the Avenue Word april 2015 He is Risen! celebrate the resurrection “The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:5-6 (NIV) 2 A Word from the Pastor 4 Happenings on the Avenue 5 Prayer Guide W h e e l e r Av e n u e B a p t i s t C h u r c h 8 Christian Life Advancement 9 Adult Ministries 11 Young Adults and Youth Ministries 12 Children’s Ministries 13 April Birthdays 15 Churchwide Events Where we worship Jesus Christ and minister to the total person Hallelujah! He is risen! Today, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ! We have officially come to the conclusion of the Lenten/Holy Week experience! We have officially concluded our 40-day fast designed to cleanse us and draw us closer to our God! Today is a day of celebration! It is a day filled with extravagant beauty intentionally designed to heighten our appreciation for the God Who refused to allow death to have the final word! This God refused to let the enemy win the victory over our Savior! And this God has included us in the family of the redeemed because Jesus died and rose again! He makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11a). I stand amazed by the ways our God has granted favor to our church during this Lenten Season. God's gracious Hand has been upon us as He has answered our prayers, blessed us during the fast, and brought us to the broad space of the HPE Building on the campus of our sister institution for worship on two of the most significant days of the Christian Year--Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday! Thanks to God for the great things He continues to do! This day ends a Season of grand celebration, but it begins a Season of great expectation! The next fifty days constitute the time when the Early Church anticipated the coming of the Holy Spirit--the promise of Jesus Christ (cf., John 16:7-14). Consequently, we will begin a new Bible Study Series this Wednesday entitled, Preparing for Pentecost. Pentecost Sunday is the time when we celebrate the birth of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 2:1-41 gives to us the reflection of that phenomenal time that occurred fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We invite you to make plans to study with us at noon and/or 7p.m., as we spend the month of April exploring the work and worth of the Holy Spirit. Please join us for Bible Study this month; and enjoy the journey of preparation for Pentecost. I look forward to seeing you there. So many other wonderful things will happen on our campus this month. Please read through the entirety of this document for a preview of all the great things that have been planned this month and make plans to be a part of them. But, before you do that, let's shout HALLELUJAH! HE IS RISEN!!! Order of Worship Resurrection Sunday April 5, 2015 7:00am & 11:00am The Prelude Crown Him With Many Crowns (Handbells) He Lives (Hymn) Forever You’re My King Amazing Love Medley Jesus Lives The Call to Worship The Morning Hymn Because He Lives The Responsive Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 11:26-34 (NRSV) The Sacred Ordinance of Baptism Take Me to the Water/None But the Righteous/Jesus I’ll Never Forget/Oh Happy Day The Music of Remembrance He Took My Place The Sacred Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper Near the Cross/There Is a Fountain/Jesus Paid It All/The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power The Music of Celebration He Is Risen/Come See Where He Lay The Welcome of Special Guests The Presentation of Tithes and Offerings The Music of Preparation Holy One The Resurrection Sermon The Invitation to Christian Discipleship We Offer Christ Joyfully celebrating the Savior, M.D. Cosby The Benediction Praise God From Who All Blessings Flow Postlude Hallelujah Chorus (WABC Community Orchestra) 3 h a p p e nin g s o n t h e a v e n u e — APRIL 2 0 1 5 S u n d ay, a p r i l 5 7am, 9am, 11am Worship Services m o n d ay, a p r i l 6 CAMPUS CLOSED t u e s d ay, APR I L 7 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital and Infrastructure Subcommittee Meeting 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Old Testament Survey 6:30 PM Elected Officers’ Orientation 7:00 PM First Tuesday on the Avenue w e d n e s d ay, a p r i l 8 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 1:30 PM Job Search Workshop 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study m o n d ay, a p r i l 13 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 6:00 PM Ruth Circle Meeting 6:00 PM Women’s Guild Executive Board Committee Meeting 6:30 PM Boy Scouts Troop Comm. Mtg. 6:30 PM Signing Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal 6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal 6:30 PM Sister Chat Bible Study 7:00 PM InHIMM Men’s Ministry Fellowship 7:00 PM WAICV - Board Meeting 7:30 PM Orchestra Rehearsal 7:30 PM Mime Rehearsal t u e s d ay, a p r i l 14 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital and Infrastructure Subcommittee Meeting 6:00 PM T. Davis Senior Mission Circle 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Parent Meeting 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Old Testament Survey 6:30 PM Chorale Ministry Rehearsal t h u r s d ay, a p r i l 9 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Honey Child Prenatal Program 6:30 PM Avenue News Meeting 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 5:30 PM Building Committee Monthly Mtg. 7:00 PM Cherub Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM Juneteenth Celebration Meeting 7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:15 PM Young Adult Officers Orientation w e d n e s d ay, a p r i l 15 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 9:00 AM Houston Money Week 6:30 PM Young Adult Week Cook-Off 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study Planning Meeting 7:00 PM Financial Empowerment Ministry 1:30 PM Job Search Workshop 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service Meeting 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study f r i d ay, a p r i l 10 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise t h u r s d ay, a p r i l 16 6:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal Montgomery/Goudeau 6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting s at u r d ay, a p r i l 11 6:15 PM Young Adult Officers Orientation 8:00 AM WABC’s Advancing Emotional 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal Health Awareness Focus Group 8:00 AM WAAP Comm. Mtg. Africa Project 6:30 PM CLASS Teachers In-Service Training 8:30 AM Transformation Meeting 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 9:00 AM FEM Workshop 6:30 PM Young Adult Talent Show Dress 9:00 AM Tutoring Ministry Rehearsal 9:30 AM Cub Scouts Meeting 7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM Cherub Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM Fresh Start Event and Training 7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word 10:00 AM Pre-Marriage Session Rehearsal 10:00 AM Praise Team Rehearsal 7:15 PM Board of Trustees Investment 10:00 AM Honey Child Facilitator Committee Appreciation/Baby Shower 11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal f r i d ay, a p r i l 1 7 11:30 AM Educational Grant Enrichment 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing Course 12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 3:00 PM Wedding - Montgomery/Goudeau 7:00 PM Young Wheeler’s Got Talent Show S u n d ay, a p r i l 12 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School 9am Financial Peace Class 3:30pm Baby Dedications s at u r d ay, a p r i l 18 8:00 AM Deacon Board Exec. Committee 8:00 AM The Rose Mammogram Screenings 8:30 AM Transformation Meeting 9:00 AM Cancer Ministry Meeting 9:00 AM Stephen Ministry Supervision Dev. 9:00 AM Tutoring Ministry 10:00 AM Alzheimer Support Group 4 10:00 AM Ephphatha Ministry Meeting 10:00 AM Street Witnessing 10:00 AM Praise Team Rehearsal 10:00 AM Honey Child Prenatal Program 10:00 AM Wedding Council Meeting 11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal 11:30 AM Educational Grant Enrichment Course 12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal S u n d ay, a p r i l 19 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School m o n d ay, a p r i l 2 0 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 5:45 PM Women’s Guild Meeting 6:30 PM Deacons in Training 6:30 PM Signing Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal 6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal 6:30 PM Young Adults Bible Study 6:30 PM Women’s Ministry The Waiting Room 7:00 PM Monday Night Live 7:30 PM Orchestra Rehearsal 7:30 PM Mime Rehearsal t u e s d ay, a p r i l 2 1 5:00 PM Cade Circle Meeting 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital and Infrastructure Subcommittee Meeting 6:00 PM Deacons Meeting 6:30 PM Boy Scouts Board of Review 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Old Testament Survey 6:30 PM Chorale Ministry Rehearsal 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Young Adult Financial Fitness 7:00 PM Cherub Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal w e d n e s d ay, a p r i l 2 2 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study t h u r s d ay, a p r i l 2 3 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:00 PM Trustee Board Meeting 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 6:30 PM Wheeler’s Got Talent 7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word Rehearsal f r i d ay, 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM a p r i l 24 Seasoned Saints Line Dancing Seasoned Saints Exercise The Situation TKO Battle of the Sexes Cook-off & Game Tournament s at u r d ay, a p r i l 25 8:00 AM Boy Scouts Law Day (Merit Badge Day) 9:00 AM Cub Scouts Pack Meeting 10:00 AM Family Group 11, 32, 37, 38 & 40 Bible Study 10:00 AM Pre-Marriage Session 10:00 AM Praise Team Rehearsal 10:00 AM Honey Child Prenatal Program 11:00 AM Family Group 1 Bible Study 11:00 AM Women’s Guild Fashion Show 11:30 AM Educational Grant Enrichment Course 12:00 PM Family Group 42 Bible Study S u n d ay, a p r i l 26 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School m o n d ay, a p r i l 27 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 50th Anniversary Committee Meeting 6:30 PM Signing Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal 6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal 6:30 PM Sister Chat Bible Study 7:30 PM Orchestra Rehearsal 7:30 PM Mime Rehearsal t u e s d ay, a p r i l 2 8 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital and Infrastructure Subcommittee Meeting 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Old Testament Survey 6:30 PM Chorale Ministry Rehearsal 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal w e d n e s d ay, a p r i l 29 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study t h u r s d ay, a p r i l 3 0 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 6:30 PM Celebration of New Birth Development 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word Rehearsal PRAYER GUIDE A P R I L 2 0 15 Praise the Lord for the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. As we move forward, let us continue in our daily prayer time. Remember that we are praying Monday through Saturday, between noon and 1 p.m. • • Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your time of prayer. This is meant only as a guide for bringing a unified focus. Saturday’s prayer focus is for the city, state, nation, and world. Please be watchful of what is happening in all of these places so that you can pray into those situations. April 6, 2015 – Monday Acts 1:3a - After His suffering, He presented Himself to them and many convincing proofs that He was alive. 1. Thank God that Jesus is alive. 2. Pray that your awareness of the living Christ will be enhanced. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 7, 2015 - Tuesday Acts 1:3b – He appeared unto them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 1. Thank God for His kingdom coming with peace, joy, healing, deliverance, provision, etc. 2. Pray that the kingdom of God will be manifested in your life in abundance. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 8, 2015 – Wednesday Acts 1:14 – They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers. 1. Thank God for the fellowship of the saints and opportunities for corporate prayer. 2. Pray that the Lord will help you commit to a more disciplined prayer life. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 9, 2015 – Thursday Acts 1:5 – For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. 1. Thank God for Holy Spirit. 2. Pray that the Lord will help you to become more intimate with the Holy Spirit. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 10, 2015 – Friday Acts 2:17 – In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. 1. Thank God that the Holy Spirit is no respecter of persons. 2. Pray that the Lord will continue to pour out His Spirit on you and on WABC. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 13, 2015 – Monday Acts 2:21 - And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 1. Thank God that salvation is for everyone. 2. Pray that people would begin to call on the name of the Lord and be saved. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 14, 2015 – Tuesday Acts 3:6 – Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” 1. Thank God that there is power in the name of Jesus. 2. Pray that you will begin to see, in greater measures, the power of the Lord working through you. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. 5 PRAYER GUIDE AP R IL 20 1 5 April 15, 2015 – Wednesday Acts 4:32 – All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 1. Thank God that He has made the church a family. 2. Pray that the Lord will help you to do your part in the church and help your growth in generosity. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 16, 2015 – Thursday Acts 5:1-2 – Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. 1. Thank God that He is omniscient. 2. Pray that the Lord will keep you honest before Him and that He will help you not to be pretentious. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 17, 2015 – Friday Acts 5:17-18 – Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. 1. Thank God for the blessing of persecution for His sake. 2. Pray that the Lord will give you the strength to endure persecution and the boldness to witness in spite of it. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 20, 2015 – Monday Acts 5:29 – Peter and the apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings.” 1. Thank God that He rewards obedience. 2. Pray that you will always have the courage to obey God. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 21, 2015 – Tuesday Acts 6:9-10 – Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen […] But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him [Stephen] as he spoke. 1. Thank God for His wisdom. 2. Pray that the Lord will give you wisdom on how to defend your faith. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 22, 2015 – Wednesday Acts 7:51 – “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit! 1. Thank God that He gives us ears to hear and eyes to see what the Spirit is saying and doing. 2. Pray that God will deliver you from being one who is stiff-necked and one who resists the Spirit. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. PRAYER GUIDE A P R I L 2 0 15 Acts 8:20 – Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money!” 1. Thank God that the gifts of God are freely given and received. 2. Pray that the Lord will help you to walk in the gifts of the Spirit that He has given you. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 27, 2015 – Monday Acts 8:30 – Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?’ Philip asked. 1. Thank God for the preachers and teachers of the Gospel. 2. Pray that the Lord will give you an understanding of His word so that you can rightly divide the word of God. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 28, 2015 – Tuesday Acts 9:17 – Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 1. Thank God that he gives His people true sight. 2. Pray that the Lord will remove the scales from your eyes in those areas where you do not see clearly. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 29, 2015 – Wednesday Acts 10:4 – Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked. The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.” 1. Thank God that He acknowledges His faithful ones. 2. Pray that the Lord will help you to grow in your prayers and gifts to the poor. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 30, 2015 – Thursday Acts 10:15 – The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” 1. Thank God that He is sovereign. 2. Pray that the Lord will help you to receive into the church those who are different from you. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. May 1, 2015 – Friday Acts 11:18 – When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.” 1. Thank God for His great love for all of mankind. 2. Pray that the Lord will give you the courage to be a witness wherever He leads you. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 23, 2015 – Thursday Acts 8:6 – When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. 1. Thank God for signs and wonders. 2. Pray that the Lord will manifest the gifts of the Spirit with signs and wonders. 3. Pray for WABC and your commitment to the building campaign. April 24, 2015 – Friday 6 7 Serving through ministries Christian Life Advancement S u n d a y Sc h o o l C LASS Li s t in g s & L o c a t i o n s A d u lt 1/ C h o i r 9 :0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 216 The Adult I/Choir class is a dedicated family of believers in Christ whose members enjoy gathering together for spirited teaching and discussion, as we study God’s Holy Word. We are a diverse group of men and women, singles, married individuals and couples. Fa i t h a n d W o r k s 9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 210 Faith and Works strives to be a living example of James 2:17 from which the class derived its name. This is a diverse group of believers in age and gender. The learning and applying of the lesson is through group discussion that aims to get to the heart of the WORD of God by listening and learning from each other. Men’s Cl ass 9:00 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 207 The Adult Men’s class consists of men who are at various levels of spiritual maturity. The men in this class treasure the wisdom, application of scripture to their everyday lives and fellowship with other men of God. We know that iron sharpens iron. We welcome and encourage questions and comments from all members of the class. S p i r i t u a l D e l iv e r a nc e 9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l C LC - Ro o m 217 The Spiritual Deliverance Class is a unique blend of men and women. The class embodies a range of Christian maturity, from “emerging to mature” Christians. This class encourages interaction and involvement of the learners to foster spiritual transformation and develop strong witnesses for Christ. Women’s Cl ass 9 :0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - Fello wsh ip Hall (L eft ) The Women’s class utilizes varying teaching techniques that include women sharing in lively discussions of scripture and the assigned lessons. This class is comprised of a diverse group of married women, single women and single mothers. Attendees of the Women’s class appreciate the friendship, fellowship, support and spiritual growth they receive as a result of participating in this class. a d u lt C l a s s 1 1 :00 a . m . -12:15 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 215 This is a combined (co-ed) adult group that is intentionally intergenerational, ranging from young adult to adult. This class focuses on the discovery, understanding, and application of the Word of God for the whole person. TO P ICAL A d u l t C l a s s ES Vision Seekers 9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 218 Geared to young adults, ages 21-35, the mission is to seek and see the deeper depths of God by seeking first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, launching in the deep, increasing our individual study of God’s word and seeking God’s promises. Livin g Y o u r Fa i t h 11:0 0 a . m . – 12:15 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 216 Using curriculum developed by WABC, this class deals with the nexus of your faith and everyday life. It examines the importance of incorporating our belief and faith into all of our life circumstances. N e w Lif e a s a n I n s i d e r 11:0 0 a . m . – 12:15 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 217 This class is specifically designed for new believers in Christ. As a new believer you are no longer living in the world, but are now an insider connected to the body of believers everywhere. What does this mean to how you now live your life? This class will help you understand what you believe and how to articulate that belief. Middle School-High School Classes God and Church 11:0 0 a . m . – 12:15 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 218 For Middle School - High School ages, this class is a collaboration with Boy Scouts, but all students are welcomed. This class is taught 2nd through 4th Sundays in the summer and fall. Grades 6-8 Grades 9-10 Grades 11-12 Grades 6-12 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 20 9 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 212 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 211 11:0 0 a . m . - 12 :30 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 218 Interactive experiences where youth learn about Jesus and engage biblical truths that help them grow closer to Jesus and to be equipped for facing everyday life. It’s a fun way to get to know Jesus and other youth, while we grow spiritually. young Children Classes Pre-School Prek - Kindergarten 1st and 2nd Grades 3rd and 4th Grades 5th Grade 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 116 -117 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 133-138 9 :0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 134-135 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - F H (Right ) 9:0 0 a . m . - 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 136 -137 Our focus is to teach children about God’s love and His amazing gift of salvation to prepare them to know Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. We use age-appropriate lessons, games, crafts, and other creative ways to teach the Word of God. We help children build Bible skills that encourage them to memorize and apply God’s Word. 8 a d u l t mini s t r i e s Ministries of the Month We’re taking the month of April to highlight our Communications Ministries. Please stop by their tables following worship for more information. If you’re interested in becoming involved in any of our Communications Ministries, go to the William Alexander Lawson Christian or Community Life Center immediately following worship to sign-up or to receive more information. • • • Communications Corps Photography Ministry Social Media Ministry others serve Build, Grow and Own...Your way to Financial Freedom Workshop “Mark your calendars! The Financial Empowerment Ministry will provide financial education in a fun-filled, faith-based atmosphere formulated to help bolster your bank account, conquer your stock market fears, and gain insight to plateau your hobby into a business. This workshop will only be presented once, so don’t miss out! The event will be held next week, on Saturday, April 11 from 8:00 a.m. - noon. Register today at or in the Christian Life Center after the 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services”. women’s guild The Women’s Guild will meet Monday, April 20, at 6:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall-left). Come join us as we foster fellowship and plan projects to serve the community. Refreshments will be served. 2015 audrey h. lawson impact awards luncheon and fashion show Wheeler Avenue Inner City Visions, Inc. - Women’s Guild will celebrate 52 YEARS OF SERVICE to the Houston community at the 2015 Audrey H. Lawson IMPACT Awards Luncheon and Fashion Show on Saturday, April 25, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Houston, 1200 Louisiana Street. This year’s honorary chair is Carolyn Guess. Honorees, who will be recognized for their many contributions to the community, include: Save the Date Jacqueline Alton, Owner, Almeda Travel Dr. Rose Austin, Retired Administrator, Lone Star College Dr. Heather Brown, Orthodontist Pastor Suzette Caldwell, Associate Pastor, Windsor Village United Methodist Church Gayla Gardner, Co-Founder, Twelve Days of Christmas Winell Herron, H.E.B. Group Vice President, Public Affairs, Diversity, and Environmental Affairs The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative, 18th Congressional District Wheeler Avenue Inner City Visions, Inc. Women’s Guild 52 Years of Service Audrey H. Lawson IMPACT Awards Luncheon & Fashion Show Saturday, April 25, 2015 11:30 a.m. Hyatt Regency - Houston Tickets $65 Benefitting Educational, Residential Assistance & Community Outreach Programs Sponsorship Packages Available For more information, please contact or 832-332-8013 Tickets are $65. Sponsorship packages are available. Proceeds benefit Wheeler Avenue Inner City Visions, Incorporated. For more information, please contact or 832-332-8013. lemonade day “Lemonade! Lemonade! Get your ice cold lemonade! Enroll your child to participate as a lemonade stand business owner in the WABC inaugural Lemonade Day event, scheduled for Sunday, May 3, at 9:00 a.m. Register today at Not sure if your child will understand what it takes to own and operate a successful lemonade business? Don’t fret! The Financial Empowerment Ministry in conjunction with Chase Bank, will teach each youth participant how to plan, execute and succeed as a lemonade stand business owner. Join us next Saturday, April 11 at 8:00 a.m. for the first of two training sessions. We can’t wait to see you and your child there!” 9 Serving through ministries a d u l t mini s t r i e s Seasoned Saints Ministry Monthly Activities of the Seasoned Saints Ministry are as follows: Mondays Wednesdays Fridays 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics 11:30 a.m. - Seasoned Table Talk Serving through ministries y o u n g a d u l t s a n d y o u t h mini s t r i e s Praise Dancers Rehearsals are Mondays, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., in the William A. Lawson Community Life Center, Room 207. Please contact Sis. Erica Henderson (, if you’re interested in ministering with the WABC Grace Praise Dancers. CHRIST VICTORY STEPPERS Christ Victory Steppers practice on Saturdays, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., in the William A. Lawson Community Life Center, Worship Center. For more information, contact Loren Hickerson at or 615-202-7077. 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics 12:00 p.m. - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. - Line Dancing 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics 11:30 a.m. - Bible Study Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 1st Tuesday on the Avenue marriage enrichment session—Tuesday, april 7, 2015 We are continuing with our series entitled Rounding the Bases of a successful marriage. It has been a lively and enriching experience geared for couples of all ages. In our last session, we discussed Homeboys, In-laws and Outlaws, and this Tuesday we will work on our game as we entertain the topic of: How to Fix Your Spouse You may have noticed the series is called Rounding the Bases. Some of us are trying to hit home runs with our marriages, but others of us are stuck at home plate. Tired of striking out with her or with him? Isn’t it about time that you work on your marital skills and techniques? Well, Get in the Game of Marriage Enrichment and begin the disciplines in marriage that will improve your batting average as husbands and wives! Avenues to Employment The Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church employment assistance ministry, Avenues to Employment, will offer a Resumé Preparation workshop at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, and an Interviewing Skills Workshop at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15. The two-hour workshops will be held in the Christian Life Center and will be led by a professional career coach from the JS101 organization. In addition to periodic job search events such as the April workshops, the Avenues to Employment ministry also offers an electronic job board for posting and searching job openings, as well as personal job search coaching and feedback. For more information about the workshops or the Avenues to Employment ministry, please visit and click on the Avenues to Employment button on the lower right side of the home page, or email BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE We are currently in the pre-construction phase of the surface parking lot. Demolition of our properties on Blodgett Street is complete and other work is scheduled to take place in the coming days. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO PLEDGE If you have not had a chance to pledge your commitment to the Building for the Future Capital Campaign, it is not too late. Pledge cards are available in the sanctuary foyer, in the CLC and on Pledge your commitment today! Monday: “Monday Night Live: Living with a Purpose” (April 20th) 7pm Worship Center Tuesday: “It’s All About the Money”: Finance Bootcamp (April 21st) 7PM Worship Center Wednesday: Bring a Friend to Bible Study (April 22nd) Free Dinner - Fellowship Hall 5pm l Bible Study- Main Sanctuary 7pm Thursday: Talent Show: “Wheeler’s Got Talent” (April 23rd) 7PM Worship Center Friday: Battle of the Sexes: Cook-Off (April 24th) 7pm Worship Center Saturday: Service with a Smile (April 25th) Children’s Museum from 10-2pm Bodegas Taco Shop at 2:30pm Sunday: “Come Let Us Worship” (April 26th) (Young adults represent in green and gray) Sunday School at 9am and 11am 10 11 Serving through ministries c h i l d r e n ’ s mini s t r i e s cherub choir (Children, ages 2-10) Rehearsal is held every Tuesday, excluding the Tuesday following the Third Sunday, at 7:00 pm in the choir room and every Saturday immediately preceding the Third Sunday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. children’s church Children’s Church services are at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the Christian Life Center. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sis. Harlisha Homer at: hhomer@ Children’s Church Drop-off 2 and 3 year olds: Christian Life Center, Room 117 4 and 5 year olds: Christian Life Center, Room 138 1st – 5th Grade: Fellowship Hall (Left) ACOLYTES If your child is interested in lighting the candles during any of the four worship services, please contact Sis. Harlisha Homer at: KIDCHECK KidCheck is available for Wheeler’s children. In order to use the check-in system, you must register your child/children. Parents may do so by going to or clicking on the KidCheck Link on the Wheeler Avenue website. WHEELER AVENUE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (WACA) April will be another exciting month for WACA. We will celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; and the school will be closed in observance of Good Friday on April 3rd. We will also be busy learning gardening and how to recycle as WABC continues to do its part to save the environment. WACA has experienced a great year so far, and we’re considering expanding to the 1st grade for the 2015-2016 school year. If you or someone you know would be interested, please give us a call at 713-579-2792 to speak to our Executive Director, Deaconess Ada Carr. the children’s ministry needs your help! The Children’s Ministry needs teachers, assistant teachers, helpers and parent volunteers! For more information, and to begin your training, please contact Rev. Alexander E.M. Johnson at 713-579-2703 or Cub Scouts Pack 242 Recruiting Now! Scouting- Learning and having FUN at the same time! Looking for boys who will be in the 1st-4th grades in September 2015 to join our pack. For more information, contact Marion Edwards, Pack Chair, at 713-417-7612 or or Jeffery Floyd, Cub Chair, at 713-837-6465 or 12 h a p p y bi r t h d a y , a p r i l b a bi e s ! Nicole Abner Apryl Adams Cathy Adams James Adams Omari Adams Tamara Adams Yvonne Adams Isoken Adodo Kourtlandt Akins Brenda Aldridge Cristina Aldridge Glynn Alexander Hope Alexander Yolanda Alexander Natasha Alford Halima Ali Tony Allen Jerrikka Alston Prince Amoyaw Olivia Amy Briana Anderson Gladys Anderson Lanesha Anderson Marie Anderson Donna Anthony-Burton Randall Antoine Marline Anyaibe Duncan Bruce Arnold Margie Arseno Gerald Ashford DaQuavion Atkins Stacey Atkins Sydney Aubrey Aaron Auzenne Lauren Babino Marilyn Baldwin Rafiat Balogun Helen Balthrop Afia Banieh Daisy Banieh Roddrica Banks Ryan Banks Steven Barber Kimail Barefield Taelor Barefield Barnetta Barnes Breona Barnes Raynard Barnes Simone Barr Terri Bass Quincy Bates Lucretia Batts Demetrius Baxter Loren Baxter Nicole Baxter-Thierry Bryan Baylor Janice Beal-Geyen Vaughn Belcher Jennifer Bellard Charles Bennett Karen Benton Xian Berger Farrah Bernard Phillips Berry Lacricia Bethea Lois Beverly Destiny Bilbrew Doris Bilton Cody Bingham Twanna Birdine Christian Birdwell Clarq Bishop Kenneth Black Willie Blackmon Natalie Blain Debbie Blair Theata Blakes Tiffany Boatman Netesha Bolton Alicia Bonner Kim Boudreaux Tajiri Brackens Jannie Brandon Patra Brannon Ellington Brantley Evelyn Brass Vicky Brathwaite Darius Brewer Domnique Brewer Kameron Brewer Sade Brewer Rodney Brice Nicholette Briscoe Bertha Britton Debra Brooks DeJuan Brooks Amanda Brown April Brown Ashley Brown Chana Brown Christian Brown Cordaryll Brown Dawn Brown Desiree’ Brown Gregory Brown Lisa Brown Ryan Brown Stephen Brown Troy Brown Xavier Brown Natalya Brownlow Lena Bryant Edward Bullock Kendrick Bullock Jasmine Burch Joseph Burden Heather Burke A. Burks Christina Burks Ruth Burleson Erica Burley Dunte Burns LaToya Burns Aericka Burrell Kristena Burrell Malcolm Burton Mason Butler Lauretta Byars Raymond Byrd Angela Cage Kayla Cage Joseph Caphas Randi Carodine Alicia Carr Amanda Carr Maurice Carr Maleigha Carradine Anderson Carrier Bertina Carter Carl Carter Chantey Carter Iyan Carter Lois Carter Patricia Carter Pinkie Carter Roshawnda Carter Shani Carter Carrie Cartwright Kathrine Cash Darlene Castille Leticia Cavazos Caterina Charles Lanette Charles Christiana Charleston Tamika Chatman Annette Chatmon Cheryl Chin Daniel Chism Thaelia Christie Annie Clark John Clark Jonas Clark-Jackson Kristin Clermont Marian Cluff Patricia Coats Rachael Cochran Deborah Cole Shontel Cole Carolyn Coleman Ed Coleman Myosha Coleman Tiki Collins Krystle Collins Jessica Combs-Bellard Chanae Connell Marlon Cook Kalle Cooper Karen Cooper Vanessa Cooper Alejandra Coria Larita Cormier Ferren Cornelius Ashley Cosby Melanie Countee Justin Cox Adrian Craft Tanya Craft Helen Crawford Renita Crear Lisa Critchlow Christina Cross Darren Crump Krystle Cumby Brian Cunningham Melonie Curry Tamika Daniels Veronica Daniels Bria Davis Brook Davis Cameron Davis Carmen Davis Darius Davis Dyrren Davis Gloria Davis India Davis Jacqueline Davis Jasma Davis Kaneshia Davis Kimberly Davis Lorna Davis Marsel Davis Mary Davis Matthew Davis Rhonda Davis Robert Davis Sade Davis Shannon Davis Tracy Davis Vanessa Davis Zipporah Davis James Dawkins Jason Dawkins Ebony Dawson Marqueon Dawson Tiffany Deckard Tiffany Deckard-Pierson Marquell DeCluette Walterene Delafosse Kebori Denson SherRyl DeWalt Shannon Dewberry Jerryce Diggs Tiffany Diggs Judith Dingiba Aliana Dinish Carrie Dixon Shareen Donatto Jada Douglas Jalaina Douglas Cheryl Duncan Nikki Duncan Angdronell Durant Tammi Durden Sonovia Dykes Dawn Earles Chassidy Easter Julian Edwards Marquis Edwards Dante Eglin LaToya Ekpenyoung Elethia Eldridge Melody Ellis Aaron B Ellison Aaron B Ellison Jr Adrianne Ellison Phillip Emerson Eseoghene Epia Demond Espree Courtney Evans Devan Evans Ronnie Evans Olufunke Fagbohun Marguerite Felder Danielle Ferguson Keith Ferguson Cornelius Ferren Vivian Fields Helen Flakes Alan Fleming Erin Fleming Larena Flemmings Brandy Fletcher Joslyn Foley D’Korian Ford Lawrence Ford Jahmil Forrester Demi Forte Joey Foster John Foster Michael Fowler Sheritta Franciour Tiarra Franciour Kenise Franklin Troy Franklin Victoria Franklin Rania Frederick Terry Frederick Brandi Freeman Darelyn Freeman Stephanie Freeman Yvonne Friday Sam Fulton Tara Gainey Margarita Gamez Donald Gardner Jatez Gardner DeWan Garner Brian Garrett Emmanuel Gary Lawanda Gathright Shameeka Gaylor Melinda Gibson Quinton Gibson Tasha Gibson LaKeshia Gilbert Veronica Gilbert Glynis Gilder Elana Gilliam Ethan Gilmore Jalen Gilmore Jayla Gilmore Paul Gilmore Kimberly Gilyard Ashley Gipson Tony Girder Ashley Glenn 13 Teela Glenn Edith Glover Kaden Glover Jade Gold Yazmin Golden Journi Goodman Mike Goss Anthony Goudeau Osheka Gougisha Felicia Grace Charlysse Graham Chelsea Grate Austin Gray Julius Gray Maxine Gray Jocelyn Greely Asia Green Nieshea Green Trenise Green Shirley Grimes Cedrick Grisby Yvette Guess John Guess Carlan Guest Marissa Guidry Gloria Guillory Emile Haley Aalyce Hall Adrienne Hall Ashley Hall Darriona Hall James Hall Santino Hall Michael Hamilton Jamal Hanney Tara Harper Chloe Harris Danyelle Harris Daryl Harris Linda Harris Neal Harris Serenity Harris Tedra Harris Valerie Harris Rekina Harrold Jamie Hart Tamika Hart Douglas Harvey Shawnda Havard Dominick Hawkins Ahvone Hawthorne Ernest Hayes Helen Hayes Jasmine Hayes Tammi Hayes Cambrie Haynes Jessica Haynes Mel Haynes De’Ron Haynie JaRhon Haywood Joe Hearns Lonzie Helms Frederick Henderson Jamelyn Henderson Nathaniel Henderson Trey Henderson Britney Henix Amanda Henry Kiki Henry Lila Henry Nancy Henry Andreya Henson Dupree Hewitt Brian Hicks Willie Hicks Desiree Hightower Keith Hightower Alena Hill Edward Hill Shanetra Hill Suzette Hilliard Niven Hinkle Tiara Hodge Walter Hollins Kimberly Holloway Steven Holloway Takiyah Holt-Hall Leslie Hooks Elizabeth Hopkins Levon Horton Lisa Horton Sam Hose Erica Hudson Gloria Hudson Jock Hughes Malik Huitt-Nelson Monica Humber Clyde Hunt Bianca Hunter Debra Hunter Ashley Huntsberry Henry Hutchins Chantell Hypolite Denice Idom Kelli Ingram Rasheedat Ipaye Daryl Irby Otis Iverson Michael Ivory Jeanetta Jack Adrianna Jackson Ajaye Jackson Andrea Jackson Britni Jackson Danielle Jackson Hosea Jackson Jennette Jackson Joseph Jackson Journey Jackson Mikah Jackson Sibyl Jackson Alicia James Brandi James David James Deionta James Paige James Reginal James Sean Jamieson Amelia Jarmon Vanity Jarmon Johnny Jenkins Stacey Jenkins Brittney Jennings Morgan Jimmerson Brithaney John Camille Johnican Angel Johnson Ashley Johnson Carla Johnson Gloria Johnson Jourdan Johnson Lauretta Johnson Letitia Johnson Linda Johnson Melanie Johnson Michael Johnson Moritka Johnson Ozell Johnson Paula Johnson Ronnishia Johnson Shamus Anthony Jalen Johnson Alexie Jones Artavion Jones Bobbie Jones Carlos Jones Carlton Jones Denita Jones George Jones Gregory Jones Jahson Jones James Jones LaJuan Jones LaMar Jones Michael Jones Sharonda Jones Steaffon Jones Theodore Jones Tyler Jones Darian Jones-Blair Marquis Jonkins Elaina Juneau Karon Kamal Ruthie Kelley Mario Kelly Wellington Kendall Kia Kenebrew Marcus Keys Brian Kibagendi Ivy Kibagendi Norah Kibagendi Cornell King Datrez King Roshundria King Xaviar King Scarlett Kioutas Regina Kirkpatrick Frezsanee Knight Robin Knight Maxina Kroma John Kyles Patrice Lacy Shondra Ladd Damon Lambert Debra Lathan Dawn Law Ellis Lee Yolanda Lee Stennis Lenoir Shanae Lester Breona Lewis Conchetta Lewis Harry Lewis Juleon Lewis Ora Lewis Vashon Lewis Demetra Liggins Knetta Lilly Kiera Lindsey Jasmine Linguist Ivan Link Douglas Locke Gene Locke Nicholas Locke Tiffany Lockings Jeremy Lofton Shaundra Lomas Christal Lopez Ileana Lopez-Jimenez Denise Love ZaVonte’ Lovings Ariel Madlock Derick Magee David Mallett Joshua Mallory Angela Malone Constance Malveaux Jamal Malveaux Arlandrea Mamou Helder Mandingo Ashley Manning Khierra Manson Anjelica Markray Otamonuwe Marshall Venishia Marthrel Joshua Martin Marilyn Martin h a p p y bi r t h d a y , a p r i l b a bi e s ! Terrance Martin Megan Martinez Brianna Marzett Carlos Mason Terrance Mason Joshua Mathews Tish Matthews Janetta Mattingly Rebecca Mayhorn Christopher Mays Michelle Mays Dawn Mays-Floyd Chaz McAdams Versie McAdams Amanda McBride Dennis McCalpin Robert McDonald Nicole McGee Joshua McGhee Candice McGuire Lonnica McKelvin Debbie Mckinney Patricia McKinney Tisha McKnight Brittany McLaughlin Delrico McLin Dorian McNeil Elayne McNeil Marva McNeil Clark Jerrod McRae Maudie Medlock Barbara Merchant Bobby Merchant Zeita Merchant Ouida Middleton Michael Miles-Price Ariana Miller Danielle Miller Edwin Miller Kendal Miller Neld Miller Jumaane Mills James Milo Crystal Milton Constance Mims Constance Minor Elexis Mitchell Jazmin Mitchell Joshua Mitchell Makayla Molock David Momanyi Mathew Momanyi Paula Montgomery Shaniya Moody Adrianne Moore Crystal Moore Jazimine Moore Roy Moorehead Darnell Moorman Patrina Moorman Cheryl Morehead Jordan Morris Marcus Morris Brittany Morris-Tolbert Robert Morrison Stanley Morrison Jeffrey Moseley Dale Moses William Moses Deandra Mosley Tiereney Muhammad Judy Mullins Creshema Murray Princess Murray Tia Murray Aisha Nash Lynetta Neal Tamela Nealey William Neuburger Timy Neville Teynarae Newbold James Newkirk Albert Newsome Nicole Newson Richard Nichols Thomas Nichols LaChandra Noel Jerica Norton Treva Numa Nii Nunoo Whitney Nwaugwugwu Steven Nwokocha Edmond O’Suji Gregory Offing Ndukaku Okereke Amadei Okundaye Ozozoma Omolualsi Vanessa Oneyekwere Jeffrey Opaleye Georgia Osborne Leseh Palay Edward Parker Kelsey Parks Arielle Patrick Darius Patterson Ivalyn Patterson Kia Patterson Frances Patton Diamond Payne Jessica Payton Ulanda Peacock Christina Pellerin Mehgan Perkins Gregory Perrin Alan Peterson Darnell Pettway Sharon Pettway Kimberly Phillips Te’Ayrra Phillips Kelly Pichon Miosha Pickett Brandice Pierre Sherman Pinchback Shyleta Pinkney Merline Pitre Richard Pitre Donovan Polk Albert Ponton Byron Porter Madison Poston Cheri Pounds Jeffrey Powell Michelle Prater Destiney Pratt Tynieur Prelow James Prestage Chase Preston Rachell Preston Anthony Price Kyla Prince Mildred Prince Cornelius Provost Herbert Quaintance Kendra Quincy Keesha Randle Justin Ransburg Martina Ratliff Preston Reece Karen Reed Raven Reed Ruth Reed Kayla Reyes Jessica Rhines Maureen Rhone Dwight Richard Jaquenta Richard Brenda Richardson Marsha Richardson Vanavia Richardson Ron Riley Jamaad Roach Barbara Roberts Daniel Roberts Decovy Roberts Kevon Roberts Alton Robinson Anna Robinson Crystal Robinson Eugene Robinson Gregory Robinson Jewell Robinson Kiesha Robinson Reylon Robinson Samuel Robinson Tre’Lynn Robinson Robert Rochelle Laura Rodriguez Sade Rogers Nicole Rogers Jerlonda Ross Dwayne Royal Erica Ruger Samuel Runnels James Rush Melissa Russell Jessica Saizan Cassandra Salgado Josiah Sampson Kevin Samuel Jr. Ruth Sanders Robert Sasser Jeffrey Scales Jackea Scott Joel Scott Lydia Scott Shonna Secrest Yolanda Segura Travis Sells Erica Seymour Charlene Shackelford Katelyn Sharber Britini Shaw Lynn Shelley LaKeisha Shelton April Sherman Demarcus Sherman Christiaan Sherrard Pat Sherrard Samantha Shields Madison Shorter Jermaine Shotwell Tonia Silcott Alonzo Simmons Edward Simmons NeKetcia Simmons Andrea Simon Ronnie Simon Shaylan Simon Shelby Simon Whitney Simon Ar’Lisa Simon-Hastings Michael Simpson Edward Skinner Tonya Smallwood Emani Smith Ernestine Smith Harmony Smith Hattie Smith Heather Smith Irene Smith James Smith Joel Smith Latrice Smith Ludence Smith Lyndon Smith Nastyskiya Smith Robyn Smith Shavonte` Smith Debra Smith-Stevens Bill Solomon Paulo Somtos Cory Sowells Ashley Sowemimo Maria Spears Danette Spencer Lakia Spencer Tracy Spriggs Shelia St. Julien Allyson Stansberry Sarah Stanton Joan Steadman Randy Steadman Crystal Stephens LaToya Stephens Magnolia Stephens Angela Sterling Kandis Sterling John Steward Cleo Stewart Myles Stewart Thomas Stewart Cherelle Stinson Rashad Storry Mya Strauss Laquinta Strawder Bobbie Stroughter Justin Stucey Jeanette Styles Jessie-Amad Sumbry April Sutton Dana Sutton Fred Sutton Portia Tarkington Angel Tate John Tate Teneshia Tatmon Lauren Taylor Mala Taylor Whitney Taylor Kyle Teamer Elaine Tennerd Camrie Theragood Anita Thomas Ashley Thomas Cedric Thomas Johanna Thomas Jondel Thomas Sukiedia Thomas Charnelle Thompson Drayton Thompson Dwaine Thompson Ianthia Threatt Bryan Tigner Blake Tillman Channing Tillman Trevor Tillman Adonica Tippens Mesha Tisdel Christy Tisdom Christina Toney Terrance Tony Cedric Towner Arnold Townsend Alice Treherne LaShondra Trimont Jaqueline Tucker Damian Turner Javanna Turner Clyde Twine Mohammed Usman Torrian Valley Colette Vallot 14 Reginald Vaughn Zackary Veasey Tyler Vinson William Wade Ameer Wagner Tamika Waldon Julian Walker Lillie Walker Marnek Walker Sean Walker Terry Walker Alysa Walker-Reed Anthony Wallace Monique Wallace Diana Ward Whitney Ward Jewana Warren Breanna Washington Craig Washington Eric Washington Jayda Washington Kierra Washington Mary Washington Michael Washington Shara Washington Alexis Watts Marilyn Weakley Valeachia Weaver Lucheyna Wells April Wesley Benjetta West Jessica West Magen West Kierra Westbrook Brian Westbrooks Charmaine Wetherill Greg Whitaker Todd Whitaker Angela White Briana White Jacob White Jesse White Khari White Morris White Vernon Whitehead Candice Wicks Sharitta Wicks Thomas Wilder Latrice Wilkins Shaun Wilkins Annie Williams Ashley Williams Brianna Williams Brooke Williams Christopher Williams Crystal Williams Danielle Williams Dominique Williams Dwyane Williams Elizabeth Williams Erika Williams James Williams Leisha Williams Lester Williams Marcus Williams Morgan Williams Natasha Williams Nicole Williams Patricia Williams Remi Williams Rhonda Williams Rickey Williams Ronald Williams Sparkle Williams Teneshia Williams VeRonique Williams Warren Williams Yava Williams churchwide events Billy Wilson Dannyell Wilson Jade Wilson Jaley Wilson Milton Wilson O’Keefe Wilson Shari Wilson Winston Winkfield Dondre Wise Deborah Wood Virgil Wood Verdecia Woods Charles Worthy Jerimiah Wright Tanita Wright Rosalind Wyatt Kyoko Wyrick Richard York Damian Young Djuana Young Hour of Power Prayer Service Join us every Wednesday during the month of April at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary as we offer prayers of praise and petition to our God. Honoring our Founding Pastor Founding Pastor Emeritus William “Bill” Alexander Lawson will be honored at the Boots & Ball Gowns Gala by Pace Youth Programs, Inc. for his continued work and service to the community on Saturday, April 25, 6:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Brookhollow. For more information, visit The Green Team presents Recycle Day on the Avenue Saturday, April 18 9:00am - 12:30pm WABC Parking lot (Black Top Wheeler Street entrance) Everybody’s got something lying around the house or stored in that place you keep telling yourself, “I’m going to clean this out, one day”. Well, now you can do something to help save the earth that God created for us. Gather any old newspapers, used printer paper, magazines, and empty plastic containers for starters, and bring them here. A complete list of RECYCLABLE and NON-RECYCLABLE items will be included in a forthcoming announcement. Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. Genesis 2:15 Healthcare Tips for WABC Congregants: Presented by WABC’s First Aid Care Team (FACT) 1 5 Take your medicine as directed by your physician before you arrive at church Keep a list of your doctor(s) and of your medication(s) with you on paper or on phone 2 Drink adequate fluids before service Healthcare Tips to Consider Before Attending Church Services: 4 Donnie Evans, MD FACT Director Rest properly the night before service 15 3 Eat food or a meal before church w o r s h i p s e r vic e s Sunday: 7:15 a.m.* 9:00 a.m.* 11:00 a.m.* Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church: 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. *Sign language provided for the hearing impaired Watch Sunday Worship and Bible Study Live Online: C O N TA CT US Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Senior Pastor Rev. Alexander E.M. Johnson, Associate Pastor for Worship & Ministry Rev. William A. Lawson, Founding Pastor Emeritus Rev. Lekesha R. Barnett Minister to Singles and Young Adults Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams Minister of Congregational Care and Development Deacon Maurice Carr Church Business Administrator BOARD CHAIRS Deacon Tophas Anderson, III Deaconess Penelope Nobles Trustee Shirley C. Evans Sis. Audrey Cosby Interim Director of Middle School Ministry Rev. Jacques Denkins Minister to Seniors Deaconess Paulette Frederick Budget & Finance Manager Minister Leon C. Lewis Minister of Music Rev. Joshua Mitchell Minister to Youth & College Students Rev. David Moore Minister of Christian Marriage and Counseling Rev. Lana Reese Minister of Prayer Sis. Andrea Tucker Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Deacon Vernon Umstead Human Resources & Technology Manager Rev. Dr. Barbara Williams Minister of Christian Counseling MEMBERSHIP CONTACTS Rev. Preston J. Allen Director for Non-Profits and Community Development (WATMI-WAICV-WA5C’s) 713-579-2729 Rev. Bonita Barnes Matthew 25 Urgent Needs Ministry 713-579-2725 Sis. Carolyn Clark Scheduling of Weddings and Building Use Requests; On-line at 713-579-2720 Sis. Audrey Cosby Baby Dedications 713-579-2724 CHRONICLES BOOKSTORE Visit the Chronicles Bookstore today to purchase: Sunday Worship Service CDs: $5 Sunday Worship Service DVDs: $10 50th Anniversary Concert CD featuring the WABC Mass Choir: $15 Wednesdays in the Word CD Series: $20 Wednesdays in the Word DVD Series: $30 50th Anniversary Worship Service DVD: $15 Bookstore Phone Number: 713-579-2753 Bookstore Hours: Monday: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sis. Ramona Parker Chronicles Bookstore 713-579-2753 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Rev. Lana Reese Prayer Requests 713-741-4611 Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sis. Shirley Wilkerson Membership Updates and Baptism Information 713-579-2778 Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams Homebound Care and Hospital Visits, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Funeral Notices and New Member Inquiries 713-579-2718 LIKE us on facebook W h e e l e r Av e n u e B a p t i s t C h u r c h FOLLOW us on Twitter @WheelerAvenueBC Friday: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The Avenue Word is a monthly print and online publication of the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, 3826 Wheeler Avenue, Houston, Texas 77004. Follow us on Instagram @WheelerAvenueBC 3826 Wheeler Avenue Houston, Texas 77004 713.748.5240
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