St. Josaphat’s Roman Catholic Church 34-32 210th Street Bayside, New York 11361 email: Rectory: (718) 229-1663 Fax: (718) 229-8018 Parish Website: Rev. Andrzej Klocek, Pastor Rev. James J. Meszaros, In Residence Deacon Robert Lonergan MASS SCHEDULE : Weekdays: 8:00 AM, Saturday: 8:00 AM &7:00PM, Sundays: 8:30 AM (Polish Mass),10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon. Holy Days: 7:30 PM Vigil, 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Rectory Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM– 3:30PM. Evenings by appointment. Saturday by Appointment, Sunday Closed. Devotions: Every Wednesday: Novena to St. Jude & Rosary Devotions 7:30 PM Every Friday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy before 8:00 AM Mass First Tuesday of Every Month: (October-June) St. Padre Pio Prayer Group 7:00 PM Holy Hour, Exposition, Recitation of the Rosary, Benediction, Confessions, 8:00 PM Holy Mass First Friday of every Month: Exposition & Litany to the Sacred Heart after 8:00 AM Mass First Saturday of every Month: Exposition & First Saturday Devotions after 8:00AM Mass. Religious Education: Saturdays from 9:00-10:30AM Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults- RCIA- For information about the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation, please call the Rectory. Parish Registration: All families are welcome to the Parish and should register in the Rectory. Please call to make an appointment with the Pastor. SACRAMENTS : Confessions: Monday to Friday before 8AM Mass Saturday 4:00 PM. All other times by appointment. Baptisms: Baptisms will take place the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. An instructional class is required for all parents & Godparents and will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 8PM in the Church. Parents should call the rectory to arrange the celebration. Marriages: Reserve and register date & time as soon as possible, at least six months in advance of the wedding. Pre-Cana and other instructional sessions are required for all couples. Ministry to the Sick: Sick calls and Communion calls on the First Friday of the month. Please call the Rectory. Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. — Psalm 118:17 April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday We pray for those in our parish who are ill, especially for: Gail Seper, Fr. Joseph Carroll, Anthony Cristino, Bridget Rooney, Gary Flynn, Mary deLuca & Thomas Starace. Please call the rectory to add a loved one to the prayer list. The names will remain on the list for 4 weeks and are repeated as requested. Easter Sunday, April 5th 8:00 –Procession followed by Mass– Easter Novena 10:00– Easter Novena 12:00-Easter Novena Monday, April 6th 8:00+Deceased members of the Sormeley Family By: Zora Family Tuesday, April 7th 8:00+John Tychanski By: Steve Tychanski & Family Wednesday, April 8th 8:00+Rose Cantante Petrosky By: Cantante Family Thursday, April 9th 8:00+John Barrett By: Cantante Family Friday, April 10th 8:00+Giovanna & Donato Trotti By: Daughter Saturday, April 11th 8:00+Agata Grzech By: Granddaughter & Family 7:00*Parishioners Sunday, April 12th 8:00 +Aniela & Konstanty Walaski By: Wanda Kammer & Family 10:00+ Marion Miecuna By: Gisele & Richard Kalenka 12:00* Parishioners Weekly Parish Stewardship Attendance Weekly Collection The second collection today is the Retired Priest Collection. This bulletin was sent to the printer before this information was available. Sanctuary Lamp...April In memory of John Shanahan Saint Anthony Candle.. April 5th-11th In Thanksgiving Our parish goal for the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal is $23,540. This goal is based on the most current financials of our parish that were submitted to the Diocese. Knowing the goodness of our parishioners, when they see the need, they will respond. Again this year, the Bishop has agreed to gift back all monies collected over goal to the parish. In 2014, ninety-nine of Saint Josaphat’s families donated $25,907 to the Annual Appeal. Please make every effort to help Saint Josaphat’s reach our goal again this year. The Paschal Candle that will be blessed at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday was donated in loving memory of Michael Anthony Grosso by Grandmother, Mary Arcangela deLuca and Uncle/Godfather, Mario John deLuca. April Calendar April 7th–Padre Pio Mass & Devotion April 13th–Right to Life Meeting April 15th-St Jude Novena April 15th-Joint Parish Respect Life April 16th-Leisure Club April 19th-Flea Market April 22nd-St Jude Novena April 26th- Spring Dance April 5, 2015 Parish Community News & Events Dear Parishioners, It is my prayer and my wish that the joy of the Risen Lord will be yours during the Easter season. I am very grateful for all you have done for the parish during this Holy Season. A sincere thank you to our altar servers, ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and all who have made the liturgical celebration of Holy Week a prayerful and meaningful experience. May God Bless you all, Father Andrzej Klocek Thank you to all the volunteers that worked so hard at our March Flea Market, due to your efforts $1315 was donated to our church. St. Padre Pio Holy Hour and Mass Tuesday, April 7th,2015 Program: 7:00 PM Holy Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Recitation of the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction, & Con- fessions. 8:00PM Holy Mass. Parish Pastoral Council The PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) is looking for faith-filled men and women to help our parish to grow and spread God's love in our community. Look into your hearts to see if you can give some time to this important work. If interested, please contact Fr. Klocek (718)2291663. PPC Suggestion Box As part of our work on the Parish Council, we are asking you, the parishioners, to give us your feedback on feelings about what you like about St. Josaphat's and how we can help make your parish experience even better. Some ideas you might consider are: How we can help the elderly, youth, disabled, families, religious services or anything else you may think of. Your input is extremely important to St. Josaphat's Parish. Suggestion Boxes can be found at the back of the Church. Thank you and God bless you, The Parish Pastoral Council Easter Sunday Parish Community News & Events Spring Dinner Dance Sunday, April 26th, 2015 Cocktail Hour -1pm Dinner and Dancing-2pm-6pm Music by Chris & Ronnie Enjoy Appetizers, Dinner, Dessert, Coffee, tea, beer, wine, & soda. Tickets will be available after all Masses or call Elizabeth at 718 746-0296 or the rectory at 718 229-1663 Adults: $30.00, Children under 15-$10.00 Children under 10- Free Join the Leisure Club on their trip to Empire City Casino-Yonkers Raceway on Wednesday, April 8th,2015. Cost is $25 and you will receive $10 in slot dollars and $5 towards food. For more information and to register, call Joy at 1 917 921 7631. The Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration will take place on Saturday, April 25th at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Brooklyn with the Wedding Anniversary Mass celebrated by Bishop DiMarzio, beginning at 11:00A.M. All couples married in 1990 or before are invited to attend with their families. All registered couples will receive a certificate and those couples in attendance will have their picture taken with Bishop DiMarzio. There will be light refreshments following the Mass. Please call the rectory (718-229-1663) if you are planning to attend. Celebrate Life at our 23rd Annual Dinner Dance April 19th,2015—Leonard's of Great Neck, 555 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY Cocktails:2PM-Dinner:3-7PM $75 per person Contact: Bridge to Life Tel: (718) 463-1810 Website:www, PILGRIMAGE-FATIMA-BARCELONAMontserrat-Sagrada Familia-St. Ignatius Loyola – Lisbon- Nazareth– Santarem May 24th-June 1st Price from NY - $2899P.P.-D.O For more information please call: A & G Peace Tours at 718-423-5077 Parish Community News & Events Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services Inc. Home Base Homeless Prevention program assists families who are experiencing a housing crisis. Services are available for pregnant women and families with children age 18 and under who live in Queens and the East New York and Canarsie sections of Brooklyn. Single adults and adult families without children in the home who have a history of being in shelter may also apply. Call 718674-1000 for Queens and 929-234-3036 for Brooklyn or walk in to 87-80 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, 1847 Mott Avenue Far Rockaway, 3060 Fulton Street Brooklyn. Cathedral Preparatory School& Seminary Father Edward W. Troike Leadership Program 56-25 92nd Street Elmhurst NY 11373 Phone - 718-592-6800 x150 A program for 6th and 7th grade boys designed tosharpen basic skills to help prepare for the next grade and the TACHS Examination (Test for Admission to Catholic High Schools) and instill qualities of Christian leadership. MON., JULY 6 TO FRI., JULY 31 -8:45 2:00 P.M. FEES: $500 per student for the entire 4-week program by check or money order payable to Father Troike Leadership Program. For more information, please contact Fr. James Kuroly at (718) 592-6800 x150 or by email at Professional therapy, provided by NYS licensed therapists, is available to our parish. Services are provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or Diocese. Confidential information and appointments are available by calling Dr. Giuliani at(631)243-2503or Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Members of the Clergy and the Diocese of Brooklyn, have come together to sponsor a MASS OF HOPE AND HEALING, Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 7:00PM, at the Cathedral-Basilica of Saint James (located on Jay Street and Cathedral P l a c e i n B r o o k l y n ) . The main celebrant will be the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn. All are invited to gather on this day, to pray for healing for all those who have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse. Kościół p.w. Św. Jozafata KS. ANDRZEJ W. KLOCEK, PROBOSZCZ KS. JAKUB J. MESZAROS, REZYDENT DIAKON ROBERT LONERGAN PORZĄDEK MSZY ŚWIĘTYCH: w dni robocze: 8:00 w soboty: 8:00 i 19:00 (niedzielna) w niedzielę: 8:30 (w języku polskim), 10:00 i 12:00 W uroczystości i święta: 19:30 (wigilijna), 8:00 i 10:00 Nabożeństwa: Pierwszy Wtorek 19:00 Nabożeństwa do Św. Ojca Pio Godzinna Św. i Msza Św. Każda Środa 19:30 Nowenna do Św. Judy Tadeusza i Różaniec Święty Każdy Piątek: Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego o 7:45. Pierwszy Piątek: Nabożeństwa do Serca Pana Jeszus po Mszy Św. Pierwsza Sobota: Nabożeństwa do M.B. Fatimskiej po Mszy Św. Sakrament pokuty i pojednania: od poniedziałku do piątku o 7:45 oraz w soboty o 16:00 Sakrament chrztu świętego: w trzecią niedzielę miesiąca o 13:30 (w języku ang.); w języku polskim do uzgodnienia z proboszczem. Konferencja przedchrzcielna do uzgodnienia z proboszczem. Sakrament małżeństwa: należy zgłosić zamiar zawarcia małżeństwa najpóźniej 6 miesięcy przed planowana data ślubu. Narzeczeni mają obowiązek brania udziału w konferencjach przedmałżeńskich PreCana. Duszpasterstwo chorych: w celu zgłoszenia chorych prosi się o kontakt z plebania Godziny urzędowania kancelarii parafialnej: pn-pt od 10:00 do 16:00. W soboty przez zgłoszenie. W niedzielę kancelaria parafialna jest nieczynna. Caring for families for over 100 years Martin A. Gleason Large Parking Facilities at all locations. Family owned and operated by John Aloysius Golden & Thomas A. Golden III 36-46 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 Funeral Home L.L.C. verizon wireless 718-224-1200 219-02 Northern Blvd. Bayside Also located in Flushing & Whitestone Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. (718) 428-2210 Visit our website: Tel (718) 352-7600 Fax (718) 352-7755 DENNIS J. O'SULLIVAN ATTORNEY AT LAW For further information, please call the Parish Office. THE LAW OFFICES OF DENNIS J. O'SULLIVAN, P.C. John J. Byrnes Insurance Services Medicare Health Plans Individual and Group Health and Dental Plans 210-13 35TH AVENUE BAYSIDE, NY 11361 Carollo Real Estate • Houses • Rentals • Co-ops/Condos • Commercial • Property Management Bayside Whitestone Fixed Annuities 199-18 32nd Avenue (718) 224-3083 11-05 154th Street (718) 747-7747 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner Life and Long Term Care Insurance with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. John “Jack” Byrnes 718-428-0364 Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. You tried the rest, now try the best! LLOYD FUNERAL HOME Próbowatés wszystko inne, teraz spróbuj co najlepsze! John S. 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