April 2015 Nisan / Iyar 5775 Volume XXXIV / Number 7 www.ti-stl.org (See page 3 for details.) Congregation Temple Israel is a caring, inclusive community committed to living Reform Judaism and participating in the sacred destiny of the Jewish people and Israel through education, worship, and repair of the world. SHABBAT WORSHIP SCHEDULE We invite you to join us for Shabbat worship in our beautiful “new” Gall Family Sanctuary. Unless otherwise noted, all Shabbat services are now conducted in the sanctuary. Friday, April 3, 2015 First Seder - No Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Yom Rishon shel Pesach Saturday, April 4, 2015 9:00 a.m. Torah/Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Shabbat St. Louis Service both at Temple Emanuel Friday, April 10, 2015 11:00 a.m. Passover Memorial Service 6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:30 p.m. Shabbat B’Shir Torah Portion: Sh’mini I Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:45 a.m. Bible Study Friday, April 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:30 p.m. Education Shabbat and Birthday Blessings Torah Portion: Sh’mini II Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Adam Shuchart son of Jay and Vickie Shuchart Friday, April 24, 2015 6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship Torah Portion: Tazria-M’tzora Saturday, April 25, 2015 9:45 a.m. Bible Study - Last of the year SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, May 23rd Temple Israel is hosting a WEST COUNTY SHAVUOT EVENING OF STUDY Details to follow. ST. LOUIS YOM HASHOAH COMMEMORATION “Liberation and Survival: Where do I go now?” will be the focus of the St. Louis Yom HaShoah Commemoration at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 19, at Kol Rinah Congregation, 829 N. Hanley Road in University City. The program will feature eyewitness accounts of the Shoah from survivors and witnesses, as well as a traditional candle-lighting service, a Holocaust Torah procession, liturgical readings and prayers, and musical selections by Elegant Ensembles and Kolot, the St. Louis Jewish women’s choir. Rabbi Alper will represent Temple Israel by carrying our Holocaust Torah scroll, a generous gift from the Deutsch family, in the opening procession. The program will be interpreted in sign language. The synagogue parking lot will be reserved for handicapped parking. Ample street parking is available. The St. Louis Yom HaShoah Commemoration is sponsored by Sara and Leo Wolf, parents-in-law of our DECC Director Leslie Wolf. For more information, call 314-442-3714. 2 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE ata GLANCE OUR TEACHE RS AT EDUCA TION SHABB AT Mark your calend ar now and plan EDUCATION SHA BBAT on Friday, April 17 7, at 6:30 p.m. in thh Gall Family Sanctu e ary. Debbie Schultz Jane Weinhaus and Ivy Klein We will be ho noring four of our dedicated who have achi teachers eved importan t milestones. Debbie Schu ltz will be reco gnized for he of teaching in r 20 years our Religious School. Ivy Klein and Jane Weinhau s, will be hono for their mor red e than 20 year s each of nurt and teaching ur in g children in ou r Deutsch Ear Childhood Cen ly ter (DECC). We will also re cognize Leslie Wolf, who is m her fifth year arking as DECC Direc tor. Another high light of Educa tion Shabbat Kabbalat haS will be a iddur ceremon y for our 3rd students who grade are completin g their first ye Hebrew Schoo ar of l. During the firs t year of Heb rew School st learn the alep udents h-bet, the Heb rew alphabet . To celebrate this mileston e, each studen his/her own si t receives ddur (prayer book). During ceremony, we this special will pass the siddurim (pra through the co yer books) ngregation so that each pers a chance to gi on has ve the gifts of learning and our newest st w or ship to udents. Leslie Wolf www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 3 page to join us! IF NOT NOW, WHEN? Rabbi Amy Feder This year, the first night of Passover coincides with Shabbat evening. For many of us, that makes our lives a little easier, giving us the weekend to relax (and clean up) after our seders and even host one for the second night. It also helps anyone who has a tough time waking up after having fulfilled the mitzvah of drinking four cups of wine! Our custom at TI, on these rare Shabbats that coincide with the seder, has been to not hold regular services on Friday night, under the historically based assumption that most people are already having their “Jewish experience” elsewhere. For those who have yahrzeits to commemorate on that date, their loved ones’ names will be remembered Saturday morning, April 4, when the entire Reform community has a wonderful service led by members of each of the local congregations, this year hosted at Temple Emanuel. The rabbis and the Worship Experience Committee made this decision about Shabbat seders several years ago, and I think it is the correct one, but I do remember it being a source of great debate. To not hold Friday night services, even for a reason such as this, raises an interesting question about what our priorities as a congregation should be. Is Temple the place where people come to be Jewish? Or are we here to give people the tools to live meaningful Jewish lives wherever they are? Ideally, it’s both. There are certain things you can’t easily do outside of the Temple walls, or at least without someone to help facilitate the experience. You can’t read from a Torah scroll; you can’t participate in a class; you can’t hear a sermon. Yet there are many things that you come to the synagogue to learn with the intention of then being able to do them independently. For instance, every Tot Shabbat, Rabbi Michael and I teach parents and grandparents the traditional blessing over children, in the hopes that they’ll try it the next Shabbat at home. Or maybe you learned how to bless the Shabbat or Hanukah candles here, but you now feel confident lighting them on your own. We teach you the words, the customs, and how to ask the questions, but we don’t expect your Jewish lives to start and end at TI’s doors. Passover has become, for most of us, the holiday each of us feels we can do on our own. In our smaller circles of family and friends, we cook the seder meal, we read from the Haggadah, and we ask the four questions. And when it falls on Shabbat, hopefully we feel confident in our own knowledge of Shabbat customs and how to appreciate the sacredness of the day of rest so that it can further enhance the Passover experience. In many ways, this Passover seder symbolizes an ideal for our congregation. Yes, we dream of a community in which people come to the Temple to further enrich their Jewish lives, but also we hope that what they learn here enhances their experience beyond the walls of the synagogue. This seder is a Jewish moment that we hope will be spiritual, meaningful, and memorable, even if it’s not one we’re experiencing together. May we return to our congregation strengthened by our own holy moments and ready to share our own seder stories with each other, further enriching our friendships and our lives. afeder@ti-stl.org 4 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE temple NEWS CHUTZPAH Rabbi Michael Alper This past month marked one of those milestone birthdays for me. As the day approached, I found myself pondering where I am in my life, and trying to imagine if I were to meet my 18-year-old self, or my 30-year-old self, what I would have thought of the person I am today. It makes me laugh trying to imagine explaining to my 12-year-old self, busy jumping out the windows during Hebrew School, that one day I’d be a rabbi in Missouri with two kids and a rabbi wife to boot. It also made me think of all of the things I haven’t done yet — the books I haven’t read, the countries I haven’t seen, the motorcycles I’ve never owned. Okay, maybe that last one isn’t going to happen, but the rest was a real eye opener. What has kept me from fulfilling those dreams? Is it the simple truth that life gets in the way, or have there been opportunities along the way that I just haven’t seen? People often talk about the idea of a bucket list. But in the end, how many of us will really measure our lives by how many countries we’ve seen, how many fast cars we’ve driven, or how many mountains we’ve climbed? Or, will we look back at the strength of our relationships, the depth of our learning, and the awareness of the gifts in our lives? www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 5 page Judaism teaches us to imagine that each day is our last. This is not so that we will live recklessly, but to remind us that every moment really does matter. So much of how we live as Jews, from the blessings we say before meals to the way we sing shema to our children at night, is there to help us find sacredness in every moment. It’s a reminder that those big achievements, the jobs, the moves, and the purchases, none of those will necessarily bring more joy or sense of worth than those little moments in between. I still want to go to Egypt, read the great works of Yiddish literature as they were originally written, learn Arabic, study more Talmud, see the northern lights, and a million other things before my next big birthday rolls around. But in the meantime, while I imagine that my 12-year-old self might be mystified with my life, I’m sure he’d see that I’m happy and healthy and living a meaningful, spiritual life. He might ask, though, where is the motorcycle? malper@ti-stl.org PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dee A. Mogerman As Jews we are obligated to care for the sick (bikur cholim), honor the elderly (hidur p’nei zakein) and welcome the stranger (hachnasat orchim). It is a priority of your Board of Trustees to lead by example in fulfilling these and other mitzvot and to inspire others to do the same. We often hear from congregants that their most rewarding and meaningful experiences at the Temple involve giving back to others and serving our community. Programs like our Mitzvah Days, Thanksgiving Dinner for People in Need, and Pies with a Purpose attract large numbers of volunteers and participants of all ages and judging from the comments and e-mails we receive, clearly resonate deeply with our congregants. What you may not be as aware of are a number of smaller, ongoing opportunities to engage in these mitzvot. Here are just a few. Our Caring Committee provides comfort to our ill and homebound congregants by preparing meals, delivering food, and making home visits. Extra hands are always needed to reach out to our congregants in this way. Pamela Dern heads up this wonderful group of volunteers and would be thrilled to have your help in any way your time allows. Our weekly Shabbat greeters and ushers are often the first impression a visitor has of Temple Israel. The leaders of our Reform movement like to use the term “audacious hospitality.” Extending a warm welcome, to congregants and guests alike, lets all who enter our doors know that we acknowledge and appreciate their presence. This seemingly small gesture can make a big impact in ensuring a comfortable worship experience at Temple Israel. I hope you will consider joining our team of greeters. You can volunteer individually or as a family, and as often as your schedule permits. Contact Melanie Thiede in our Temple office for more details, 314-432-8050 or mthiede@ti-stl.org. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about these or other opportunities to engage in acts of kindness to others at Temple Israel. I look forward to our continuing to work together as a sacred community. You can e-mail me at president@ti-stl.org or get in touch by calling the Temple office 314-432-8050.c You can reach her at pameladern@mac.com or by leaving your name and contact information with the Temple office, 314-432-8050. 6 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE CELEBRATING PURIM TI-STYLE temple NEWS COSTUMES, SHPIEL, CARNIVAL, GIFTS, FOOD, and FUN! View more photos online at www.ti-stl.org/photos. www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 7 page INTRODUCING OUR NEW HIGH HOLIDAY PRAYER BOOKS Temple Israel will introduce a new High Holiday prayer book this year. Mishkan HaNefesh (Sanctuary of the Soul), the Reform movement’s new machzor for the Days of Awe, features inclusive, gender-neutral language and blessings to meet the contemporary needs of today. This is the first comprehensive update to the Reform machzor in 40 years. The new prayer book was recommended unaimously by our Worship Experience Committee, chaired by Amy Cohen, and was approved by our Board of Trustees. “In keeping with the approach we took with our Gall Family Sanctuary renovation, this new High Holiday prayer book is updated and relevant for today, while still honoring and respecting the rich history of its predecessor, Gates of Repentance,” notes Rabbi Feder. Many readings from Gates of Repentance are included in Mishkan HaNefesh, alongside new and updated translations, readings, and poetry. Best of all, the new prayer book is fully transliterated, making our High Holiday worship accessible to all. This new prayer book will also allow us to keep the unique musical styles and themes that have defined our different services. Evening and memorial services will still be accompanied by piano and choir, and our morning intergenerational services will be less formal and accompanied by guitar. The prayer book also gives our rabbis the flexibility to design worship experiences that speak most strongly to our Temple Israel community on any given year and at any given time. Mishkan HaNefesh will be published this June as a two-volume set, with a gold cover for Rosh Hashanah and a silver cover for Yom Kippur. We are proud to be among the initial group of congregations across the country to adopt this new prayer book. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY We invite you to join us in marking this historic occasion by dedicating one or more new sets of prayer books. You can honor or memorialize a loved one by dedicating a two-volume set with a tribute donation of $36 or more. Bookplates will be placed in both volumes and your gift will be acknowledged in the Dateline. You can send your donation to the Temple, attention Sydney Masin, or donate online at www.ti-stl.org/donate. SOFTBALL SEASON IS HERE... JOIN THE TI TRIBE! The Temple Israel Tribe is looking for a few good men and women to play in the St. Louis Inter-Congregational Softball League. It's co-ed, competitively recreational (emphasis on the competitive) and lots of fun. Practices begin in early April. If you're at least 18 years old (or will turn 18 later this summer) and are interested in becoming a member of The Tribe for the 2015 season, please contact Jeremy Shook at jshook@shandselbert.com for more information. 8 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE temple NEWS CELEBRATE PASSOVER AT TI AND IN THE COMMUNITY Bus getting ready for Passover? Busy Gotten G otten rid oof all the bread in your house already? COME TO TEMPLE ISRAEL’S PRE-PASSOVER PIZZAPALOOZA THURSDAY, APRIL 2, FROM 5:30 TO 7:30 P.M. $10 FOR ADULTS • $5 FOR KIDS (3-12) • FREE FOR KIDS 2 AND YOUNGER We’re importing some of the best pizzas from far and near and serving them up right here at Temple Israel! Salad and a special dessert are included. Gluten and dairy free options are available upon request. RSVP online, www.ti-stl.org/pizza or to Amanda, aradman@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050. STANDING TOGETHER MOVING FORWARD 7TH ANNUAL SHABBAT ST. LOUIS Community Passover worship experience. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 AT TEMPLE EMANUEL 9:00 A.M. RABBI-LED TORAH/BIBLE STUDY 10:00 A.M. LAY-LED SHABBAT SERVICE MUSIC BY HASHEMESH Temple Israel joins with other area Reform and Reconstructionist congregations to co-sponsor this musical and participatory worship experience. All ages welcome! Please bring a donation of non-perishable food for The Food Pantry at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Ferguson. THE JOURNEY CONTINUES… A TI WOMEN’S SEDER THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 AT TEMPLE ISRAEL 6:30 p.m. until the 4 cups are gone! The response to this year’s women’s seder has been tremendous. We are expecting a capacity crowd. Reservations close March 31. Contact Sydney, 314-432-8050, if you would like to be placed on a wait list. Watch next month’s Dateline for photos, acknowledgments, and more. www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 9 page DEUTSCH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER OF TEMPLE ISRAEL Leslie Wolf, Director Registration for our Rabbi Mark and Carol Shook Preschool Camp is underway and going strong. Camp Shook runs eight weeks, June 8 through July 31. Children ages 18 months to 6 years can attend all eight weeks or any combination thereof, as registration is by the week. CALLING ALL CAMP COUNSELORS! One of the incredible amenities offered to our campers age 3 and older is daily swim instruction in our very own inground pool. The YMCA provides the daily lessons, and the progress our campers make is amazing. Our younger campers participate in water play, and everyone spends time outside daily engaging in a variety of camp activities! Part of what makes Camp Shook so special is the counselors and staff who team with our DECC teachers to create a great summer camp experience. We are currently looking for teens ages 13 and older to work as counselors at Camp Shook. For teens looking to learn skills that are needed to be successful in the workplace, there is no better summer job than becoming a camp counselor. Working as a counselor teaches teens to put the needs of others before their own and to embrace the responsibility of being a role model. It teaches them to work as a team, deal with challenges, and to get along with others. Debi Porfidio, one of our preschool Dolphin class teachers, is in charge of planning and supervising daily camp activities. Campers can look forward to a fun and active summer. We are also fortunate to have Miss Megan, our fabulous DECC music teacher, leading our campers in all kinds of fun camp songs. As camp staff, teens will develop managerial, leadership, and communication skills, and a strong work ethic. Working at camp can be very rewarding. Teens have an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of children while also having a great time. Campers look up to counselors who love and care for them all summer. If you know of a family with preschool-age child who are looking for a fun, Jewish summer camp experience, have them give me a call. Camp Shook is open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. Camp Shook is open to both Temple Israel members and the greater community. Many of our counselors have worked at Camp Shook all through middle school and high school. Some even return to work here each summer during and after college. Teens interested in working at Camp Shook this summer should contact me immediately via e-mail, lwolf@ti-stl.org, to request a staff application. Spots fill quickly, and I will conduct interviews as completed applications are received. lwolf@ti-stl.org 10 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE school NEWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL HAPPENINGS SUMMER TODDLER STAY AND PLAY CLASS Our Deutsch Early Childhood Center will offer a weekly Toddler Stay and Play Class this summer that will meet on Wednesdays, June 10 to July 29. Mindi Loebner and Julie Hibbard will be teaching the class, which will run from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. This drop-in class will include art, music with Miss Megan, outdoor play, and a snack. The cost will be $20 per week. Parents are asked to please RSVP in advance of each session they would like their child to attend. Contact Leslie Wolf, lwolf@til-stl.org or 314-432-8076. This program is open to all families with toddlers. Tell your friends! Director of Youth Education Jed Filler (left) and Rabbi Michael Alper help our youngest preschoolers get that “Shabbat feeling.” www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 11 page FROM TRASH TO TREASURES – TI 3RD GRADERS LEARN ABOUT BAL TASHCHIT Students in Debbie Schultz’s 3rd grade religious school class recently experienced a hands-on lesson on the mitzvah of bal tashchit, the commandment to not destroy or waste items from the natural world. The class collected “trash,” which they then creatively “upcycled” to create new items including wind chimes, Hebrew games, vases, groggers for Purim, and a class mascot. In the process, students learned that it takes 450 years for one plastic bottle to decompose, and that more than 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills each day. The students talked about our responsibilities as Jews to take care of the earth. ANNOUNCING OUR EXPANDED SCRIP PROGRAM You can now support Temple Israel simply by: GROCERY SHOPPING • SHOPPING ONLINE • DINING OUT • PURCHASING GIFT CARDS You shop. Temple Israel earns cash back. It’s that easy! Last year we raised $10,000 from our Scrip program. Our goal is to double that amount for 2015. GROCERY SHOP Dierbergs, Whole Foods and Panera (St. Louis Bread Co.) Gift Cards Purchase gift cards to use for food shopping at Dierbergs, Whole Foods and Panera. You can sign up for a standing monthly order or make one-time purchases. Get A Free Schnucks Scrip Card Get your free Schnucks scrip card from the Temple or at your local Schnucks Customer Service counter. Register your card online at www.eScrip.com, and simply present your card at checkout every time you shop. The Temple will automatically receive up to 3% of your purchase total. ORDER GIFT CARDS ONLINE In addition to our ongoing sale of Dierbergs, Panera, and Whole Foods gift cards, you can now order gift cards online from more than 800 retailers. Gift cards make perfect gifts for any occasion - birthday, anniversary, b’nai mitzvah, wedding, Confirmation, graduation. Buy them for yourself to use at your favorite stores and restaurants. 1. Visit www.shopwithscrip.com and click “Register.” 2. Select the option for joining an existing program. 3. Enter Temple Israel’s enrollment code: 66C4F96371LL 4. Create your account. 5. Shop away! Select the gift cards you want, add them to your cart, and submit. Place your order by the 15th of the month and your cards will be available for pick-up at the Temple by the 1st of the following month. (We’ll notify you when they’re here.) Purchase cards totaling $100 or more and we’ll mail them to you upon request. 12 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE temple NEWS JUST A FEW OF THE MOR THAN 800 P E ARTICIPATIN G RETAILER Starbuck S: s (7% Gap (14% ); Macy’s ); Maggia Jamba J no’s (11% uice (7% (10%); O ); Americ ld Navy (1 an Girl S 4%); tore (9% ); Amazo ); n (3%); iT Walgreen u n e s (5%); s (6%); G roupon (7 %); AMC The aters (8% )... TWO CONVENIENT PAYMENT OPTIONS: Mail a check to the Temple (payable to Temple Israel) OR set up automatic ACH or credit card payments. (Note: Credit card payments are accepted only for orders with rebates of 5% or more.) SHOP ONLINE Start your online shopping at www.eScrip.com. Via their online mall you can access more than 800 retailers in the program and earn money back for Temple Israel. It’s as simple as 1-2-3. 1. Set up a free account 2. Select Congregation Temple Israel as a preferred charity. (Already enrolled with another organization? You can select up to 3 organizations to support.) 3. Start shopping! Whenever you’re planning to make a purchase online – from clothing and gifts to airfare and hotel reservations, make www.eScrip.com your FIRST STOP! FORGETMENOT Afraid you’ll forget to visit eScrip.com before you shop online? Install the “ForgetMeNot” browser extension and your computer will remind you when you visit an online retailer that offers eScrip. Click the “Get it Now” button and follow the prompts to install. DINE OUT You can earn cash for Temple Israel every time you dine out. Go to eScrip.com, click “Where to Earn,” scroll down to the “Dine Out” section and register the credit cards you use when you dine out. Every time you dine at a participating restaurant, TI automatically earns 2.5% or more of your total purchase. Choose from nearly 175 local participating restaurants. Questions? Need help enrolling? Contact Scrip Coordinator Diane Packman, 314-432-8050 or dpackman@ti-stl.org. www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 13 page FEED THE MIND... NOURISH THE SOUL PleaseJoinUs JUDAISM FOR BEGINNERS (and we’re all beginners) BIBLE STUDY WITH RABBI SHOOK Mondays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Saturdays, 9:45 - 11:00 a.m. (Last class is 4/25) Join Rabbi Feder for a casual introduction to Judaism All are welcome to attend Rabbi Emeritus Mark L. Shook’s class. All are welcome. Babysitting is available. popular Shabbat morning Bible Study class. TORAH TUESDAYS WITH RABBI ALPER LIFE IN TRANSITION Tuesdays, 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Bring your lunch and a Bible and join our discussion This monthly group is for individuals who are coping of the week’s Torah portion. with a recent loss, whether through death, divorce, TI UNIVERSITY unemployment, retirement, or other life circumstance. Sundays, 9:45 - 11:45 a.m. EXPLORING LIFE’S JOURNEY Join the rabbis on Sunday mornings as we explore the Tuesday, April 28, 6:30-8:00 p.m. questions and issues YOU want to learn about. This monthly group is for individuals who are interested in Babysitting is available. exploring life’s lessons and purposes, spirituality, Jewish CRAFTING FOR COMMUNITY meditation, and other related topics. Sundays, April 5 and 19, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m. Life in Transition and Exploring Life’s Journey both meet Join Jody Chassin in learning fun and easy crafts to make at the Temple and are led by Jan Nykin, M.Ed., LCSW, and donate to organizations that serve people in need. a psychotherapist in private practice who has For details, contact Jody, 314-566-1274. para-rabbinic certification. All are welcome to participate. For more information on adult education programs, contact Rabbi Alper, malper@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050. MOLLY KODNER TO SPEAK ON CIVIL WAR LETTERS Molly Kodner, associate archivist at the Missouri History Museum, will read excerpts from My Dear Molly: The Civil War Letters of Captain James Love, at a special program at the museum on Tuesday, April 7, at 7:00 p.m. She will answer questions and sign copies of the book following her talk. Books will be available for purchase in the museum shop. Molly, daughter of Temple Israel members Ira and Barbara Kodner and sister of Beth (Jeremy) Shook, began extensively researching James Love’s letters in 2011 in order to post them on the Museum’s blog, History Happens Here, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. 14 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE 2015 APRIL SUN MON TUES For the most up-to-date news on TI programs and events, subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, connecTI ons. E-mail mthiede@ti-stl.org or visit www.ti-stl.org. WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 3:30 pm Homework Club 5:30 pm Pre-Passover Pizzapalooza Erev Pesach - Temple Office Closes at 2 pm Shabbat St. Louis at Temple Emanuel First Seder 9 am Torah/Bible Study 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab No Shabbat Service 10 am Shabbat Worship 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Crafting for Community 9:45 am TI University 11:45 am Confirmation Class 2:30 pm Chavurat Shira Rehearsal 10 am Judaism for Beginners 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 3:30 pm Homework Club 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 6:30 pm Life in Transition 7 pm Intro to Judiasim 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 9 am Study Group 6:30 pm Women’s Seder Last Day of Passover Temple Office Closed DECC Dynamite Days 9:45 am Bible Study 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:30 am Religious School 10 am Judaism for Beginners 8 am DECC Special Gal Breakfast 7 pm Board of Trustees Meeting 6 pm Pre-Oneg 9:45 am Bible Study 11:45 am Confirmation Class 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 Committee 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 3:30 pm Homework Club 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 7 pm Intro to Judiasim 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 6:30 pm Education Shabbat and Birthday Blessings 11 am Shabbat Worship Bar Mitzvah of Adam Shuchart 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Crafting for Community 9:45 am TI University 11:45 am Confirmation Class 10 am Judaism for Beginners 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 3:30 pm Homework Club 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 7 pm Intro to Judiasim 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 3:30 pm Homework Club 6 pm Pre-Oneg 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 6:30 pm Shabbat Worship 9:45 am Bible Study (Final class of the year) 26 27 28 29 10 am Judaism for Beginners 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 3:30 pm Homework Club (Last Day) 9:45 am TI University 9:30 am Religious School 9:45 am TI University 3:30 pm Homework Club (Last Day) 11:45 am Confirmation 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab (Last Day) 2:30 pm Chavurat Shira Rehearsal 6:30 pm Exploring Life’s Journey 7 pm Intro to Judiasim 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 15 page 3:30 pm Homework Club 11 am Passover Yizkor (Memorial) Service 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 6 pm Pre-Oneg 6:30 pm Shabbat B’Shir 3:30 pm Homework Club 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab (Last Day) 30 IN OUR TEMPLE FAMILY Mazal Tov To Ricki and Neil Marglous on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Daniel Marglous, in Houston, Texas. To Leslye Louis on the birth of her grandson, Theodore (Teddy) London Ashley. To Robert and Marjie Levy and Constance Levy, on the birth of their granddaughter and great-granddaughter, Sienna Rose Perlberg, to Matt and Julie Perlberg on February 8. Big sister Madelyn attends our Deutsch Early Childhood Center. To Burt Garland, Jr., who is one of 20 St. Louisans chosen to participate in the nationally acclaimed Wexner Heritage Program, a two-year program designed to develop and strengthen the skills of current and future Jewish community leaders. Burt is a member of our Temple Israel Board of Trustees. To Marlita and Stuart Weiss, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on March 27. They are the parents of Michael (Diane) Weiss, Lori (Brad Wainer) Weiss, and Debbie Weiss, and the grandparents of Allison (Bill Waits) Weiss, Sam Weiss, and Jessie, Zachary, and Carrie Wainer. To Debbie Schultz, who will receive the inaugural Conference of General Auditors (COGA) Award for Excellence. Debbie is Audit Manager at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, serves as treasurer of Temple Israel, and was recently accepted into the Millstone Fellow leadership training program sponsored by the Jewish Federation’s Millstone Institute. She is one of just two Federal Reserve Bank auditors nationwide to be chosen for this honor. The award will be presented at the end of April in Washington, D.C. To Cathy Goldsticker, who has been named to the Board of Kids in the Middle. Cathy is a member of our Temple Board of Trustees and is a co-director of Brown Smith Wallace’s tax services group. To Dr. Gordon Bloomberg, who was honored as a Distinguished Clinician by the Washington University School of Medicine for his contributions to the care of pediatric patients suffering from allergies and asthma. Todah Rabah To Our Board of Trustees members who served as Shabbat greeters for March. 16 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE TEMPLE ISRAEL WISH LIST worth NOTING SHABBAT SPONSORS Our Temple Israel wish list provides opportunities for congregants to direct a gift to support specific programs, PRE-ONEG SHABBAT enhancements, or area of interests. March 13 Sponsored by the Feder Family in honor of Rabbi Michael’s special birthday. We highlight several opportunities each month. WISH GRANTED! Thank you to Joseph Silverman for his generous donation to sponsor a Preschool Tot Shabbat. $600 One month’s Tot Shabbat program $250 Tablet computers for Religious School (10 needed) $200 One month of Internet service $200 Sponsor a Shabbat Pre-Oneg $100 Supplies for one Religious School class. To fulfill a wish list item, mail a check payable to Temple Israel to: TEMPLE ISRAEL WISH LIST P.O. Box 790379 St. Louis, MO 63179 Donate online by credit card at: www.ti-stl.org/wishlist. Please specify the item you are funding. Contributions will be recognized in future issues of the Dateline, so please let us know if you prefer to donate anonymously. For more information, contact Carol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and Communications, csolomon@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050. www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 17 page March 20 Sponsored by David and Martha Aronson and Laurie and Steve Naturman in honor of the Ufruf of Julie Naturman and Rob Aronson. March 27 Sponsored by Joy and Gregg Bassett in honor of Miles Bassett’s Bar Mitzvah and by Debra Weiss, Michael and Diane Weiss, and Lori Weiss and Brad Wainer in honor of the 60th wedding anniversary of their parents, Stuart and Marlita Weiss. BIMAH BASKETS March 27-28 Sponsored by Miles Bassett in honor of his Bar Mitzvah. The baskets will be donated to Greyhound Companions of Missouri. We gratefully acknowledge these tributes received as of March 12. ALLAN AND GLORIA MOLASKY/BARRY AND MARTI SIMON CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING FUND In memory of Bernard Bornstein Marti and Barry Simon In memory of Jerry Chod Marti and Barry Simon In memory of Linda Karasas Marti and Barry Simon In memory of Ronnie Chod Marti and Barry Simon BERNADINE S. SILVERMAN SENIOR CITIZENS’ FUND In memory of Edward Press Teddi and Ted Baumgarten BROADCAST FUND In memory of Phyllis Knopf Kourland Harry Knopf TEMPLE ISRAEL GENERAL FUND In memory of Joyce “Toodles” Green Linda and Jack Fitter John Robertson Jones Estelle Kent In memory of Marian Kanter Goldstein Robert L. Burg Emily Evans-Kline and Lee Kine Julie and Steve Mathes and Family In memory of Sidney Jacks Nancy and Ed Solomon KIRK NACKMAN GARDEN FUND In memory of Bernard Bloom Linda and Phil Horwitz, Taylor, Ali and Spencer In memory of Jerry Chod Linda and Phil Horwitz, Taylor, Ali and Spencer DEUTSCH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER FUND In memory of Ronnie Chod Linda and Phil Horwitz, Taylor, Ali and Spencer In memory of Jeanne Ansehl Ricki and Neil Marglous In memory of Marissa Hilman Linda and Phil Horwitz, Taylor, Ali and Spencer HARVEY M. GILLERMAN MUSIC AND BOOK FUND LIVNOT CAMPAIGN FUND In memory of Marian Kanter Goldstein Linda G. Kline In appreciation of Joanne and Dan Schwartz Shelley Marglous HELEN AND MYRON SCHWARTZ ARK AND PRAYER BOOK FUND LYNNE AND ARNIE COLE URJ CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND Thank you to the following donors who have dedicated one or more copies of our new Mishkan T’filah prayer book. In memory of Ron Fenster Nathan Mayer, Freddie Mayer, Davis Brown and Leo Brown In memory of Ron Fenster Susie and Mike Mayer Amy and Jeff Brown In memory of Ron Fenster Susie, Mike, Nathan and Freddie Mayer In memory of Lynne Cole Kathleen Coughlan Mitch, Dave and The Dental Care Alliance Family Pamela and Michael Dooley Deborah D. Faust Kathleen and David Hallberg Cindy and Scott Harper Daphne and John Kelly Amy Lampert Melissa K. Litz Elaine Poeu-En Suzanne and Barry Robins Hildegard and Herman Rochman Mary and Robert Scheetz Joanne and Dan Schwartz Linda and Wayne Unger 18 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE RABBIS’ DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Shirley Sparks Perry Sparks In memory of Joy Esses The Esses Family In honor of our trip to Israel and the birth of our great-grandson Adele and Arthur Litz In honor of Rob Aronson and Julie Naturman’s wedding Martha and David Aronson RABBI MARK AND CAROL SHOOK CAMP UPKEEP FUND In memory of Michael Santini Louise Rascovar SILVERSTEIN EDUCATION FUND In memory of Merle Silverstein Drs. Susan and Gregg Berdy YAHRZEIT FUND In memory of Ruth Berry Karen Berry Elbert In memory of Hattie Bierman June R. Bierman In memory of Norma Fox Buckman Marilyn and Sam Fox In memory of Shmuel Bukhman Igor Belotserkovsky april TRIBUTES In memory of Ann Katzenstein Renee and Alan Fredman In memory of Emil Lasker The Lasker Family In memory of Irene Lederman Marilyn Zimbalist In memory of Dr. Ellis Lipsitz Judy Capes In memory of loved ones Debi and Mark Mehlman In memory of Saul L. Rubin June R. Bierman In memory of Moisey Samoylovich Ella Raber Maya Samoylovich In memory of Herbert L. Schermer Dorothy Schermer In memory of Hilda Schiffer Harriette Arkin In memory of Lori Shelton Marvin Goldfarb In memory of Ed Silverman Sandra S. and Frank Wasserman In memory of Dave Solomon Nancy and Ed Solomon In memory of Grant Cohen Kathy Cohen In memory of Carl Spector Beverly Spector Stevie and Brian Spector In memory of Raymond S. Cohen Phyllis and Stanley Cohen In memory of Simon Toder Isabelle Toder In memory of Lillian Dern Pamela Dern In memory of Max “Mickey” Wasserman Sandy S. and Frank Wasserman In memory of Kathy Donald Jeanne Bloom and Family In memory of Ethel Lee Young Toby Chod In memory of Ronald Fenster Marge Fenster and Family In memory of Jerome Zellinger Linda and Richard Sher In memory of Leslie Grodsky JoAnn Grodsky and Julie Goldman In memory of Edith Yudkin Zweig Rosanne Zweig Abrams www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 19 page WHAT’S NEW AT NEW MT. SINAI? Spring is a beautiful time of year at New Mt. Sinai Cemetery. The lush green color has returned and flowers are in full bloom right now! To celebrate spring, we’re offering a “Save some Green; Plant some Green” sale. Temple Israel members will save an additional 10 percent over the everyday 10 percent member discount on purchases of property at the cemetery. This offer is valid until June 30, 2015. GET CHAI ON TI! “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” Napoleon Hill If every Temple Israel member household gives just $18 (chai) on giveSTLday, TUESDAY, MAY 5, Visit New Mt. Sinai and receive a $20 gift card from Wiethop’s Greenhouse on Barrett Station Road or a pot of flowers to plant at the cemetery or at your home. For more details, call the New Mt. Sinai Cemetery office, 314-353-2540. Dan Brodsky, Executive Director CONDOLENCES we will raise more than $15,000 for our congregation in just ONE DAY! Better yet, consider donating $18 per family member! We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of: HOW DO I DONATE? Joy Esses Visit www.givestlday.org any time from midnight to midnight on Tuesday, May 5, select Temple Israel from the list of registered non-profits, and make your donation. Invite your friends and family to donate, too. Spread the word on social media. You do not need to be a TI member, or even live in St. Louis to participate! Charlotte Chassin mother of David (Jody) Chassin Sidney Jacks father of Andrew (Judy) Jacks Allen S. Lasky brother-in-law of Marvin Gelber Raisa Nykin mother-in-law of Jan Nykin Simon Rosenbaum brother-in-law of Earl (Essie) Kessler Gifts are 100 percent tax deductible and benefit Temple Israel exclusively. Watch for details to follow. WALL OF HONOR A Wall of Honor Memorial has been established for: Dr. Michael Freiman dedicated by Sarijane Freiman 20 page / April 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE we March 29 - April 4 Ben M. Berger Morton Brand Arnold Harvey Cole Albert L. Colowick Dr. Harry Cutler Jack Dubinsky William Engel Joseph A. Epstein Lory S. Fadem Fannie Fox REMEMBER Hulda Arenson Freund Emanuel Friedman Rose Fuchs Dr. Ira C. Gall Edith Katcher Glaser Eugene M. Goldberg Nathan Goldberg Pauline Silver Goldman Nathan Goldring Harry Goldstein Herbert V. Goldwasser Max Hene Nathan Kahn William P. Klauber Samuel Kling Nathan Koslow Stella Weiner Kriegshaber Curt B. Levi Jerome M. Lipkin Sol Loewenstein Norma Ludmerer Evelyn Orenstein Louis Abraham Platt Sara Schermer Poe Joan W. Rosenblum Florence Rosenfeld Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Abraham Lewis Schapiro Sophie Schorsch Samuel Schuchat Ralph Sherberg Julia M. Shuchart Stephen R. Shuchart Phillip L. Siteman Margaret Snider Theresa Hartmann Stillman George Studna Mildred Mae Talman Elizabeth Waldman Florence Brown Yalem Carl Glaser, Jr. Helen Levin Goldman Gloria Mintz Goldstein Jane Bender Goodman Fred Kling Blanche Hamburg Komm Herbert Leuchter Adolf Levi Rosalie Levi Mathilda Levy Pauline Levy Ralph Loewenstein Audrey L. Morganstern Kathryn Kline Nathan Jacob M. Pollack Dr. Samuel Rosenkranz Rosalind Rovak Charles Rubenstein Fred Fuld Sale Murray A. Schneider Jack Schuman Bernadine Silverman Ben Spasser Pearl Stolar Fannie Tannenbaum Milton E. Tucker Alvin Bernard Waton Morris Wax Sabina Sher Weisman Jessie Weiss Carolyn Corinne Wildman Charlotte Wolff Virginia Freund Bertha Ganz Sybil Goldfarb Louis S. Goldman Jane Freund Harris David Nevin Jacobson Abe Kohane Jacob E. Lasky Janete F. Lieberman Dr. Susan Strauss Lipschutz Joan Nackman Annette Neumetzger Anna K. Newmark Solomon Offenbach Isadore Pass Rose Putterman J. Ben Reichman Dr. Milton Reiser Nathan George Rochman Louis J. Ross Leo L. Rostenberg Leah Mandel Salinger Sidney Salinger Mae Siegel Celia Siegfried Ruth B. Smith Stanley D. Victor Estelle Washauer Jacob Wasserman Moses Mayer Weiss Audrey S. Weissman Bessie Ruth Wenneker Alan Winnerman Lester Wittels Adlyne Schoenstadt Freund Joe R. Glassman Audrey Glovinsky Ralph Philipson Goldsticker Harry Holtzman Ralph Kalish William Katz Donald M. Kessler Martin S. Kosberg Louis J. Losos Simon Losos Mina K. Lowenstein George W. Milius Morris Missler Dorothy Molasky Robert Nassauer Marvin Schmidt Leo Schwab Jeanne Seidler Clifford Allan Shanfeld Lori R. Shanfeld Fred Suffian Jean Yawitz Leo Frank Mollie S. Gelb Morris (Mosh) Glaser Rosalie Kleinhauser Glaser Goldie Goldstein Nat J. Green Dr. David W. Helman Jerry Kaiser Elias Kaplan Clarence A. Kohner Joseph Kutten Edgar Lloyd Levin Ralph Lowenbaum Lois H. Martin Betty Ellman Packman Samuel Morton Prince Albert Rothschild Louis G. Rothschild Amy N. Sale Minnie Kramer Schiele Dr. Seymour Schlansky Betty Schneider Maxine Ruth Schucart Elizabeth Silverstein Harry H. Soffer Eli Stein Joseph Leon Wax April 5 - 11 David Baron Samuel T. Brown Daniel R. Cohen Ethel C. Dubinsky Michael Fadem Sara “Lassie” Zar Frager Carol Frank Jack M. Gelfanbaum April 12 - 18 Harry Alschuler Dr. Albert E. Auer Della B. Berger Samuel Berliner Sidney Dennis Arthur A. Epstein Richard I. Ferer Harold Fishman Max Fox April 19 -25 Bessie Berger Ralph Blumberg Eli Cohen Manuel Coppersmith Eunice S. Dreyer Ida E. Edison Eva Hiken Feld Theresa Fremder April 26 - May 2 Sylvia Altman Sarah Shapiro Balk Mendel Bender Helen Meyer Carroll Phyllis R. Dubinsky Irma Weil Eiseman Elaine C. Fischman Etta Frager Julius Frank Charles David Weaver Birdie Kaminer Wegusen Morris L. Whyman Herman Willer These names have been lovingly inscribed for a Wall of Honor or Perpetual Memorial. To establish a Perpetual or Wall of Honor memorial for a loved one, please contact Sydney Masin at smasin@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050. www.ti-stl.org / April 2015 / 21 page GIVE-A-MEAL-A-MONTH For the month of April, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking LISTEN TO SERVICES LIVE! for these specific items in order to assist the Live audio broadcasts of Shabbat and holiday worship community in need: services at Temple Israel make our worship accessible Canned Tuna Fish and Canned Salmon, to those who are homebound. Peanut Butter, Canned Chili/Beef/Pasta To listen by phone: with Meat, Kosher Food, Dial 1-800-846-4808, enter account code 8053. Any Type of Canned Vegetables, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes and Baby Diapers To listen online: Visit www.ti-stl.org/listen Items should be brought to our collection site by We are grateful to the generous donors the May Chapel. For further information, please to our Broadcast Fund who make these contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259. broadcasts possible. TEMPLE ISRAEL DATELINE TEMPLE ISRAEL DATELINE April 2015 Nisan / Iyar 5775 Volume XXXIV / Number 7 www.ti-stl.org #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive St. Louis, MO 63141-7670 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS MISSOURI STAFF Amy Feder, Rabbi Michael Alper, Rabbi Mark L. Shook, Rabbi Emeritus Leslie Wolf, Director, Deutsch Early Childhood Center Jed Filler, R.J.E., Director of Youth Education Carol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and Communications Amanda Radman, Director of Membership and Special Events Marisa Reby, Special Events Coordinator OFFICERS Dee Mogerman, President David Chassin, Vice President Carol Cohen, Vice President Harvey Harris, Vice President Jeremy Shook, Vice President Michael Weiss, Vice President Neil Marglous, Secretary Pamela Dern, Assistant Secretary Debbie Schultz, Treasurer Jeffrey Stern, Assistant Treasurer CHAG SAMEACH! WISHING YOU A PASSOVER RICH WITH MEANING AND JOY OFFICE HOURS CONTACT US LIKE US ON: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Phone: 314-432-8050 Fax: 314-432-8053 www.ti-stl.org FOLLOW US ON: NOTE: Temple Israel Dateline (USPS: 128-700) is published monthly except bi-monthly June-July by Congregation Temple Israel. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Temple Israel Dateline, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141-7670 templeisraelstlouis @TempleIsraelSTL
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