10-11.....Mission Celebration/Annual Meeting, St. Charles, FBC LIVING AS GOD DESIGNED Women’s Conference 7............ WOM Council Meeting (cancelled) April 24 and 25 6............ Ministers’ Mtg., 10:30 a.m., Ministry Center Held at Memorial Baptist Church 205 Sunset Ln., New Haven, MO 63068 5............ Easter For information and registration Call Cheryl at 573-340-5444 3............ Good Friday—Offi ce Closed 11.......... Camp Clean-Up Day 11.......... Sew Easy Class, 8-5, Ministry Center 12.......... Cooperative Program Sunday 14.......... Associational Bible Drill (tentative) 14.......... Youth Leaders Mtg., 7:00 p.m., Ministry Center 17-18 ....RA Congress, Sedalia 23.......... Associational Semi-Annual Meeting, 5:55 p.m. (dinner at 5:00 p.m.), Ministry Center THE CHALLENGER Franklin Baptist Association 22.......... Secretaries/Administrative Assistants Day PO Box 310 Union, MO 63084 Email: fcbamo@aol.com 21.......... WMU Council Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Ministry Center April Newsletter Issue 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Parkway Baptist Church Postmaster Address service requested 18.......... Celebrate Children Conference, 1-31.......Associational Missions Month 4............ Ministers’ Meeting, 10:30 a.m., Ministry Center 10.......... Mother’s Day 10-17.....Christian Home Week 12.......... Women on Mission Quarterly Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Evergreen 12.......... Youth Leaders Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Ministry Center 16.......... Camp Clean-Up Day 17-23.....Association Missions Week 21.......... Program Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., M.C. 24.......... Pentecost Sunday/Day of Prayer & Fasting for World NOTE: Calendar, Updates, additions and other announcements may be heard on KLPW radio (1220 AM) on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. Weather related cancellations and closings will Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Union, MO Permit No. 1 Evangelism/Global Day of Prayer Dated M aterial Request in home service by M arch 26 7............ National Day of Pray er The Challenger Franklin Baptist Association Union, Missouri Webpage: franklinbaptistassociation.org (636) 583-2639 office James E. Pl ymale (636) 629- 5600 home Vol. XXXIIV Director of Missions E- mail: j amespl y@ aol.com No. 396 April 2015 FRANKLIN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION CHURCHES & MISSIONS ALLENTON HEIGHTS, FBC ANACONDA* CALVARY CALVEY CHARRETTE COMPASS MINISTRIES* CROSSROADS DULY EVERGREEN FAITH FRIENDSHIP SOUTHERN GERALD, FBC GRACE GRAY SUMMIT, FBC GREAT COMMISSION* GREEN MOUND LESLIE LIGHTHOUSE MEMORIAL MT. CALVARY NEW CHAPEL HILL NEW FRIENDSHIP NEW HOPE OAK GROVE OUTREACH FELLOWSHIP P ACIFIC P ROSPECT ROSE HILL MISSIONARY ST. CLAIR, FBC ST. CLAIR SOUTHERN SHILOH SP RING BLUFF TEMP LE TRUE VINE UNION, FBC VILLA RIDGE, FBC VIRGINIA MINES WASHINGTON, FBC WOODLAND LAKES* SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 23 Hosted by COMPASS MINISTRIES Franklin Baptist Ministry Center 785 Butterfield Dr., Union, MO 63084 4:30-5:00 p.m. — Registration 5:00 p.m. — Dinner Evening Session begins at 5:55 p.m. Worship led by Gary Geissler Missions & Ministry Reports Message by Bro. Fred Broome Pastor of Faith Baptist Church *Catered Dinner, $7.00 suggested donation. Reservations due by April 20th in the Association Office. M essengers are the same as the last Annual M eeting, plus any additions or changes elected by the church. Non-M essengers are also welcome to attend as guests. From the Director of Missions... This past month was a full month in our association. In addition to our VBS Clinic and meetings to plan and prepare fo r our upcoming Semi-Annual Meeting, most of our activities have revolved around various meetings and prep arations fo r our Association Truth and the Outdoor Expo. Probably the most important of these meetings was our association evangelistic prayer rally at the St. Clair High School to help undergird our evangelistic effo rts locally and across our association. I trust our ongoing joint prayer efforts will result in His moving in a mighty wave of gathering fruit into God’s Kingdom and to revival across our association and beyond. Thanks to the TATO leadership for coo rdinating the rally. Also, during this month we had the Truth and the Outdoors Expo. I am writing and mailing this a week before the expo and it may be over by the time you get this newsletter. We certainly expect great things to happen as a result of our prayers and preparations, and are praying for good weath er and for a powerful sense o f God’s presence upon the entire expo site. There have been literally hundreds who h ave worked to present the gospel through this unique format. If you do read this before March 27-29, please pray for the event, and if you read this afterwards, please pray fo r those who received a gospel witness during the expo to follow God's promptings in their heart, and for those who trusted Christ as Savior and Lord as they begin their new walk o f faith! I hope our churches will make every reasonable effort to reach out to minister further to these babes in Christ and to help them know and follow Christ as Savior and Lord. I will give a full report next month. I trust you and your church will have a great Easter observance on April 5. As I recall the reactions surrounding the resurrection o f Christ on that first Easter, I notice that everyone who saw the risen Lord melted before His presence and could not help but to tell others about Him. The reality of the Risen Lord in their lives was so powerful that they could not help but talk about it. Easter is a great time for us to have a fresh encounter with the risen Lord and to proclaim everywh ere to everyon e the messag e o f the Savior who conquered death fo r us. I hope you will plan to attend our Semi-Annual Meeting of the Association which will be held on April 23 at the association Ministry Center. I believe we have a good program lined up again this year. Fred Broome, pastor at Faith Baptist, will be the closing speaker. As usual we will be electing offi cers for the coming year and receiving various reports. The only other known business item is receiving the report of the Cred entials Committee concerning the requ est by Compass Ministries for membership in our association. In their report the Credentials Committee will be recommending that Compass Ministries continues under association “ watch-care” status until the Annual Meeting in September. Messengers are the same as for the Annual Meeting, plus any new Messengers you may approve. Guests are also encouraged to attend for in form ation and inspiration. The Lord lives!! Brother Jim Summer Missionaries Needed: If you, or someone you know, are a college student who may be interested in serving for 5-10 weeks as a summer missionary in our association or somewhere else in M issouri please contact our office for information ASAP. ASSOCIATION FAMILY MINIS TRIES DIRECTOR NEED ED If you are interested, or know someone who would be good for the Family Ministries Director position, please let our office know by March 30. MISS IONS CELEBRATION ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 10-11, 2015 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 2701 Muegge Rd., St. Charles, MO 63303 Events Include: Missionary Speakers, Breakout Sessions, WMU Age Level Training, Praise & Worship, Bookstore & Exhibits, Silent Auction Baskets (for Albert a Gilpin Fund) Register Online: mobaptist.org/wmu CELEBRATE CHILDREN CONFERENCE April 18, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Guest Speaker Landry Holmes Manager, LifeWay Kids Ministry Publishing Held at: Parkway Baptist Church, St. Louis, MO 63141 Breakout Sessions: • Safety & security • New believer classes • Discipline • Lifeway’s 2015 VBS—Journey Off The Map • Children & salvation • Creative teaching ideas • And more Cost: $20.00 per person; group rate (3 or more) $10.00 each. Register at www.parkwayb aptist.net/celebrat echildren (o r call 314-434-2310). CAMP RESERVATIONS – Churches please call the association office as soon as possible if you would like to schedule a date(s) to use our Retreat Center this year. After M arch 1 we started allowing individuals to schedule dates. CAMP CLEAN-UP DAYS April 11 & M ay 16 8:30 a.m. - noon (or later, if able) Are you looking for something meaningful to do? Or do you need a youth activity? We are in need of volunteers to help with spring cleaning inside and out. If you would like to do any volunteer work at the camp over the next few months, please contact the association office. You can pick a time and task that works for you and/or come to the scheduled workdays. CAMP DATES BOYS’ C AMP – JULY 6-10* GIRLS’ CAMP – JULY 13-17* SR. HIGH RETREAT—JULY 17 JR. HIGH YOUTH CAMP - JULY 19-22 DAY CAMP – AUGUST 3-6 (New Dates) *Note Boys and Girls have traded weeks. Registration packets will be mailed in late May. "S EW EAS Y" Classes April 11, 8:00-5:00 at Ministry Cente r Project of the month “ Double Irish Chain Quilt in a Day”. A donation for building use will be taken. The next “ Sew Easy” class will be on May 16. T he May project will be “ open sewing”. For more details call Jill, 636-629-5600. Church News PASTORLESS CHURCHES: Crossroads, Lighthouse, Oak Grove, Rose Hill and Spring Bluff. Please remember these churches in your special prayer as they seek pastors. Allenton Heights — April 19 at 6:00 p.m. will host the “Harper Family”. All are welcome Compass Ministries — Starting April 12 they will hold Sunday morning services at 10:30 a.m. at the Ministry Center. They will hold Easter Sunrise Services at 7:00 a.m. Great Commission - Hopes to finalize this month arrangements to rent a building in Washington and to begin Sunday morning worship services. They are in need of chairs for worship (preferably padded) and classes, offering plates and Lord’s Supper Service. They also could use an electric kitchen stove. If you could help with any of these, please contact Joe or Judy M urray at 636-661-8084. Memorial — Will host “Living As God Designed” Women’s Conference April 24 & 25. Call Cheryl for more information at 573-340-5444. Mt. Calvary - April 3 at 6:00 p.m. will host “ Good Friday Remembrance Service Through Song” this is a community event with a community choir. Also, they would like to invite you to their 118th Anniversary Homecoming on April 26. Morning service will be at 10:30 and a 2:30 program. For more information call Frederick Evans at 618-363-1910. Villa Ridge, FBC — Would like to invite you to join them in traveling to the “ Creation Museum” June 4-6. 50% de posit is due with April 1 re gistration. For information contact Jim Radford at 636-742-3662. PLANNING A REVIVAL? Please send that information to us so we can promote it Christian Sympathy We would like to express our sympathy to Rev. Herman McMullin and family in the recent death of his wife Velma. Herman has pastored in several of our association churches. We would like to express our sympathy to Rev. Ed Carter and family in the recent death of his mother. Ed is the pastor at Calvary Baptist. We would like to express our sympathy to Rev. Jim Sanders and family in the recent death of his wife Mary Ellen. Jim is the pastor at T rue Vine Baptist. COMMUNITY EAS TER S UNRIS E S ERVICES At S ODA CREEK CHAPEL (Hwy . K between St. Clair & Sullivan) April 5, 2015, 6:45 a.m. Music by: “The Sterlings” and “The Servants Quartet Message by: Jim Plymale Bring lawn chairs & dress warm, Coffee & donuts provided Call Steve John for in formation 636-584-1871
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