BEST SUMMER EVER! - Santa Maria Valley YMCA

Friendship, Accomplishment, Belonging
Including our
Y-Readers Program!
Y-Youth Wellness Program!
2015 Summer Program Guide
Santa Maria Valley YMCA
Dear Families,
Thank you for choosing the Y Summer Camp for your child this summer. The Y Day Camp offers
children positive developmental experiences and encourages them to forge bonds with each other
and with staff, building confidence through skill-building activities suited to their age.
Campers are able to explore creativity, teamwork and leadership in a wide range of physically active
programs which influence lifelong healthy living. They have the opportunity to enjoy an outdoor
environment where they develop an appreciation of nature. Today, Day Camp is more vital than ever,
with an increased emphasis on child safety, summer learning, personal values and social skills.
As with any Y program, the purpose of Day Camp is to help youth grow spiritually, mentally, and
physically. Day Camps give young people an experience that can last a lifetime and inspire them to
continue an involvement with the Y for years to come.
Please review all of the enclosed information so that you and your child will be prepared for the first
day of camp. If you have any further questions, please contact the YMCA office.
We are looking forward to your family being a part of the excitement that Y camps have been
providing to children for over 160 years!
Nadia Frakes
Child Care Director
Thanks to our sponsors for
their generous donations:
Mark and Dorothy Smith for
their Literacy and Internships
Donation, Roy and Ida Eagle
Foundation for their internship
donation, Edwin and Jeanne
Woods Foundation for their
support of our preschool
program and swim lessons,
New York Life for their
continuous support of
our Kinder program, and
ExxonMobil for their generous
donation allowing us to hire
and mentor two college interns
this summer.
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
The Santa Maria Valley YMCA makes every effort to ensure that no person, especially youth, will be denied access
to programs and membership because of financial hardship. The Y’s Financial Assistance Program is provided by
contributions to the Annual Support Campaign.
Y Day Camp:
With so many demands on today’s families, parents need all the support they can get; that is why child care at the
Y is about more than looking after kids. It’s about nurturing their development by providing a safe place to learn
foundational skills, develop healthy, trusting relationships and build self-reliance through the Y values of caring,
honesty, respect and responsibility. At Y day camp, kids have the opportunity to explore nature, find new talents,
try new activities, gain independence and make lasting friendships and memories.
The Santa Maria Valley YMCA nurtures and supports an environment that reflects, respects, and celebrates our
differences, while embracing the richness of our diversity within our membership and staff. We strive to learn from
all cultures to improve our programs and to ensure that people of all backgrounds and capabilities feel welcome
to participate in rewarding activities that will strengthen the health and vitality of the YMCA and the communities
we serve.
In all Y Youth Programs we try to:
• Finger paint more and point fingers less
• Do less correcting and more connecting
• Take more hikes and make more kites
• Stop playing serious and seriously start playing
• Build self esteem first and the craft later
• Teach less about the love of power and more about the
power of respect, responsibility, caring and honesty
• Put a smile on EVERY child’s face
Financial Assistance Is Available
Camp Program Goals:
The Y camp program is designed to allow
your child the chance to become an
integral part of a small group of children
as they learn new skills, develop lasting
friendships, and pursue the Y mission
of healthy body, mind, and spirit. In
particular Y camps strive:
• To provide an emotionally and
physically safe environment.
• To help children build and
develop feelings of self worth
and appreciation of other people,
through family values.
Our camps run from 9:00 am-4:00 pm Monday- Friday. We
offer extended care from 7:00 am-9:00 am and 4:00 pm-6:00
pm for an additional fee. Your child MUST be here by 9:00 am.
If you must pick your child up before 4:00 pm, please be
prepared to wait up to 30 minutes; or you may be asked to pick
up your child where the camp is, children may be participating
in activities at Waller Park. We do not allow children to be
signed in and out more than once each day.
Late Drop Offs: The Y will charge an additional $10 late fee
if your child is dropped off after 9:30 am, unless otherwise
stated at the discretion of the Camp Coordinators and Director.
The parent/guardian will be asked to take the camper to their
Late Pick Ups: The Y will charge $1 per minute per child for
each late pick up.
• To allow children to experience
activities in nature. This will
contribute to constructive and
enjoyable use of leisure time
throughout life.
Extended Care: This option is available for campers who
enroll in our camps but need extended care hours. Extended
care is a flat rate regardless of the time needed. The fee is
$45 per week.
• To establish behavior guidelines and
discipline acceptable to all campers
and staff.
All of our camp staff are experienced and highly qualified.
Our primary concern is to provide a safe, creative, educational,
and fun environment for our campers. Most of our staff
are college students with sports, recreation, or education
backgrounds. All staff have cleared background checks, and are
certified with CPR, First Aid, and Child Abuse Prevention.
• To help children learn and develop
physical fitness and team
cooperation through exposure to
various sports and games.
• Summer break can be fun yet,
without continued learning, some
children fall behind by the time they
get back to school in the fall. We will
make a difference! We will provide
enrichment programs, a cool camp
experience, and keep your child
current throughout the summer by
incorporating literacy into their
camp days.
All campers, potential campers, and their families are invited to
attend our FREE Childcare Open House on Wednesday, June 10
from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm. Come see what the Y has to offer this
summer, meet our staff, and pick up your FREE camp t-shirt.*
The Y will accept children with special needs into our programs
and makes a reasonable effort to accommodate the child
without fundamentally altering the child care program. The Y
provides group child care and is not able to provide personal
assistants for the children with special needs.
Campers should wear comfortable closed toe shoes, and play clothes. Please bring in a backpack a healthy lunch,
swimsuit, towel, water, hat, light coat, and sunscreen. Please mark everything with your child’s name. Your child
is responsible for their own belongings. It is very important that they bring a backpack with them each day, they will
be carrying their belongings throughout the day. Reminder, staff are not permitted to rub sunscreen on any
child so if your child requires assistance with sunscreen we recommend purchasing the spray sunscreen. If a
child is out of dress code, a parent will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing. No refunds will be given if a child
is sent home or the child is not allowed to stay.
*Free camps shirts are only for campers who are registered for Summer camp. Sizes and shirts are limited in availability. Free
t-shirts are only available this night otherwise they can be purchased for $5 each from the front desk.
Financial Assistance Is Available
What is a typical day like at camp?
Can a staff member heat/cool my camper’s
There is no such thing as a typical day or week at camp. Campers
participate in a wide variety of large and small group activities
such as arts & crafts, songs, games, sports and swim time. Most of
the day your camper will be with their camp. Sometimes camps may
do activities together.
We are unable to heat camper’s lunches or store them in a
refrigerator. If their lunch needs to be hot, consider packing it in
a thermos. If their lunch needs to be cool, consider packing an
ice pack.
How do you know the right child is going home
with the right adult?
Can I bring my camper fast food/soda for lunch?
Campers are not allowed to have fast food or sodas at camp. If you
need to bring your camper a lunch, it needs to be a healthy lunch.
Our staff is required to check for a photo ID and cross check it
with the list of people that you have authorized to pick up your
camper. Please be prepared to bring your photo ID each day at
check out.
Can I pick up my camper and take them to lunch?
We do not allow campers to leave camp and then return in the
same day. You are welcome to bring a healthy lunch and enjoy
it with your camper. First, you will need to sign in with a camp
coordinator or camp director and get a visitors badge before going
with your camper.
Can my camper join his/her sibling/friend in an
older/younger age group?
Our activities and groups are designed specifically for each
age group, so we do not allow group hopping. If your camper is
concerned about seeing a family member or friend who is in a
different group, campers eat lunch together and participate in
all-camp activities and games throughout the week.
Can my camper bring money to purchase drinks
from the vending machine?
Campers may not purchase drinks from the vending machines.
Water breaks are made frequently. We encourage campers to carry
a water bottle with them that they may refill. Extreme campers may
bring money with them on field trip days to purchase souvenirs.
Please remember that campers are responsible for their own money
and purchased items.
What should my child wear to camp?
Campers should wear causal clothes that they can get dirty, and
comfortable closed-toe shoes for outdoor activities.
What if my camper loses something at camp?
We have a place for that. Our camp has a lost and found, kept in
a designated spot throughout the summer. If you think an item
of yours was left behind at camp, check with your camper’s unit
leader and chances are, we’ll find it. Unfortunately, we are unable
to store lost and found items for more 2 than weeks, so don’t wait
to start your search. We donate any unclaimed items to a local
non-profit. Please don’t forget to put your child’s first and last
name on items brought to camp.
How will I know what my camper did throughout
the week?
Is there an opportunity for parents and campers
to meet with camp counselors/administrators
before camp begins?
We take bullying very seriously. Please speak to one of the camp
coordinators and they will take care of the situation. We want Y
camp to be a safe and fun place for all our campers.
Every week we send home a camp newsletter, with information
about the week and news about the upcoming weeks. Camp staff
encourages campers to take home projects daily. Please do ask
your camper what he or she learned throughout the day.
I think my camper is being bullied, what should
I do?
The Y hosts a Free Child Care Open House on Wednesday, June 10
from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet staff,
play games and have a whole lot of fun. Our Camp Unit Leaders
arrive daily by 9:00 am and are available to meet with campers and
parents. Also, a Camp Coordinator is available during the camp day
to speak to you.
Can campers bring a cell phone or electronics?
No, cell phones and electronics disrupt the camp experience. Camp
is about making new friends and enjoying interactions with staff
and fellow campers. Cell phones and electronics should be left at
Can a camp staff member apply sunscreen to my
What happens if my camper is sick or gets hurt?
Parents will be notified by camp staff if their camper has not been
feeling well for a period of time and does not seem to be getting
any better. Moderate injuries will also be communicated to the
parent once proper first aid has taken place. In the case of a
severe injury needing professional medical attention, the parent or
guardian will be contacted immediately.
Please apply sunscreen to your child before coming to camp
each day. Throughout the day, your child will have frequent
opportunities to reapply sunscreen. Camp staff is unable to help
campers with lotions, but can help campers apply spray sunscreen.
I have a concern about something that
happened at camp. Who should I talk to?
What should I include in a healthy lunch?
The Camp Coordinators or Camp Director are available if you have
any concerns.
Please include a fruit and vegetable, a grain (crackers, pretzels,
etc.), a drink (water, 100% juice) and a main course (sandwich,
quesadilla, leftovers, etc.). Campers expend a large amount of
energy during camp, so please pack enough food for your child.
I have ideas for how to make camp better! How
can I share them?
Every week we send out a parent survey. Please take a few minutes
to fill it out and let us know your ideas.
All deposits are applied toward weekly fees. All deposits
deposit of $25 is required for all camps, except LEGO,
this camp does require the total cost of the camp to hold
the spot due to the popularity of the camp.
A $25.00 service charge will be applied to your account
for any returned checks. Your child will not be allowed to
attend camp until all fees are paid. Failure to make the
final payment by the due date will result in the loss of your
reservation and deposit, and there is also a $20 late fee.
The total cost of camp is due the Thursday before the
camp begins. If a payment is not received, your child may
lose his or her spot. The exception being LEGO camp.
LEGO camps balance is due at registration.
Children with contagious illness or fever will not be
permitted into the program. A credit of 50% for the full
week is available only if the Director is called on Monday
and notified that the child will be out all week. Refunds
will ONLY be given for illness and family emergency and
only if the whole week is missed. The max refund is 50%
of fees paid.
Financial Assistance is available. For more information
contact the Y at 937-8521.
Children must be able to reach the bottom of the pool
flat footed or wear a Coast Guard approved life vest.
There will be alternative options for children who will not
be swimming.
The Y provides a daily morning and afternoon snack.
Please be sure your child has breakfast before camp.
The Y aims to teach healthy eating choices and an active
lifestyle. Please alert the staff to any allergies your
child may have. When packing your child’s lunch please
keep in mind that no refrigeration or warming of food is
available. A healthy lunch consists of fruits, vegetables,
water and an entrée. No sodas, candy or fast food will
be permitted.
Parents and/or only those authorized to pick up the child
as noted on the registration form must sign in and out their
child with a full signature. Children will only be released
to an adult with a photo ID and over the age of 18,
unless in the Jr. Internship Program and approved by
Please mark all your child’s belongings with their first
and last name. Do not send money, toys, valuables, or
any electronics with your child. The Y will not be held
responsible for any lost or stolen items.
If a Y staff member feels a parent is in an unsafe
condition to drive or otherwise leave with their child, the
Y may suggest that the parent call a friend, relative, or
cab. Staff may call 911 for assistance or to report the
incident. We at no time will allow convicted sex offenders
to pick up a child, or be on the premises. By law, the Y
must have a court order on file stating that a biological
parent cannot pick up a child.
The Y will keep lost and found items for 2 weeks, at the
end of each week, items will be donated to the Goodwill.
Camp Xtreme as well as Interns will use transportation to
and from field trips in the Y vans. Campers going on field
trips are encouraged to wear a Y shirt. Parents are not
allowed to meet or join campers during field trips.
Parents who want to visit their child(ren) throughout
the day must get Director approval. Parents will be
limited to visitation and will need to sign in and out
at the front desk. Parents are not allowed to meet or
join campers during field trips. Parents may not change
campers during swim time. This is for the safety of all
children who participate at camp. Parents who intimidate,
threaten, swear, or otherwise harass any staff, volunteer,
etc. will not be allowed to return to the Y. No refund will
be issued.
All campers will be given the opportunity to swim in the
Y pool at least once a week. Mondays are ONLY swim
testing days. If your child misses our test day, they will
have the opportunity to test again the following Monday.
All other swimmers who are not testing on Monday will
be doing camp activities with their camps. We do ask that
parents pack a swim suit, towel and sunscreen each day
as water activities are scheduled throughout the summer.
Please Note: Floatation devices are not allowed.
The YMCA staff shall protect the child in care from child
abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Corporal punishment will
not be permitted on the Child Care premises by anyone
including parents and staff. This also includes biting,
jerking, shaking, slapping, hitting, kicking, verbal or
any other means of inflicting pain. As child care staff,
we are mandated reporters and arenrequired to report
any suspicion of child abuse. We are protectors and
advocates for children.
If your child feels ill and cannot participate in the
program he/she will be given a quiet place to rest and
you will be notified. Children who have a fever or any
contagious illness will not be allowed to remain at the
site. You, or an emergency contact, must pick up your
child within a half an hour. Notice will be posted on
the Parent bulletin board if there is an instance of a
communicable disease at the site.
The following are examples of symptoms that might
indicate the need for your child’s exclusion from our
YMCA staff may not baby sit program participants
outside of YMCA programs.
• Fever
• Vomiting within the past 24 hours
• Diarrhea
The Santa Maria Valley YMCA Emergency Closure Policy
is for severe weather, power outages, disaster, or any
unforeseen reason that YMCA child care programs may
be closed without prior notice. All child care participants
are encouraged to have a backup plan for emergencies.
• Draining rash, eye discharge, or pink eye
• Lice or nits
• Too tired or sick to participate
If your child has the above symptoms they will not be
accepted into care. If they develop these symptoms
during the day we will require a parent or guardian to
pick-up the child from camp within 30 minutes of phone
call. After 30 minutes the Y reserves the right to call
emergency personnel. (In the event that a child needs
immediate attention 911 will be called immediately.)
Parents of all children in all of our programs are required
to submit a Medical Release Form, giving the YMCA
permission to seek medical attention in the event of an
emergency. Parents are required to update the YMCA on
any change of home, work and medical phone numbers.
The YMCA has disaster guidelines posted for your review.
In case of an evacuation emergency such as fire, bomb
threat, or gas leak, children will be kept in the nearest
safe area and parents will be contacted as soon as
possible to pick up their child. In case of confinement to
the facility, parents or emergency contacts will be called
as soon as possible and informed of procedures.
The Y does not permit staff to administer medication
without the written authorization from the parent or
guardian. Any prescription medication brought to the site
must be in its original container and clearly labeled with
child’s name and given to the unit leader. This medication
will be stored in a locked bag and administered by an
authorized staff member. Prescription medications ONLY
may be given with written parent consent, and only at the
dose, duration, and method of administration specified
on the label.
1. A member of the staff will carry out immediate
first aid and/or call an ambulance. All child care
staff are trained in First Aid and CPR.
2. A member of the staff will contact parents to come
and take the child if medical care is necessary.
Please apply sunscreen before camp. Staff are not
permitted to rub sunscreen on any child. We
recommend sending your child with spray sunscreen and
the staff can assist the child by spraying sunscreen on
for the child to rub in.
3. In the event of an emergency and the parent
or designated person cannot be reached, the
staff person in charge will have the authority to
transport to a hospital via ambulance.
Financial Assistance Is Available
The Y policy is based upon developmentally appropriate
practice and the core values of caring, honesty,
respect and responsibility. These values shall be
consistently encouraged. Please read to your child their
responsibilities and note that continuous unacceptable
behavior is documented in writing and may result in
removal from camp. Note: Any child who runs away
from a group will immediately be removed from camp.
No refunds will be issued if a child is removed from
camp. Any problems your child may be having at home
will probably affect his or her behavior during camp.
Please keep us informed of such problems, so that we
can be sensitive to your child’s needs. We would like to
work as a team with the child’s family. This will enable us
to provide the best environment for your child’s growth
and development.
• Respect others
• Respect the Y
• Respect yourself
• Respect Staff and Volunteers
• Respect equipment and property
• Remain with a staff member at all times
• Return materials and equipment to the place you
found them
• Speak for yourself
• Follow directions
• Keep track of your belongings
If your child’s behavior is not acceptable, our policy
follows these steps:
• Reasoning (discussing the issue with the child)
• Removal from activity
• Removal from program
• No refunds will be given
The Y recognizes that guardians are the most important role models in a child’s life; because of this, we welcome
communication and your support. If you have an issue, concern, or question please speak with the camp coordinator.
If the coordinator is unable to meet your needs please contact Nadia Frakes, the Child Care Director, at or (805)937-8521.
• Ensure your child arrives to camp no later than 9:00 am
• Make sure all payments are received by their designated due dates
• Keep staff informed of any changes in contact information
• Park in designated parking spots for drop off and pick up
• Provide your own accident and health coverage for your child
• Make sure your child has everything they will need for their camp day
• Maintain good communication between yourself and camp staff
• Bring a photo ID EVERY time you pick up your child
• Make sure whoever will be picking up your child brings a photo ID
every time
Financial Assistance Is Available
2015 Summer Camp Themes
Traditional Day Camp
Week 1: June 15-19
Ignite Your Summer:
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
Help us kick off an awesome summer of fun! Campers will
do favorite summer activities like water balloon tosses
and a watermelon seed spitting contest. Let’s have the
coolest fun as we beat the heat.
Weekly Session Paid Deposit before June 11:
$110.00 Y Member $130.00 Participants
Weekly Session Paid Registration Fees after June 11:
$135.00 Y Member $155.00 Participants
Week 2: June 22-26
100 Million Years Before Camp:
Camps run from 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Trapped in a world that time has forgotten. Campers must
run and dodge dinosaurs, learn to survive on the land and
communicate with the ancient cavemen. Can the camper
escape this strange world and make it back in time?
Extended care is available for an additional fee of
The Y Summer Day Camp programs provide your
child with unique opportunities to learn and grow,
create and explore, and participate in a variety of
activities. Weekly themes offer creative links for
children to learn about themselves and the world
around them. Incorporated into our traditional
camps is our Y Readers Program which helps
children prepare for the upcoming school year.
Week 3: June 29-July 3 The Y, Y West:
YEE-HAH. Welcome to the Y, Y West. Some campers have
hit the mother lode, and have found the world’s largest
gold nugget. This sort of treasure attracts bandits. The
Sheriff is getting together a posse and deputizing all the
campers. We need to get the gold nugget to the bank,
before the bandits can steal it.
Path Finder Camp (Kindergarten & First Grade)*
Path Finder Camp offers exciting, age appropriate
adventures in the outdoors, as well as new
learning experiences in small groups. Your child
will participate in outdoor recreation activities,
develop awareness for the environment, gain self
confidence, and make new friends. This camp is
sure to put a smile on your camper’s face.
Week 4: July 6-10 The Study of Magical
Creatures and Other Fairly Odd Beings:
Adventure Camp (Second & Third Grade)*
Adventure Camp is packed full of energy and fun
for the whole summer. Camp activities include arts
and crafts, games, skits and much more! Adventure
camp will leave lasting impressions for a lifetime!
The Y is now hiring Super Heroes to join our elite squad
of heroes. At the Y Super Heroes Academy, trainees will
master their Super Hero moves every day in our high tech
training arena, design their own costume, and work as
a team to solve mysteries. Do you have what it takes to
defend the Y from the forces of evil?
Attention Camp! Be prepared for wonder beyond belief.
Gaze upon mythical beasts. Tame fierce monsters from
far off scary places. But beware, these creatures are not
for the faint of heart and aren’t to be trusted. Because
studying these creatures is dangerous, only the strongest
campers will survive and pass this class.
Week 5: July 13-17 Super Hero Academy:
Explorer Camp (Fourth and Fifth Grade)*
Your child will enjoy a fun-filled summer creating
new friendships and enhancing self-esteem.
Campers thrive during various daily activities
including organized games, arts and crafts
projects, and much more. Campers will make new
friends while hanging out with old friends and
making memories that will last a lifetime.
Week 6: July 20-24
Invasion from the Planet Zorop:
Beat the heat with the most gnarly and tubular camp
this summer. Party like you’re at the beach, hang out at
the hula, and get soaking wet. Make sure you bring your
sunscreen and a change of clothes because this week is
going to be epic.
There’s a threat approaching from the stars – all the
space ships from Venus and Mars! They have laser beams
and gamma projectors. Campers better be on their guard,
when the Flying Saucers land.
Week 7: July 27-31
Journey to Atlantis:
The Y is proud to offer their Y Readers Program to
camp. The Y Readers Program promotes literacy
through books and fun projects. Your child’s
progress will be tracked throughout the summer,
by using sight words as a testing guide.
Week 8: August 3-7
Camp Wars 2:
This time it’s MESSIER! Back for a second year, CAMP
WARS! Camps will face off in exciting games of skill and
cunning, as they compete to take home the coveted title
of “Masters of Summer.”
Please note: The minimum age for camp is 5 years.
Financial Assistance Is Available
Weekly Session Fees before June 11: $130.00 Y Member $150.00 Participants
Weekly Session Fees after June 11: $155.00 Y Member $175.00 Participants
Camps run from 9:00 am-4:00 pm . Extended care is available for an additional fee of $45.00.
Splash Camp
Ages 5-12
Splash camp gives campers an opportunity to experience traditional day camp while learning how to swim, basic water
safety and much more! Campers will participate in a 45-minute swim lesson in the morning. The rest of the day will
be filled with traditional camp activities such as crafting, playing games, outdoor activities and much more! Be sure to
pack sunblock. Space is limited so register early!
Week 2 June 22-26................................................................................ages 5-7 max enrollment 12
Week 3 June 29-July 3..........................................................................ages 8-12 max enrollment 28
Week 4 July 6-10....................................................................................ages 5-7 max enrollment 12
Week 5 July 13-17.................................................................................ages 8-12 max enrollment 28
Week 6 July 20-24.................................................................................ages 5-7 max enrollment 12
Week 7 July 27-31.................................................................................ages 8-12 max enrollment 28
Zulu Dance Camp
Week 1 June 15-19
Ages 6-12
Zulu Dance is BACK! Taught by Crystal Castillo and Spider, who are devoted to enriching the lives of children through
dance. Hip-hop, break-dance, and the history of hip-hop are taught to boys and girls from ages 6-12 yrs. Fun
choreography, special dance games, and uplifting music is used to cultivate every child’s confidence. Zulu Dance
strives to nurture every child’s appreciation and love for dance so it will remain with them for a lifetime!
Restaurant Possible
Week 2 June 22-26
Ages 8-12
In this fun version of a Cooking Camp, campers will have one week to work together to open a restaurant. They will
design the menu, name and logo. They’ll also learn how to cook, about restaurant jobs and etiquette. Will the campers
get everything completed for the Friday opening? Will their guest give them a pass or fail? Splatter Science Camp
Week 3 June 29- July 3
Ages 5-9
Super splatter, extra messy, probably will go home dripping in slime Splatter Science camp. This Camp embraces
everything messy. So be prepared to shoot slime, have things fizz, bubble and erupt. Get the full-on mad scientist
soaked with chaos and fun. *WARNING* - Come prepared to get sticky, wet, dirty, and messy. Kid Engineers
Week 4 July 6-10
Ages 8-12
If you can imagine it, you can build it. Learn the science behind what makes things go and move. Learn to defy gravity
and make things soar. Build your own marble roller coaster. Design, build and race your own car in the Y-500.
Fit to be Fun
Week 5 July 13-17
Ages 5-9
Jump, run and be active as the Y brings you a week of fun. Campers will learn about fun ways to be fit with Y staff.
Learn about how their bodies make energy and learn about making healthy food choices. Campers will play games and
make healthy snacks, and learn it is fun to be fit!
Kitchen Chemistry
Week 8 August 3-7
Ages 8-12
Calling call campers for a week of delicious experiments. All week campers will get hands-on and cover the
fundamentals of how to read and follow a recipe, measuring, mixing and kitchen safety.
Financial Assistance Is Available
Weekly Session Fees before June 11: $170.00 Y Member $190.00 Participants
Weekly Session Fees after June 11: $195.00 Y Member $215.00 Participants
Camps run from 9:00 am-4:00 pm . Extended care is available for an additional fee of $45.00.
Space is limited! Register Now!
Pre-Engineering using LEGO®
July 20-24
Ages 5-7
Bring Minecraft to life using tens of thousands of LEGO ! Build engineer-designed projects such as a motorized
Creeper, a portal to the Nether, and a moving Minecart! Create your favorite Minecraft objects with the guidance of
an experienced Play-Well instructor. Whether you are new to Minecraft and LEGO® or a seasoned veteran, you’ll be
hooked on the endless creative possibilities.
Engineering FUNdamentals:
Mine, Craft, Build using LEGO®
July 20-24
Ages 8-12
Bring Minecraft to life using LEGO ! Build a motorized walking Creeper, a terrifying Ghast, and a motorized Minecart!
This project-based camp, designed by Play-Well instructors, combines the basic format of our core engineeringthemed programs based on the world of Minecraft. Students will explore real-world concepts in physics, engineering,
and architecture while building their favorite Minecraft objects. Students will have a blast, even without any prior
experience with Minecraft or LEGO®.
Ninjaneering using LEGO®
July 27-31
Ages 5-7
Enter the world of Ninjago and become an apprentice Ninjaneer! Learn the way of Spinjitzu, build the Fire Temple,
race Skull Trucks, and encounter the mighty Dragon! Imagine and build unique and fun projects with the guidance
of an experienced Play-Well instructor while exploring the fantasy world of Ninjago. This is an ideal way to prepare
young Ninjaneers for the challenge of Ninjaneering Masters with LEGO® camp.
Ninjaneering Master Engineering
using LEGO®
July 27-31
Ages 8-12
Master the world of Ninjago by becoming a Ninjaneer! Tame the Ice Dragon, motorize your Blade Cycle, design the
Dark Fortress, and hone your Spinjitzu battle skills! In this advanced LEGO® camp, Ninjaneering masters will learn real
world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture while exploring the fantasy world of Ninjago.
Ages 5-7 will have 3-hour instruction in the morning from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, then participate in traditional day
camp activities including swimming. Campers need to arrive no later than 8:45 am each day for this camp.
Ages 8-12 will have 3-hour instruction in the afternoon from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. Campers still need to arrive by 9 am
and will participate in morning camp activities. This camp will not be swimming.
**This camp will fill up so register early!**
Camp Xtreme Weeks 1-8
Camp Xtreme is designed for children ages 10-13.
Kids will travel off-site three times a week to destinations
along the Central Coast. At the Y, kids will participate in
camp activities like games, swimming, sports, creative
workshops and more! Team building challenges, leadership
development, and service projects round out the week. A
Y camp shirt is ENCOURAGED for field trips. They will be
given away at our Open House June 10 or available for
purchase at the front desk for $5.00. All trips are subject
to change.
Financial Assistance Is Available
Ages 10-13
Jr. Internship:
Prepare your 7th and 8th graders for the next step. Join the Y Jr. Internship Program where youth learn confidence,
team work, and professional skills that will encourage education advancement and college readiness. Youth will have
the opportunity to intern in the kindergarten and 1st grade group, allowing them to build volunteer service hours, and
networking with professionals and peers. This program is designed to be a stepping stone to entering into our high
school internship program. Youth will be allowed to swim on Fridays.
This program meets every Friday from 9-4 for the entire 8 weeks of camps. The first half of the day will be
training; the second half will be working with youth using the tools learned from previous lessons.
Only 10 spots available.
Jr. Interns will learn and be exposed to:
• Mock interviews
• How to dress for success
• Resumes skills
• How to deal with conflict
• How to work with others
• And so much more!
Cost per youth: $35 for the entire 8 weeks (meeting every Friday)
For additional information contact Krista Delia
*Jr. Internship is the only camp program that allows a child to sign themselves out with parent consent. It MUST be at
4:00pm. Parents are responsible for signing in their child into the program.
High SCHOOL Internship:
The Y’s High School Summer Camp Internship is a newer program that consists of 20 high school students working
with younger youth in a camp setting; teaching reading development and
strategies. The goal of this program is to provide high school students with
a chance to explore future career options and gain work experience, helping
to better define their future goals. The Y’s internship is a temporary job
position that provides invaluable work experience and on-the-job training
in the fields of child and recreation development.
The Summer Camp internship program
begins June 10th and ends on August 8th. Application deadline is May 31st. EACH INTERN must be available at least two days a week
for a six hour shift.
At the end of successfully completing the internship,
the student will be awarded a stipend based on performance.
High School Interns will learn and be exposed to:
• Basic on the job training
• Mock interviews
• CPR and First Aid certification
• Child abuse training
• Camp training 101
Cost per student: $5.00 (shirt fee)
For additional information contact Krista Delia at 805-937-8521
2015 Camp Registration
Santa Maria Valley YMCA
Camper’s First Name:
How did you hear about Y camp_________________
Last Name:
Camper Resides With:
Birth date:
Grade :
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Emergency Contact (other than parents or physician):
Additional Emergency Contact: ________________________ Relationship:__________________ Phone:______________________
Does your child have any limitations or special medical or behavioral concerns that we should be aware of (medications, allergies or other)?
Can your camper watch PG rated films? ♦Yes ♦No
Can the camper participate in swim and/or water activities? ♦Yes ♦No
Date of last physical examination:
Camper’s Physician
Immunizations current?
Persons NOT Authorized to pick-up child (must provide legal documentation if biological parents)
Persons Authorized to pick-up child (must be at least 18 years and bring an id at EVERY pick up)
Release/Participation: I am the parent or guardian of the participant. I give permission for my child to participate in YMCA activities including transportation. I understand that
accidents can sometimes happen. Therefore, in exchange for the YMCA allowing my child to participate in YMCA activities, I understand and expressly acknowledge that I
release the YMCA, its employees, boards, members, volunteers or guests from all liability for any injury, loss or damage connected in any way whatsoever to participation in
YMCA activities whether on or off the YMCA’s premises and including transportation. I understand that this release includes any claims based on negligence, action or inaction
of the YMCA, its employees, boards, members, volunteers or guests.
Medical Treatment: I give permission for YMCA staff or volunteers to provide emergency medical treatment for my child, and to transport to an emergency center for
treatment. Also, I consent to medical treatment for my child deemed immediately necessary or advisable by a physician.
Insurance: I understand that the YMCA does not provide any accident or health insurance for its members or participants and further understand it is my responsibility to
provide such coverage.
Member Conduct: I agree for myself and my child to abide by the YMCA code of conduct and all policies and procedures of the Santa Maria Valley YMCA.
Property Loss: The YMCA is not responsible for personal property lost, damaged or stolen while participating in YMCA programs or using YMCA facilities, includin g parking
Photograph Permission: I give permission for the YMCA to use, without limitation or obligation, photographs, film footage or tape recordings which may include my child’s
image or voice for purposes of promoting or interpreting YMCA programs.
Medication: I understand that I must complete an “administration of medication” form, and all medicines must be handed to a staff member with the completed form.
Parent Handbook: I have received and read a copy of the summer camp program guide which explains policies and procedures for the YMCA Camps.
Sunscreen: Staff are not allowed to apply sunscreen to any child we strongly encourage purchasing the spray sunscreen.
June 15-19 _____________________________
June 22-26
June 29-July 3 _____________________________
July 6-10
July 13-17
July 20-24*
July 27-31*
August 3-7
❑ Junior
June 19,June
26, 19,
3, 10,
24, 31 24,
θ Internships
Junior Internships
and August
θ I Igive
permission to
to sign
sign themselves
themselves out of the Jr. Internship
Internship Program.
Campership Donation: I would like to help send a child to camp by making a Campership Donation
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
For Office Use Only:
Santa Maria Valley YMCA
2015 Summer Camp
Date Received: _________________ Received By: _______________________
Campership Donation: I would like to help send a child to camp by making a Campership Donation
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
For Office Use Only:
Santa Maria Valley YMCA
2015 Summer Camp
Date Received: _________________ Received By: _______________________
Day Camp
Day camp hours are 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Extended Care is available for an additional $45.00, please see brochure for
more information.
Traditional Day Camp
Specialty Camp
Xtreme Camp
Lego Camp
Junior Internship Program
Junior Internship hours are 9:00am-4:00pm Fridays Only
Extended Care is available for an additional $45.00.
Jr. Internship Program (every Friday of Summer Camp)
Summer Junior
Internship Program Rate
*Registrations made after June 11 will have an additional $25 fee.
Please note: With notification, program is subject to closures as necessary.
All payments are due on the Thursday before camp begins. A late payment fee of $20.00 will be accessed
on Friday.
Start Your Child on the Path to Success
at the Y
A high-quality preschool education like the one you’ll discover at
the Y provides a lifetime of benefits. According to the National
Institute for Early Education Research, high-quality preschool
can better prepare children for school, increase their chances of
academic success and help them avoid crime later in life. Studies
also suggest that preschool can lead to higher wages in adulthood,
strengthen family ties and enhance your own parenting skills.
As if that’s not enough, Y preschool is fun too!
In the Y Preschool Program every child is treated as an individual;
learning through hands-on activities in an age appropriate
environment. We provide opportunities for self expression through
social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language development,
while stimulating young minds to bring greater understanding,
awareness and curiosity. Exclusively at our Y preschool is our Y
Readers program, designed to prepare children for kindergarten,
as well as teach an early love for learning.
*Children must be potty trained.
Financial assisTance is available.
“We are so grateful for the Y’s preschool and financial assistance
program. Without the financial assistance we would not be able to
give our child the opportunity to be fully prepared for kindergarten.
Thank you to the amazing teachers and Y staff, we always feel
welcome here.” -Preschool Parent
Thank you to The Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation, Edwin
and Jeanne Woods Foundation and The Santa Barbara
Foundation for their generous donations to our preschool
program. These donations enable us to offer financial assistance
to families in need, as well as swim lessons for our preschoolers.
Santa Maria Valley YMCA
3400 Skyway Drive
Santa Maria, CA 93455