875 STATE PARK ROAD, GREENVILLE, SC 29609 864-232-5691 HAMPTONPARK.ORG APRIL 12, 2015 WELCOME TO HAMPTON PARK! We extend a special welcome to our guests. Thank you for worshiping with us today. 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 2 Samuel 13:23-39 Drew Conley Pastor for Preaching and Teaching PRESIDING Joel Gearhart Pastor for Student Ministries Fred Coleman NO REGRETS, NO RETREAT PREMIERE SHOWING TONIGHT I n our 5:30 p.m. service today we will be one of a few area churches premiering , Frontline’s newest “Dispatches From the Front.” From the start of the modern missions movement 200 years ago, China has been to missionaries what Everest is to mountain climbers. China’s size and distance was magnetic—at least for men and women with a big enough view of the Gospel to go. begins in England to capture the missionary spirit of those early Gospel risk-takers—and then goes on to China to show how Christ continues to build His Church in stunning ways in our day. Pastor for Music and Worship 5:30 P.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Dispatches from the Front: Episode 8 REACH-IN meets this Tuesday PRESIDING Kevin Priest School Administrator Fred Coleman Pastor for Music and Worship Preschool-age children and grades 1–6 are invited to participate in Kids 4 Truth during the 5:30 service. Please escort your children into the Collins Building each week. 2015 CHILD SAFETY TRAINING Attention all staff members, deacons, Children’s Ministry workers, LifeGroup leaders, Safety Team members: Our annual Child Safety Training sessions will be held on April 26th and May 3rd during the Sunday School hour in the Collins Auditorium. Please make plans to attend one of these two sessions. Thank you for participating in this so that we have a record of your training and for helping our church to remain in compliance with our Child Safety Policies and Procedures. BELIEVE the Gospel of Christ LEARN The deacons recommend to the congregation the adoption of the proposed, revised bylaws. This vote will be held two weeks from today, April 26, in the 5:30 p.m. service. The final draft of the proposed bylaws is on our website at www. hamptonpark.org/resources/church documents. If you are unable to access the document from our website, we have hard copies available at the Member Care Desk. Thank you again for participating in the Q&A sessions and surveys. Changes made to the proposed bylaws based on feedback are indicated in the online document by red letters and in the hard copy by underlining. Scriptures’ transforming power For God’s glory and by the power of the Spirit, Hampton Park exists to proclaim and to display to all people everywhere the good news that God is calling out a people for His name from every nation, kindred, and tongue through the redemptive work of the only Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Reach-In, a new ministry, begins with its first meeting this Tuesday evening from 6:00 to 8:00. Reach-In’s purpose is to provide support to caregivers and the family member needing care through education, encouragement and practical help, but it will be more than a service to our people. Reach-In will offer everyone in our church family an opportunity to be involved in serving others. This ministry can encompass all ages and groups – from teens and singles, young marrieds and homeschoolers, to retirees. Reach-In will be led by Pam Reekie, who is training to be an official facilitator, and Mary Lee, a dementia care specialist. The first hour of each meeting will generally be educational, and the second hour will include discussion and encouragement. Caregivers and all others who want to know more about the needs and how they can serve are encouraged to come to the April 14 meeting. LOVE WORSHIP WITNESS fellowship with God humbly with delight & of God’s worth to all & others reverence people TELL US ABOUT YOUR SUMMER MINISTRY Register today in the Welcome Center Cindy Garland $9 ladies and teens speaker $7 girls age 12 or younger Summer missionaries who would like to give a testimony of their ministry plans in the April 26 evening service may sign up at the Member Care Desk. This is open to short-term missionaries and Christian camp staff members. Contact johnlehman@hamptonpark. org if you have questions. COLLECTING USED BOOKS BECOME PART OF OUR CHURCH FAMILY Missionary Organization The first session of the next is Sunday, June 28. If you are considering becoming a part of our church family or want to learn more about us, we encourage you to pick up a packet at the Member Care Desk and plan to attend this four-week class. Teaching Faithful Men (Doug Garland’s radio broadcast) Our Sunday services are livestreamed on our website each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. EVENTS & ACTIVITIES NEW SS CLASS STUDY BEGINS TODAY POWER COMPANY TEENS • TIMELY TOPICS The April 28 Timely Topics Luncheon will feature Dr. Bob Taylor, the chairman of the Greenville County Council and a faithful member of HP. Come and hear insights on county matters and see how God can use Christians in public office. Please sign up at the Member Care Desk if you plan to attend. • SENIOR HIGH TEEN SNACK Senior high teens will have a SNACK at the MacMillan home after this evening’s service. • PICNIC & BALL GAME Join us for an enjoyable evening at a Greenville Drive game on May 19 with a picnic dinner together before the game. More information and sign-up is at the Member Care Desk. • SUMMER CAMP Summer is just around the corner! If you are planning to go to The Wilds or High Point Camp, pick up information at the Member Care Desk. Note that our week at The Wilds is almost full. Register soon to guarantee your spot. • WORK PROJECTS NEEDED Eleven teens are going on the summer mission trip. If you have projects they can do to earn trip money, please see Pastor Joel Gearhart. HAMPTON PARK HISTORY HALL Let us help you with your spring cleaning! Bring your used books that you no longer want and deposit them in the receptacle in the Welcome Center for the HPCS May used book sale. The proceeds from the book sale will be used for new books on the subjects of famous South Carolinians and science and to hard bind paperback books. Beginning today in the Life Ministries Class, Pastor Chris Barney is leading a study on New Testament Survey that not only presents an overview of each New Testament book, but also traces each book’s major message. This study continues through June 28 in the Collins Auditorium at 9:30 a.m. BRIAN KANE TO SPEAK Brian and Lydia Kane and their children are on furlough from their ministry in Cambodia, and Brian will preach in our 5:30 p.m. service next Sunday and give a report on their work. Have you enjoyed the blessing of seeing God’s work through the years here at Hampton Park as displayed in our history hall? You may access it from either organ side door to the back hallway. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sun., Apr. 12 9:30 10:30 4:00 5:30 7:00 Sunday School Worship Service Choir Rehearsal Worship Service Senior High SNACK (MacMillan home) Mon., Apr. 13 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 Patterson LifeGroup Johansen LifeGroup Crabb LifeGroup Murr LifeGroup Tues., Apr. 14 6:00 Reach-In Meeting (M-202/204) 6:30 Coleman LifeGroup Wed., Apr. 15 7:30 Prayer for America 9:15 Ladies’ Bible Study (Blue Room) 11:10 Prayer Service 6:30 MacMillan LifeGroup 6:30 Basinger LifeGroup 6:30 Lehman LifeGroup 7:00 Chevalier LifeGroup 7:00 Prayer Service Thurs., Apr. 16 10:00 Men’s Bible Study (Blue Room) 6:00 Clement LifeGroup 7:00 Sallé LifeGroup 7:00 Vanning LifeGroup Fri., Apr. 17 Sat., Apr. 18 7:15 Luttrell LifeGroup 10:00 Door-to-Door Outreach (meet at the church)
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