1,A NutrientsFunctionsand Sources A Directions: While studentsresearchanddiscussthe variousnutrients,havestudentslist thatfollow. Havethemto place function(s)andfood sourcesin the chart.Thenanswerthequestions in their academicnotebookfor furtherstudy. the completedassignment NUTRIENT FTTNCTTON(S)/EFFECTS ON THE BODY FOOD SOTIRCES Aids in properdigestion Playsa rolein cell growthandmaintenance in thebody Playsa rolein all chemicalreactions Lubricates thejointsandbodycells Helpsregulatebodytemperature Liquids,suchaswater,milk, clearsoups,coffee, te4 fruit juicesandotherbeverages Most foods,especiallyfruits andvegetables fatsandproteins Metabolismof carbohydrates, Carbohydrates Supply energy Provide bulk in the form offiber (neededfor digestion) Help the body digest fats efficiently Spareproteinsso they can be usedfor growh and repair Sugar:Honey,jam, jelly, molasses,sugar Fiber: Freshfruits and vegetables,whole grain breads,cereals Starch: Beans, breads,cereals,corn, pasta,peas, potatoes,nce Fats/Lipids Supplyenergy Carryfat-solublevitamins changes Insulatethe bodyfrom shockandtemperature Protectvital organs Add flavor andsatisffingqualityto foods Serveasa sourceofessentialfattyacids Butter, margarine,cream,cheese,marbling in meat,nuts, whole milk, olives, chocolate,egg yolks. bacon.saladoils. dressings Build andrepairtissues hormones, andsome Helpmakeantibodies, enzymes, vitamins Regulate fluid balancein thecellsandotherbodyprocesses Supplyenergy,whenneeded proteins: Meat,poultry,fish,eggs, Complete milk andotherdairyproducts Incompleteproteins:Cereals,grains,peanuts, peanutbutter,lentilsandlegumes Vitamin A Helps keep skin clear and smoothand mucusmembranes healthy Helps preventnight blindness Helps promotegrowth Liver, eggyolk, darkgreenandyellow fruits andvegetables, butter,wholeandfortifiedmilk, cheese. fortified margarine,cheddar-type VitaminD Helpsbuildstrongbonesandteethin children Helosmaintainbonesin adults Fortified milk, butter,and margarine;fish liver oils; liver; sardines;tuna; egg yolk; the sun Vitamin E of cells Actsasanantioxidant thatprotectsmembranes exposed to highconcentrations ofoxygen Liver and other variety meats,eggs, lea$ green vegetables,whole grain cereals,saladoils, shorteninss.other fats and oils Vitamin K Helps blood clot Organmeats;leafogreenvegetables, eggyolk cauliflowerandothervegetables, B Complex Vitamins Helps wounds heal Helps fight infection Helps nervoustissuefunction health Plays an important role in breakdown of proteins fats and carbohydrates cantaloupe, Oranges,grapefruits,tangerines, raw cabbase broccoli.citrusfruits.tomatoes. Water Protein 7045 FoodsI Unit B-Food Choices,Health, Resources,and Meal Preparation Summer2010 Version 2 428 TOn 'NutrientsFunctionsand Sources NUTRIENT Vitamin C Calcium Iron Potassium Sodium Iodine FOOD SOTIRCES FUNCTTON(SyAFFECTS ON THE BODY Promoteshealthygums and tissues Helps wounds heal and broken bonesmend Helps the body fight infection Helps make cementingmaterialthat holds body cells together Citrus fruits, strawberries,cantaloupe, broccoli, greenpeppers,raw cabbage, tomatoes,lea! greenvegetables,potatoes and sweetpotatoescookedin the skin Helps build bonesand teeth Helpsblood clot Helpsmusclesand nerveswork Helps regulatethe use of other mineralsin the body Milk, cheese andotherdairyproducts; lea$ greenvegetables, fish eatenwith thebones Combineswith proteinto make hemoglobin Helpscellsuseoxygen Liver, lean meats,egg yolk, dried beans and peas,leaff greenvegetables,dried fruits, enrichedand whole grain breadsand cereals Works with sodium to control osmosis Balancesbody water Helps nervesand musclesfunction Bananas,milk products,prunejuice, sweet and white potatoes,tomato products Works with potassiumto control osmosis Helps nervesand musclefunction Processedfoods,table salt, soy sauce, country ham Promotesnormal functioning of the thyroid gland Iodized salt and salt water fish I . Do you regularly eat sourcesof eachof the nutrientslisted in this chart? 2. If you answered"no" to the abovequestion,which nutrientsare lacking in your diet? 3. Why is it necessary to includesources of eachof thesenutrientsin your diet? 4. How can this chart serveas a suide in choosinsthe foods vou eat? 5. How would you definegood nutrition? 7045 FoodsI Unit B-Food Choices,Health, Resources,and Meal Preparation Summer2010 Version 2 429
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