View Weekly Bulletin

April 12, 2015
Sunday of
Divine Mercy
29 Northgate Drive, Greenlawn, NY
Telephone: 757-7435—FAX #757-0469
Parish Staff:
Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek, Pastor
Msgr. Patrick Armshaw, Pastor Emeritus
Deacon David Campbell
Deacon Jean Cantave
Deacon Allan D. Longo, Faith Formation
Deacon James Byrne
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am– 3:30pm; Friday 9:00am-12:30pm
Closed 12:30pm—1:15pm Daily Evenings: By appointment only
Parish Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 noon
5:00pm Youth Mass (Christian Rock Mass)
Monday—Friday: 8:30am
Holy Days of Obligation: as announced.
Faith Formation
(1st through 8th grade)
Religious Education Coordinator:
Deacon Allan Longo: 754-6436
Sacramental Life
Scheduled Sundays at 1:30pm
Parents should contact the
Rectory before the birth of the
child. Both parents must come
for an interview with the priest
or deacon. Class also required
after the interview.
Sacrament of
Please call the rectory at least six
months in advance for an
appointment with a parish
priest. A marriage preparation
program is required.
Saturdays 2:00—3:30pm
Also by appointment
Anointing of the Sick:
Every second Monday after the
8:30am Mass. Also anytime by
calling the rectory at 757-7435.
Music Ministry
Adult Choir Director: Lynn M. Wilson
Junior Choir Director:
Marianne Craven 368-3141
Youth Band Coordinator:
Greg Gullotti: 516-449-4346
Organists: Theresa Bissex 759-1372
Shira Fishkin
Youth Ministry Program
Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780
Pastoral Care-Road Angels
Josephine Mielcarz : 261-4837
Communion to the Homebound: 514-9916
Ministry of Consolation
& Bereavement
Diane Lake: 499-0395
Liturgical Ministry
Lector & Eucharistic Ministers
Marilyn Reilly: 261-2093
Paul Sepp: 368-7673
New Parishioners
Every family should be properly
registered. Please stop in the sacristy
after Sunday Mass or at the rectory office
during office hours to pick up a
census form.
Devotional Life
First Friday
8:00pm—10pm with
Catholic Conversion
Please call the rectory.
Liturgy of the Hours
In church Wednesday at
Trinity Regional
1025 Fifth Avenue
E. Northport
Principal: Jeanne Morcone
Office: 261-5130
St. Vincent de Paul
Meets semimonthly in the
In-Home Pre-Cana
Seasonally in hosts home
Coordinators: 271-3566
Deacon Allan & Lorraine Longo
Holy Hours
Little People’s
Daily at 8:00am and 9:10am
In the church
Wednesdays: 7:00pm—8:00pm
Fridays: 2:00pm—3:00pm
Pastoral Advisory Council
Neil Coscio, Chairperson:
Haitian Mass
Every 3rd Saturday: 6:30pm
Deacon Jean Cantave :923-0556
Sundays at the 10:00am Mass.
Louise Mordarski: 796-2070
Rosy Mandel: 651-8431
PB&J Gang
3rd Sunday of the month
Leslie Kulewicz: 754-2132
Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780
Baby Corner
Eileen Byrne
April 12, 2015
Mission Statement:
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Christ-centered family of believers, celebrating Christ alive in our
lives through the inspiration of the Gospel, church teachings and traditions and the Sacraments. We
are sensitive to the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people, acknowledging their uniqueness
and dignity and are dedicated to reaching out and serving them through prayer, liturgical
celebrations and social ministries. Guided by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Holy Eucharist,
we welcome all people with, respect and compassion. We are vigilant in protecting the rights of the
most vulnerable. In the tradition of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, we put the “good news”
of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ into action.
Sunday, April 12th, 2015—Divine Mercy
8:00am St. Francis Parishioners
10:00am Kate Porto+, Addys Hagstrom+,
Alfred Ianniello+, Joan Montaigne+
12:00pm Carmelo Zaccaria+, Joseph Campbell+,
Lori Miller, Joseph Maniscalco+,
Edward Malia+, Jack F. Canino+
5:00pm Youth of St. Francis
Monday, April 13th, 2015
8:30am Joseph & Lawrence Zimmerman+
Tuesday, April 14th, 2015
8:30am Frances Schneider+
Wednesday, April 15th, 2015
8:30am Kevin Queally+
Thursday, April 16th, 2015
8:30am The Souls of the Unborn
Friday, April 17th, 2015
8:30am The Souls of the Unborn
Saturday, April 18th, 2015
4:30pm Alice Gabriele
Sunday, April 19th, 2015
8:00am St. Francis Parishioners
10:00am Kate Porto+, Charles Conforti+,
Helen & William Hayfield+
12:00pm Rose Romano+, Frank & Rose D’Amato+,
James Colletti+, Frank Azzara+,
Robert Azzara+
5:00pm Youth of St. Francis, All Souls in Purgatory
Ministers for Saturday and Sunday
April 18th & 19th
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Allan Longo, Lorraine
Longo, Thomas Lemp, Gisele Nelson, Lois Greaux
Lector: Mary Lemp
Altar Servers: TBA
Eucharistic Ministers: Pat Ammirato, John Collins,
Helen Flanders, Germulee Osse, Rosemarie Esteibar
Lector: Diane Lake
Altar Servers: TBA
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jean Cantave, Joe Dissler,
Judy McKenna, Pat DeSilva
Lector: Linda Bokuniewicz
Altar Servers: TBA
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jim Byrne,
Jeannine Tiemann, Lynda Kremmelbein, Barbara Beller,
Janice Reichert Emprimo
Lector: Paul Papa
Altar Servers: TBA
Eucharistic Ministers: Ivonne Vega Porpora, Louise Rastu
Lector: Lorenzo Porpora
Altar Servers: TBA
Saint Francis Parish/Huntington Hospital
Eucharistic Schedule
First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of the Month
Meet at 9:15am in Hospital Lobby
April 19th: *Jo Amadio, John Bligh, Rachel DeRiso,
Clare Intemann, Ginny Moore, Volvick Osse, Ivonne Porpora,
Carol Queally
Please pray for the sick of the Parish
Bruna Ambrose, Albert Arbeeny, The Bauge Family, Josephine & Christopher Caiozzo, Elizabeth Caroll, Ruperto Caruajal,
Patrick Cashin, Gianna Cerulli, Roy Chowdry, Nina Crilly, Patricia Davis, Paul DeStefano, Walter Dichurt, Susan DiSalvo,
Joseph & Peggy Dissler, Walter Fay, Liam Forstor, Paul Gabel, Matthew James Gay, Joe & John Geiss, Kathleen Gleason,
Sandra Henrich, Mary Ellen Hess, Victoria Hren, Bonnie Inzalaco, August Justesen, Courtney Kane,
Frank Kotasek, Don & Eileen Lammers, Kathy La Russo, Janice A. Lewis, Carmen Lopez, Peter LoRe,
Clementina Maldunado, Carol McDonald, Sean McGrath, Doris Mickowski, Danielle Nicosia, Barbara Nigro, Bud Pace,
Felix Perkowski, Philip “Gene” Phelan, Debby Quartin, Regina Rakowski, Mark Russell, Lillian Sanchez,
Eleanor A. Thompson, Rose Varghese, Frank Ward, Daniel Wilbur, Diana Willis, Marlene Wyleczuk, Flori Young
April 12, 2015
Spring Carnival
Join us at our Spring
Carnival April 24, 25
& 26. Only three
nights (Fri, Sat &
Sun), but filled with fun.
Bennie our “ride-man” is handling
rides, games and food. The parish
team is running the Raffle & 50/50
Booth and Ticket Sales.
Please return your raffle tickets in
Church or by mail. Block out the
dates and alert grandchildren, nieces,
nephews, etc., the first local carnival
of the season. The winter was so bad
we need not only spring and Easter
activity but a carnival too. Let’s shake
off the winter blues once and for all!
Don’t miss it; it’s a good time and
besides, you are helping the Parish in
so many ways!
God Bless You!
Come to the Carnival!
First of the Local Season!
Our Lady’s Home Visitation
Program At St. Francis of Assisi
The statue of Our Lady of Fatima
will be visiting the home of:
4/10/15 Marie Cantave
4/17/15 Anne and Tom Buckley
4/24/15 Francesca Azzara
If you would like to be added to the
list, please call
Barbara 631-757-1794 or
Louise 631-796-2070
Hospitality TODAY
April 12th
after the
8, 10 & 12 Masses
*Divine Will & Carmelites will
be sponsoring this hospitality
Volunteers Needed For our
St. Francis Gift Boutique
New and Exciting Gifts
Our Gift Boutique is open on Hospitality Sundays.
It only takes 30 minutes after Mass to volunteer!
CALL 631-514-9916
24/7 Prayer Ministry
Call 631-514-9916
Pray With
Deacon Dave Campbell
Scripture teaches that night-and-day
prayer is deeply connected to the
fullness of God’s power and
purpose being released
(Luke 18:7-7, Isaiah 62:6-7).
Pray now for the Holy Spirit to be manifest in
power to transform anxiety and depression and to
heal us spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Please keep in your
prayers our deceased
friends and relatives
John Viteritti,
Susanne Riedner,
Salvatrice (Sally) DeLuca,
Charles Conforti, John R. Williams,
Alfred Ianniello, Elaine Furia,
Eileen Luna, Frank Marinaro,
Frank Bitonti
April 12, 2015
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step!!!
(Regular Sunday Offertory)
Last Sunday’s weekly offering: TBA
Last Year’s Sunday offering: $10,037.50
3/29 offering: $9,878.00
Bulletin Reflection
The Christian community described in Acts understood and
practiced total stewardship. St. Paul reports that the believers
did not claim anything as their own, but held everything in
common and distributed to each whatever was needed.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who
look beyond their own wants to help satisfy the
needs of others.
April 12-Second Sunday of Easter:
In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst
of us and says: “Peace be with you!”
During Mass we turn to each other and say
“Peace be with you!” As you put your gift
into the St. Vincent de Paul poor box you
say “Peace be with you!” to those who are poor
and hungry.
SUNDAY READINGS for next week, April 19th
Acts of the Apostles 3:13–15, 17–19
God has glorified his servant Jesus, the author of life you put
to dead. You acted out of ignorance, now repent and be
converted, that your sins may be wiped away.
1 John 2:1–5a
If anyone does son, we have an Advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ. He is expiaƟon for our sins. Those who say they
know Him but do not keep his commandments are liars.
Luke 24:35–48
Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread.
Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and
bones as you can see I have.
Send us your email if you would like to start
receiving “Bringing Home the Word”, a weekly message
based on the Sunday Scripture readings.
April 12, 2015
Join us for prayer & coffee after Mass on Tuesdays
in the lower church.
April 12, 2015
The Holy Father’s Intentions for April
That people may learn to respect creaƟon and care for it as a giŌ of God.
That persecuted ChrisƟans may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church.
April 12, 2015
Congratulations to Jillian Coscio who is our principal flutist
at the 10:00 Mass, and a sophomore at St. Anthony’s High
School, who recently won the distinguished First Prize
Award, Christopher Keene Memorial Scholarship at the
Long Island Philharmonic 27th Young Artist Competition
for Woodwinds and Brass. As first prize recipient, Jillian
will have the honor to debut as a featured flutist performing
a memorized repertoire of Mozart's Concerto in D Major,
with the Long Island Philharmonic at its Annual Gala at
Oheka Castle. Jillian was also awarded the Irma V. Miller
Memorial Prize at the 30th Annual Long Island Flute Club
High School Solo Competition; was designated as an
alternate in the 2015 School of Orchestral Studies of the
New York State Summer School of the Arts; and won the
prestigious SCMEA SUNY Oneonta NYS Music Festival
Scholarship where she will study at the International Flute
Institute over the summer.
During the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th, we
celebrated a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(RCIA). With the Reception of a baptized
Christian into the full communion of the Catholic
Church, Ms. Donna Bongiorno affirmed that she
“believes and professes all that the holy Catholic
Church believes, teaches and proclaims to be
revealed by God”. Ms. Bongiorno’ s reception into
the Catholic Church was followed by the Sacrament of Confirmation
where she was sponsored by her husband Charles. Taking the
Confirmation name of Bernadette, Ms. Bongiorno was confirmed and
“sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Ms. Bongiorno also received
her first Holy Communion from Fr. Peter during the Easter vigil
liturgy. We, as a community, pray for Donna Lynn Bongiorno, whom
we have welcomed during the Easter vigil as one of us, that she may
have the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit to persevere faithfully in
the choice she has made.
III. Fausto M. Ramos, St. Matthews, Hastings
to Christine J. Delevan, Holy Rosary, Bronx
Our Mother Queen of Peace-Betania III
HEALING MASS with Paul Miller,
TIME 7:00 PM
Fino Giordano 239.596.3402 - Dolores
Santangelo 516.903.6630
Free Admission & Refreshments
“Lord, You are kind and forgiving, most loving to all who
call on You. Lord, hear my prayer; listen to my cry for
Psalm 86: 5-6
The Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy
Sunday! Jesus told St. Faustina that this
Feast of Mercy would be a very special day
when “all the divine floodgates through
which graces flow are opened.” (Diary
699) Our Lord made a great promise to all
those souls who would go to Confession
and then receive Him in Holy Communion
on the Feast of His Mercy, now called
Divine Mercy Sunday throughout the Catholic Church. (http:// It was on Divine
Mercy Sunday thirteen years ago that our Baby Corner was
born. On April 7, 2002, our then Pastor, Rev. Msgr. Patrick J.
Armshaw and Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn blessed our “Saint
Francis of Assisi Baby Corner.” A white crib is permanently
there to receive donations on a daily basis. Volunteers loving
distribute donated baby formula, baby food, diapers, baby
wipes, clothing, toys, and other layette items to needy moms
and their precious babies. We always have a need for Huggies
and Pampers diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6, unscented baby wipes,
unscented baby wash, unscented shampoo, and baby coupons.
(We do not give out products scented with lavender because of
reported health problems.) Also we do not need formula and
jars of baby food at this time. We greatly appreciate all your
help and always thank Our Lord through the lovingly intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Francis for all you do
for our needy families. Need assistance? Wish to join our St.
Francis of Assisi Respect Life Committee? Would you like to
help deliver baby items to our moms and beautiful babies?
Please call our rectory at 631-757-7435.
Intercessions for Life: April 12th DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY
For those who feel alone in their grief following an abortion:
may they come to understand and experience the Lord’s mercy
and healing. We pray to the Lord;
Word of Life: “What joy fills My Heart when you return to
Me. Because you are weak, I take you in My arms and carry you to the home of My Father.” (Diary of Saint Maria
Faustina Kkowalska, 1486)
*The Life Center of Long Island at 631-243-2373. Call for help
with a crisis pregnancy, healing after an abortion, or to donate
baby equipment. Please do not bring cribs, car seats, or other
baby equipment into our Church; rather call The Life Center to
make arrangements. The Life Center’s Life Line is open 24
hours, 7 days a week at 631-243-0066. The Rachel Vineyard
Weekend Retreat for Men and Women seeking healing after
an abortion experience is scheduled for Friday,
May 15-Sunday, May 17, 2015 in Spanish.
Contact 631-258-5062.
Friday, June 12-Sunday, June 14, 2015 in English. Contact
Deacon Joe McNicholas at; 516-445-3927.
Please continue to pray each day for all our
precious babies—born and unborn—and their parents!!!
Pray the rosary each day for the conversion of
America’s heart to end abortion!
April 12, 2015
The monthly St. Francis
Booster Club Winner for 3/30 is
Roger Stebbins Jr.!
The weekly Booster Club Winner is
The Bartumioli Family!
Tickets are $50.00 and are
available in the Rectory.
Your ticket is entered to win Every Week!
Please join us at
our next
PB&J Gang date:
April 19th
Hip hip hooray! We made an amazing 560
sandwiches at our last PB&J Gang.
Thank you to all who helped! Loving hands,
Caring hearts, Spreading joy,
is a very good thing.
Come and join us in spreading the joy.
PB&J gang can help satisfy your
service hour requirements
Please bring donations of Bread,
Smooth Peanut Butter & Jelly!
“I am only one but I can do something, and what I
can do with God’s help, I will do”
-St Francis of Assisi
Jr. Choir
Calling all boys and girls, grade 2-7.
Come join the St. Francis Jr. Choir.
Rehearsal will be from 11-11:30, after Sunday
Mass. Come sing, have fun and enjoy a snack too.
Meet at the piano. Just bring a smile.
Marianne Craven—368-3141
St. Francis Rocks !
Do you like to sing? Play an instrument?
Then join us every Sunday for the 5pm Youth
Mass Rehearsal starts at 4pm in the church.
It’s a fun way to be involved in your church !
For information about the Youth Mass
Contact our Youth Music Coordinator Greg at
April 12, 2015
Thirsting for Healing?
Living Waters Center is a counseling center which
provides the Healing Waters of Counseling, Prayer
and Love to those who come through our doors.
Our therapists are rooted in the prayer that is a basic
part of our Catholic Tradition and Faith. Living
Waters Center provides individual, family, couple and
group therapy. Most insurance plans are
accepted. For more information, please call
631-754-3990 or go to our website
or email us
Looking for a gift idea for a loved one which
will also support your parish? Would you
like items that are not available in the
Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk? Please
This will give you access to the Lighthouse
Catholic Media online store where you can purchase
books, multi-CD sets, and DVDs, join one of the
subscription clubs, or access the free Bible app. Any store
purchases and subscriptions made through this link will
be credited to St. Francis of Assisi parish. Thank you!
Widow/Widowers/Divorced/Singles over 55
St. Hugh’s Widows and Widowers Interfaith Club will meet at
1pm, in the cafeteria on Tuesday, April 28, at St. Hugh’s
School, 1450 New York Ave. Huntington Station. Enter from
Pulaski Rd. New members are welcome. $2 for non-members.
For further information, call Lucy at 427-7645
or Chuck at 368-4333
O prince of peace, we humbly
ask Your protection for all our
men and women in the military service. Give them
unflinching courage to defend with honor, dignity
and devotion the rights of all who are imperiled by
Injustice and evil, Please guard our churches, our
homes, and our schools, our hospitals, our factories,
our buildings and all who are within from harm
and peril. Protect our land and its peoples from
enemies within and without. Grant an
early peace with victory founded upon true justice.
Please instill in the hearts and minds of people
everywhere a firm purpose to live forever in peace
and good will toward all. Amen.
This spring, couples that have been married
fifty years or more will be honored at
liturgies on Sunday, April 19 at the Church
of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and
on Sunday, April 26 at the Church of Maria
Regina in Seaford. Both Liturgies will
begin at 2:30pm. Couples may register for
ONE liturgy. Registration forms and
complete instructions can be obtained at the
rectory. Registration must be received by the Office of
Worship byApril 13 for the April 26 liturgy. There will
be additional celebrations in the fall for those who may
find that more convenient. If you have any questions you
may call 516-678-5800, extension 207.