POSITION DESCRIPTION School of BioSciences Faculty of Science Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Genetics (2 Positions) POSITION NO 0038727 CLASSIFICATION Lecturer (Level B) or Senior Lecturer (Level C) SALARY $89,955 - $106,817 p.a. (Level B) or $110,190 - $127,054 p.a. (Level C) Level of appointment is subject to qualifications and experience SUPERANNUATION Employer contribution of 17% EMPLOYMENT TYPE Two full-time (continuing) positions available OTHER BENEFITS www.hr.unimelb.edu.au/careers/benefits CURRENT OCCUPANT Vacant HOW TO APPLY Online applications are preferred. Go to http://hr.unimelb.edu.au/careers, under ‘Job Search and Job Alerts’, select the relevant option (‘Current Staff’ or ‘Prospective Staff’), then find the position by title or number. CONTACT Professor Raoul Mulder Tel +61 3 8344 6245 Email r.mulder@unimelb.edu.au FOR ENQUIRIES ONLY Please do not send your application to this contact For information about working for the University of Melbourne, visit our websites: Page 1 of 6 Position number The University of Melbourne www.hr.unimelb.edu.au/careers www.hr.unimelb.edu.au/careers/working-at-melb Page 2 of 6 Position number The University of Melbourne Position Summary As part of a vigorous program of expansion of its research and teaching capacity, the School of BioSciences seeks to appoint two outstanding academics in the discipline of genetics. Applications are welcomed from across the spectrum of genetics research. The appointees are expected to lead research programs of exceptional promise that will attract postgraduate students, engage international collaborators and secure external research funding from national competitive research schemes, as well as potential industry partners. They will have a core commitment to teaching genetics within the School’s undergraduate and MSc programs, and supervise research students at undergraduate, MSc and MPhil/PhD levels. Successful candidates are encouraged to captialise on the tremendous potential within the School of BioSciences for interdisciplinary research collaboration with related disciplines including ecology and evolutionary biology, systematics, developmental biology, reproduction and physiology, and computation and systems biology. The proximity to the vibrant Parkville Biomedical Sciences Precinct offers considerable further collaborative potential. 1. Selection Criteria 1.1 E S S E N T I AL A PhD or equivalent in an area of genetics. An excellent record of research productivity and publication, relative to career opportunity, in an area of molecular genetics. Evidence of ability and enthusiasm for teaching in genetics at undergraduate and graduate levels. Evidence of the ability or potential to attract research funding from national competitive research bodies and other sources, including industry. Evidence of the ability to attract and supervise both national and international postgraduate (research higher degree) students. The ability to interact productively with other academic staff and to contribute to the activities and administration of the School. 1.2 AD D I T I O N AL E S S E N T I AL C R I T E R I A AT L E V E L C Track record of gaining external competitive research grants, and the ability to develop research links with other departments/groups nationally and/or internationally. Track record of success in graduate student supervision Track record of success in teaching at university level, including large undergraduate classes, and evidence of involvement in the development of innovative genetics curricula at undergraduate/graduate level. Evidence of leadership capability 1.3 D E S I R AB L E Page 3 of 6 Position number The University of Melbourne Expertise and experience in genomics and the analysis of -omics data sets. A track record of research in a model experimental system, or a non-model system amenable to experimental analysis. Research interests that could provide synergies with other members of the School and collaboration with other researchers at the university. An interest in innovative approaches to teaching genetics at undergraduate and graduate level. 2. Special Requirements N/A 3. Key Responsibilities Minimum Standards of performance for Level B and C are outlined in Schedule B – Minimum Standards for Academic Levels 3.1 R E S E AR C H Conduct research and contribute to knowledge through scholarship, publication and presentation. Actively seek grant funding to support research. Supervise research higher degree students. Actively participate in research seminars and conferences. 3.2 T E AC H I N G Prepare and deliver lectures, tutorials, and practical classes in genetics at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Actively participate in the development of curriculum and the delivery of subject materials. Supervise the study program of postgraduate students engaged in coursework. Provide academic mentoring and assistance to students. Set, participate in, and mark student assessments. 3.3 SERVICES TO THE SCHO OL Contribute to a range of administrative functions, including those connected with teaching responsibilities and the conduct of the academic affairs of the School. Participate in School meetings, seminars and student activities such as Discovery Day Contribute to School and/or Faculty committees as appropriate. Participate in the University Professional Development Framework. Comply with occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) responsibilities as outlined in section 5. Page 4 of 6 Position number 3.4 The University of Melbourne E N G AG E M E N T Present research to the public to elevate public awareness of educational and scientific developments, and promote critical enquiry and public debate within the community. Participate in outreach activities to ensure school students’ exposure to broader perspectives, values, and opportunities. Interact with industry, community groups and alumni to enhance the exchange of knowledge. 4. Other Information 4.1 O R G AN I S AT I O N U N I T The School of BioSciences was formed in 2015 through the amalgamation of the School of Botany and the Departments of Genetics and Zoology thus bringing together a critical mass of 160 Academic staff and 240 Research Higher Degree students undertaking world class teaching and research in the biological sciences. Academics within the School are aligned to three research clusters: Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Science; Genetics, Genomics and Development and Plant Science. Computational Biology is an emerging fourth area in which critical mass is being built within the school. Through cross-disciplinary collaborations within the School and with external partners the School is a major recipient of grant and contract funding totalling about $100m per annum. The School is a major contributor to the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biomedical Science and the Environmental Science programs, its teaching program reflecting the research interests within the School. 4.2 BUDGET DIVISION http://www.science.unimelb.edu.au Science has made important contributions to teaching and research at the University ever since it was founded in 1854. The research degree of DSc was available from the very beginning. The first BSc was conferred in 1889 and the first MSc in 1893. In 1903 the various science departments and schools were formally constituted as a Faculty. The Faculty of Science now has over 40,000 alumni and is one of the largest faculties in the University comprising seven schools: BioSciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics, and Physics. The Faculty is custodian of the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Office for Environmental Programs and home to numerous Centres. The Faculty manages more than $240 million of income per annum, with a staff base in the order of 220 professional staff, and more than 500 academic staff. Page 5 of 6 Position number The University of Melbourne The Faculty of Science offers a range of undergraduate, honours, graduate and research degrees; enrolling over 7,500 undergraduate and graduate students. The Faculty of Science is the custodial Faculty for the BSc (Bachelor of Science) with enrolments of approximately 6,200 students. The Faculty of Science is a leader in research, contributing approximately $50 million in HERDC income per annum. The Faculty of Science is highly research focused, performing strongly in the ARC competitive grants schemes, often out-performing the national average. The Faculty of Science is currently growing its competitiveness and standing in the NHMRC space. The Faculty of Science provides community services and industry partnerships based on a solid foundation of research in the pure and applied sciences. The Faculty has an endowment of approximately $45 million. The annual income from the endowment supports more than 120 prizes, scholarships and research awards. 4.3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE The University of Melbourne is a leading international university with a tradition of excellence in teaching and research. The University offers staff many benefits and prospective staff are encouraged to view the following web links: www.unimelb.edu.au www.growingesteem.unimelb.edu.au www.unimelb.edu.au/careers 4.4 E Q U I T Y AN D D I V E R S I T Y http://www.hr.unimelb.edu.au/advice/equity-diversity 4.5 G O V E R N AN C E The Vice Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the University and responsible to Council for the good management of the University. Comprehensive information about the University of Melbourne and its governance structure is available at www.unimelb.edu.au. 5. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) All staff are required to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of other personnel who may be affected by their conduct. OHS responsibilities applicable to positions are published at: http://safety.unimelb.edu.au/topics/responsibilities/ These include general staff responsibilities and those additional responsibilities that apply for Managers and Supervisors and other Personnel. Page 6 of 6
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