instruction manual

USER MANUAL for Online Admissions Portal for admission to Ph.D, M.Tech
and MCA Programme at IGDTUW
The candidate must register before filling the application form using the Registration
process on the “REGISTRATION” tab.
Please read the instructions carefully before filling the registration details.
Figure 1. Registration Process
Please enter a valid email Id to receive a confirmation email for successful registration.
This email will be used for filling up the application form.
Please Choose the Course & Category (If Any) that you wish to apply for.
Choose a Security Question and its Answer. Please remember them for future use. This
will be required for changing the password through “Change Password / Forget
Password” option.
You can either create a password or can use the option for auto generation of password.
After completion of Registration process, an email will be sent on your registered email
id for activation of your admission account. If you do not find the email in your inbox,
kindly check the Spam box to see if any email has been received with title “Admission
IGDTUW 2015”.
Figure 2. Successful Registration
After activating the account, you will directed to the Home page of the Admission Portal.
Now you can login with your credentials for filling the application form for the course of
your choice.
Figure 3. Login Screen
Please read the Admission Brochure thoroughly before filling up the application form.
During the Application form process you will require the scanned images of the
following documents to fill in the application form.
Scanned copy of recent passport size photograph
Scanned copy of signature
Scanned copy of GATE/NET/NIMCET Rank/Score Card, as applicable.
Scanned copy of Demand Draft.
Please note that the size of each image should not exceed 60 KB.
Figure 4. HOME page
Please follow the instructions / messages displayed on the various screens for filling up
the application form.
Please click on the “APPLICATION FORM” tab to start filling the online application.
The application form has been divided into Six sections. Please fill all the details as
applicable. You must fill in all the mandatory fields marked as *.
“The first section is “PERSONAL DETAILS”. Please fill in all the necessary details under
this section. Once all the details are filled, please click on “SAVE & CONTINUE” button.
Figure 5. Personal Details Section
In case you have not filled the complete information or the information filled is not
validated, you will get a prompt on screen. Kindly resolve the error before proceeding
Next you will be directed to the “ACADEMIC DETAILS” section. Please fill in all the
necessary details under this section. Once all the details are filled, please click on “SAVE
& CONTINUE” button.
Figure 6. Academic Details Section
For M.Tech (Regular) courses only, you will be directed to the “PREFERENCE“ section
based on your eligibility criteria. Please fill in all the necessary details under this section.
Once all the details are filled, please click on “SAVE & CONTINUE” button.
You will now be directed to the “WORK EXPERIENCE DETAILS” section. Fill in all the
applicable details and click on “SAVE & CONTINUE” button.”
Figure 7. Work Experience Details Section
Under “PAYMENT DETAILS”, please fill all the payment relevant information and click on
“SAVE & CONTINUE” button.
Figure 8. Payment Details Section
You will be given an alert as to whether you want to submit the application form, please
answer “Yes” if you would like to submit the form.
Please accept and check the Declaration under “Declaration & Form Submission”
section. You can preview the application form by clicking on the button “Application
Form Preview”.
Click on “SUBMIT APPLICATION FORM” button to do the final submission of the
application form. However please note that after submission of the application form you
will not be able to edit the application form. Please ensure that you have filled all the
information correctly before submitting the application form.
You can view the filled details in the consecutive sections by clicking on “Go Back” /
“Next” buttons. Until you have not performed the final submission, you will be able to
edit your details by clicking on “Edit” button on the respective sections.
Figure 9. Declaration & Form Submission Section
Once you have done the Final Submission of the completed online application form, you
need to take its print out and send the same to “Admission Officer, (Ph.D/M.Tech/MCA),
Computer Center, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Kashmere Gate,
Delhi-110006 ” on or before 15 June 2015, 5 PM.
If the University the does not receive the printed copy of the application form along with
the requisite fee on or before the last date, the candidature for the course will be
cancelled. Please note that IGDTUW is not responsible for any postal delay in receipt of
the application form.
"For any queries/assistance regarding Filling of Online Application Form, please email your
problem along with snapshot of screen on
Please note that no general queries will be answered on this email Id. For general queries
you may contact the Admission Officer at 01123900204."