – updated 5/2014 City of Hobbs Lodgers’ Tax 2013-2014 2012-2013 March $128,364.77 $120,461.16 February $114,198.07 $130,794.75 January $96,534.58 $135,707.87 December November October September August July $120,548.05 $133,444.71 $118,721.03 $126,208.83 $129,798.14 $126,017.00 $118,601.71 $137,986.28 $121,578.15 $132,698.52 $135,374.97 $135,951.84 YTD $1,093,835.18 $1,169,155.25 Source: City of Hobbs – updated 5/2014 8 2013-2014 Annual Report EDCLC Members Certificate Accounting & Consulting Group IBEW Local #611 Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC Bobby Shaw Realty Intercontinental Potash Corp., USA Occidental Petroleum Corporation Color Printer International Isotopes PEMCO of New Mexico Constructors Inc. Johnson, Miller and Co. Pettigrew and Associates, P.A. Daniels Insurance Inc. Joule Unlimited Technologies, Inc. RMS Foods, Inc. Del Norte Heights, Inc. Lea County State Bank Robinson and Associates Real Estate Elliott & Waldron Title Co., Inc. Lea Regional Medical Center Schubert Construction Enrichment Technology US (ETUS) LEACO Steel Depot First American Bank Leavell Insurance, Inc. Tate Branch Dodge Chrysler Jeep Forrest Tire Inc. Lovington Economic Development Corp URENCO, USA Geo Group, Inc. Maddox, Holloman & Kirskey PC Wallach Concrete, Inc. Goff Dairy McVay Drilling Watson Truck and Supply HB Construction* Me-Tex Oil & Gas, Inc. Wells Fargo* Hobbs News Sun Newman & Company Western Commerce Bank Hobbs Rental Nor-Lea Hospital Xcel Energy Hungry Horse, LLC Nova Mud, Inc. Zia Natural Gas Company Zia Park Race Track Hotel & Casino Associate Angell Ranch Lea Power Partners Richards Energy Compression LLC Dalco, Inc. McDaniels & Associates, LLC Stellar Inc. Enterprise Rent-A-Car McFadke Windscape Apartments Fairfield Inn & Suites Noalmark Broadcasting Corp.—Hobbs Waste Management of New Mexico Gary Don Reagan, PA Pioneer Bank Wells Fargo Lea Community Federal Credit Union Rebecca Long Insurance Youngs Home Rental Self Service Storage Public Partners Lea County City of Jal City of Hobbs Town of Tatum City of Lovington New Mexico Junior College City of Eunice Hobbs Municipal Schools *Indicates a new member or increased membership level in 2013-2014 9 2013-2014 Annual Report 2013—2014 EDCLC Board Members Gary Schubert, Schubert Construction Chair, Executive Committee Sam Spencer, Lea County State Bank Past Chair, Executive Committee Monty Newman, Newman & Company Vice Chair, Executive Committee Finn Smith, Watson Truck & Supply Secretary, Executive Committee Paul Mason, URENCO, USA Treasurer, Financial Management & Audit Committee Chair, Executive Committee Tres Hicks III, Pettigrew and Associates, P.A. Membership Committee Co-Chair, Executive Committee Rafael Verde, Zia Park Racetrack Hotel & Casino Membership Committee Co-Chair, Executive Committee Bobby Shaw, Bobby Shaw Realty David Pyeatt, Elliott & Waldron Title Co., Inc. David Shaw, Nor-Lea General Hospital Gary Don Reagan, PA, Gary Don Reagan, PA Robbie Robinson, Robinson & Associates Real Estate Steve Laflin, International Isotopes Staff Melinda Allen, President & CEO Sally Tomar, Director of Membership & Corporate Delbert Briones, Coordinator of Digital Media & Services Graphic Design Vicki Roig, FlyHobbs Representative Mariko Kudo, Administrative Assistant 10 Visit 200 E Broadway St., Suite A201 Hobbs, New Mexico 88240 Mail P.O. Box 1376 Hobbs, New Mexico 88241 Call (800) 443-2236 (575) 397-2039 Fax (575) 392-2300 Email edclc@edclc.org Web www.edclc.org energyplexnm.com Flyhobbs.com
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