First Baptist Church of Oregon City 819 John Adams Street, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 NEW MAILING ADDRESS:P.O. Box 1686 Oregon City, OR 97045 June 2015 Volume 17 Issue 6 503-656-3854 e-mail: Website: Pastor John’s Message Senior Pastor John Aman can be reached at 503-656-3854 or One Great Hour of Sharing Offering It’s that time of year again when we are given the marvelous opportunity to share in the abundance of needs of our sisters and brothers by contributing to One Great Hour of Sharing. By the grace of God, all of us have the power to give, and the gifts we give make the world more the way God intended it to be - a place where everyone has what they need. Together, we can achieve a fair balance on this planet we all share, giving right back to God what God has so richly bestowed upon us. The Apostle Paul modeled this ecumenical offering in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, making an appeal to the early Christian communities to respond to those in Jerusalem who had just experienced a devastating famine. Thus, Paul’s ecumenical, church-wide offering was not only practical in leveraging funds so they could make the most impact, together, but it was also one of the first visible expressions of the early Chruch’s unity in Christ. This offering, or ministry, was a way for Paul to model the unity of all believers and to provide a pragmatic mechanism for demonstrating their care and concern for one another - even if they did not know each other personally. Just as we do through the One Great Hour of Sharing. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering reaches those near and far, sometimes changing the life of someone in distress in your own congregation or community, and at other times impacting the lives of those we may never meet but who are in desperate need of our compassion and generosity. God provides the gifts and resources so that we can give back. It’s not the size of the gift that matters; it’s that we give of what we have. We’re simply giving back to God what is already God’s - and everyone has a gift to bring! “For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has - not according to what one does not have. I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need, so that their abundance may be for your need, in order that there may be a fair balance” (2 Corinthians 8:12-15). The Message translates it this way, “Nothing left over to the one with the most; nothing lacking to the one with the least.” As the Church in the world, through One Great Hour of Sharing, we have the opportunity to act in one accord as the body of Christ, to ensure that all of God’s children have what they need. This is the offering that Paul was promoting, and this is still our ministry, all these centuries later. Together, we will achieve a fair balance, bringing about a world the way God intended it to be. Offering envelopes are available in the Sunday bulletins during the month of June. 1 Hey kids! Join us for KidChurch every Sunday morning! We start by singing with our church family during the worship service at 10:30 am. Then head downstairs to start the adventure! See you there! (KidChurch is just for kids! All kids who are 3 years old through 5th grade are welcome!) KidChurch in June 67: God gives us courage to carry out His plans. Exodus1:22-2:10 614: God gives us help with difficult tasks Exodus 3:1-4:17 621: God is more powerful than presidents and kings. Exodus 7:14-10:29 628: God helps those who trust in him. Exodus 11:1-12:30 Vacation Bible School Theme: “Diving Into God’s Love” Mission Focus: H.O.P.E. Kicks off with our ALL CHURCH PICNIC Rivercrest Park July 19 at 12:30 Followed by an all church fun field day and prizes for all. VBS will continue Monday July 20 and Tuesday July 21, 11am-1 pm in the park. Water and sack lunch provided. Please bring a non-perishable food item for our H.O.P.E. pantry. Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30am. June 13th KidChurch Field Trip to Camp Arrah Wanna!!!!! Kids need to bring an adult partner. We’ll leave our church at 10:30 am Please pack a sack lunch for your child. We will provide the water. We plan to be back by 1:30 pm Come get a glimpse of our Baptist Campground, and give your child a taste of what’s in store for them this summer if he or she choses to go to camp. There are funds available to help send your child to camp. Talk to Virginia or call the church office. Virginia will be up at camp for part of the summer as well. 2 3 MISSION NEWS Corner International Ministries is once again offering their Matching Funds Program from now until June 15th. Every donation from an individual will be DOUBLED! That means if you donate $25 to Ingrid RoldanRoman, they will match it and make it $50! Thank you for prayerfully supporting Ingrid with your financial gifts and your love and support. Write checks to: International Ministries memo: Ingrid Roldan-Roman P.O. Box 851 Valley Forge, PA 19482 The “Jacobs” in the World by Ingrid Roldan-Roman At 10 am on November 27, 2014, my friend Elia had twin boys! I was asked to help name them, and we named them Jacob and Esau. Two months later Esau became sick, but they did not take him to the hospital, and a few days later, he died. His parents agreed that I should take Jacob to my house. He had the same symptoms as his brother. We took him to the hospital and for 4 days they treated him. Then they sent him to my house with the recommendation that he would benefit from the services of “Nutre Hogar” (House of Nutrition), a place designed for young children under three years who show symptoms of serious malnutrition. In time, Jacob began to improve. On April 16 he returned to my house again for a month. I trust that this month of transition before he returns to his community and his family will complete Jacob’s recovery. God has done a miracle. There are many “Jacobs” in the world who represent Christ on the earth with their arms extended with hope for the beautiful hands of those who help them survive. In the 14 years in which God has taken me to this little place in Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, Panama, God has given me the privilege of responding to these extended arms, to carry and comfort them in different life situations. I give thanks to God for allowing me to represent Him. I give thanks for you my faithful donors for your prayers and generous contributions. Youngchurch Swim Party Wednesday, June 24th, 2-4 pm Oregon City Pool (1211 Jackson St.) Come hang out and swim with us! We'll meet outside the pool at 2 pm If you come late, please bring $3 for admission. YOUNGCHURCH Beach Retreat July 14-17th, 2015 YOUNGCHURCH students, join us for a Bible retreat at the beach! We'll dive in to God's Word, spend time really getting to know one another, and have fun exploring the Our H.O.P.E. pantry is in need of: Coffee, canned corn & chicken noodle soup. Please bring your donated items to the H.O.P.E. bin in the foyer. Financial gifts are welcomed also! THANK YOU! Oregon Coast! The cost is $20. Registration forms are due by the end of June. Limit 18 students 4 YOUNGCHURCH Youth Group Calendar JUNE 2015 Follow us on acebook! And check out our website! WED. 6/3 GROUP, 7-8:30 WED. 6/10 GROUP, 7-8:30 WED. 6/17 GRAD NIGHT, 7-8:30 WED. 6/24 SWIM PARTY, 2-4 High School GROUP & Middle School GROUP Every Wednesday, 7-8:30pm Bring a friend and both you and your friend get a prize! With graduation upon us, I thought this month I would talk about a few of our graduates. These three ladies have been a big part of our youth group for several years, and I'm blessed to know each one of them. back and visit Oregon to walk with her graduating class, and to visit her family and church! She is also looking forward to her first summer in New Mexico, with the hot weather and swimming pools, and celebrating her 18th birthday. Cassi is a wonderful student, whom we miss very much. She is devoted to her friends and family, and is funny, honest, and brave. I am excited to see her when she comes to visit, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the future takes her. Some of you probably know Ashley Adams. She has worked in our nursery, and attended Sunday morning services many times. Ashley started coming to this church four years ago. Her friend Juan and her little brother, Cody, told her about us and she wanted to see what it was like, and she has been coming faithfully ever since. Ashley has been taking college classes at CCC this year, and would like to continue her studies towards an Associates degree in General Studies. She then plans to transfer to another school to work towards a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice. Ashley would really love to travel and study abroad. Her goal is to study towards her degree in Ireland. On a personal note, Ashley is the happiest person I know. She is just a joy to be around - you would never know that she has bad days, because of the permanent, genuine smile on her face. She is enthusiastic and outgoing, and she has all the makings of a great leader. Bailey Schellhous has been a part of our church for longer than either of us can remember - at least six or seven years. She is a delightful young woman with a heart for service. She wants to become an RN at Doernbecher's Children's Hospital, and would love to be a foster parent for toddlers. Bailey plans to study at CCC, and then transfer to Mt. Hood Community College after her first year. She hopes to spend the summer traveling, exploring Oregon, and hopefully having a small out-of-state vacation. Bailey is one of the sweetest people I know. You may remember her senior project last fall, when she collected toys for foster children for Christmas. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and always has a smile and a hug for anyone who needs it. I feel so lucky to know these three special young women. It has been wonderful getting to know them over the last several years, watching as they've matured and figured out their paths in life. I am confident that God is leading them where He wants them to go, and that they are listening to His voice as He guides them along the way. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."- Jeremiah 29:11 Melissa Meilinger Youth Director FBCOC Like Ashley, I'm sure many of you also know Cassi Brewer from Sunday worship. Cassi started coming to church with her sisters Melissa and Stephanie five years ago, and has been a solid presence in our youth group ever since. Cassi finished up her high school studies a semester early, and moved to New Mexico this past February, where she will be attending Dona Ana Community College this fall. She plans to study early childhood education and development, and minor in business and management. She is very excited to come 5 YOU ARE INVITED TO YOUNGCHURCH GRAD NIGHT & ICE CREAM SOCIAL KidChurch Field Trip to Camp Arrah Wanna!!!!! June 13, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm More information in the KidChurch section on page 2. Wednesday, June 17, 7 pm The entire church family is invited to this special evening with YOUNGCHURCH commemorating the end of the school year! PLASTIC Model Club Sat., June 13 10 am in the gym For more information on Men’s Ministries, contact Larry Cole at 503-557-9874 MEN’S BASKETBALL IN THE GYM Mondays 7-8:30 pm Guys, invite your friends & neighbors. MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, June 20, 8:30 am Guys, bring a friend and join us for A good time of food & fellowship! June 21, 2015 FBCOC Community Block Party DOVES GAME DAY Saturday, June 20, 2 pm is coming soon! Saturday, September 19 COFFEE GUYS WE NEED YOUR HELP! and Ladies Coffee Tuesday, June 23, 10 am at Shari’s/Berry Hill. Come enjoy a cup of coffee and good fellowship. If you would like to be on the planning team for the BLOCK PARTY, please contact Pastor John. Our first meeting will be scheduled soon. 6 SUNDAYS: Adult Sunday School: 9:30 am Praise & Worship Service: 10:30 am KidChurch: 10:30 am Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 3 2 Lock-Up: Larry and Karyn Cole Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 H.O.P.E. 1-4 pm H.O.P.E. Mtg, 9 am 7 8 Diaconate Board Mtg., 6 pm YOUNGCHURCH, 7-8:30 pm 9 10 11 12 JUNE NEWSLETTER ITEMS DUE Men’s Basketball, 7 pm 14 15 Men’s Basketball, 7 pm 2 1 2 2 Stewardship Board, 7pm YOUNGCHURCH, 7-8:30 pm 16 17 Ladies/Guy’s Coffee 10 am, Shari’s/Berry Hill 2 3 2 9 KidChurch Field Trip 10:30 am PLASTIC MODEL CLUB, 10 am 18 19 2 0 Men’s Breakfast, 8:30 am YOUNGCHURCH GRAD NIGHT 7-8:30 pm H.O.P.E. 1-4 pm 2 4 2 5 2 6 DOVES,2pm 2 7 H.O.P.E. 1-4 pm YOUNGCHURCH POOL PARTY, 2-4 pm Men’s Basketball, 7 pm 2 8 H.O.P.E. 1-4 pm 13 3 0 Men’s Basketball, 7 pm There are 30 strawberries hidden in this newsletter… 5 Jeanie Adair Emily Aman 6 Nick Basey 12 Austin Haver Marilyn Millison 13 Seirra Cusack-Harper Veronica Sawyer 15 Ilma Tomlin 17 Samantha Harper 19 Ryan Bjerke 21 Johnny Albert 25 Devin Mahoney 27 Bailey Schellhous 29 Virginia Tondreau How many can you find? 8 Ken & Colleen Davis 9 Pastor John & Kathy Aman 15 Jim & Colette Leatherman Tom & Mary Anne Lindstrom ADULT MINISTRY Adult Sunday School, Sunday’s 9:30 am Adventurers 1 Class: “God’s Prophets Demand Justice” Teacher: Mary Kunze. Join the class this Sunday in the outer church office. Adventurers 2 Class: Jim Leatherman is currently leading a study in the Fireside Room. 7 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. Box 1686 Oregon City, OR 97045-1956 (503) 656-3854 June 2015 Change Service Requested TIME DATED MATERIAL Nursery Ministries Every Sunday 10:15 am-12 noon Parents: You can get involved in Sunday School and the Worship Service and rest assured that your young child is safe-and-sound in the care of our excellent Nursery staff. (Nursery is open to infants and toddlers only, ages 1 - 36 months. Parents are asked to enroll older children in the KidChurch program.) Enroll your child today and get connected!!! YOUNGCHURCH Hey kids! Join us for KidChurch every Sunday morning! We start by singing with our church family during the worship service at 10:30 am. Then, you’ll go with your JOIN US FOR GROUP! See you there! Wednesdays (during school year), 7-8:30pm th Students in 6 grade - age 20: Join us for GROUP! Here’s what you can expect on a typical GROUP night: 7:00 – Snacks and Hang-Out Time 7:10 – Wacky Games 7:50 – Bible Study Find us on Facebook, or check out our website! Ministry Staff: Senior Pastor, John Aman Admin. Assistant, Cherish DiLoreto Music Director, Melissa Meilinger Youth Director, Melissa Meilinger Church Office Hours: Wednesday- Friday, 8:30 am - 12 noon PRAYER CHAIN If you have a prayer need and you would like it placed on the PRAYER CHAIN, please call or e-mail SHARI SECOR, 503-518-1222 or 8 (KidChurch is just for kids! All kids who are 3 years old through 5th grade are welcome!) IN THIS ISSUE... Page 1 Page 2-3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Pastor John’s Message KidChurch Mission News Corner YOUNGCHURCH EVENTS MORE YOUNGCHURCH Church Events Church Calendar Birthdays Other Info
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